You're Like Dango [Midoriya I...

By brandy_soul

123K 4.6K 2.7K

Becoming a hero, someone who helps those in need, one who is brave and never gives up. Despite your fears, f... More

Everything Stays With You
A Quick Word From Brandy
Meddling Peers and Cigarettes
The Boy With The Green Hair
Cowards Vs. True Heroes
Day 1: Introductions
Nerds and Names Aren't So Bad
Smiles & Grins of Fakeness & Determination
Mixed, As Always
Sorry, I Can't Seem to Grasp This
Training with An Unexpectedly Scary Turn of Events
An Angry Boy Accompanied with Villains
Hand Villain, A Bird Man, and the Symbol of Peace
In Which The Boy is Hurt and the Woods are Scary
Mushy Peas and a Totally Normal School Event
You'd Think A Sports Festival Would Be Great
A Crab Will Fight As Much As The Boy and the Girl
It's A Lot More Than A Simple Race
This Crazy New Girl
Cavalry Battles are Terrifying
A Wrong Headband, And Another That Saves Us
Just a quick note
He's Got Purple Eyes
Didn't Know Anger Made Ice
Of a Twisting Stomach
Lasers and Wind Storms
Maybe Three Idiots Were In The Right

There's Quite A Few Explosions In This One

3K 113 53
By brandy_soul

Stuck in the middle of the world's toughest obstacle race, and my thoughts are jumbled up, focusing on what I shouldn't at the moment.

We've all come to an abrupt stop, no longer being able to advance forward due to the robot.

"Hey! Wait, someone's trapped in there!" Someone cries, and then everyone around is suddenly frantic.

"Are they going to die?! Are we going to die?! Are people going to die in this festival!"

Thumping suddenly cuts through the wave of mass hysteria, then cracking, until finally, we see Kirishima, easily identified by his spiky red hair, quirk evidently activated.

"As if I'd die!" He roars, after having breaking through.

Then right next to him, a completely silver colored boy emerges from the robot.

"I swear, 1-A is filled with a bunch of punks!" He yells.

"We should all help clear out the path!" A dark haired boy near by yells, his forearm and hand become completely coated in green scales.

Then the sound of explosions ring, and smoke covers my vision. Bakugou rushes past, climbing way ahead and past the robot using his quirk.

"Then again, I don't see him as the type to give regards.." I sigh.

Those with quirks who allow them to carry them past the huge robot take advantage of this, and I'm one of those with the life saving quirk of being able to use wind to lift me past.

I do feel for the ones who somehow have to make past the first one, but then again, it's a race.

Might as well score nicely here.

And once I make it past the humongous one, it's only seconds that I'm allowed to run freely before two more appear up ahead.

I was just running, as fast as I could, mind you. Then two of those things appear, and I try to skid to a stop, shooting both of my arms out, as if I'm a bird ready to take flight. From there, I feel the wind escaping, blowing the robots, ripping away pieces of it.

I don't try and go full scale, it only brings nausea and headaches and dizziness due to the backlash of my quirk.

Not to mention I get kind of cold with such high wind speeds.

All I do is run, only stopping to take care of a couple of robots, but then we reach another obstacle that I don't know if it's better or worse than the robots.

Which is essentially having to walk on a tightrope and try not to fall to your death.

"Tsuyu!" Uraraka cries, and Asui launches herself onto the rope.

Ah, this was basically made for her.

I look ahead, already see a handful of people have already made it past this one. And of course, battling for the lead: Todoroki and Bakugou.

Oh how we aspire to have you guy's power levels.

My thoughts are cut when a pink haired girl wearing multiple gadgets glides right past us, and then I remember we were not allowed to bring costumes or anything of that sort.

"T-that's strange.." I say, then lightly smack myself. "Focus."

I use the same method I used for getting past the biggest robot, and that's completely avoiding it. So instead I used my quirk to propel myself up, avoiding any possibility of falling to my death.

Not to mention I'm not too fond of heights.

I land safely on the other side, and I let myself about ten seconds to gather my composure, then run off to my next challenge.

When I arrive, I'm out of breath. I quickly scan the area to see Todoroki gingerly taking hesitant steps, and Bakugou still using his explosions to have him fly up, avoiding contact with the ground.

I glance at the huge sign, then nearly lose my shit when I realize it's a minefield.

I regrettably begin my path towards the hell hole.

