The Maze Runner Imagines

Av WritingInsanely

127K 2.1K 608

Just a bunch of imagines I've posted on my Tumblr already -thought I would share them with the rest of the TM... Mer

Food Fight//Minho
Singing Drunkard//Newt
Thanks For The Memories//Newt
Newt's Secret//Newt
Confessions of a Worried Shank//Newt
Teasing and Kissing//Newt
You Read My Mind; Literally//Minho
Make Outs N' Such//Newt
Kiss Me All You Want But Don't Lick My Face//Newt
You're Totally Whipped, There's No Denying It//Newt
Awfully Messy//Gally
Climbing Mountains and Taking Selfies Are Not A Good Mix//Newt
Swimming Naked is Better Than Going to Prom Anyway//Newt
Parted Ways//Newt
The Blond Shuck Face//Newt
I Care//Newt
Giving You a Chance//Newt//Part 1
Giving You a Chance//Newt//Part 2
Let Me Love You//Gally//Part 1
Let Me Love You//Gally//Part 2
I'm Only Relatively Romantic When I'm Drunk//Minho
Happy New Year!//All Four
How Do You Say 'I Love You'?//Gally
The Bet//Minho
I Like Punching People, But I Also Like Hugging You//Gally
The Date//Newt//Part 1
The Date//Newt//Part 2
Finding A Friend//Newt
After The Power Goes Out//Newt
The Gang//Newt
Only Flirt With Me If You Mean It//Thomas
The Rescuer//Newt
The Ghost of Him//Gally
You're The One I Want//Thomas
Fighting For You//Newt
Trapped Together//Minho
Close To Him//Gally
Author's Note: IMPORTANT!
The Truth//Gally


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Av WritingInsanely

Prompt: You're separated from Gally during the Griever attack...

Today was like most days in the Glade, you woke up and headed over to the Med-jack hut and attended to the Gladers who routinely slice their hands open or drop things on their own feet. But throughout the morning and afternoon, there was something... off. Different. No one spoke about it but you all felt it together. You would have that knowing look.


The Glade had been changing lately, things happened that weren't supposed to. Rules were being broken, and people were changing. It was a silent day, other than the breeze in the leaves and tall grass. The Glade was alive, but silent. You should have known that something was going to happen.

But you didn't.

Gally kisses you on the edge of your mouth, earning a heart-warming smile from you. You grab his dinner plate and stack it upon yours, "I have a meeting with the med-jacks... but I'll see you after?"

He scrunches his mouth up, "A meeting? Really?"

You shrug your shoulders, "Hey, I'm not the Keeper, I don't set these meetings up I just have to be there."

He leans forward for another kiss, but you rest your finger on his lips teasingly, "Don't make me late, Captain."

"Don't call me that," he almost growls through pressed lips, he reaches for your hand, but you move away instantly. "Aw, Y/N."

"I'll see you after, Gally." You wave over at him as you walk towards the hut, and he waves back somewhat moodily.

You reach the hut in seconds, but your engulfed immediately by a hurry of words, "Y/N, great!" Clint shuffles through some medical supplies, "I need you to go over to the Maze entrance, apparently there's been some sort of... incident. I'm short on med-jacks at the moment, so I need you to hurry over there ASAP." He says it quickly, not looking up from his own matter. A Slicer you immediately recognise sitting in the chair, his leg propped up with a wide, open gash down the side of the muscle. You wince at the blood oozing out of the wound, and quickly find a bag of everything you may need.

You sling it over your back and jog towards the Maze entrance, however you notice a sequence of shouts and alarming voices raise as you near the crowd. A deafening scream resounds, and the word "Griever!" is shouted as the crowd disperses and the whirring echoes. You run towards the entrance, but the injured are taken by the sudden mass of Grievers in seconds.

You freeze as you watch the monsters roll out of the entrance and into the Glade, your once safe- haven. You dash to your right and roll into a bunch of thick bushes, hoping your movements were too minor for the Grievers to catch you in their sight.

You huddle up close and try to breathe calmly and quietly, the Grievers click and whir before rolling out forwards heading towards the centre of the Glade. You sigh in relief, but you know the night is not yet over. You need to find the others and tell them before it's too late, but how can you without the Griever's spotting you? What if it's already too late to even warn the others?

You think of Gally immediately, and a punch of worry hits your stomach. All you can do is just hope that he's okay. But you think about him being trapped in the Homestead with everyone else as the Grievers take over, and your hope quickly vanishes.

Gally's POV.

Gally watches you go and sighs lovingly, although he'd make sure that he'd never do that around any of the other Gladers. He doesn't often like to admit it, but he is quick to miss you, especially as you both work in two very different jobs throughout the day; only getting the night to spend together.

Gally walks off in the other direction after you disappear into the night and thinks about heading up to your room. Usually you spend some time by the fire before going up to bed, but tonight he's sure that you'll be too exhausted to hang about the others. So, he makes his way over towards the Homestead, and as he climbs the stairs he gets a few knowing wolf-whistles from his fellow Builders. One look from Gally shuts their mouths, but secretly he finds their teasing amusing.

