May 30th ½

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7:45 p.m.

Being in a hospital was not what Yoongi had in mind for guys night. He figured it would end up with him back in bed with Jimin, and sound asleep, but alas, that was not the case as he found himself on a cot getting eight stitches on his collarbone. Jimin was going to freak once he found out. Yoongi was mentally preparing himself for all the crying that would take place when he got home.

He winced as the doctor slid the needle through a part that hadn't been fully numb. His hands gripped the side of the bed and his head lolled back as he bit hit lip. He hated hospitals.

The doctor is on the third stitch when his phone rings. He wedges his hand into his pocket and pulls out the device, passing it to Jin so he could answer it. The elder placed the phone to his ear, and stepped out into the hall. "Hello?" He asked.


"No, this is Jin. I'm a friend of his. Who is this?"

"Jungkook. I'm Jimin's friend."

"What can I help you with?" Jin asked.

"I need to speak to Yoongi. Or at least find out whether or not he's still alive."

"What do you mean?"

"Kris broke into Chim's apartment earlier today and he's really shaken up about it. He's been trying to call Yoongi since and he hasn't picked up."

"That's my fault. I made him turn his phone off during dinner."

"But he's okay?"

"To an extent." Jin sighed. "This Kris guy, who is he exactly?"

"Jimin's ex."

"He showed up at the place we were at, and roughed Yoongi up, we're at the hospital right now."

"Shit." Jungkook breathed.

"We're almost done here and we'll be home soon."

"Okay, fuck, Jimin is going to panic."

"Don't tell him. You asked if Yoongi was okay, and he is, despite being banged up a little. That's all there is to it."

"I will. Thanks Jin."

"You're welcome. Bye Jungkook." Jin hung up, and returned to the room. Hoseok was handing Yoongi his jacket, and Namjoon was speaking with the doctor when he arrived.

"Who was it?" Yoongi asked, taking his phone from him.


"What did Jungkook want? Is Jimin okay?" Yoongi questioned, his eyes filling with worry.

"Yes and no."

"What happened?"

"Kris broke into his apartment."

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