Claw Through My Heart

By Xx_Lovely_Styles_xX

63.2K 2.1K 122

Alexis Lovett is a 20 year old girl working as a makeup artist who lives in a crappy apartment on what's clas... More

1|I'm A Dog Person
2|Wolves Are Not Pets
3|Well You're Not a Dog
4|So Wait No Mating?
5|Normal...? NOPE
7|I Care For You
9|Heaven and Earth
10|Give Me Time
11|How Dare You
12|I Didn't Mean It
13|Can't Tell Me No
14|My (Not) Father
15|Pill Does What Now?
16|Good for You
17|Like You're the Meal
18|Lost Boy
19|The Blue Ones
20|That's Mine
21|I'd Like a Leash
22|Plan B
23|I'll Make it Up to You
27|Picture of You
28|Lure Me
29|Big Alpha Daddy
30|Baby Mama
31|Found Me
32|Baby Girl
33|I See You
35|Big Baby
36|Pretty in Blue
39|Work Out Buddy
40|Its Only Me
41|Never Before Kinda Angry
42|Can't Take Her From Me
43|My Baby
44|Where Loyality Lies
45|Alpha by Right
48|Little Pup
49|Just a Scrape
50|Little Girl
51|Always Love You
52|That's Mine
54|He's the One
55|Home Sweet Home
56|In The End

34|The Hunt

870 29 0
By Xx_Lovely_Styles_xX

3rd person pov

Harry walked over to Alexis kissing her head "are we ready lovely?"

"Mhm" she pulled on her shoes standing up "getting stuff for the baby getting stuff for the baby getting stuff for the baaaby! And I love you!" Alexis sang pointing at Harry as they stepped out of the room

He chuckled "someone is cheery" he patted her bum as he walked behind her "sucks this little one hasn't been identified yet I'd love to know the sex but they are stubborn" Harry sighed "just like their mother"

Alexis giggled "you looooove me!" Harry nodded back

"Yes I do" they got down stairs

"Let me grab a bottle of water" Alexis jogged off to the fridge grabbing a bottle for herself and one for Harry "and take my vitamins" she squeaked spinning around to the cabinet taking 2 different pills "and a fruit snack" she spun back to the pantry grabbing one

"And let's go" Harry picked her up making her drop the fruit snack box laughing

"Okay okay!" She yelled just accepting her fate he carried her down the stairs over his shoulder he got to the car and put her in buckling her up kissing her cheek every few seconds making her squirm "baaabyyy" she whined swatting at him

He ran over to the drivers side "so gender neutral but you want mostly blue?" He rechecked with Alexis pulling away

"Yes I think blue is a perfect color for both genders" she opened her snack plopping one in her mouth shoving one against Harry's lips

"Mmm I don't like the orange ones" Harry groaned but ate it regardless

"Me neither but I'm pregnant soooo I shouldn't have to eat them" she added smirking

"Fuck well you got me there" he caved immediately

"Harry can I just say you make me so happy I can't think of any other time in my life I was this happy" Alexis leaned on his shoulder feeding him another gummy

"That means a lot to me Baby girl all I want is for you to be happy ,specially be happy with me" he smirked kissing her fingers that fed him

"You said I was stubborn but damn Harry if you hadn't pushed I would have missed out on all this on the love of my life" she rubbed his bicep

"We're mates I told you you just took a bit longer to realize it" he kissed her head "mm Baby can I have a piece of that gum you have?"

"Yeah" she sat up and reached for her purse only to realize she didn't have it that means no gum, no keys, no phone, and no shopping list "uhhhh Harrry" she smiled fakely

"Yes?" He asked losing a bit of playfulness

"I don't have my purse..." she bit her lip "can we turn around?"

Harry laughed "yeah" he kept going until they reached a light to make a U turn "I thought you were ready"

"You said I was ready" she poked his chest

He rolled his eyes "yes fine you're lucky we're only 8 minutes away" he glanced at her "pregnancy making you forgetful?"

"A bit" she shrugged "sorry who are you again?" She teased giggling

"You think you're funny?" He laughed back "if we'd just met first thing I'd say is 'I'm your Baby daddy' can't tell me that doesn't just draw you in" he winked

"Not only am I drawn I'm completely scribbled" she burst out laughing

He looked at her and laughed at how hard she was laughing "a coloring joke? Is it that funny?" She nodded breathlessly "alright alright breathe breathe" he shook his head "you're crazy darling"

"I'm hilarious" she corrected they pulled up and they both got out meeting at the stairs she gasped and put a hand on Harry's chest "ladies first sir" she went up swaying extra making him smile widely

"Oh of course I wouldn't wanna miss that view" she waited the door for Harry who had the keys he stuck the key in but suddenly Alexis grabbed him and kissed him his hand dropped the key and went onto the knob to hold it he leaned more toward the door so she could hold him because she was on her tip toes

The knob slipped and the door opened Harry snapped his head around and as the door opened his muscles tensed "Harry?" She asked seeing the change he yanked the keys out the door

"There's a wolf in here somewhere" Harry picked her up using his speed to have her back down the stairs and into the drivers seat in a flash "drive I don't care where but make it public I'll find you" He shoved his phone into the car he'd use hers

"But Harry I-" he reached in and started the car

"I love you now go" he hissed she nodded and pulled out recklessly speeding off Harry looked back up at the open apartment door he went back up cautiously he stepped in closing the door behind him

He sniffed as his bones cracked and shifted into his werewolf form he went up the stairs the nursery door was open their bedroom door was ajar Harry peeked in and saw a person he kicked the door open and the boy jolted back pressing himself against the nearest wall

"You are not the wolf that's been following so who are you?" Harry got directly to the point

"P-please d-don't kill me Alpha Kenly sent me" he stuttered hands up he's a fucking omega

"Sent you why?" He gulped

"I can't-"

"SENT YOU WHY?!" Harry roared he shook

"I came to search for weaknesses" He nodded and looked at the drawer he was rummaging through

"That involved going through my mates underwear drawer?" Harry's anger only boiled farther

"She's pregnant?" Omega mumbled he'd seen the ultra sound on the dresser

Harry ran at him his hand and claws wrapping around the boy's throat "her pregnancy has nothing to do with this why are they after her?" Harry squeezed lightly but if Harry had his wish he'd rip his head right off

"He wants her" Harry tilted his head

"Your alpha? she's my mate he can't have her"

"No Kenly doesn't want her he wants her to hurt you but the man he wants her" omega was having to take shallow breaths

"Man? What man? the human?" He nodded "why would Kenly ever work with a human?" Harry started to have some doubts

"They both wanna kill her so they are working together" Harry raised the omega off the ground growling

"I want you to run back home tail between your legs and tell Kenly I said 'You so much as sniff the air of my mate and I'll have his pelt on my wall' do you got that?" The omega nodded frantically Harry carried the struggling boy out onto the balcony

"And if I ever see you or another other wolf near my house or my den I won't hesitate to kill" Harry threw him over the railing onto the second road the one closest to the woods the omega went wolf form and ran away limping

Harry stepped back in and grabbed Alexis's purse and called his phone

"Baby are you okay?" Alexis answered in a whisper

"Yeah it's okay it was a little omega nothing to worry about where are you?"

"The mall in the food court" she sighed "nothing happened?"

"No it's all good I'm on my way I've got your purse we can do our shopping"

"Are you sure?"

"Positive Baby girl they know better if this happens again I'll kill them"

"Okay I'll be here I love you"

"I love you more my baby"

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