Color Blind

By KayyyBrown

1.2M 45.3K 10.2K

Audra Jones left Miami after her longtime boyfriend Antonio cheated on her. Refusing to pity her life, she de... More

Opening Thought
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Author's Note: Baby Names
Author's Note: IMPORTANT
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
I'm Back!
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twenty-Five

23.3K 843 120
By KayyyBrown

*This chapter contains sexual content*


Audra's POV

Three months have passed since the night I finally agreed to give Danté a chance and start a relationship and it's one of the smartest things I've done in my whole entire life. We still have our separate homes and lives, but that we still spend quite a bit of time together, we just don't feel the need to be attached at the hip.

But I do want to be with him in marriage.

I haven't told him yet mainly because some of my insecurities about being pregnant with Leo's babies. I know he doesn't feel obligated and he actually wants to father the them, but it's still difficult for me to believe it at some points. It's nothing he did, it's all on my part. I don't let tell him any of this though.

Sitting with my special pillow to support my back and ease the aches I sometimes get, I gaze out of the window watching the ocean waves sway. They have a strong current ad all move to an unknown rhythm. It reminds me of my siblings and I feel tears form in my eyes. I miss them.

Nothing happened to them, they just went back to the States; they didn't hesitate to form romantic connections before they departed though. Karmen and Marc are going steady and he wants her to move to here so they can live together. Knowing her, she probably will soon. She doesn't believe in taking it slow but I don't judge her. Alex and EsDena have something going on too, but it's at a much slower rate. He's actually going to surprise her by visiting for a week or two before the end of this month. And of course Mary's flirty ass started something with Tyrell. The only thing that's different from everyone else is the fact she's in the Stares right now...and has been for about two months. No one really has a clue as to when she will return or if she will in the first place. I can only imagine the adventures she's having.

Rolling my eyes at the thought, I check the time and realize that I have plans with Mary. She's become even more of a mother-figure and treats me like a daughter. Since we have the nursery set up, we just need to get more clothes and diapers. As for my babies, they're doing great.

I decided to find out the sexes of the babies; I couldn't wait. Turns out I'm having two boys! Danté is beyond excited and I finally have my answer as to why it feels like there's a soccer game or boxing match going on in my stomach frequently.

I'm about 37 weeks and everyone thinks I need to eat more. It's the most annoying thing going on my life. And the biggest advocate is Mary.

"You're going to give birth soon and the babies need to weigh as much a possible. So you need eat about seven times a day. Plus you need to gain some weight, you're too thin!" She's been saying that since I was 6 months along. Even worse, she'll come the house while I'm asleep and make a feast solely for me. Like I'm about to eat seven pancakes, four eggs, oatmeal, cereal, and drink a large glass of orange juice myself!

I still appreciate the thought. My own mother wouldn't do anything close to that.

My puppies seem to have taken a liking to the babies as well. They lay against my stomach at every opportunity. Like they are now.

'I have to get ready' I think to myself as I receive a text from Mary informing me she'll be here in an hour. But she really means a half and hour because she's always so damn early.

I quickly shower, dress and drink some cranberry juice. I already know Mary will bring enough food to feed me for two weeks. That woman...

At this moment, my door open and in comes Mary with more bags than I think anyone should be carrying.

"I've got breakfast!" She practically yells. I though Dani was bad. I stand corrected.

"Thank you."

After eating, we leave and head to the mall. At a stoplight, we encounter two scrawny boys who are wolf-whistling at Mary. The blonde closest to her decides to make a move.

"You're so beautiful" he says to her and I'm about to gag. Like she obviously has a wedding ring on! She just smiles and stares straight ahead.

"Leave her alone, she's obviously married" I scold. He just snickers at me.

"Shut up you pregnant bitch, no one was talking to you!" And I lost it.

Ignoring the green light, I reach over Mary and start smacking his zit-faced ass while maintaining a firm grip on his shirt so he can't pull away. He's gonna learn to watch his mouth today.

"Didn't. I. Say. Leave. Her. Alone?!" I say between smacks.

"Audra stop, you can't lay like that!" Mary says trying to pull me back but I struggle and ignore her still smacking the shit out of the boy. His friend in the driver's seat is in shock and looks absolutely petrified. The honking coming from behind us breaks me out of my fit of anger and I retreat then Mary drives off like nothing happened.

"You're a different breed of crazy!" She says between laughs.

"Hormones" is my only reply.

The day has already started off eventful.


