How Will I Know

De BubblySoccer

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Elena Addams thought that a weekend in Las Vegas would take her mind off her recent break up. ft. Robin van P... Mais

Chapter One: Partying in Vegas
Chapter Two: Waking up in Vegas
Chapter Three: Unhelpful Friends
Chapter Four: Confirmations
Chapter Five: Traveling Home
Chapter Six: Back in London
Chapter Seven: Leaving the Past Behind
Chapter Eight: Dr. and Dr. Addams
Chapter Nine: Back to Work
Chapter Ten: Awkward Meetings
Chapter Eleven: Spending Time Together
Chapter Twelve: Thinking of the Future
Chapter Thirteen: Robin's Pain
Chapter Fourteen: The Battle Begins
Chapter Fifteen: Meeting the In-Laws
Chapter Sixteen: Birthday Surprise
Chapter Seventeen: A Life Changing Day
Chapter Eighteen: Time Spent Apart
Chapter Nineteen: Goodbye London
Chapter Twenty: Our New Home
Chapter Twenty-One: Lunch with Roxanne
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Welcome Party
Chapter Twenty-Three: Surprise Announcement
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Baby Scan
Chapter Twenty-Five: Elena's Doubts
Chapter Twenty-Six: Don't Mess with the Vidic
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Staying in Rotterdam
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Netherlands vs. Andorra
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Elena's Secret
Chapter Thirty: Talking with Roxanne
Chapter Thirty-One: Paging Dr. Evans
Chapter Thirty-Two: Something to Celebrate
Chapter Thirty-Three: Shocking Matters
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter Thirty-Five: Damage Control
Chapter Thirty-Six: Old Friends
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Baby Shower
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Christmas Shopping
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Deck the Halls
Chapter Forty: Suspicious Accidents
Chapter Forty-One: Coming Together
Chapter Forty-Two: Christmas Eve
Chapter Forty-Three: Welcome Christmas
Chapter Forty-Four: Back in Manchester
Chapter Forty-Five: Robin's Secret
Chapter Forty-Six: Auld Lang Syne
Chapter Forty-Seven: Coming to Visit
Chapter Forty-Eight: Being Put on Bed Rest
Chapter Forty-Nine: Happy Birthday Elena
Chapter Fifty: Good News and Bad
Chapter Fifty-One: Baby Names
Chapter Fifty-Two: Worrying Thoughts
Chapter Fifty-Three: Ewan's Revenge
Chapter Fifty-Four: Returning Home
Chapter Fifty-Five: Rash Decisions
Chapter Fifty-Six: Drastic Measures
Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Court Case
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Proving Innocence
Chapter Sixty: Reconnecting
Chapter Sixty-One: It's Time
Chapter Sixty-Two: Arabella van Persie
Chapter Sixty-Three: Let's Get Organised
Chapter Sixty-Four: Coleen and Wayne's Baby Girl
Chapter Sixty-Five: The Wedding Dress
Chapter Sixty-Six: The Bachelorette Party
Chapter Sixty-Seven: The Bachelor Party
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Spending the Night Apart
Chapter Sixty-Nine: The Big Day
Epilogue: Honeymoon with the Family

Chapter Fifty-Nine: Unbreak My Heart

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De BubblySoccer

At thirty-four weeks pregnant, Elena never thought that she'd be in this position as she listened to what the doctor had to say; she didn't know if she could lose Robin and it was clear that it might not be her choice anymore. 

"You don't think he'll wake up," Elena asked to be sure that she'd heard the doctor right completely devastated with what she had been told; Coleen looked at her friend as she realised that this wasn't what she had expected to hear. 

The doctor sighed and shook his head, it had been a month since Robin had attempted to take his own life and while everything seemed find with him now; there was just no sign of him waking up. 

"Physically... Mr. van Persie is fine, but he doesn't seem to be recovering mentally," the doctor explained carefully not wanting to upset Elena more than needed, she nodded her head heartbrokenly wanting nothing more than for her husband to wake up and tell her he loved her. 

