I am NOT! [Stray Kids Hogwart...

By joytiny

47K 1.5K 890

A series of different Stray Kids ships in Hogwarts. It all plays in the same AU and it's kinda connected some... More

I am NOT [ready]
I am NOT [gay]
I am NOT [me]
I am NOT [crushing on Lee Felix]
I am NOT [jealous]
I am NOT [cute]
I am NOT [who I used to be]
I am NOT [the one for you] {Prequel}
I am NOT [giving up on you]
I am NOT [your Valentine]
I am NOT [good enough]
I am NOT [letting you go]
I am NOT [just that]
I am NOT [doing that]
I am NOT [good at this]
I am NOT [scared of anything]
I am NOT [sick]
I am NOT [a friend]
I am NOT [reckless]
I am NOT [mad]
I am NOT [pure]
I am NOT [the end]

I am NOT [going to mess this up]

2.2K 79 18
By joytiny

Hi guys!

I am back with another Minchan one shot for you guys!
I had lots of fun writing it because they're my fav ship (I love the others too, tho which is why I'm even writing this thing...)
Anyway I hope you'll like it!!!
(Next week you'll finally get some Seungjin and it is going to be LONG my dudes! Stay tuned!)

Let's get started!

PUBLISHED: 06/21/2018
EDITED: 09/25/2020

Bang Chan was good at lots of things. Quidditch, Potions, making friends, even cooking. But there was one thing he would never be good at. And that was Astronomy. He had tried everything in his first five years at Hogwarts. He'd stayed up late, practically eating up every Astronomy book the library held, he'd studied with other people from his year and had asked his father – who had published several books about Astronomy – to help him.

He had barely made it through his OWLs and he'd looked forward to finally ditching the subject once he'd started his sixth year, but his father had insisted for him to keep it up. So here he was in his seventh year at Hogwarts, one day before one of the biggest tests of the year and he couldn't do shit.


"Hey, you good?" Minho, Chan's boyfriend questioned when he found the distressed Gryffindor in the library, several open books spread across the table.

"I'm screwed," Chan said and let his head fall on top of one of the books with a thump. Minho ran a hand through the older's brown hair and sat down next to him.

"Astronomy?" he asked, even though he already knew the answer.

"I have a test tomorrow..." Chan mumbled, his voice sounding muffled, since he hadn't bothered to raise his head from the table.

"Why didn't you say anything? You know I can help you with that," Minho said in a half-accusing tone.

Chan looked up at him. "You have stuff to do, too. I don't want to burden you," he told the Slytherin who just shook his head fondly.

"I'm not that busy. Besides, I can always make time for you," he replied. He reached for one of the books on the table and studied it. "Well, the best way to study Astronomy is by actually looking at the stars for reference, have you ever tried that?" Minho asked his boyfriend with a smirk. Chan gave him a look.

"How am I supposed to do that? We have a curfew in case you forgot. I can't just go up to the Astronomy tower whenever I want," he argued.

Minho laughed, earning himself a sharp glare from the librarian. "Sometimes I forget how much of a good boy you are..." he said to Chan. "Meet me on top of the Astronomy tower tonight at 10. Don't get caught," he told his boyfriend.

Chan pouted. "You want me to sneak out?"

"It's to bring your grades up. I'll help you ace that test, okay?" Minho promised.

Chan sighed. "Alright... thank you," he muttered and leaned against the Slytherin's side. Minho let his eyes wander across the pages of the book Chan had been studying. He grinned to himself, happy that he would be able to help Chan with something he wasn't good at.

They hadn't been together for that long and Minho still had to get used to being someone's boyfriend, but he really liked the Gryffindor a lot, which is why he wanted to be there for him, even if it was about something as trivial as school work.


"You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that this is a date rather than a study session," Chan pointed out when he joined Minho on the highest level of the Astronomy tower with his telescope under his arm. The Slytherin had brought several blankets and a few bottles of pumpkin juice, which he'd previously retrieved from the kitchen.

