Troubled: A Demi Lovato FanFic

By serenityloves7

591K 17.8K 2.7K

13 year old Cecelia was adopted by the De La Garza's 3 years ago. When she is finally forced to get to know D... More

Troubled: A Demi Lovato Fan Fic
Chapter 1
Demi's Home
Don't Go
Battle Wounds
Little Duckling
Disney World
Don't Forget
Up and Down
The Fall
Dead and Back
Let Go
Simple Things
First Day
Lost and Found


8.6K 272 51
By serenityloves7

"So the rules of this are that you can't talk unless you have the magic talking wand." Demi explained, waving one of Kenzie's pink toy wands around.

"But why mommy?" Kenzie was sitting on one side of me, Kenna was cowering on the other. We were having one of what I assumed to be multiple, family meetings.

"Because we are going to be respectful to each other." Demi was facing the 3 of us, on a chair she pulled up from the dining room.

Kenzie opened her mouth to complain again but Demi held her finger up. "Remember what I told you Mackenzie. You listen to me when I speak or you won't have a chance to audition for anything else." Demi said sternly. Kenzie slumped down into the couch and pouted.

"Kenzie, I have a question for you first. Why do you feel the need to bully Kenna?" Demi passed the wand.

"Because I hate her." She stuck her tongue out.

I grabbed Kenna's hand and she smiled weakly at me. Demi was once again succeeding in ticking me off. There was no need for Kenna to hear all of this.

"That's not an acceptable answer. We don't hate each other. We love. Give me the real answer."

"She steals all the attention and I need to get rid of her." Kenzie spat coldly.

Kenzie's words shook me. She needed to get rid of Kenna. How exactly was she planning on getting rid of her?

"I feel that I give the two of you equal attention. Who is it that you feel pays more attention to Kenna?"

"Cece doesn't. All Cece cares about is Kenna!"

"So is this about Cece?" Demi nodded.

"Hey! Maybe if you weren't such an evil brat we would be friends too!" I finally yelled, jumping up.

Demi glared at me.

"You don't have the talking wand so please sit down and wait your turn."

Demi's ability to remain calm in these situations was once something I admired, but today I just wanted her to scream back at me.

Suddenly I realized that if I hadn't come into the picture Kenzie wouldn't have started being mean to Kenna. Maybe it was there a little before I came around, but it was my fault Kenzie started getting meaner.

I caused Kenna's pain.

I sat back down, feeling nauseated at the sounds of my demons coming back.

"So you're upset that Cece pays more attention to Kenna?"

"Yes." Kenzie nodded.

"Cece? Would you like to add anything?"

"I like Kenna more than you."

I wanted to piss her off. I was so angry at her, angry at everybody. Demi was supposed to be my rock but she wasn't there for me anymore.

"Cece, if you're going to be part of this family you need to follow the rules too. We show each other respect. If you can't do that you have to leave."

"Goodbye." I got up. "Kenna, let's go."

"Wait, I don't want you to go. You know I love you, I just don't need more negativity around." Demi jumped up after me.

"Maybe you should have thought of that when you married Wilmer!" I yelled. "Maybe if Wilmer hadn't loved Kenna and hated Kenzie we wouldn't be having this issue!"

Suddenly I stopped and looked around. Time seemed to stand still as I waited for Kenzie's reaction.

"Sweetheart that's not true." Demi looked over at Kenzie.

"Yeah it is."

"Baby..." Demi's face fell.

"He hated me mommy. He hurt me."

"Sweetie he hurt all of us by leaving."

"He didn't hit Kenna." Kenzie looked down. It was the first time I had seen her genuinely sad.

"He hit you?" Demi's eyes watered. "Oh my god Kenzie. Baby why didn't you tell me?"

"He told me not to." She shrugged.

"When did this happen?" Demi rushed over to Kenzie and went in for a hug, but Kenzie flinched instead.

It all made sense now, why Kenzie wasn't affectionate. Why she hated hugs and being touched. Demi must feel beyond awful for not piecing this together.

"The night he left."

"I'm so sorry I let that happen." Tears were running down Demi's cheeks as she retreated into the bathroom.

