June 4th

8K 457 59

9:15 a.m.

Two days later, Kris was arrested. He had been hiding out with an old friend of his when the police picked him up.

It was safe to say that Jimin could safely return to his apartment. Not that Yoongi would let him. The older was quite adamant on keeping Jimin at his place. Jimin didn't even make past Yoongi's bedroom door before the older was pulling him back to bed.

Jimin let out a squeal as Yoongi pulled him down onto the bed, bouncing slightly on the mattress. The older wasted no time in straddling him to keep Jimin in place.

"Yoongi-ah, I have to go." Jimin said, looking up at him. Yoongi pouted.

"No you don't."

"But they caught Kris." Jimin exclaims. "I can go home now. I don't have to stay here anymore."

"But I want you to stay." Yoongi explained. He ran his fingers through Jimin's hair soothingly. "Please."

Jimin sighed, looking at Yoongi with a playful, unamused look. "Okay, Yoongi," he said softly. "You win, I'll stay."

The Boy Next Door | Yoonmin ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora