May 25th ½

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8:45 a.m.

Jimin stumbled back from the door in shock. His stomach twisted and he began to feel sick. "K-Kris," he stammered. "what are you doing here?"

Kris chuckled, stepping into his apartment. "I came to see you Jimin, aren't you happy to see me?" He asked. Jimin swallowed nervously, shaking his head.

"N-No," he began. "I'm not. Go away, leave me alone."


"Don't call me that." Jimin snapped suddenly. Kris sighed, quickly reaching out to grab Jimin's arm. Spinning them around, Kris pinned Jimin against the wall, his nose brushing against the skin of his neck. Jimin thrashes in his hold. "Let go of me!" He shouted.

"Baby, stop." Kris growled, smacking the side of his leg. Jimin yelped. "You haven't changed a bit over the last four years. Except for the fact where you got hot as fuck." Kris chuckled. "Not the same nerdy boy huh?"

Jimin could feel the tears pooling in his eyes and Kris began to kiss his neck. He felt like he was going to throw up. The sensation didn't feel the same as when Yoongi kisses him. Jimin finally got his arm free and pushed him away. "Get out." Jimin begged. "Leave me alone Kris." Kris rolled his eyes.

"Fine. But don't think you can get rid of me that easy baby boy, I'll be back." Kris winked at him, marching out of the apartment. Jimin slammed the door behind him.

With the door locked, Jimin began to cry uncontrollably. He felt gross and tainted. The only person he wanted to touch him that way was Yoongi. Jimin felt sick to his stomach and slightly dizzying. He ran to the bathroom and almost didn't make it in time. He emptied out the contents of his stomach into the toilet.

It took several minutes for Jimin to not feel as nauseous as he previously did, and after about half an hour he was able to drag himself to his feet. He stripped himself of his clothing and ran the warm water for a shower.

No amount of scrubbing could make Jimin feel ‘clean’. He still felt icky after about an hour or so of being in the shower. Jimin began crying again, slumping down his knees. Warm water splashed down on his, running down his body and dripping from his face.

He eventually shut the water off and got out of the shower. He wrapped a towel around him, padding into his room. He changed into some clean clothes and curled up into a ball on his bed. He missed Yoongi.


12:09 p.m.

Yoongi is about four hours from finishing his shift at the bookstore when he notices that Jimin had called him. That wasn't uncommon. The younger typically called to leave some cute message or update him on his day, but this time it was different. Jimin has called 42 times and that worries Yoongi.

He finished placing a few more books on the shelf before grabbing his phone off the counter and slipping into the back room. He unlocks his phone and lifts it to his ear to hear the voicemail that was left.

Yoongi's stomach drops the moment he hears Jimin's voice. He sounds so broken, and he's crying. Yoongi doesn't even bother listening to the whole message, when Jimin says I need you he's running out of the back room and out the door of the shop. He'd explain to April later why he just ran out but right now he needed to get home.

Panic sets in when Yoongi barges into Jimin's apartment and he's not there. "JIMIN!" He shouted, but he doesn't get a response. He checks the bathroom and his bedroom but they're both empty. "JIMIN!" Yoongi tugs at his hair and cries out in frustration, because where is he?

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