You're Like Dango [Midoriya I...

By brandy_soul

123K 4.6K 2.7K

Becoming a hero, someone who helps those in need, one who is brave and never gives up. Despite your fears, f... More

Everything Stays With You
A Quick Word From Brandy
Meddling Peers and Cigarettes
The Boy With The Green Hair
Cowards Vs. True Heroes
Day 1: Introductions
Nerds and Names Aren't So Bad
Smiles & Grins of Fakeness & Determination
Mixed, As Always
Sorry, I Can't Seem to Grasp This
Training with An Unexpectedly Scary Turn of Events
An Angry Boy Accompanied with Villains
Hand Villain, A Bird Man, and the Symbol of Peace
In Which The Boy is Hurt and the Woods are Scary
Mushy Peas and a Totally Normal School Event
You'd Think A Sports Festival Would Be Great
A Crab Will Fight As Much As The Boy and the Girl
It's A Lot More Than A Simple Race
There's Quite A Few Explosions In This One
Cavalry Battles are Terrifying
A Wrong Headband, And Another That Saves Us
Just a quick note
He's Got Purple Eyes
Didn't Know Anger Made Ice
Of a Twisting Stomach
Lasers and Wind Storms
Maybe Three Idiots Were In The Right

This Crazy New Girl

2.8K 111 40
By brandy_soul

The next round a battle, more specifically, a team one.

I personally am not one to fight someone, I like to take defense rather than the offense.

But I feel like I'm also not too good at team things. I feel horrible whenever I end up being the reason why my team loses. And my father has done nothing but tell me I'm always going to be some sort of impediment to everyone. And he made sure that it's engraved in my mind.

And now, here I stand, awkwardly trying to decide who the hell to team up with. I have a decent relationship with my peers, but they're barely past acquaintances. Only a few people I've actually called friends.

One thing's certain, and that's the fact that Bakugou is probably out of the question, he's extremely brash, a clear contrast with my demeanor. And I don't think he particularly likes me, or anyone, for that matter. Sure, my quirk is great for many things, but I guess you need to take into account who that quirk belongs to.

Mineta is also a no.

Each team member's points will be added together, so everyone's will vary. If your teams falls, you're out. If you attack someone to make them purposely fall, you're out.

We have fifteen minutes to pick team members.

And here I am, watching everyone frantically scramble to gather with friends or people that are strong.

Naturally, Bakugou and Todoroki are the ones to team up with. But they both intimidate me so much, I wouldn't dare to go ask them, and Bakugou is too scary.

Ahh, I could ask Iida, or Uraraka, or Ashido, or Izuku.

"I'm going to regret this, aren't I?" I whisper to myself.

I'm bound to get fed up with a burden like this one, not to mention literally everyone is going after that ten million.

Well, I guess being risky sometimes wouldn't hurt.

I finally leave my spot, then walk around, looking for that curly green hair that is so easy to spot.

And when I do find him, I lightly tap his shoulder. "Izuku, if you don't mind, do you wanna team up?" I ask nervously.

Nervous that maybe I wouldn't be good enough to team up with someone of his caliber, at least when it comes to his will and strategies.

"Eh, w-wait, [Name], for real?!" He cries, and I nod almost hesitantly.

"Yeah, I'm sure.." I say, hoping to ease him, but I think I made it worse since he seems to be crying.

"Are you sure, everyone's going to be after me and those ten million!"

"I'm sure." I say softly, managing a small smile to hopefully confirm that I do indeed want to team up.

"Besides, things like this, you have to work to get them.." I say, referring to the next and final round of the tournament.

"Alright. I have a plan, and we need Iida, too." I nod, and we go around, searching for the said boy.

When we find him, he has his back turned to us, not aware that we had been searching all over for him.

"So, I was thinking, with [Name]'s quirk, we could easily keep a lot of opponents away, it's a good, offense and defense quirk. Iida, I thought you could've been the rider..." Izuku explains his plans, and I thought it was pretty solid, and I like the fact that my quirk would be pretty useful.

But I feel like that a burden I have to carry, and if I fail, I fail my entire team, and that means I fail Izuku, and this is what he's been dreaming about this moment since forever.

Oh, well, we'll see how I slowly crumble to pieces under pressure.

"Of, course, all of this is coming from you, Midoriya. But, if I rely on you, then that way I will never progress." Iida says, surprising both of us.

"Bakugou and Todoroki aren't the only ones who see you as competition, I do, too." He finishes, and with that, he walks away. To his team, presumably. His team that consists of Yaoyorozu, Kaminari, and Todoroki.

That's a damn good team.

"Well, do you mind if I team up with you!" And I guess you could say out of literally nowhere, a girl with loopy pink hair pops up.

"Ah, who are you, you're so close!" Izuku screams, but then again, he always screams when he's surprised.

"I'm Hatsume Mei, from the Support Course! Please let me use this position and join you!"

"How brutally honest..." I whisper. I recognize her, that one girl from earlier.

"Because of your points, you will inevitably stand out. If I team up with you, then my cute babies will also stand out, therefore my babies will be noticed by these huge companies!" She goes on with such excitement and passion.


What babies?

"Since I'm from the Support Course, we develop all these gadget that help heroes with their quirks." Hatsume explains, pulling out a chest, then opening it, revealing all.sorts of gadgets.

Oh, so this department helps with things like costumes and my fan, or Bakugou's arm braces.

They spend a few minutes chatting about the things that were in the chest, particularly the ones that were inspired by pro heros.

My hands fiddle with my shirt, not knowing how to handle my nerves, and also trying to hide the fact that a may be a bit jealous.

Then I run my hand through my hair.

Don't think these things, you are not even dating him or anything! Plus, now is definitely not the time to contemplate all of this!

I breathe in a shaky sigh, then barelt notice that Izuku left.

"What's he doing?" I whisper.

And he brings back someone who can possibly help us win this.

Sorry for typos!

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