"I just wanted us to be comfortable. It's much more fun to study when you're comfortable," Minho explained himself and patted the space next to him. Chan chuckled at his boyfriend but sat down nonetheless, before starting to set up his telescope.

It was rare for Minho to see Chan in any other clothes than his robes or his Quidditch uniform, but he had to say that he looked adorable wearing casual clothing. In fact, his outfit wasn't much different from Minho's but for some reason, he couldn't stop looking at the Gryffindor. Since it was November, Chan had put on an oversized sweater, which made him look small and cute, along with some black jeans and sneakers. It wasn't even that cold up here, even though they were out in the open, but it felt like there was some sort of outdoor heater keeping them warm.

"Alright, teach me," Chan said once he'd finished setting up his telescope, giving Minho a look that was a mix of giddy and expectant, only to catch the Slytherin staring at him. "What?" he asked, sounding a little concerned. Minho snapped out of it and looked Chan in the eyes.

"Nothing... you just look... nice," he told him.

Chan looked at himself. "You think?" he questioned.

"Stop sounding so doubtful, I mean it!" Minho said with a chuckle. "Now... Astronomy..." he switched subjects, even though he still found it hard to focus. Chan didn't just look good, he also smelled nice. He tried his best to tutor the Gryffindor, because he knew how important this test was, but he wasn't exactly known for having lots of self-control.

Besides, the setting was just too nice, like Chan had pointed out; a date under the stars. The Slytherin usually wasn't that big on romance but somehow everything was different with Chan. Minho trailed off mid-explanation, his hand coming to a rest on his boyfriend's thigh.

"You look really good tonight..." he muttered.

Chan blushed, not meeting the younger's gaze. "T-thanks..." he replied quietly.

Minho scooted a little closer to him. "I feel like we could use a study break," the Slytherin suggested lowly, not missing how Chan's breath hitched at the proximity or how he shuddered when Minho's lips were only centimeters away from his neck.

"Maybe... a short one..." Chan said, trying to sound reasonable. Minho knew that this break wasn't going to be short, but he decided not to argue with the older...


"BANG CHAN, LEE MINHO!" a stern, very loud, voice stirred Chan from his sleep. He opened his eyes and looked around, beyond confused when he saw that he wasn't in his bed at the Gryffindor dorm. He closed his eyes for a second, not wanting to believe this situation. Then, once he figured that this wasn't just going to go away he looked up.

Professor Vector, also known as the one of the strictest professors at this school, stood there, her arms crossed over her chest and her face anything but amused. The next thing Chan noticed was that the only thing shielding his body from her angry glare was a thin blanket.

"U-um... this isn't what it looks like," he stammered. She raised his eyebrow at him, silently telling him that this was exactly what it looked like and that they were in huge trouble.

"Care to wake your friend, Mr Bang?" Professor Vector snapped. Chan didn't dare to say anything else when he half-turned, to find an equally as naked Minho still fast asleep, seemingly unbothered by the commotion. He made sure that they were both still covered by the blanket when he softly shook the younger awake.

"Five more minutes..." Minho mumbled, and Chan had never wanted to die more.

"Babe, we're in trouble..." he whispered, hoping that it would be enough to wake Minho. It worked. The Slytherin's eyes shot open and he propped himself onto his elbows as he looked around. He froze when he saw Professor Vector standing there, tapping her foot against the floor.

"Oh crap..." he muttered.

"Now that you're both awake, would you mind explaining what you're doing up here at six in the morning?!" Professor Vector yelled.

Chan looked at Minho, who looked back at him, before he spoke up. "Um... could we maybe get dressed first..." he asked quietly. Professor Vector looked like she was about to explode with rage when she turned around to let Chan and Minho hurriedly gather their clothes to put them on.

Once they were finished, they were at the mercy of the teacher's unyielding stare again. "Um... w-we were just going to study for my big Astronomy test today and then we kind of... fell asleep?" Chan tried to explain, though what he said sounded more like a question than anything else.