Danté's POV

Today is going to be an eventful day...I'm going to propose to Audra.

Everyone already knows except her and I'm excited. I've been planning this day for weeks. I'm taking her the museum I used to visit as a child when I had my eyesight. It holds so many great memories and I want her and eventually our boys to experience the wonder of European art. The mystique behind it can't be found anywhere else.

It's been about three months since that finally incident happened and Audra gave me a chance. I didn't think I could fall in love with her anymore than I did but I was wrong. I feel her stomach getting bigger and more than anything I want to hold my boys. Hear their cries, get into the groove of changing their diapers, and when the times is right finally make love to Audra. And of course marry her. But I'm in a pretty aroused mood right now so all I'm thinking about is loving Audra.

I've never felt or tasted her naked flesh and I want to so badly. I want to fill her with my seed, feel her velvet walls around me, hear her moans in my ear as I pleasure her. I want her to have my babies and be the one next to me every night.

You know what? I NEED her. Even though I've been an ass to her at times, I've always been drawn to her. She has the enticing nature about her and I'm hooked. I don't think I can take being without her in life.

That what makes me so nervous about tonight. Even though I feel the time is right, anything can happen and it's frightening. But I'm trying not to think about the negative.

Mary took Audra out to get the rest of the baby supplies and I'm waiting for my custom suit to be delivered since Audra's dress came yesterday and is with Mary. I just wish I could see it on her.

I love her so much it's scary at times but I will never leave her side.


"If only you could see how good you look man" Alex says after helping me with my tie. He helped be pick a classic black and white suit with a blue-green tie. Audra's dress matches my tie, Mary made sure.

Since Vince is already at the museum making sure that dinner and the lighting is properly set up, Alex is going to drive me.

"Calm down man, she's gonna say yes." Alex says obviously not worried which makes me feel somewhat better.

"I hope so..."

"You have nothing to worry about." I nod my head and Alex hands me the jewelry box with the engagement ring.

Mary helped me pick it out. She describes it as "classic" but all I know is it has sizable diamond in the middle with small ones around it. The band doesn't have anything but Mary says that Audra is a fan of more minimal jewelry.

I trust Mary so I'm confident Audra will like it.

After arriving at the museum, I'm informed that the food is almost ready. Marc's cooking. I was going to wait until after dinner, but I've changed my mind: it's going to be a little bit after she gets her. Mary called and said they're en route.

My time is about to come.


Audra's POV

After my day with Mary, who practically bought everything in the newborn and baby section, we had a relaxing lunch and I slept for a bit while she insisted on making arrangements to the nursery. The room is a pale green with olive colored accents and mahogany cribs and changing table. I purposely chose a smaller room so it felt cozy and comforting.

After I woke up, Mary informed me that we going out for dinner. She brought a silk dress with a spandex/cotton inner lining for comfort. It's turquoise with delicate and subtle black and accents on the cinching for the empire waist. I opted for flats because swollen pregnancy feet aren't fun at all. I straightened and my hair and opted for a little bit of eye liner and mascara. A natural look seemed more fitting.

I look good!

"Where are we going?" I question Mary.

"It's a surprise I'm sure you'll enjoy" she says with a smirk. She can be so conceited sometimes!

After making sure I take my prenatal vitamins (it eases my occasional queasiness) we leave and there's an excited vibe in the air. I just wanna eat! The one good thing is the babies aren't boxing right now. It makes the drive much less stressful.

Once we arrive I don't recognize my surroundings. There's a dim and candlelit path that I walk with Mary behind.

As I turn the corner I see Danté standing at the top of the stairs in a classic suit with a tie that matches my dress.

He has an almost dazed smile on his face like he's wrapped up his thoughts. I lightly jog up the stairs to him and hug him tightly.

"Danté this is beautiful!"

"I'm glad you like it. There's plenty more to see" I grab his hand and lead him through the door. I have a sharp intake of breath when I see the magnificent artwork around me. "I see you like the museum." he whispers in my ear.

"Thank you so much" I say as I start to cry.

"Baby don't cry just yet, there's more to come." He says. I squeeze his hand and lead him closer to the art.


Danté's POV

Everything's going great so far. I'm elated that she's enjoy the artwork even she looks at literally everything three times. I'm surprised she even wants to walk this much but I don't mind. I have my left hand around her waist resting on her stomach and the other hand free.

"Are you hungry?" I ask.

"Yes" she relies with a chuckle.

"Alex! We're ready."

