Irreplaceable (BWWM - Book #1...

By Cocoa47

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Kamea Palu surprises her boyfriend, Reed, of three years on their anniversary only to find out he is cheatin... More

Chapter 1 - Caught In The Act
Chapter 2 - The Breakup
Chapter 3 - First Impressions - Part 1
Chapter 4 - First Impressions - Part 2
Chapter 5 - Who Are You?
Chapter 6 - Trouble Is Brewing
Chapter 7 - Oh My Goodness! How Could You?!
Chapter 8 - You Are A Wanted Man, Reed!
Chapter 9 - Kamea, Please Wake Up!
Chapter 10 - Big Trouble Ahead
Chapter 11 - The Road to Recovery
Chapter 12 - Trust
Chapter 13 - What Is Going On?
Chapter 14 - Getting Better
Chapter 15 - Welcome Back, Sweetheart
Chapter 16 - It's Official
Chapter 17 - First Date - Part 1
Chapter 18 - First Date - Part 2
Chapter 19 - The First Night
Chapter 20 - Rivals Meet
Chapter 21 - Not Again
Chapter 22 - Surprise
Chapter 23 - Long Time No See
Chapter 24 - Drama Drama Drama
Chapter 25 - Guess Who Is In Town
Chapter 26 - Trip to Italy
Chapter 27 - He's Here Too?
Chapter 28 - New Love & Trouble
Chapter 29 - The Rescue
Chapter 30 - The Bachelorette Party
Chapter 31- The Wedding is Here
Chapter 32 - Reception Time
Chapter 33 - Devastated
Chapter 34 - Goodbye, Jayde
Chapter 35 - Repast Trouble & The Gender Reveal
Chapter 36 - Miranda Is Back
Chapter 37 - Baby Shower #1
Chapter 38 - Wedding #2?
Chapter 40 - The Answer Is
Chapter 41 - He Is At It Again
Chapter 42 - What Happened To Layla
Chapter 43 - Layla's Bodyguard Arrives
Chapter 44 - It's Showtime
Chapter 45 - It's Reception Time
Chapter 46 - Back to Jamaica We Go
Chapter 47 - New York, New York
Chapter 48 - Baby Shower #2 Part 1
Chapter 49 - Baby Shower #2 Part 2
Chapter 50 - The Babies Are Coming
Chapter 51 -Isabella and Kekoa Are Here
Chapter 52 - Another One Bites The Dust
Chapter 53 -The Grand Openings
Chapter 54 - It's Our Anniversary
Chapter 55 - The Wedding Is Here
Chapter 56 - Going Back To Cali - Part One
Chapter 57 - Going Back To Cali Part Two
Chapter 58 - Going Back To Cali Part Three
Chapter 59 - Trouble In NYC
Author's Note
Chapter 60 - Terror and Surprise
Chapter 61 - Baby On The Way
Chapter 62 - Who Was Kidnapped?!
Chapter 63 - Where Are They?
Chapter 64 - Good Riddance To Chase
Chapter 65 - Back Together Again
Author's Note
Chapter 66 - What Happened To Cris?
Chapter 67 - It's A Party!
Chapter 68 - Uh-Oh Part 1
Chapter 69 - Uh Oh Part 2

Chapter 39 - Trip to Milan

2.8K 126 23
By Cocoa47

Kam's POV

Yesterday was a beautiful day - the baby shower and Marco proposing. Mom's wish is coming true. It has been two months since she passed. And I miss her like crazy.

"Cris?" I hate to wake him up at 3 a.m., but I really want him just to hold me.

I started tapping him on his arm so he could wake up. "Cris?"

Nothing. Cris is going to be mad at me for doing this. I pinched his nose so he couldn't breathe. He started coughing.

When he saw my hand near his face, he glared at me at first. But, it softened when he saw my facial expression.

"What's wrong, Kamea?"

"I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about the baby shower and engagement. Then, I started thinking about my mom. I miss her so much. It still hurts like crazy. I'm sorry for waking you up. I love Isabela and Mrs. Alyshea, but I wanted my mom to be there for me when I was ready to deliver the twins. But she is not going to be there."

Cris sat up and leaned against the headboard of our bed. "Sit here, sweetheart." I got up and went to his side of the bed and positioned myself in his lap so I could rest my head on his chest and cry.