"Fell asleep..." Professor Vector repeated. "If it were up to me, I'd have both of you expelled immediately! Such inappropriate behavior on school grounds... that's 50 points each from Slytherin and Gryffindor and detention this weekend! You should be ashamed of yourselves! I will inform the headmaster of this incident and now get out of here!"

Chan and Minho didn't need to be told twice.


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get us into trouble," Minho apologized once they were way out of earshot. Chan reached for his hand and laced their fingers together.

"I'm not mad at you... though I probably should be, since we barely got any studying done," he replied. Minho looked truly apologetic.

"Do you want to ditch first period and study a little more?" he offered but Chan shook his head.

"I'm gonna be fine," the Gryffindor declined. "We should probably get changed and get some breakfast..." he added. He was about to let go of the younger's hand to head in the direction of his common room when Minho held him back.

"Are you sure, you're not mad at me? I promised I'd help you, but I only got us detention..." the Slytherin asked. Chan freed his hand from Minho's grip and cupped his cheeks, giving him a short kiss on the lips.

"I'm not mad at you. It was worth it," Chan told him. That seemed to be enough to get Minho's smirk back on his face.

"Oh really?" he asked cheekily.

Chan laughed and gently hit the younger's arm. "Yes, really... I'll go change now," he announced.

"I wish you didn't..." Minho replied with a pout, playing with the Gryffindor's sleeve.

"What, you want me to run around in last night's clothes? I don't think the teachers would appreciate that," Chan teased him.

Minho hummed in agreement. "I guess you're right... maybe you should only dress up for me, then," he suggested.

"That's my cue to leave! I'll see you at breakfast," the Gryffindor said, giving Minho one last little kiss before leaving him behind.


"What's this rumor about you and Minho getting caught in a 'compromising situation' on top of the Astronomy tower?" Jinwoo asked Chan that same evening on the way to their Astronomy lesson. Chan had been too nervous about the test to notice that the school seemed to already know about what had happened this morning, but now he was shooting his friend an alarmed look.

"Who told you that?" he asked.

"So, it's true?" Jinwoo questioned, sounding half impressed and half disappointed.

Chan looked at the floor. "Kind of... we studied there and then fell asleep," he recounted the short version of the story.

Jinwoo snorted. "What did you study for that required you to get naked, Biology?" the older teased, causing Chan to whine and take a swing at his arm, which he missed by a hair.

"Does that mean everyone knows?" he questioned.

Jinwoo nodded. "Pretty much... but it could be worse," the Hufflepuff told him.

"Really, how so?" Chan asked, raising his eyebrows.

"I mean..." Jinwoo trailed off, obviously not knowing what to say.

"Thought so," Chan mumbled.

They reached the Astronomy tower and Chan's nervousness came back tenfold. Only that he now also had to deal with wolf whistles and wiggling eyebrows from his classmates. How could he not have noticed those all day long? They'd probably held off until they actually had Astronomy to make things more embarrassing for Chan.

"Ignore them," Jinwoo muttered. Easier said than done, Chan thought to himself. Jinwoo was right, though. He already had enough on his plate. He couldn't wait to get that damn test over with and get out of here as soon as possible. He sat down in his seat, feeling the stares more than ever.

"If anyone has something to say, at least have the balls to say it to his face. I'll start deducting points if you keep this up!" Jinwoo spoke up with authority in his voice, effectively shutting the whispers and giggles around them up. Chan shot him a grateful look.

Being friends with the head boy of this school certainly had its perks...


The weekend rolled around, and Chan was just on his way to detention – cleaning the trophy room – when he ran into Professor Sinistra. "Chan, a word, please?" she said, sounding a little concerned. Chan just hoped that it didn't have anything to do with the other day...

"It's about your test..." she started. Chan breathed a sigh of relief. He wouldn't have known how to explain himself if it had been about the other thing. Luckily, Professor Sinistra didn't dislike him only because he was shit at Astronomy. She knew that his father had made him keep the subject and she tried to go as easy on him as possible.

"It probably wasn't good, right?" he asked knowingly. Professor Sinistra nodded.

