It Doesn't Matter If You're B...

By AmariannaRose

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Book 1: It Doesn't Matter If You're Black Or White Book2: Happy Go Lucky When the elder daughter of Damon Pop... More

Veronica Pope's Older Sister
Meeting Happy's Mom👩‍👦
💋😘🤟🏽Falling In Love Is Easy To Do👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻💓👩🏿‍❤️‍👨🏻
Over The Next Few Weeks📅📆🗓️
Trying To Take Back Control
Devil's Tribe SoA
The Things You Do To Me!
🙂😁😄Smiley Tattoo Tradition😃😆😀
💀☠️He's Gotta Die Like A Lot⚰️⚱️
🧔🏻‍♂️One Man And A Funeral⚰️🥀😢
Welcome Home Elvis🎸
Doing What Normal People Do... Well Almost....
🏍Ride Like The Wind Bullseye🎯
Clay's Rules Of The Road Are Meant To Be Broken
🐅🐯🦸🏿‍♀️🦸🏻‍♂️Rescued Tiger Exploding Scotsman💥💣🧨💥
Never Piss Off A Lowman🤬... Even If She Isn't A Lowman Yet 😜
🥳🎉Party For Chibs🎊🍻
And The Truth Hurts Worse Than Hell
Fighting🤜🏿👊🏻🤛🏽 Dirty
🚫🚷All The Wrong Moves↘️⬇️↙️⬅️⬆️↗️➡️
🌅⛅🌞Sunset Wedding 💒👰🏾🤵🏻
What Is Lost Shall Soon Be Found
We Could All Use A Little Honey🍯🐝
His Nomad Life Is Over And A New Life Begins
🍀A Warm Irish Welcome🍀
🍺🍀🎉🎈Party Like An Irishman🎊🥳🍀🍻
💥Things That Go Boom💥
A Medieval Way To Get The Truth
🎣Catch And Release🎣
Not All Things Are 🖤Black And White🤍
What The Hell Man!?!
Brick By Brick🧱
Another Shot In The Shoulder💪🏽🔫
Yet Another Loss😢
Who's That Baby?!👶🏻🍼👼🏻
Lives Of The Innocent Are A Stake
Fire Burns Hot 🌶🔥 But You Stay Cool🧊😎
Family Values👨‍👧‍👧

Afternoon Delight

364 11 2
By AmariannaRose

The next day Giaconda rides into the club on her Panhead with another delicious much darker yet still creamy piece of chocolate sitting behind her.... Chibs had called her early that morning long before the sun arose about Juice and what he had found out.... though she had already guessed long before that "how did you expect him to react!?!.... he's being hounded by the sheriff and the ADA then Clay patches him in even higher than before!.... it didn't help1.... it added more pressure!.... you know what that patch entails more than I do!.... but if you think about it.... it was given to him for all the wrong reasons!.... he's afraid to speak up about all the shit that's going on in his head cause in his mind he has already figured out how you will handle it.... he's too trusting, too soft!.... and though the club needs that more than any of you realize.... he's not in the right mind set at the moment.... but he will NOT abandon the only family he has left!!.... YOU and the rest of the Crows.... you are his family!!.... and he's tearing himself apart so he doesn't tear you apart and make you regret ever patching him in at all!.... he loves ALL of you with every beat of his aching breaking heart and will do ANYTHING for you!!.... even if that means losing himself in the process.... he isn't one who likes to be alone.... and he's afraid that you all will abandon him.... or just as bad if not worse kill him yourself if he admits his "faults"!.... he's just as observant as I am.... he just knows when to keep his mouth shut better than I do!"  Chibs chuckles as she lets out a heavy sigh "I'll call Jax.... there's a "job" that I have appointed for Juice.... a family of a friend of mine who has found themselves in a hole too deep for them to dig themselves out of.... I need to get them out of Charming!.... out of California if I can!.... if I can get Jax's permission I'll bring the family in to meet him tomorrow.... I am NOT asking Clay!.... I don't trust that man!.... I never have and I never will!.... we'll be in by noon!"  she tells him then hangs up Chibs smiles at his phone then shakes his head "always two steps ahead that girl!"  he mutters to himself then he walks into one of the apartments to try and get some sleep though his mind still goes back to what he had witnessed and he once again starts to worry about Juice.... so here they were Conda, her friend Atiena and her parents.... riding in a car behind them.... driving into T&M while Jax, Chibs and Juice were chatting about their "problem".... the guys turn to look as Juice's eyes widen at the sight of the two woman "alright give us a minute"  Jax orders and Juice walks out of the garage and over to the two woman as they climb off the Panhead "Juice.... this is Ati.... Atiena meet Juan Carlos Ortiz"  Giaconda introduces the two to one another as Atiena's parents park and walk over themselves "and this is Chausitiu and Johari, Atiena's parents"  Juice smiles at the three newcomers "nice to meet you!"  he replies "you as well son!"  Chausiku says Johari smiles at him with a nod  "Juice huh!?!"  Atiena asks softly "they were very thirsty when they came up with that!"  Giaconda teases the others laugh....