Cris' POV

I was mad at first when she woke me up. But when I saw the sad look on her face, I couldn't be mad.

"It's okay to miss your mom, Kamea. I miss her too." I started giving her a back massage.

"There is no set time for you to grieve. Whenever you need to talk about it, just call me or wake me up, understand? But, next time, no pinching of my nose."

"Yes. I'm sorry for pinching your nose. You are a heavy sleeper. Now that we are moving to Florida, will I still need a bodyguard?"

"Absolutely. With Miranda and Chase around, yes, you will need a bodyguard. I will not be satisfied until they both are either in jail or dead. We will talk with Jake when we go back to California. I don't want anyone else. I trust Jake."

Suddenly she said, "Ouch."

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm okay. These little munchkins are both kicking at the same time. They are still kicking."

Kamea grabbed my hand and placed it on her belly. "See." I felt them kicking.

"I never thought I would get to experience this feeling again. It's worth repeating - your coming to my club was the best thing that happened to me, besides Día and Rocco. I have always loved kids and wanted more than two. Now, I feel complete. Minus the drama we have faced, I love every minute of our lives together."

"I actually didn't even want to come. But Tamia persuaded me. I love our time together too. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. We both should thank her. Because of her, we are together. Um, now that you have me sitting like this, how about it? I promise to be quiet."

"Well, what are we waiting for?"


Monday afternoon

I heard Kamea scream my name out loud. "Cris!!!!" So, of course, I went running to see if she was okay.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?"

"I just got a text from Noeli. She saw our best friend, Layla, at the fashion show. It turns out that you and Marco are the ones investing in her company. I miss her so much. Can I fly with you to Milan? I really want to see her again. Sorry for screaming and scaring you."

"Of course, love. How about we stay there for a few days? So, pack for five days. I'll grab your suitcase."

Kamea ran over to me and pulled me into a kiss. "Thank you, handsome. And I love you."

Kam's POV

Cris grabbed a suitcase for me and one for the kids. I picked out five days' worth of outfits for the three of us. Once I finished packing, he took the suitcases downstairs. My kids were already downstairs watching tv, so I joined them so Cris could pack his clothes.

"What movie are you watching, princess?"

"We are watching Toy Story with Jessie, mommy."

We sat and finished watching Toy Story. Once Cris came down, he packed his truck with our luggage.

"Día and Rocco, pick a few movies you can watch on our plane ride. Then, we will be ready to go."

"Okay, daddy."

They picked out a few movies. Cris then locked the house, and we made our way to the airport.

Our flight will take about ten and a half hours. And Miami is 6 hours behind Milan. So, when we get to Milan, it will be 1 am on Tuesday. Cris will probably have us wait until after the meeting to see Layla, which I am fine with. These two little munchkins inside of me are giving me fits.

While on our plane ride, I told Cris about Layla. "I am so glad you and Marco are going to help Layla with her business. It means a lot to me that you both are. We haven't seen her since high school. Layla was always the fashionable type. That is where we got it from. She always wanted to own her own business. I am so happy she achieved her dream. I will have to wait until after my pregnancy to buy some of her designs."

"Marco said Layla talked about expanding her locations to sell accessories, so maybe one day she may include maternity wear."

"You're right. Layla was an only child, so she was like a sister to Noeli and me. We had so much fun together. I miss the fun we used to have."

"Marco also said Layla has a five-year-old daughter, too."

"Same age as the twins."

"Ouch." Then I started rubbing my belly and talking to my babies. "Bella and Kekoa, please give mommy a break for a bit. Cris, I am going to lie down and try to get some sleep." I kissed him, then got up and went to the bedroom on the jet.


Time went by fast. Cris came back and said, "We have arrived safely in Milan. I'll wake the kids up."

Once I got up off the bed, I noticed princess and Rocco had fallen asleep on the couch that was in the room.

Cris was able to wake them up without any problems. So, then we made our way off the plane and in a limo towards our hotel.

While in the limo, Cris tells me, "The meeting with Layla will be at 1:30 pm. We will come back to the suite to come for you and the kids. Then, we will go celebrate and have dinner. Tomorrow, her boyfriend is going to propose to her at a photo shoot she has with Marco. And, he wants as many of Layla's family and friends there."

"I can't wait. Layla deserves it."