"With this grade you'd have to ace the next one and the final exam to pass Astronomy this year..." she told him. Chan nodded slowly. He hadn't expected anything else.

"I'm sorry, Professor. I studied a lot for it, but I just couldn't get it through my head... and tutoring... didn't quite work out," he added before he could stop himself. She looked like she tried to suppress a laugh at his words.

Of course, she knew all about said tutoring.

"Right now, your grade is really bad. I'm afraid I can't give you anything else but a T. You'd be the only one not to pass..." she said, switching back to serious mode. Chan nodded again. "However, I figured that maybe I could let you retake the test next Friday. And to make sure you get better, I suggested someone to tutor you."

Chan was more than surprised to hear that. He' would get a second chance? "Really? Thank you, Professor, I'll try my best! Who is the tutor?" he questioned.

"Lee Juyeon, he's a Ravenclaw in his sixth year and the best student of his grade," Professor Sinistra told him.

Chan knew Juyeon a little bit. He was a nice guy, so maybe he could really help him. "I'll make sure to meet up with him! Thank you, Professor," he said excitedly.

She smiled and patted his shoulder. "No problem. Now, go on. From what I hear you got detention," she said. Chan scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Professor Vector seems to have forgotten about her own youth..." Professor Sinistra mumbled before she took off. Chan decided that he didn't want to know what she'd meant by that as he continued to make his way to the trophy room.

Minho was already there when he entered. There was no sign of any teacher or Mr Filch, which he definitely wouldn't complain about.

"Hey," he greeted Minho, who was busy, scrubbing a Quidditch trophy from 1992. The Slytherin looked up and smiled at the sight of his boyfriend. He set the trophy down and approached Chan to greet him properly, with a kiss.

"How was your test?" he questioned, casually wrapping his arms around the older's waist.

"Not good. Professor Sinistra just told me that it will most likely be a T," Chan replied, leaning into the younger's chest and taking in his calming scent. "But she also said that I could retake the test," he added.

"Really? Good, this time I can help you for real!" Minho exclaimed happily.

Chan chuckled as he looked up at him. "Thanks, but she actually got me a tutor for this," he told his boyfriend, who furrowed his brows at the news.

"Who could tutor you better than your genius of a boyfriend?" he questioned. Chan laughed and squished the younger's cheeks.

"You're so cute sometimes, you know that? His name is Juyeon," he answered Minho's question.

"Lee Juyeon?" the Slytherin asked.

"Yes, he's really good at Astronomy from what I hear," Chan replied, softly freeing himself from Minho's embrace to start working on the trophies. He didn't miss the younger's sulkiness, though. He smiled to himself. A few months ago, he'd never thought that this guy had a cute side.

"You know how important this test is for me, right?" he asked him. Minho sighed but nodded nonetheless. "I promise that if I pass the test this time, we'll spend as much time together as you want, doing whatever you want," Chan said.

Minho chuckled at that. "Do you never want to see me again?" he teased.

Chan gasped in mock-offense and threw his cleaning rag at him.


Luckily, detention wasn't that bad with just the two of them most of the time. Mr Filch came in to check on them from time to time but other than that, their weekend of detention passed rather smoothly.

Chan would meet Juyeon for the first study session in the library on Monday. Minho was still not entirely happy that it wasn't him who got to tutor Chan, but he decided not to let it show in front of the older.

The problem wasn't that he was so eager to give Chan Astronomy lessons. It was just that he knew Lee Juyeon. The guy was a good student and a nice, kind-hearted person who couldn't hurt a fly. Basically, he was Minho's polar opposite. Not that Minho was a bad person, it was just that he used to play around a lot before he met Chan, he'd dated half the school before Chan had 'tamed' him.

But what if Chan realized that he'd much rather be with someone who hadn't been with half of the school. It wasn't that he was jealous... but rather... concerned. He'd never felt like this about anyone before he got to know Chan. The thought of being with anyone that wasn't him after the past two months just didn't sit right.