He reaches your room and walks over to your window to let in a breeze on this particularly warm night but stops short when he sees a crowd of Gladers by the Maze entrance. Gally tries to find a source of mishap, maybe there's a brawl or a Runner hasn't returned, but finds nothing and grows confused.

In a matter of seconds though, the crowd separates leaving an injured boy behind. Gally spots you running over towards the boy and watches as you freeze up. He finds what you're staring at, and his heart instantly races as the panic starts to seep in. Grievers. In the Glade.

Gally dashes towards the stairs and is at the bottom in what seems like three leaps, worried Gladers stare at him in confusion. He pushes forward towards the exit, but it is soon blocked up by the oncoming crowd of screaming, panicked kids.

Gally attacks the crowd instantly, trying to push through the sea of bodies, but he's pushed back again and again. Further and further to the back of the building. The image of the Griever entering the Glade, and the knowledge that you're out there alone and unprotected, fills his mind to the point of panic.

"You don't want to go out there," someone cries, tears welling in their eyes, "the Grievers are in the Glade!"

But Gally ignores their warnings and continues to try and push his way out, "Let me through, dammit!"

Somebody touches his shoulder, "Gally, what are you doing? They said there are Grievers out there!"

He shakes his head frustratingly, "Y/N is still out there!"

The doors are pushed shut and barricades block anyone from trying to get in, but more importantly, trying to get out.

Newt clasps a hand over Gally's arm, "You can't go out there, mate, it would be suicide."

"But she was near the entrance, Newt! She's not safe! I have to—

A Builder whom Gally knows quite well shakes his head, "Gally, you can't leave. We're not opening those doors again until it's safe."

Gally immediately towers over the guy, "I will be leaving, and I will find her. You can't stop me."

"Yes, we can."

He hesitates, looking to the doors and back to the crowd behind him, "Shuck this," he rams against the doors, but the rest of the Builders pull him back by the arms. Gally is strong, but not strong enough to fight against eight or ten stocky built guys who work the hammers and saws all day. But he still fights anyway, because he knows that if you're gone from the Glade for good, he would never forgive himself. He would never know another happy day, ever.

Your POV.

You trail back to the Med-jack's hut. Your steps careful and light, hidden by bushes and greenery on the edge of the Glade. You manage to get inside the hut after quiet coaxing with Clint who was manning the entrance.

"Y/N..." he hugs you immediately, "when I heard the screams I..."

You smile and see that Jeff and a few others made it back here safely too. "We'll be okay, Clint."

"What if they don't leave?"

You bite the inside of your cheek, nerves seeping in at every angle. "They will, they have to." You think of Gally stuck in the Homestead... at least he's safe. He has to be.

When the sun rises the next morning, you're quick to wake up. There's yelling, a lot of it, echoing through the Glade. Crying. But there's no sign of the awful clicks and whirs of the Grievers, no black shadowy monsters, the enemy has left.

The door to the hut is beat down in an instant, and you squeal at the sudden loud noise from it. You shield your eyes from the sunlight that pours into the room, a tall figure stands in the doorway. "Y/N..."

You blink away the barest of sleep in your eyes, "Gally!" You run to him immediately, and he sweeps you up into his arms. But the exhaustion and fear that wrecked both of your bodies and left you slightly unstable and weak sends you both to the ground in a flash. But you don't mind, and neither does he.

"Y/N, I tried to leave the building, I tried—

"What?" You look down at him, confused. "You're a slinthead if you think you could've found me." You straddle his waist now, a frustrated look in your eye, somewhat of a glare, "Don't you ever try to help me if it puts you in danger."

"Are you kidding? I saw you by the entrance! For all I knew, I thought you were already dead!"

You didn't realise he saw you near the Grievers, you only thought he guessed you were in the hut because of your meeting last night.

"I was running around the Glade trying to find you all morning, I didn't think you'd be in here. I didn't know where you would be. I thought I was... I thought I might find you dead, Y/N."

You kiss him, afraid to even think about living in the Glade without him. "I'm not going anywhere."

"I thought..." his voice trails, still in shock, still panicked by your separation. He looks up at you, his green eyes sparkling, he kisses you this time, his hands cupping your face as he pulls you closer to him. You melt into the kiss, the separation and worry from it leaving you in need of him. You realise something, and it almost takes you by surprise, how could you live without this shuckface?

"I'm sorry," you mumble, but Gally only kisses you again and again.

Gally realises the few people that notice you in his arms, kissing, being all affectionate, but even now he doesn't think of what other people might think of the pair of you two. All he cares is that you are in his arms, and not gone from him. This feeling, an intense and knowing feeling can only be described in very few words.

"Y/N, I love you." He mumbles this between kisses, and you almost don't hear him...

"I love you, too."

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