The Boy Next Door | Yoonmin ✔

By orangexmint

1.7M 107K 27.5K

Previously titled "Orange Mint" ________________ Jimin likes poetry, music and a cute boy with mint green hai... More

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Author's Note
1M?! + Q & A

July 26th

7.3K 381 55
By orangexmint

5:45 p.m.

"Five months." Jimin said, one evening, looking up from his phone. Yoongi was concentrating hard on the cookbook in front of him. They had been living off of takeout food lately, and Yoongi wanted to try something different, and by different he meant cook. Cooking without Jin.

"What about five months?" Yoongi responded, not really paying attention. He was too preoccupied with reading the measurements.

"We've known each other for five months." Jimin clarified. Yoongi paused to look over his shoulder. He made a face, causing his nose to scrunch up. Jimin thought it was cute.


"Mmm hmm." Jimin said. "We started talking in February."

"Has it really been five months already? It feels like I've know you longer."

" did sort of watch me for two years. In a non creepy way of course. You knew I loved to read, without actually having to interact with me. And you knew my name because Taehyung is really loud."

"Knowing you loved to read was easy; knowing your name was a lucky thing. Had Tae not shouted your name that one day, I would have never known it until that day in the university café."

" knew so much about me."

"And I bet you could tell a lot about me to."

"I knew you liked to dye your hair. That was obvious. It was always a new colour. And I knew you like to paint, because you always painted in front of the window. But I didn't know your name or who your friends were."

"Seriously? You didn't know my name?" Yoongi asked, eyeing him.

"Yeah! Not until you told me. You have a really pretty name Yoongi." Jimin said, smiling.

"Your name is prettier."

"Hmm. You know, I never knew we went to the same school. I thought you were out of school or something."

"I knew," Yoongi confessed. "You wore your yellow and green sweater - the school sweater - one day, and I recognized it as the same school that I attended."

"Why didn't you ever talk to me!"

"I didn't know your schedule, or where your classes were. Meeting you was by chance, I had no idea you were going to be in that café."

Jimin hoped off the counter and wrapped Yoongi in a hug, nuzzling his face into his neck. "I'm so happy I met you, really happy that you walked into the café and asked me if I liked poetry."

"I just wished I had the courage to talk to you sooner."

"Better late than never."

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