We pulled up to our hotel. We woke the kids up and got out of the limo. Cris went to the receptionist's desk to check us in while the three of us sat down on a bench.

"I'm sleepy, mommy."

"Me too, my little prince and princess." Cris came over with our room key, and we made our way toward the elevator.

Once we reached our room, Cris immediately took princess and Rocco to their room. And I went straight to ours. I didn't bother to wait for the luggage to come upstairs. I slept in my clothes. I'll change them in the morning.

Cris' POV

I heard a knock on the door, so I answered it. It was the bellhop with our luggage. He unloaded the cart, and I gave him a nice tip before closing the door.

Both Día and Rocco were knocked out, so I didn't bother changing their clothes. When I entered our room, Kamea was knocked out too. I didn't bother changing either. I just laid down and fell asleep.


Tuesday morning

Kamea was still knocked out by the time I woke up, so I let her sleep. I went to check on Día and Rocco. They were both asleep as well. So, I just went back to our room and took my shower.

After the shower, I got dressed for the meeting. Then, I ordered breakfast for everyone. The suite has a kitchen in it with a stove, microwave, and refrigerator.

Twenty minutes later, room service arrived. While setting up the table in our room, I heard two little sweet voices.

"Good morning, daddy."

"What do you have, daddy?"

"Are you both hungry?"

"Yes, daddy." And they both sat at the table, and we ate breakfast together. Kamea was still knocked out. It was going on 11:30. After eating, I went to check on Kamea to make sure she was okay. When I walked into the room, I noticed she was awake but rubbing her back. "Good morning, sweetheart. What's wrong?"

"My back is bothering me. And, the little kickers are active."

I walked over to the bed. "Don't get up. I'll give you a massage."

While giving her the massage, she says, "That feels so good. Thanks, handsome." And then, I walked over to my side of the bed. After I took off my jacket, I laid down, started rubbing her belly, and had a chat with my babies.

"Listen, Bella and Kekoa, be good for mommy, please? Mommy needs her rest, so when December comes, you both will be healthy, okay?" The kicking seemed to stop.

"You always seem to amaze me. All it took was a chat from their dad to calm down."

"Well, what can I say? The kids love Cris. The twins have their movies, so get some rest. And get yourself something to eat when you wake up."

"Okay. Thanks, handsome." I gave Kamea a quick kiss because if I didn't, I would have been late for the meeting. Día and Rocco were still sitting at the table.

"Kids, I need you to do daddy a favor. I want you both to be on your best behavior in the room with mommy. She is still asleep, so how about you watch your movies until mommy wakes up?"

"Okay, daddy."

It was now noon, so I talked to Layla's soon-to-be fiancé, Ryan, about the photoshoot for tomorrow.

"It is definitely going to be a fun shoot. I'm glad Layla was able to participate in the shoot. It will give her more exposure, that's for sure. A while ago, someone burned down Layla's SUV in front of her house. I don't know who did it, but I have an idea. A crazy ex of mine claims she didn't do it, but I feel otherwise."

"Oh, I know all about crazy exes. I don't even know where one of them is. And, frankly, I don't care." That was Candi. "But now, I had to get a bodyguard for Kamea because one of my ex-friends is stalking her."

"Maybe I should do the same thing for Layla and Braelyn. She may not be my daughter, but I treat her like she is mine."

"That's all that matters. Kamea is the same way with my kids. They instantly gravitated towards her, and she did the same."

We chatted for a few more minutes until it was time for me to go. "I'll see you shortly at the meeting. Nice talking to you, Ryan."

"It was nice talking to you too. And thank you again for the support you have given Layla. It not only means a lot to her. But to me also. Talk to you later."

"You're welcome."

After that, we both hung up the phone. I went to check on Kamea again. She was fast asleep.

"Kids, I'm going to see you both later. Remember what I said, and be good for mommy." Then, I left out of the room.

I rented us an SUV to drive around in. So, I ordered an Uber to pick me up and take me to the rental place. From there, I headed to the fashion district.

We chose the heart of the fashion district because we want Layla's business to flourish. Marco, Adriana, and I met up at the location. We were just waiting on Layla and her entourage - which consisted of Ryan and three of her employees.

We waited inside while Adriana went outside to wait for their limo. About 20 minutes later, Adriana walked in with Layla and her company. I could tell she was amazed by the expression on her face. When they saw us, they walked over.