Juice noticed the expression of sorrowful worry on Atiena's eyes as they met his and saw the bruise on his neck he pulls up his collar as though to hide it and is grateful that she doesn't ask about it though he was also curious as to why she would worry about a stranger he found that this one woman made him feel strange.... much like Giaconda makes Happy feel but perhaps not as strong not yet anyway.... he listens as Giaconda explains what she "needs" from him and why.... "it isn't going to happen right away!.... these two here wanted to get to know you better before making the "big decision".... though it is completely understandable!.... my father is a very dangerous man!.... there are many places that I have bought over the course of my years with Happy that he.... surprisingly enough.... doesn't know about!.... but he has his ways and I am unsure how much longer I can keep them safe on my own!"  Giaconda tells Juice and he nods "Atiena's grandmother is in poor health and she wanted to stay until she passed.... I am hoping I can keep them safe for that long.... but I am uncertain that I can!"  she continues "the decision is completely up to you Juice!.... I am not forcing you!.... asking yes but not demanding!.... I wanted someone I trust to take over when I can no longer keep them safe!.... not to mention that in a few months time I won't be able to travel!"  Juice chuckles and Giaconda smiles "they need to leave California!.... I have a place in Florida that they can use.... it was owned by my mothers family and was left to me in my mothers will.... we used to use it as a vacation home.... it hasn't been used since my mother died though.... I have hired "trustworthy" maintenance crews and gardeners to keep it in living condition so there will be nothing you'll need to work on right away to make it livable again"  she tells him Juice chuckles "take the day.... get to know each other.... I'm sure the guys will call you if they need you!"  Giaconda suggests as she tosses the keys over to Atiena Juice looks at the two girls in shock then smiles as Atiena climbs on and starts up the Harley then he jogs over to his Harley and Atiena's parents head back to their car "don't worry about me.... I'll call Hap if I need to go anywhere.... I miss riding with him anyway.... not to mention that pretty soon I might not be able to ride at all!"  Giaconda tells Atiena as the woman looks at her Atiena smiles then follows Juice out of the parking lot her parents not too far behind the two of them in their car.... Giaconda spends most of the day in the auto shop with Dog then Atiena when she comes back later with Juice the two girls work with Dog in the shop as Juice took care of some club business then dealt with the sheriff as he came by Atiena started to walk over to see what was going on when Eli had stopped Juice as he was walking through the parking lot but Giaconda stopped her "we can't get involved!.... I know we both want to protect him but somethings he must handle on his own.... no man likes to look weak you know?!"  Giaconda ends with a tease Atiena nods sadly then goes back to work.... Juice had noticed the transaction between Giaconda and Atiena and his heart raced at the thought of two women such as them worried about him and doing whatever they thought was necessary to protect him.... he was starting to fall for Atiena in the short while that he got to know her he knew that she was the woman for him that he was beginning to fall in love with her and just like Happy the thought of being with a Crow Eater or even a Sweet Butt while this woman that he couldn't take his eyes off of him was in his life made him feel sick to his stomach or maybe that was just the butterflies flying around in there at the fact that she might just feel the same way for him.... after Happy was finished helping Clay and the guys to help the club, the Mayans and Luis he headed straight for the club to pick up his wife "let's go home!"  he purrs into her ear as he wraps her in his arms "I already am home!"  she whispers squeezing him tighter to her she feels his body quiver at the sound of her voice and the words she spoke which made her smile "I don't want to torture you here.... but I DO want to torture you!.... I AM going to torture you!!"  he replies with a soft growl he hears her softly laugh and he picks her up and carries her to his Harley then sets her down behind him and rides off.... 

