May 27th

9K 478 128

2:00 p.m.

Taehyung and Jungkook were furious to find out that Kris had shown up at Jimin's apartment. Tae cursed up and down and Jungkook had to refrain from doing the same. They seemed just as unhappy as Yoongi.

Jimin also wasn't allowed back at his place, because one; Tae, Kook and Yoongi were too afraid that Kris might show up again and do something worse than just a hickey, and two; Yoongi refused to let him out of his sight. He barely let go of Jimin since the incident.

As of now, Jimin was staying with Yoongi. The older male walked him to school and picked him up. He was constantly by Jimin's side. Nobody was going to hurt his baby and get away with it.


Yoongi leaned up against the wall outside of Jimin's afternoon lecture. It wasn't due to ensure for another twenty minutes, so he waited patiently outside.

The halls were empty and quiet. You could hear a pin drop and if you listened closely you could probably hear the echo that followed it. Yoongi had his headphones in, jamming out to music when two shoes stopped in front of him. Yoongi glanced up and pulled out an ear bud. The man in front of him was tall– very tall, and wore black jeans and a blue hoodie. He smiled at Yoongi, but it wasn't a nice one. "Can I help you?" Yoongi asked. The man chuckled.

"Yes, I think you can." He grinned. He leant forward. "Stay away from Jimin." He whispered. "He's mine."

Yoongi growled. He placed his hands on the man's shoulders and shoved him backwards. "You must be Kris."

"Ah, Jiminie's told you about me."

"Of course. He told me that you beat him up and left him alone in a stadium blindfolded and helpless!" Yoongi hisses. Kris' expression darkened.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't bullshit me. If anyone should be staying away form Jimin it's you. He's terrified of you." The bell ran signalling the end of classes, and Yoongi's eyes darted to the door of Jimin's class. "You better leave." Yoongi growled again. Kris scoffed.

"I suggest you watch your back." Kris threatened. "I'll be watching." He disappeared into the crowd. Yoongi turned his attention back to the door, eventually spotting the redheaded boy coming out of class. Jimin locked eyes with Yoongi and the smile on his face was suddenly replaced with a frown as he approached them.


"Let's go home." Yoongi says, tugging him away from the crowd.

"Yoongi what's going on?" Jimin asked, panic rises in him.

"I don't like him." Yoongi huffed.

"Don't like who, Yoongi?"


"He's here?!" Jimin squeaked.

"He was, but he left. Come on, I don't want you in the same building as him."

Jimin pulled Yoongi's arm over his shoulder and he snaked an arm around Yoongi's waist. "Yoongi I'm scared."

"Don't be. I'm not going to let him hurt you." Yoongi stated.

"I'm not scared for me, Hyung." Jimin said, halting his movements. Yoongi stopped too, facing him. "I'm scared for you, Yoongi, I don't want him to hurt you." Yoongi exhales, softly.

"Don't worry about me."

"I'm always going to worry Hyung, I-" again, Jimin tries to tell him, but fails as Yoongi cuts him off.

"I'll be fine Peach. Now let's get home. We can watch a movie or something, how does that sound?" Jimin gives Yoongi a small smile and nods.

"Okay Yoongi."

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