Marco's POV

"Layla, this is my brother, Cris Fiore. "

"Excuse me for saying this, but you are one charming pair of brothers. And I want to thank you both so much for your support. Because without it, I don't think I could have brought a location over here. I have always wanted to come to Milan, but the thought of my designs being sold over here was an afterthought. I am forever grateful to you both."

"This is my boyfriend, Ryan. Alicia is my Vice-President, Jamala is my Chief Financial Officer, and Darlene is my Chief Executive Officer."

"And thank you for bringing Kam with you. We haven't seen each other since we were teens."

"You're welcome, Layla. She can't wait to see you as well. She is in our suite with our twins."

"Congratulations on your wedding and Kam being pregnant."

"Thank you. So, is this location suitable? There is also another level. So if you wanted to expand, there is plenty of space."

"Oh my goodness, this is a tremendous amount of space." Layla turned around in a circle, just taking in the amount of space that she would have available. "It is definitely suitable. Question - on the second level, would I be able to put offices there?"

"That is another surprise we have for you. It is about a 20-minute ride from here. So, everyone, head back outside for the ride over."


20 minutes later.

Layla's limo pulled up to the door, and we pulled right behind them.

"Welcome to your office space, Layla. The whole building would be yours. Your office is on the third floor. Let's go take a look."

It was a beautiful three-story building with plenty of space available for her employees.

Everyone rode the elevator up to the third floor. There was a receptionist's desk once you stepped off the elevator.

There are currently three offices for her friends that came with her, but plenty of space for more. Layla's office has double doors. So, we followed her to the doors, and she opened them.

"Wow, this space is huge. And, even has a view of Milan." Layla said as she started getting teary-eyed.

"So Layla, what do you say?" Adriana asked.

Ryan saw her crying, so he went over and started hugging Layla. "I don't know what to say. I'm nervous because how would I be able to pay you both back if it doesn't succeed? You both have done so much for me."

Cris spoke first. "When we saw how successful you were in the States, we knew this would be a good opportunity. Layla, don't worry about the investment. It was worth it. And besides, you and Kamea are best friends. She spoke highly of you the ride over to Milan."

"And Adriana spoke highly of you also. She spread the word amongst the fashion industry here in Milan. Cris is right - it was worth it. You are not going to fail. And, with you doing the photoshoot with me tomorrow, that will be another way to put your name out there."

"There has got to be something I can do to repay you guys."

"The only thing is to be successful. We will be there to help you, Layla. So, what do you say?"

We saw Ryan whisper something to Layla.

Then she says, "I'll do it. Is it okay to hug you both?"

"Sure, it is not a problem."

So, she hugged me first. "I am forever indebted to you both. This means so much to me. Thank you."

Then, Layla hugged Cris. "Kam and Noeli both have sweethearts for husbands. You both will forever be a part of my family. I am the only child in my family, so you're my brothers. Thank you."

Adriana was the last one Layla hugged. "Thank you so much for all of your help too. You have done so much for me, and for that, I am eternally grateful."

"You're welcome, Layla. But you did most of the work because of your amazing talent for designing outfits. By the way, I love the outfit you have on."

Layla asked Adriana a question. "Thank you. I do have a question for you, Adriana. Would I need to convert my patterns to European size? I know fashion tends to be smaller here. I can start on that once I am back in New York."

"That would be excellent. How long do you all plan to stay?"

Layla replied, "We are planning to stay until Sunday. My daughter starts kindergarten soon, so I want to spend some time with her before she goes to school."

"We can have both your headquarters and location set up, so it is designed like you have it in New York. Just send Cris or me the designs, and we will get started on that."

Cris then tells her, "Layla, the contracts for your location space and office building are over on the desk, ready for you to sign. We had them drawn in your name. The leases on your space and building are in place for ten years. Nobody will ever approach you about money. Once the ten years are up, Marco and I will be notified. The only thing you will need to do is sign on the dotted line."

She walked over to the desk. Her CFO followed her and looked over them with her. After making sure everything was okay, Layla signed both contracts.

"Seriously, you guys at least have to let me pay for dinner or something. You have done so much for me. I don't know what I did to deserve this."

"Layla, you are successful, a mom, and you care about your business and employees. You put others before yourself. We have read some things you do for your employees."

"They are like my family. My mom always told me to treat people the way I want to be treated."

