Journey |Twice x Reader|


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"Even if you hate me for a moment, I won't worry 'cause I know you." "There's no need to say those things 'ca... More

Quick Update


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Oct. 27th 2015

It has been a week since Twice debuted with their song, Like Ooh-Ahh. They were gaining popularity worldwide and endless support from other groups. As promised, you cheered for Sana and messaged her "congrats." To which she never replied. Expected due to their busy schedules. Not that you minded, you were proud of her (and the rest).

Nov. 6th 2015

After a long day of school and training, you walked straight to your bedroom and flopped onto the bed. The dances are becoming complex, and the choreographers demanded more and more each day. You stared at your lock screen and sighed. Even though Sana didn't contact you as much since the debut, she was still on your mind. You wondered if she had it worst than you do. There's definitely more pressure on her now that she's in the public eye.

Lexi opened the door. "Hey, this was in the mail." She tossed a package onto the bed. "Maybe it's from your mom." The thought of it made you excited. You opened the flaps of the box. 'A twice album?" You flipped through the pages, finding two photo cards, both of Sana, and a letter.

'Dear (y/n),

Sorry, I can't keep in contact with you as much I would like. :( The comeback has been keeping us all busy! I hope you understand that I'm not ignoring you. or your cuteness. Oh, I hope you're cheering for me, (y/n). Here's one of our albums. I got all the members to sign it and got you my photo cards to keep with you!~ If I'm ever free I'll be sure to stop by.

Your squirrel friend,
Sana <3'

"What was it?" You hid the album under the blanket. "Nothing. Just some snacks." You lied as you tried containing your smile.

"Some snacks that came with flowers?" She set a vase on your desk. You scratched your jaw. "Okay, you caught me. It's a Twice album."

"How come I didn't get one." She whined, looking through the book. "They all look so pretty."..."Yea, Sana gave it to me. Her members even signed it." You slipped the photo cards in your wallet.

"Oh, so your girlfriend sent it." A pillow his Lexi's face.

"She's only a friend." You groaned at the assumption. She threw the pillow back. "Then why are your ears red?" She ran out before a pillow fight started. "You like her.~"

Once again, your ears betrayed you. You tapped on her name and messaged her

Thank you for the gift, Sana. I hope you're doing well.

Nov. 13th 2015

Nowadays, you were mostly at the gym or the company. Hardly at the dorm, resting. You needed to keep yourself busy. You hated being stuck alone with your thoughts. If there's a chance to flee from them, you take it.

You rubbed the temples of your head. You didn't understand how you can miss someone you barely know. Scratch that, you didn't only miss her. You missed everything at home. You missed the way things were before you came to Korea. You were lonesome for your friends and family. Vision blurred as your eyes watered.

You hated to admit it, but you wanted to give it all up. You didn't want to dismiss your hard work, but you wanted to throw everything away. Days were becoming endless. Sleeping no longer helped put your mind at ease. You closed your notebook. Was giving up something you really wanted?

"Hey, your friend is here." Lexi cracked the door a bit until Sana opened it to let herself in. "(Y/N)~" Automatically, her legs took her to you. "I missed you so much." She hugged you tightly.Your head smooshed into her chest, with her warm breaths against your ear. It made your cheeks flush into a deep red. "Um, Sana..." You patted her back.

"Sorry. I was excited to see you again." She loosened her arms and rested her head against the side of yours. "I'm sorry for not replying as often. I was exhausted from the schedules at the end of the day."

Hesitantly, you hugged her back as she sat on your lap, allowing yourself to melt into the warmth. "It's okay. I understand." Sana's arms were still securely wrapped around your neck. "Did you get my gift?"

You nodded. "Yea, your pictures are sure something." She playfully flicked your forehead. "I meant they looked cute."

Sana got up from your lap and grabbed your hand, trying to pull you up. "Let's go out. I want to introduce you to my best friends. They'll love you."

"Are you sure about that?" You withdrew your hand. She walked to the closet rummaging through it until she found a grey hoodie. "Can I wear this?" You nodded and sighed, giving in. "Fine. Let's go." She threw the hoodie on that was larger than her torso. The sight made you smile. "You look adorable in my hoodie. You can keep it."

