July 18th

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12:00 p.m.

"I'VE MISSED YOU GUYS SO MUCH!" Jin shouted, pulling both Yoongi and Jimin in for a bone crushing hug.

"I missed you too Hyung." Yoongi gasped. Jimin couldn't even get a word out due to the older's strong hold.

"Jin, baby, you're strangling them, they can't breathe." Namjoon said, coming to their aide. He gently untangled Jin from the two. Jimin sucked in a huge breath.

"I missed you too Jin." Jimin gasped, coughing. Yoongi placed a hand on his back, rubbing it soothingly.

"Breathe, Jiminie." Yoongi cooed.

"I'm trying."

It took Jimin several minutes for him to finally catch his breath, and when he did, he immediately asked Jin to show him the engagement ring. In a flourish of excitement, Jin stuck his hand out the the two of them gushed over it while Yoongi stood off to the side with Namjoon.

"Congrats," he said, patting him on the back. "Was wondering when you were going to propose."

"It seemed like the right time." Namjoon responded, blushing. "I can't wait to spend forever with him. I'm so excited."

"When's the wedding?"

"Some time next year, I think. Jin's excited too, but he wants it to be perfect, and he's been doing all this planning. We haven't decided on a date yet. I was hoping to marry him before winter comes." Namjoon explained.

"You should tell him, so he can take it into consideration."

"I will eventually. I'll let him have his fun for now."



"Yes Joon?"

"Now, don't get mad at me, but Jin brought it up a few days ago and I can't help but wonder...depending on how things go...would you ever consider marrying Jimin?"

Yoongi choked, eyes going wide as his head snapped up to look at Namjoon. "W-What?!"

"Jin was just curious! He wondered if you and Jimin might get married, and I wanted to know the answer!" Namjoon defended, putting his hands up to protect himself. Yoongi let out a hug breath, and frowned.

"I'd never thought about it before, honestly." He said. "I don't know, Namjoon. I do love him, and I couldn't imagine life without him, but I don't want to force him into anything. I'm okay with just taking it day by day."

"That's completely fine, Hyung, you don't have to rush things. I'm sorry for asking, I didn't mean to upset you-"

"No, it's okay," Yoongi said. "I...I'm glad you asked."


Yoongi have a small smile.


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