Cris tells her, "Layla, you have a beautiful and loving heart. Believe me. I have seen my fair share of people who do underhanded things to succeed. But, you display pride and love in what you do. You deserve it. Marco and I have your back. And so does Ryan, Adriana, and your family and friends."

"Thank you. I wish my daughter were here to share this with me. I insist on paying for dinner. And I won't take no for an answer. Speaking of, I am starving."

"Cris is going to go pick up Kam and the kids. And I am going to follow him to get Noeli. Layla, Adriana will take the 5 of you over to the restaurant. We will meet you all there." She took one more look at her office before we left. Then, we left to go to the restaurant.


At the restaurant.

When Kam and Layla saw each other, they both squealed.

Layla went over to her, and they hugged for what seemed to be like 10 minutes. Both of them had tears in their eyes.

Kam's POV

"Kam, it is so great to see you. And look at you, about to become a mom. Congratulations, girly."

"It's great to see you, too. And congratulations on your business."

"Thank you, momma. And, thanks to your husband and Marco, I will be expanding to Europe. And, who are these two cutie pies with you?"

"These are my kids, Día and Rocco, my princess and prince."

She knelt down to my kids. "Hi, there. I'm Layla, your mom's friend. I have a daughter your age, but she couldn't make it."

Layla showed us a picture of her daughter. "This is my baby girl. Next time I see you guys, I'll bring her with me so you can meet her."

"Let's have a seat. I have a few people I want you to meet."

"Kam, these three ladies are my best friends - Darlene, Alicia, and Jamala. Darlene is my cousin also. These ladies also are at the forefront of my company. They help me run it nice and smooth. And this handsome gentleman next to me is Ryan, my boyfriend."

"It's nice to meet you all. These are my twins, Día and Rocco. And I am expecting another set of twins in December."

We had a good time reminiscing about the past. The waiter brought out the drinks they had ordered. So, Layla told us to get what we wanted. I got water, and the others ordered alcoholic beverages.

"I'm sorry I missed your wedding, Kam. And, Noeli told me Mama Jayde passed. I am going to miss her. If you ladies ever need me, call me. I will always be there for you. Also, now that you all live in Florida, it will be easier for me to travel with Braelyn to visit you."

"Thanks, Layla. I'll send you a set of our wedding pictures and the baby shower pictures. I hear you are doing a photo shoot with Marco."

"I am. It's exciting, and I am ner--." She didn't even finish her sentence before her boyfriend started tickling her. Layla tried to swat his hands away, but that didn't work.

"Mommy, why is he tickling Layla?" Princess asked me.

Cris then said, "Princess, it is Ms. Layla. You don't have to answer that, Layla."

"It's okay. Every time I said I was nervous, Ryan said he would tickle me. He has been doing it practically all day. But I can't help it."

"Layla, don't be nervous. Marco is a sweetie. He will make sure you are comfortable with what you are modeling. And he will not put you in any uncomfortable poses. Just be yourself. Besides, you have the figure to be a model. He set up a maternity shoot for Cris and me."

The waiter came back with their drinks, and everyone then ordered their meals.

"Have you and Cris picked out your twins' names yet?"

"Yes, we have. For our daughter, her name will be Isabella Jayde. And, for our baby boy, Kekoa Lorenzo."

"They are beautiful, Kam and Cris. I really am happy for you guys."

The waiter came back with everyone's meal. They spotted someone they recognized. It was Antonello Cannone, one of Marco's model friends and his interpreter. He saw us, and they motioned for him to join us.

Layla then asks, "Do you own a winery, Marco or Cris? The one I always buy has your last name on it. I love it, especially the red wine. When I make Sangria, that is what I use."

"That would be me. And thank you," Cris answered. "Well, now that everyone has a drink, let's make a toast."

"To Layla and her European venture and a successful photo shoot." Everybody clinked their glasses.

"Aww, thank you all so much. You all have a special place in my heart."

We had a good time at dinner - talking and laughing. Layla's boyfriend continuously kept tickling her and whispering something in her ears. She couldn't stop giggling. They all ordered desserts except Cris and me. Once the waiter came back with desserts, She told him in Italian to bring back the check and give it to her.

