The Last Omega

By princescared

559K 19K 1.9K

The last omega More

Omegas (prologue)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Not an update
not an update
Thank You


9.9K 374 30
By princescared

"Sen!" Arterius said catching ahead.

I've been running like forever yet why is he catching up to me so easily!

"Sen listen to me! Please love, stop!" He said beginning as he chase after me.

I didn't want to stop. If I had the same endurable as he have I wouldn't stop running.

I stopped catching my breath.

He also stopped from his tracks, but he was generous enough to keep his distance.

"You b-better stay w-where you are... A-a- after all you've done to me...." I said trying my best to form some words after the long run.

"I know..." He said taking few steps at a time as I did the opposite.

"Y- you raped me..." I said as tears threatened to fall.

"I know..." Again small steps closer.

"You made me feel scared..."

"I know..."

"You made my life worst than the last..." By this time my tears were already falling.

"I hate you...." When I said those words I could tell Arterius was hurt by what I said.

"I know..."

"My mate was supposed to make my life worth living... All my life I waited for you to comfort me! But you only did the opposite! All my life I wanted to die! I tried committing suicide several times but fate refused to let me die! When I was passed down from masters to masters I tried my best to keep myself pure for you.... I wish you could have done the same... Those six days of waiting when you found those omegas were pure torture... And when you came to me... You even have the balls to show yourself after a blowjob from someone! When you held me that night your scent was covered with different women... I hated it... I felt like vomiting.... But the pain prevent me from doing so... The pain when you forced yourself to me.... I hate you... I hate you... I hate you... I hate you... I..hate... You..... I....."

I didn't even realize that he was already in front of me. I tried to run, but he locked me around the tree which I didn't notice until now.

I couldn't look at him in the eye.

I'm afraid...

Because if I do...

I might forgive him that easily...

He grab my shoulder and I shove his hand away.

"Don't touch me! I hate you-"

He suddenly embrace me with a tight hug. I tried struggling but he refused to let go...

"Let me go!"

"No..." He said bluntly.

"I said let me go! I hate you! You hurt me badly and you're not even sor-"

"I'M SORRY! Truly I am...."

His words put me into silence.

"I'm sorry... Since the day I've found in the forest and raped you... And the second time we meet I still raped you.... I... Am... Sorry.... I wasn't the mate that you expected me to be. I'm sorry I was the cause of your pain. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!......." He suddenly fell down on his knees and said; " please forgive me..."

As I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. I instantly saw regret in his eyes.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I... I... I know sorry is not enough... You can hate me as much as you want... I can punch me, kick me, anything you see fit for my punishment.... I won't stop you..."

It was silent after that...

Only his cries were the only thing I could hear...

His sobs echoed inside me head.

This is not what I want to happen.

I don't want to see my mate sad.

No matter how cruel he was I still....

I still...

"I still love you."

Arteries raised his head in shock.

His tears stopped I'm after hearing what I said.

"There's no doubt that I hate you... You wound my heart..."

"I know..." He said tears once again threatening to fall.

"But fortunately love mends it all..... Arterius....."


"I forgive you." I said with a tearful smile. *Tears of joy guys*

I could see Arterius' face lights up.

"You do!?" He asked cooping my cheeks.

I nodded in reply.

Happy to see him happy.

He gave me once again a warm embrace.

The snow never even bothered us.

Hahahahaha so sorry I haven't updated at all. I wasn't in the mood to update unfortunately. But is it. We are nearing to the ending....

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