That being said, he respected Chan's wish to study with Juyeon, especially since his grade was on the line, which was why Minho stayed quiet about it. That didn't stop his concern, though. Especially, since Chan wouldn't shut up about how much Juyeon knew about constellations and moons ever since their first study session.

"So, you're getting along well..." Minho stated at lunch on Wednesday afternoon. Chan had just had his third study session with Juyeon and apparently, they hadn't only talked about Astronomy but also about how Juyeon liked to play Quidditch. Unfortunately, he hadn't made it on the team as a Beater this year.

"Yeah, he's really nice," Chan told him. "And I kind of get some the stuff he tries to teach me." Minho gave him a stiff smile.

"Good, then you'll surely ace this test," he assured his boyfriend.


Minho sighed when he entered the Slytherin common room that same evening. His best friends Changbin and Hyunjin had followed him and now shot him confused looks.

"What's up with you?" Hyunjin questioned. Minho wasn't sure if he should tell his friends about his concerns, but he'd been keeping it to himself all week and he wasn't sure what to do.

"Chan's studying with this guy who's like completely different from me and I feel like once he realizes how awesome this dude is, he'll leave me and start dating him..." Minho blurted out everything on his mind. Changbin and Hyunjin exchanged surprised looks.

"Wait, is this Lee Minho being insecure about losing to another guy?" Changbin asked in disbelief.

Minho sighed again. "I'm serious... I wouldn't care if it was anyone else but if Chan ever decides to break up with me for whatever reason, I don't know what I'll do. And I'm scared because I've never felt this way before..." he explained to his friends.

It felt surprisingly good to be honest with them, even though he was a little afraid of being judged. He didn't often talk about feelings to anyone, not even his best friends. And now that he had all those feelings for Chan, he needed to consult them, so they could help him do the right thing.

Hyunjin raised his eyebrows. "Sounds to me like you're-"

"Don't even say it, I'm not there yet..." Minho interrupted him, knowing exactly what the younger was trying to say. "It's just... I really care about him but I'm still me and my past hasn't changed. I don't want to fuck this up," he told the two younger boys. Changbin leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees.

"Talk to him, before you end up doing anything stupid. That's what a relationship is all about... communication. If you can't talk to him about the stuff that's bothering you, you're bound to lose him one day, if not now, then next month or in a year," the sixth year said in brutal honesty.

Minho knew that he was right. But wouldn't Chan be offended if he told him about that? He sighed for the third time.

Only one way to find out.

"Fine, I'll try... tomorrow..." Minho promised, more to himself than to his friends.


"Okay, Lee Minho, you can do this. Just be honest..." the Slytherin muttered to himself when he stood in front of the library, where Chan was studying with Juyeon, the next day. He walked inside and looked around. It didn't take him very long to find them. They sat at a table at the very end of the library, quietly speaking to each other.

Minho walked over to them. Juyeon spotted him first, giving him a friendly smile, which he returned stiffly as he sat down next to Chan and greeted him with a kiss that was probably a little too heated for the public. The Gryffindor pulled back, his cheeks rosy.

"What are you doing?" he mumbled shyly. Minho clung to him.

"Go on, don't let me bother you..." he said, not answering the older's question. Juyeon looked amused but continued to tutor a slightly flustered and still confused Chan for thirty more minutes, in which Minho kept practically snuggling the younger.

"Alright, I think you're good for tomorrow... you've improved a lot," Juyeon told Chan while he started to pack up his things. Minho let go of Chan for the first time in half an hour to see him practically beam in excitement.

"Thanks, Juyeon! I must've been a handful..." he replied. Juyeon laughed and waved off.

"It was fun, really. Don't forget to tell me the results once you get them!" the Ravenclaw said as he got up. "See you around, you two," he added with a knowing grin in Minho's direction, before he took off.

Once he was gone, Chan turned to face him, still looking excited but also curious.

"What's up? Usually, I'm the Koala in this relationship?" he questioned in an amused tone.