We sat there for about two and a half hours in total. Layla gave Noeli and me her phone number so we could have our girl chats again. Marco and Cris gave Layla their email addresses to send them the floor plan for the location and the office. Ryan, Cris, and Marco also exchanged phone numbers.

After Layla paid for the meal and left a nice tip for the waiter, we all got up and got ready to leave. We stood outside of the restaurant for a bit. Everyone said goodbye, and we went our separate ways.

On the ride back to our suite, "I can't wait for the photoshoot tomorrow. Layla is going to be so surprised. I am so happy for her and happy to have her back in my life. And thanks again for supporting her."

"You're welcome, love."

"And, we get to meet her daughter. She is adorable. We may not be fleshly sisters, but that little one is my niece. Once the kids are finally asleep, I can properly thank you."

"Well, what do you have in mind?"

"I can't show you in the car. You'll just have to wait until we get back to the suite."

Once we made it back to our suite, Cris carried both Día and Rocco in his arms. Then, I locked the door. Cris put the twins to sleep in their room while I went to ours. I packed a negligee that I bought from one of the maternity stores we went to in California. Then, I lay across the bed, waiting for him to come in.

Fifteen minutes later, Cris came in and instantly smirked.

"And, what are you planning to do, madam?"


The next morning - Wednesday

We arrived at the beach location where Marco and Layla's photoshoot took place. It was a private beach. There was a tropical beach screen up so that everyone could hide behind it. Layla and Marco would be taking three sets of photographs. Well, actually two sets because the last one will be with Ryan.

They gave me a beach chair to sit in because Cris didn't want me to stand for an extended period of time. I kept peeking from behind the screen. She couldn't see me, though.

When she came out with the first bathing suit, I saw the photographer looking at Layla like she was a piece of meat. Layla's boyfriend gave him dirty looks. Marco said something in Italian to the photographer. He backed off when he saw the look on her boyfriend's face.

Before they changed into the second outfit, I heard Marco tell Layla, "Have you ever thought of being a model? You are a natural."

"No, it never crossed my mind. I have always liked designing. And, thanks."

So, they left to change. The nerves really seemed to set in when Layla and Marco came back out for the second set. Ryan was shaking like a leaf.

Marco looked like he gave Ryan a signal to wait until Layla finished changing for the third set of pictures. Layla came out of the trailer in a tropical-looking bikini. She really could be a model. She definitely had the figure for it.

The photographer spoke in English this time.

"What is your name, honey?"

"I'm Layla." She did not look happy when he called her that.

"Layla, now I want you and Marco to do a sexy pose." She did but didn't get too close to Marco.

"Now, I want you and Marco to kiss."

While Layla was fussing with the photographer, Marco and Ryan switched places.

"I am not going to kiss my friend's fiancé. No way! And besides, I have a boyfriend who I love very much. How will it look when he sees me kissing someone that is not him?"

Then, Layla says, "Marco, I'm sorry, but I can't---" She turned around and jumped a little when she saw her boyfriend. When she turned around, the tropical screen was lifted, revealing everyone that came.

"Ryan, what are you doing there?"

"Layla, turn around for a minute?" She did, and she was shocked.

"Hi, mommy," her daughter said and waved to her. She figured out what was about to happen.

When Layla turned back around, she had tears in her eyes. He had one knee in the sand and opened the ring box he had for her. I saw the ring while Layla was changing into the first bathing suit. It was a beautiful ring.

Then, he said his proposal to her.

"Layla, I wanted our family and friends to share this moment with us. I finally found out what true love is when I fell in love with you. I am so glad that you and I met at that party. When you told me you weren't looking to date, I was willing to wait. Thank you for the chance to make you happy. I love you so much and want to spend the rest of my life with you and Braelyn."

Layla's daughter, Braelyn, ran over to her and grabbed her hand.

"Layla Danielle Jordan, will you marry me and be mine forever?"

I hope Layla says yes.


Thank you all for taking the time to read chapter 39. The pictures are courtesy of Can Stock Photo Inc. and PNG Tree.

1. Office building - © Can Stock Photo / Obscura

2. Layla's European office - © Can Stock Photo / archideaphoto

3. bikini - © Can Stock Photo / Evgeniy_p

4. Layla's engagement ring - © Can Stock Photo / fruitcocktail

Also, Layla, Ryan, Austin, and Braelyn are from my other story:

And thank you for your votes, comments, and support! 😘😘😘😘

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