July 30th

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7:15 p.m.

"I can't believe the summer is almost over." Jimin sighed, flopping down on his couch.

"I know, it feels like just yesterday we got out of school." Jungkook agreed. "But on the bright side, we graduate at the end of next year."

"I can't believe that I'm almost done school for good." Jimin said. "It's so unreal."

"How's Yoongi doing? With being out of school?"

"He's doing okay. He's looking for a more stable job than the book store, so he can pay off his debts."


"Where is he now?"

"Sleeping. He just got home and it was pretty busy in the store today. Came right in and passed out."

"Sounds just like Tae. He slept all morning, got up to shower and went back to bed." Jungkook sighed. "I should get going. He's going to wonder where I am. I'll text you later, okay?"

"Alright." Jimin hae his friend an hug, and saw him out the door.

Jimin trudged through his apartment, to his bedroom, and pushed open the door. Yoongi was still fast asleep, face down on the bed. Jimin chuckled softly.

It was a little too early for him to feel tired so Jimin opted for taking a shower. He discarded his clothes on the floor of his room, and headed for the bathroom.

Yoongi awoke to the sounds of a shower running. He lifted his head off the pillow, groggily, and peered around. Jimin wasn't in bed with him, and when he looked at the clock it was only eight at night. He stretched, yawned and then sat up in bed.

Yoongi noticed a pile of clothes on the floor, most likely Jimin's, and an idea popped into his head. He got out of bed, and padded down the hall to the bathroom. Silently, he opened the door and slid inside, locking it behind him.

Inside was muggy, and steam coated the mirror from the running water in the shower. Jimin's voice carried softly through the bathroom as he sang. It brought a smile to Yoongi's face as he stripped down and climbed into the shower. He rested his hands just above the younger's hips, pulling him back against his body.

Jimin screeched, turning around so quickly, Yoongi had to catch him so that he wouldn't fall. Yoongi was fully submerged under the stream of hot water at this point. Jimin swallowed hard trying to catch his breath. "Could you warn me, next time you plan on getting in the shower with me, otherwise I'm going to have a heart attack." Yoongi laughed, dipping forward to kiss his neck.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to freak you out Baby."

"Well you did. Jesus, Yoongi, you scared me. I didn't know you were awake."

"Just got up. Figured I'd come join you."

"Hmm." Jimin brought his arms up around his neck.

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