The walkover she clung onto your arm tightly, often stealing glances without your notice. She admired every inch of your face, each has its unique beauty. Though, her favorite was your dimple. Just like you, she didn't know what kept drawing her back to you.

The two of you sat at the same table by the window at the coffee house. "They should be here in a couple of minutes. I'll be right back. I need to use the bathroom."

You rested your chin on the palm of your hand, counting the people that passed by. Until the doorbell rang, indicating someone came in. A girl with long straight red hair and another with blonde wavy hair observed the place, searching for a familiar face.

Breaking eye contact with the two as Sana patted your shoulder. "No one came yet?" She followed your face to the girls at the entrance. "Over here!" They pulled a chair to the table and removed their masks. "This is, (Y/N). (Y/N), meet Mina and Momo."

"Nice to finally meet you. Sana talked about you more than she likes to admit." The girl with blonde hair held out her, to which you shook. "I'm Momo."

The girl with the red hair has the most sincere smile. It can make someone feel like they found their home. "Hello, I'm Mina." Her voice, warm like a cup of tea and honey. It was soothing to listen to her.

You bowed and introduced yourself before letting them talk among themselves. From what you gathered, Momo's the main dancer, as well sub rapper and vocal. For Mina, she's also the main dancer. Her style was calm and elegant, unline Momo whose style was more hip-hop. They were opposites in almost everything. Amazingly, they all got along well despite their differences.

30 minutes later~

Sana's phone rang, interrupting the conversation. "Momo, they want us back at the company for the photoshoot." She pushed her hair back in frustration. "He said the photographer wants to redo," Momo mumbled under her breath, causing Mina to widened her eyes and slapped her on the shoulder.

" I have to go but thank you for coming out on short notice." Sana hugged you. "Have fun.~"

"Hopefully, we can hang again soon. You're pretty fun." Momo waved before leaving with Sana.

The atmosphere became tense once they left. You can tell Mina is an introvert from her actions. She wasn't comfortable with you just yet, but who says you couldn't try to get to know her better. "So did Momo cuss Sana out or?" Another smile appeared that made your heart melt.

"You understand Japanese?" Her eyes light up.

"No, I wish. I'm just guessing based on your reaction." You grinned.

Something about her made you feel at peace. Maybe it was the way she talked, her voice soft and gentle. Or, the way she moved. Her movements are graceful and elegant. There was no sign of nervousness around her, unlike Sana. "We can get these drinks to go. I can walk you back to your dorm." She nodded in response.

Walking side by side, hand grazing each other. Making your heart jump and head scream why. "How long did you have to train?" You tried sparking a short conversation before reaching her destination.

"Ten months." You choked on your spit. "Really? Can I ask for some advice?" She nodded, looking up at you. "I know you're from Japan, how did you overcome homesickness? I know it's not fair to say this because you're an idol-"

"You're rambling." She giggled. "It's okay to miss home. I always call home or facetime whenever I have time." She tip-toed and patted your head. "I know it's hard, but you got this!"

"You didn't let me finish. I've only been a trainee for four months, and I want to give up. Everything is becoming overwhelming. I feel like I can juggle everything at once." You bit your inner cheeks, regretting saying anything. It sounded pathetic, you thought.

Mina thought the exact difference. She knew the struggles that came to the trainee's life and wanted to help the best she could. She stopped you in your place and grabbed your shoulder. "I hope you know it's okay to feel that way. I felt like that many times when I first joined." She rubbed your shoulders. "It's okay to feel down. It's okay to take a small break to let yourself breathe. Don't give in, okay?" She glanced over her shoulder. "Give me your phone. If you ever need someone to talk to, text me. I'll try to get back to you as fast as I can. She waved. "My ride is here. Have a good day!"

You looked down at your phone.

Mina Unnie:
I enjoyed the time we spent together , (y/n). 😊


For the future
Would y'all like 5 or 7 member group?

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