May 20th

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You guys have been patient enough, I think...

2:57 p.m.

Jin has just about had it.

He's never seen Yoongi such a mess before (except for when Sun Hi and he broke up, but even then, Yoongi wasn't this bad) and Jin doesn't know what to do anymore. The boy doesn't leave his bed, he won't eat and every time Yoongi sees Namjoon and Jin together, he breaks down into tears. He's sick and tired of seeing Yoongi like this.

Jin exits the elevator and heads straight for Jimin's apartment. He's only been there once before, but he remembers when to go.

He bangs loudly on the door. There's some shuffling and then the door swings open. Jimin glances up with a smile but it soon fades once he sees Jin with an angry expression staring back at him. "Jin?" He questions, quietly looking up at the elder. "What are you doing here?"

"To call you a fucking ass." Jin snapped, fury laced within his words. Jimin steps back in fear of Jin. The older's tone was cruel and malicious, and Jimin wondered where all of it was coming from.

"W-Why?" Jimin stammered. "What did I do?'

"Why? Because you're hurting Yoongi!"

Jimin's expression changed. He's frowning now, and his facial features mimicked Jin's.

"I hurt him?" Jimin responds, now getting defensive. He scoffed, running a hand through his hair. "I hurt him!" He screeches. "He hurt me! He said nothing was going on between him and Sun Hi but he lied to me! He doesn't care about me anymore!" Jimin exclaimed. "Don't go telling me I'm the one to blame here Jin. You don't get to decide who's fault it is!"

"And what? You do? You get yo decide who the victim is here Jimin! Yoongi didn't lie to you, and if you weren't so god damn stubborn and let him explain you'd know it to!" Jin shouted. "He can't even look at Joon and I anymore without crying because you're not in his life anymore! He doesn't love Sun Hi anymore, because of what she did to him. And he didn't kiss her, she kissed him and he tried to push her off. Of course you were too blind by your anger to even let him tell you that! He hasn't been interested in anyone for the past six years Jimin because of her. She broke him and you're doing the same all because you won't listen. These last two years have been the best years of his life and that's because of you. You make him happy. Or at least you did. You don't deserve him Park Jimin. You never will." Jin let out a deep, disappointed sigh and faced Jimin. "Enjoy your life."

Jin spun on his heel and left down the hall.

"JIN! WAIT!" Jimin yelled after him. "PLEASE, I'M SORRY!"

Jimin fell to his knees, crying again. "I'm sorry."

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