Coleen wrapped an arm around Elena in comfort as the doctor left them alone to decide the next step knowing it was a difficult decision; the beeping of Robin's heart monitor filled the room as they sat in silence. 

"He can't leave me," Elena whimpered slowly breaking down, she couldn't lose Robin; she'd forgiven him for his mistake long ago and wanted nothing more than her husband back so they could focus on the impending birth of their first child together. 

"It'll be okay Lena... Robin's stronger than this," Coleen comforted worrying for her best friend, she knew all of this stress wouldn't be good for the baby and she wasn't sure that Elena could handle losing the Dutchman like this.

Wayne looked at his wife, he knew that she was worried about what this could do to Elena, they all were; but Robin wasn't going to die he was stronger than that. 

Coleen watched as Elena moved away from her and sat back by Robin's side, taking his hand she went back to watching him in silence; she refused to give up on him, he had to wake up.

Coleen opened her mouth to say something before Wayne stopped her, he shook his head before leading his wife out of them hospital room where Elena was grieving for her husband to give her some space. 

"You're an idiot, a stupid selfish idiot. I don't know why you thought that this was the only way out," Elena ranted shaking her head sadly; she didn't know what to do anymore and she suddenly felt the need to rant at him. 

It made her feel better since Elena knew when the doctor returned that he would want her to make a decision on whether they pulled the plug and allowed Robin to pass away. 

"I love you... I love you so much and if you don't wake up, Robin... I don't know what I would ever do without you," Elena pleaded as tears trailed down her face, moving to sit on the hospital bed next to him; she took his hand, the way the doctors were talking it was like he would at die any moment and there was nothing they could do. 

"You need to wake up... Shaqueel needs you, Dina needs you, Arabella needs you... I need you," Elena whispered, her voice cracking and she tried to keep herself calm as she spoke to him; the brunette ran a hand through her hair as she watched him for a moment. 

There was no sign of movement apart from the regular up and down movement of his chest, Elena couldn't believe that she was going to be a widow after eight months of marriage; it scared her more than anything else. 

"I thought we'd grow old together, have grandchildren that sort of thing, I love you so much... just please come back to me," Elena continued before she pressed a kiss to Robin's lips, as she pulled away the brunette felt something brush against her face making her pause.

"I love you too," said a croaky voice making Elena stare at Robin as he opened his eyes, his hand brushed a stray tear away from her face before he pulled her down into another kiss. 

Robin had no idea what had happened or how long he had been in hospital, he just knew that he had to wake up when he'd hear Elena crying; he hated that she was suffering even more because of him. 

"Elena we have to..." Wayne started walking back into the hospital room, he stared stunned at Robin who smiled at him weakly; he hadn't been expecting this after what the doctor had just said. 

It had barely been ten minutes since they'd been told that Robin wasn't going to wake up and yet here he was; Wayne was suddenly glad that his friend had woken up when he had. 

Everyone had been preparing for the worst and to see Robin awake when the doctors had all given up hope that he would recover from his attempt; it made Wayne want to start going to church a lot more than he currently did. 

"Christ mate... it's good to see you awake," Wayne said looking between Elena and Robin, the Dutchman was holding his wife's hand which was resting over his heart and it seemed that everything was going to be okay with them. 

Wayne grinned before he quickly excused himself to go and alert the doctor that Robin was awake; he couldn't believe it and he was sure that everything would be fine now. 

"You've been in a coma for over a month," Elena revealed making Robin look at her, he watched her for a moment before he rested a hand on the swell of her stomach; his eyes moving down as if wondering if he'd missed anything.


After the doctor had checked Robin over and he had been caught up by Wayne about everything that he had missed; Robin wanted nothing more than to spend time with Elena and talk to her. 

Coleen had headed home with Wayne muttering something about making the couple some chicken soup since the hospital food was terrible; the two of them had been the ones to inform the others that Robin was awake since Elena had been distracted. 