Once again the torture starts long before they even make it off the Harley as they park in their driveway and Happy carries Giaconda inside his lips attacking hers and his hands massaging her back as her legs wrap around his waist and her hands massage the back of his head, her tongue slides inside his mouth every now and again teasing him with her delectably bittersweet chocolate like taste the intense roasted, fruit, earthy, woodsy and nutty liquor of her natural taste but instead of being bitter it was a undeniably sweet, spicy and delicious flavor with just a tiny hint of vanilla caramel in it her savory taste always seemed to melt within him making him want more everytime.... as soon as they walked inside he started to strip her kicking the door shut behind him as his hands went to work on her shirt then her shorts and she did the same with his clothes as eager as he was to be tortured by him his cock slid inside her as soon as it was free from it's "cage" and she was from hers and for the first time since they lived there he tortured her in every room of the house getting rid of all the access energy that the excitement of the job he just finished had left within him though he was gentle with her throughout most of it.... his strength came out as soon as her body hit the bed and his laid on top of hers.... even though she moaned softly as they tortured one another up against the walls, counters, couch, table, etcetera he wanted them to be louder.... he wanted her to scream.... and she did once they started on the bed.... Happy's body quivered excitedly at the sound of her loud erotic moans and screams.... especially when she screamed his name.... and as always that only made him want to continue to go harder, faster, deeper.... which he did well except the deeper part he was still worried that he might harm his unborn child even though he knew perfectly well that Giaconda herself could handle it he worried that he might cause something to happen that would harm his child and complicate everything when it came time for her to enter the world.... once he was "finally" tired out.... sort of.... you know as well as I that they could go all year long and never stop.... they laid side by side on their bed and talked about random things "Juice and Ati seem to be getting along quite well.... her parents already LOVE him!"  Giaconda tells him Happy chuckles softly "I.... I'm still worried about him!.... the longer he stays the worse it's gonna get!.... with them.... with the club!"  she says softly with a sigh Happy holds her tighter to him and kisses her "we should take a shower!.... all that sweat!..... from all that.... work!.... mixed in with.... everything else.... it can't be good for our senses!"  she teases he chuckles then he picks her still naked body up and walks with her in his arms all the way to the master shower/bath and then climbs in do that they could get cleaned up "hmm!.... the one place we haven't done it yet!"  she teases wrapping her arms around his neck as the water from the shower rains up against her back his eyebrow raises and this time she starts the torture making him moan as she slides him inside and kisses his lips.... once they get out and lay back down on their bed one of their phones ring unsure who's it was they both pick up theirs and answer it "hello!?!"  they chorus Happy sets his down when he doesn't get a reply and chuckles till he sees the worried look on Giaconda's face "no!.... I haven't seen him.... not since this afternoon anyway!.... do you want me to have Happy go look for him!?!.... he's right here!.... ok Chibs.... yeah!.... sure!.... alright see you later!.... bye!"  she says softly once she hangs up she turns to face her husband "Juice's missing.... probably another CPD conference or "piss test"!"  she ends with soft sarcasm he reaches over and pulls her into a hug he hated how every problem seemed to fall in her lap and she did whatever she could to fix it and be the mediator of a club he knew she didn't much care for but they were HIS family and in turn were also HER family so if they needed her she would do her best to be there for them.... well all but Clay, Gemma and Tara.... out of all of them Lyla seemed to need her the most she was always going over to Lyla's place and trying her best to calm whatever storm may have been created there that is until Opie asked her if she knew about Lyla's abortion that was something Giaconda found unforgivable killing a child without giving it a chance to live not to mention not talking to Opie about how she felt.... "it works both ways Ly!.... you can't expect him to "give" when you give nothing back in return!.... you were being just as selfish as you think he's being!.... he asked me if I knew.... and I told him the truth that I didn't.... let me guess you went to Tara!?!.... what is it with you women and having to be the center of everyone elses world?!?.... it doesn't work like that!.... there is no fork in the middle of the road!.... you either walk the path together or you don't!.... you all expect so much to get so little!.... I'm sorry.... but I am unsure that even I can forgive you for the pain you caused!.... and I'm not just talking about Ope!.... there's your son that could have been an older brother and then there's the child his or herself!.... I wish I could say that you had no right!.... but it's your body and your life so in a way you did!.... and yet in a way you didn't!.... because of your selfishness that child didn't even get a chance to have a life!.... to live, to grow, to learn, to be whatever he or she was meant or wanted to be!.... I never would have thought that you out of everyone in the club could be so heartless!"  Giaconda told the almost crying woman who stood there and took the pain into herself and never let it go

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