Up ahead I see a girl with green vines as her hair, then Iida trying to use his quirk to run as fast as he possibly can, trying to quickly escape the mines, but all he's doing is activating the bombs. Then there's a few more people too.

I look all over the floor, dark circles that I'm guessing is where the bombs are located, litter almost everywhere. I try to quickly yet cautiously cover as much ground as possible, trying not to use my quirk too much, lest my meager breakfast end up sprawled all over this minefield.

I realize I must look ridiculous, the way I'm trying to go fast but have to be extremely precise on where I step. But then I look at whoever's in front of me, and see that we are all basically looking the same right now.

Then the loudest bomb goes off, stopping everyone dead in their tracks, looking at the huge puff of pastel pink smoke the bombs let out. We all see something soar in the sky, which appears to be a big piece of metal that came from one of the robots.

But then I catch a tuft a curly green hair, and then question whether I am seeing correctly.

And turns out I was wrong, I do see well, because once that piece of metal starts to land, I see Izuku.

Only he can come up with such ideas, huh?

I quicken my pace, in hopes of just trying to desperately land a good spot in the race and to just get out of the damn mines. If I'm lucky, I won't set off any bombs.

Quick step here, a leap to the left, and slightly larger than normal step ahead, another big leap to avoid a big space with three of the bombs.

Then I see the clear path, no mines, nothing. Just a nice clear path.

I know Todoroki and Bakugou have probably already reached the end, and maybe other people, but at this point, if I manage to land somewhere in the top twenty, I'll gladly accept it.

I run, and keep running, running like I never had before. I make it into the enclosed area, like the tunnel we had originally started from.

Oh, how long ago that seems.

I hear the clang of my shoes hitting the metal, and I can hear the hope of making a decent rank in this.

And sunlight hits, telling me I've made it.

At this point, a handful of people had already arrived, but I did not care.

Because I actually made it.

In the end, while showing how we ranked, I made number 9. Barely.

Todoroki shockingly made number 2, and even more surprising, Bakugou at number 3.

"Iida, y-you did great, I think you ranked good.." I say, patting his shoulder.

"It's not good enough!" He insists, and I don't know to assure him.

"I thought 6th place was pretty good.." I whisper to myself in confusion.

First place: Midoriya Izuku. Second place: Todoroki Shouto. Third place: Bakugou Katsuki. Fourth Place: A girl from 1-B. Fifth Place: A boy from 1-B. Sixth place: Iida Tenya. Seventh place: Tokoyami Fumikage. Eighth place: Sero Hanta. Ninth place: [Last Name] [Name]. Tenth place: Kirishima Ejirou.

And as I keep looking through the list, the more I see the faces of students in 1-B, and the more I see there are not too many students outside of the two hero courses, or at least not in the abundance that 1-A and 1-B.

And Aoyama made last place.

"Alright now, only the ones who placed in the race are through to the next round! So here it is, and I already know what it is!" Midnight interjects my thoughts.

I watch as that huge wheel spins, only holds the most outrageous scenarios that test our abilities.

"And here it is!" She cheers, and the wheel stops, and we all read in silence.

A cavalry battle.

Then once we all let it sink in, everyone starts turning to someone near them and ask what the hell does that mean.

"Let me explain. One person can form teams of four with anybody they like, like any cavalry battle, except with this one, your points will depend on how you placed in the last round." Midnight explains.

"Oh, so all of the team's points will be different depending on who's on your team.." I sigh.

"It's rude to keep talking when I'm in the middle of an explanation!" Midnight snaps, her whip cracking, leading us to all flinch under the wrath of this scary woman.

"Anyways, you're all correct!" She retains her composure. "The points go up by five starting from last place, so 43 will only have five points, and 42 will have ten."

Then I guess placing 9th will get me a good enough amount of points.

"And of course, first place will get ten million."

It got so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

Midnight smirks. "That's right."

If you end up with ten million, then at any time that those points are taken, then the team with those ten million are in the lead.

A great advantage, but who would want to be the target, the holder of those ten million will be wanted by everyone?

And that ten million points holder is Izuku.

What is that boy to do?

I'm so sorry I disappeared for a bit!! I was busy with end of school things, but now I'm finally on summer break! Hopefully I can update more than once a week. And yes, I had to add an extra spot since, well, reader inserts. Meaning there's going to be an extra round for the final battles.

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