July 16th

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8:00 a.m.

Yoongi awakes to the familiar setting of his bedroom, and the smell of food cooking. He can hear Jimin singing softly, his voice carrying down the hall to the bedroom. Yoongi smiled before resting his head against the pillow, and falling back asleep. His last thought before dozing off was that he could get used to waking up like this every morning.

What feels like hours was really only a few minutes and Yoongi is being awoken by Jimin, who's lightly shaking him. He opens one eye, then both, before giving him a wide, yet sleepy smile. "Good morning." Jimin whispered, kissing his nose.

"Morning baby,"

"I made breakfast."

"Smells really good."



"Good. Also, April called. She says that you are working tomorrow."

"Okay, thanks."

"You're welcome." Jimin sits down next to him on the bed. "Did you have fun in New York?" Jimin asked. He laced one hand with Yoongi's, rubbing the top of his hand. Yoongi pulled him down, cuddling him against his body.

"I had so much fun." Yoongi yawned. "Thank you for taking me."

"You're welcome."

"I love you Jimin."

"I love you to Hyung."

"Food?" Yoongi asked, lifted his head off the pillow. Jimin laughed, and nodded.

"Do you want to eat breakfast in bed?" Jimin suggested, and Yoongi nodded his head rapidly, much like a child would. Jimin began to laugh harder. "Okay, wait here."

"You're the best Jiminie."

Jimin blushed.

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