Minho lowered his head. "I haven't seen you all day and I missed you..." he mumbled. Chan faced him entirely and reached for both of his boyfriend's hands.

"I know it's more than that. Tell me..." he pleaded, now sounding slightly worried about his boyfriend's unusual behavior.

Minho took a deep breath. "Do you like Juyeon more than me?" he questioned, carefully looking up at the Gryffindor.

Chan's eyes went from concerned to confused and back in just two seconds. "What? Why would you think that?" he asked. Minho shrugged but Chan wasn't going to let him off that easily.

So, Minho explained. He told him everything about his fear of Juyeon being a better match for him than he was and about how he'd never really been with anyone for more than just a few days at most and how Chan deserved so much better than him.

To say Chan was surprised by the younger's words was an understatement. Minho was always so full of confidence and natural flirtiness, so he really hadn't seen this coming at all. He reached forward to cup Minho's cheeks in his hands, making him look at him.

"I can assure you that I don't like Juyeon like that. We were just studying together... besides, I don't think he's even into guys," Chan told him. He gently caressed the younger's squishy cheeks with his thumbs.

"Maybe not but what if you'd rather date someone who hasn't been out with almost everyone in this school?" Minho asked, still sounding so incredibly insecure.

"I wouldn't have started dating you in the first place if that were the case. I had my problems with you in the beginning, as you know, but I like you for who you are. And you're with me now. So, just trust me and don't worry, I'm not going anywhere," he reassured Minho.

The Slytherin nodded, a pout still visible on his face.

"Now, wipe that pout off your face," Chan warned playfully, but Minho's pout only deepened. Chan chuckled and rolled his eyes, bringing Minho's face closer to his own before quickly pecking him on the lips.

"Better?" he asked, their faces still only inches apart. Minho shook his head, still pouting, but Chan could finally see that playful glint in his eyes again. He kissed him again, a little longer this time. "How about now?" he questioned. Minho shook his head again, so Chan took it upon himself to basically attack him with kisses all over his face until the Slytherin laughed out loud.

Unfortunately, that caused a pissed off librarian to come over and kick them out, scolding them about taking their PDA somewhere else and that this was a place to learn quietly.

"Walk me to Quidditch practice?" Minho asked when they walked away from the library, ignoring the still ranting librarian behind them. Chan grinned and nodded.

"I'll even stay to watch, now that I finally have more time," he told the younger. Minho's face brightened up at his words and he quickly went to get his Quidditch uniform from his dorm before taking Chan's hand and walking to the field with him.


"So, how was the test?" Minho asked when Chan joined him at the Slytherin table for dinner with the results a few days later. Professor Sinistra had called Chan to the entrance hall before dinner had started to let him know his grade. Minho was almost more anxious than Chan, especially when he came in with an unreadable expression on his face. The Gryffindor made a dramatic pause, almost causing Minho to go crazy.

"I got an E!" he exclaimed loud enough for half of the Great Hall to hear. Minho jumped up from his chair.

"You got an E!" he repeated, pulling Chan into an excited hug.

"He's got an E!" a random Ravenclaw shouted, causing the two seventh years to pull apart, laughing along with several other students before Chan sat down next to Minho.

"I'm proud of you," Minho told him. Chan grinned, reaching for the pumpkin juice.

"I can't wait to tell my Dad. He'll probably think that I cheated, though..." he babbled excitedly, which caused Minho to chuckle and take the pumpkin juice from the Gryffindor's hands before he spilled everything.

"Don't forget what you promised me," he reminded the older as he poured him some of the drink. "You said something about doing whatever I wanted. I was thinking... maybe we should have another date up in the Astronomy tower. Last time was pretty nice..." he suggested, luckily only loud enough for him to hear, though. Chan blushed at the memory but managed to control it pretty quickly before Minho's friends could catch on.

"How about we take a break from everything related to Astronomy for a while... we could go somewhere else, though. Like, the Room of Requirements, to avoid anyone walking in on us..." he replied. Minho smirked.

"Good thinking," he said. "So, tonight at 10?"

"Tonight at 10."

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