The Devil's Angel

By bomira

45.4K 3.3K 1.1K

"I'm an angel with a shotgun, fighting 'til the war's won, I don't care if heaven won't take me back." More

02 Green Eyes
03 Take Her Away
04 Touch
05 Doubt
06 Problems
07 The Taste of You
08 Black Magic
09 A Rival?
10 Good Guy
11 Stay Over
12 Hot Jacuzzi
13 Tell Me
14 The Way
15 The Turning Point
16 I...
17 Love You
18 The Truth
19 Blue Tears of Sun
20 Some Troubles

01 New Life

5.6K 257 74
By bomira

A girl with a short nice white dress walks in between the shining white trees. Her curly brown hair is dancing along with the soft breeze while she grabs her pocket bag's strap tightly.

She even hums a beautiful melody .

"Don't walk too slow, Roseanne. The Angel Mother is about to announce it!" another girl runs from behind her as the girl smiles at the brown haired girl.

Roseanne ㅡ the brown haired girl smiles back as she follows the girl, "Wait for me, Lalisa!"

They reach the town square just in time, Roseanne gasps slowly as she sees there are so many angels gathered in this place. "Look! It's Irene." Lalisa gasps dramatically as she points to a girl with a very beautiful wings.

"Her wings are so beautiful." Roseanne compliments her as she notices there are some glittering spots on the wings.

"I really hope this is our time to get those wings too!" Lalisa squeals as Roseanne joins her to squeal too.

"I wish for it."

Roseanne smiles gently at her best friend and then she walks few steps ahead when the Angel Mother starts to talk. Her eyes spark with lights in hope today it's her turn to hit the luck.

"Today is the day. I will pick one of you to be one of candidate of Guardian Angel. But you need to remember, to get your own wings and to be a Guardian Angel, I will send you to the earth to finish your mission." The Angel Mother smiles for a moment, and out of sudden she makes an eye contact with Roseanne but the timid girl turns her face quickly.

"And also, when the chosen one is doing his/her mission there, the power of the chosen one will turn out very limited. So, that's the biggest obstacle you'll receive there." The Angel Mother warns them as if the chosen one is standing there among the crowd.

"Irene..." The Angel Mother calls the angel that Roseanne complimented. "...can you help me to pick one?"

Irene flies right away as she smiles to everyone there. And later she's landing smoothly beside the Angel Mother. Irene keeps a small and sweet smile when she puts her hand in the bowl and takes out a paper.

"Roseanne." she reads it clearly.


Roseanne opens her eyes slowly, she's sleeping on a comfy bed in a small yet clean room. It is just her own rooftop room.


She jerks her body in shock slightly and then she gasps when she sees Irene in her room as the girl giggles softly, "I'm sorry to surprise you, Rosé."

"Rosé?" Roseanne repeats her.

But Irene is ignoring her as she sits on her bed and she says, "Welcome to the earth, sweetheart."


"Earth? Please don't lie to me, you're an angel, Irene. You shouldn't tell a lie, right?" Roseanne says to Irene and the other girl just gives her a small smile.

"I'm not lying, Rosé. And starting for now, your name is Park Rosé. Not Roseanne Park anymore. And lastly, your mission... it is pretty simple." Irene says to her.

"Eoh? My mission as what?" Roseanne or maybe now ㅡ Rosé asks her with a frown on her forehead.

"As a Guardian Angel. Do you forget that you're the chosen one?" Irene lifts an eyebrow.

"Am I really the chosen one?" Rosé is still in doubt.

Irene smiles at her, "Yes, you are. And as I told you, your mission is pretty simple."

Rosé gulps down slightly, "What's my mission?"

"You must protect the guy that makes you feel a true love." Irene smirks widely at Rosé as the younger girl lifts an eyebrow, getting shock and confused.

"Irene... You know it, I can't fall in love, it's written in the rules book and I... I'm still under age. An angel can't be fall in love when their age is-"

"Sssh..." Irene butts in and Rosé stops herself immediately.

Irene looks at Rosé with a meaningful look, "Remember, you're the chosen one. Never forget that." Irene giggles softly and then she disappears into thin air.

The chosen one?

"What should I do now?" Rosé mumbles in a low voice. Should she start her mission?

The guy?


She needs to find the guy, but she's nervous because she didn't really have many boys as friends before, so she doesn't really interact with the boys.

And now, out of sudden, she needs to find one? And importantly, the guy needs to make her feel the true love.

"It's not simple." she sighs out.

Rosé leaves her bed and she walks to her closet with heavy steps. She has an appointment with Lalisa this afternoon, so she should prepare herself for it.

But the moment Rosé opens her closet, her mouth is hanging low immediately, "God, my clothes... Where are all of these beautiful clothes coming from?"

And lastly, her small closet is changed into a walk-in closet and it's four times bigger than the previous one, but it's still look small from the outside.

Let's just call it... magic.

She picks up a denim jacket to cover her white dress, and she also changes her ankle boots into a white simple sneakers.

She walks out from her rooftop room and she realizes it, Irene was right, she's not in heaven anymore.

"Wow..." she mumbles softly.

It's really beautiful.

The are so many various colours that she doesn't even know it's name and human things that doesn't even exist in heaven.

"So, this is earth looks like." she smiles slightly as she inhales a deep breath, but then she coughs badly, "God, the pollution... The air isn't good for my health."

After that, Rosé notices the stairs that leads her into the building under her feet. She takes the stairs and moves down to the ground floor, passing new neighborhoods of her that she doesn't even know who live in there.

Soon, Rosé reaches the ground level as she gasps for air, it's really tiring for her. She's not used to walk down the stairs, usually she will float herself instead of using her feet.

But, since she can't use her power in here, she has no choice anymore.

"Omo. You look so tired. Why don't you use the lift?" a middle age woman asks her when Rosé is resting herself by leaning on the wall.

Lift? What's that?

"I want to work out myself." Rosé smiles awkwardly since she doesn't know what to do.

The woman smiles back to her and she hands her a bottle of orange juice. "Take this, young lady. You just moved this morning, right?"

Rosé widens her eyes, thinking for a moment before she realizes that she should introduce herself. "Thank you for the juice, ma'am. And yes, I just moved this morning, my name is Park Rosé and I lived on the rooftop room."

Rosé bows to her.

"Ah, you're so beautiful, young lady. I'm Mrs. Ahn, I lived on the floor below yours. Room number 501." she smiles warmly at Rosé.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Ahn." Rosé smiles back to her. But then, she remembers about something, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Ahn, but can I ask you something?"

Mrs. Ahn nods her head.

"Do you know a place where I can find boys?" Rosé asks her carefully, she knows this is stupid but heaven and earth are different. She's sure she won't meet any boys in a forest here, just like in heaven.

Mrs. Ahn laughs at Rosé immediately, "Aigo, are you in urgency for a boyfriend?"

Rosé has no choice but to laugh along with Mrs. Ahn.

"University is a place full of young boys around your age." Mrs. Ahn answers her as she winks her eyes at Rosé.


"Thank you, Mrs. Ahn." Rosé bows once more and then she walks outside the building.

University sounds right. But, where's the nearest university? Besides, will she get someone immediately in there?

"You can do this, Rosé."

Yes, you can do this.

To be continued...

So, how's it everyone?

The boys are still hiding in this chapter, but the meeting between Tae and Chaeng will happen soon💕

I changed a lot of part in here but it's still the same with the original in asianfanfics.

Give this chapter some loves and I'll update the next chapter really soon 🙌

Love, bomira.

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