Elena watched Robin while she waited for the nurse to leave, she had so many questions and she needed answers before she knew how to move on with their lives; things were going to take time after what had happened. 

"Robin, how could you do such a thing?" Elena asked shaking her head, Robin licked his dry lips as he watched her; he knew that he had been stupid to try and take his own life but at the time he'd seen no other way. 

In his mind, he had just lost everything because of his own fears and Robin hadn't known if there was any point in fixing it with Ewan determined to ruin his life as he was. 

"I thought I'd lost you, Elena asking you for a divorce was the stupidest thing I have ever done. I love you so much and to lose you... I couldn't bear it," Robin explained admiring her, she looked beautiful in her navy maternity twisted top and black trousers and he couldn't stop looking at the bump that she carried. 

Elena swallowed nervously before she moved to fish something out of her black shoulder bag, Robin frowned until he saw her pull out some important looking papers; taking a deep breath, she handed them to him knowing that it had to be done. 

"No," Robin whispered horrified at the divorce papers that she had handed him, he couldn't believe that this was happening; he thought that it'd all be okay now that they were putting the past behind them and that they would be able to move forward.

Elena took a deep breath, she felt horrible for doing this to him now but she needed to know and she didn't want to pretend that nothing had happened; she wanted to know if he did want to get divorced. 

"Robin... I can't carry on with this marriage if you aren't 100% committed to us. I love you and if you want to terminate this marriage then please do it now," Elena whispered vulnerably making Robin stare at her as he realised what this was; it was a test to see if they were both on the same page. 

Shaking his head, Robin tore up the divorce papers without a second thought, the couple stared at each other taking in what was happening; Robin took a deep breath hoping that he had just passed her little test. 

Robin didn't blame her for doing it, not after what had happened and he would do anything to prove himself to her in any way possible; he prayed that they would be able to let this go now. 

"I won't lose you again Elena... I'll spend the rest of my life making what I did right," Robin insisted taking her hand, he ran his thumb back and forth over her hand before she moved to sit on the bed next to him. 

Brushing some hair from Elena's face, Robin pulled her in for a kiss before she took his hand and rested it on her stomach; Robin grinned feeling his daughter kick, he was grateful that Elena was taking him back.

The couple were silent knowing that things would be okay, it was going to take a little time for them to get over what had happened but they were both willing to work on their marriage to make it work. 

"You are what I want... I love you so much Elena," Robin said before he kissed her again; the two of them didn't notice Roxanne and Nemanja slipping into the room wanting to check that the couple were okay after everything that had happened.

"Welcome back Robin," Nemanja greeted making the couple pull apart, he hated to interrupt but he was sure they'd have more time to themselves when Robin was released from hospital. 

The doctor was pleased with his recovery even if he was insisting that Robin remained in hospital for a couple more days, he wanted to ensure that there weren't going to be any unexpected problems when Robin went home. 

Robin offered their friends a small smile, he had no idea how to thank them both for everything that they had done for them; he honestly didn't want to think what would have happened if Nemanja hadn't found him in time. 

"Nice to see you awake Robin... but you do that to Elena again and I swear I'll be the one putting you in hospital," Roxanne threatened lightly making Robin nod as Elena took his hand and gave it a squeeze. 

It had been a rough month and while Roxanne was pleased to see that Robin was awake, she didn't want a repeat of what had happened; she really did hope that the couple would be able to move past what had happened. 

Robin smiled softly at his friends, he didn't blame Roxanne for saying that and he hoped that he would be able to put all of this right when he was allowed to come home and be with his family. 

"Don't worry Rox... I won't be making the same mistake twice," Robin reassured hearing Wayne and Coleen arrive with food from home; his stomach grumbled and he was excited to see what they had brought with them. 

Stepping into the room, Shaqueel and Dina were quick to rush forward and greet their father; they wrapped him up in hugs as Coleen peeked curiously around the room for the divorce papers. 

Coleen wasn't disappointed to find them torn up in the bin and she was glad that Elena and Robin would be okay.

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