The three of us were left in silence.

"I'm sorry I said that Kenzie."

"Whatever." She held her hand up.

I walked over to the bathroom door and knocked for Demi.

"Demi you said you'd keep yourself together and everything would be okay." I begged. She needed to fix things.

"I've failed as a mom. I can't do this anymore." Demi sobbed. "I let Wilmer hurt my babies. I know how hard he hits Cece. I let him do that to my daughter." She gasped.

I slunk down and sat at the door. I couldn't do anything for Demi. I couldn't help her. I couldn't help myself, much less another person.

I waited and waited and waited. Eventually I heard the door open.

"You were right. I still need to be there for my girls. I'll deal with me later." Demi put a brave face on.

I smiled, relieved.

"Let's go finish talking." Demi grabbed my hand.

"Girls I'm so, so sorry I let Wilmer hurt both of you. You've both been through a lot with him leaving. I just want you to know that what he did was awful, and I know it's going to be hard to move on through life without him. I know I've avoided talking about him, but that's going to change. We're going to heal as a family."

Demi wasn't being emotional at all and that worried me. She wasn't showing any sadness at the moment and I knew she was heartbroken.

"I love you mommy." Kenna got up and ran into Demi's arms.

"Hey I love you more!" Kenzie frowned.

"That's the other thing. Kenzie, you can't be mean to Kenna. That is completely unacceptable. You need to sincerely apologize to Kenna."

"But mommy! I told you! She steals Cece's attention! She should apologize to me!"

"Kenzie this is more about Wilmer, isn't it?" Demi knelt next to her.

"No I don't care about him!" She yelled defensively.

"You seem awfully jealous about Cece, a little bit extreme if you ask me. It would make more sense for you to be upset over your father."

"I-I want Kenna to know how I felt." Kenzie whispered. "If it wasn't for her I would still have a daddy who loved me." She spat.

"You can't take your anger out on her. That's not going to be tolerated. You can be sad. You can be angry too, but you can't take it out on your twin. Has Kenna really done anything wrong?"

"She was born."

"Do you really believe she chose to be born?"


"So how can you be mad at her for that?"

Kenzie was silent for the first time in her life.

"Fine. I guess I could like Kenna."

"That's a good start. What do you like about her? Tell her?"

"You're really nice. You keep secrets. And since we are twins, you're pretty."

"Thanks Kenzie." Kenna smiled.

"Can you apologize Kenz?"

"I'm sorry."

"That's my girls!" Demi hugged both of them. "I'm going to take Kenna out for ice cream and you and Cece can spend some time together."

"I'll help get you ready Kenna." I grabbed her hands and led her up the stairs. A lot had been discussed and I needed to know how she felt. I didn't trust that Kenzie was just going to be nice now.

"How do you feel about all that?" I asked.

"I don't believe Kenzie." She muttered. She was so disconnected, it worried me. She looked so sad.

"Just give her a chance." I put my hand on her shoulder. "Cheer up, Demi's on your side now."

"I just want to sleep forever."

The things that Kenzie said to Kenna were going to live inside of her for a long time. Kenna's spunk was gone, I hadn't seen the real her in days.

"If you sleep forever, we won't be besties. I love you okay?"

"You're going to forgive Kenzie." Kenna whispered. "You can't be her bestie too."

"I'll always love you more bestie."

"I love you bestie." Kenna smiled.

"Now go have fun, don't worry about me and Kenzie okay?"

She ran down the stairs and I heard Kenzie running up. She went into her closet and dragged a few dolls out.

"Wanna play?"

"Of course. I never meant to leave you out. I just wanted to protect Kenna."

I didn't mention to her that her attitude her aggravating and bratty. She wasn't my favorite person, but I had to make an effort.

"I know. I don't care. I'm fabulous!" She flicked her wrist and flipped her hair.

Her sass was unreal.


Sort of a long chapter!

Do you think Kenzie is really going to be nice to Kenna now?

Do you think Cece will become friends with Kenzie?

What do you think/want to happen next?

Suggestions welcomed!!!!

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