"This way" I hear Alex say and Audra grips me hand and leads me towards the heavenly smell of food. I feel for a chair and tell her to come so I can push her chair in. We begin eating lasagna and I'm palms are sweaty as I prepare to propose. It feels like the ring is burning a hole in my pocket.

Now's the time.

I stand and walk over to her sending a silent prayer to God and my family and I'm ready.

"What's going on?" She asks. I hold up my index finger to signal I'll explain in a minute.

I get on one knee and I hear a gasp. Pulling out the ring, I take a deep breath and say what is on my heart.

"Audra, I love you so much that I can't imagine living my life without you. More than anything I want us to truly be a family with the boys. I want to grow old with you and never leave your side. I was broken man and you've healed me. Never will I hesitate to protect you and I'd walk through hell to make sure you feel safe and loved. I love you so much and I will try my absolute hardest to never disappoint me, I promise. You and the boys mean the world to me and I'm ready to take another step in our relationship if you are. Audra Jones, will you let me have the pleasure and honor by being my wife?"

I feel her stand against me and I'm immediately afraid she's about to run away as she pulls me up.

She begins to speak.

"Danté, I love you too. I love you so much! We've had more than a fair share of heartache and rough patches but that's all in the past. It's all about our future and I can't wait for you to be a daddy. So yes, I will be your wife" she says as I hear her voice crack as she cries.

Tears run down my cheeks as I reach for her hand and slide the ring on her finger.

"It's beautiful Té!" She exclaims and pulls me in for a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too" I hear clapping and cheers and I know it's Alex, Mary, Vince, and Marc. Marc wanted to cook and videotape the proposal.

"That was perfect! Are you guys ready to leave?" Marc asks.

"Yeah" Audra answers.

"Follow me to the limousine and congratulations!" He exclaims.

He helps us in and we decide to stay at her place.

After some celebratory kisses and a bubblebath together, we lay in bed (we don't make love, I want to wait until after she gives birth so I don't have to worry about hurting the babies). She says she has since cramps and I massage her lower back.

She takes my hands and puts them under her nightgown. Pushing them towards her womanhood, I feel her moisture cover my fingers.

"Please Té. I know you don't want to make love because of the babies but will you please use your fingers?"

I feel her face me and her lips attack mine and I feel my erection strain against my boxers. Her roaming fingers begin to stroke my shaft and tingles of pleasure spread throughout my body. My hands tease her slits until she thrusts her hips and impales herself on my long fingers. I give into her requests and thrust my fingers in and out. Her moans fill the air and it's the sweetest symphony in my ears.

I use my free hand to remove boxers and I feel her remove her nightgown. My lips travel down her neck to her swollen breasts. I suckle on her buds and I feel her walls clench with orgasm. She cries out and moisture covers my hands but I'm not done with her.

Removing her hand from my manhood, I lower my kisses until until my lips come in contact with her core. I waste no time licking and sucking on the sweet-tasting flesh. Her moans begin to echo and her legs shake. She's close again.

I reinsert my fingers and feel that special patch of flesh and stroke it faster and faster then feel a gush of liquid cover my face and her let a shrill scream and she keeps my fingers in a vice grip.

"Let me get you a towel" she says as I lick my fingers. She grabs a towel and gingerly wipes my face. "Your turn" she says and pulls my hips closer to her face. Before I can process what she's about to do, her mouth is around me and I let out a husky groan from the overwhelming pleasure. After so minutes, I feel myself about to come.

"Baby I'm about come" I try to tell her but she begins to suck and bob her head even faster. "BABY! I'm about to come...SHIT AUDRA!" I yell as my seed fills her mouth. Jesus! I'm practically seeing stars from the pleasure. I hear her spit into the towel and she kisses my forehead.

"I'll be back, I need to use the restroom." I lay back stark naked and in a daze. Holy fuck! The wait was completely worth it. I smile until I hear a scream.

"DANTÉ! COME HERE!" Without thinking I get up and run towards the light of the bathroom only to slip on water. I get up and reach for Audra.

"Baby what's wrong?!" I hear her breathing heavy and I'm absolutely concerned.


Oh shit...

*Surprised at all? I really didn't want to devote a whole chapter to their budding relationship so I gave something like a synopsis...

I'll be revealing the baby names I picked next chapter! :) So if you wanna still participate, I suggest you do it soon!!!

What'd you think of the proposal?

Do you agree with it?

Let me know what you think!

Thank you for all of the support!

Thanks and much love!


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