Thoughts & Random Stuff

By klaroline-4ever

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Just stuff I think about... More

Fanfic Haters
After getting in Wattpad
Hope Mikaelson
Hayley on this last season of TO
Taking the Myers Biggs Test
Start over
Teen Wolf Ending
Friendships After Leaving High School
Online Friends
The Originals Promo
Tag [playlist]
School & Criativity
Writing Ahead
The Originals S05E01
Writer's block
OCs (and my small experience)
Thank You!!!
Tagged (Again)
Recommendations Tag
Tagged again
And Yet Another Tag
The Tale of Two Wolfs
Guess what? Another Tag
Group Projects
The Return Of Eugenia Cooney

Books I wrote...

12 1 1
By klaroline-4ever

Hey guys!
If you are thinking that today I'm just going to brag the books I made bc I'm on a writer's block, you are mistaken. I am still going on this writer's block thing but instead of me just thinking about that, I decided to not focus on the bad, and I'm not only referring about having more time (bc I believe I said that in the last rant). Today I decided to talk about the book I wrote and marked a stage of my wattpad writer life...? I don't know how to call it, I just know that I have books that I wrote and will always have a special place in my heart and I decided to share that with you.

You maybe thinking that I shouldn't focus on some of my books because a writer should have all their books in an important place of their heart and maybe you're right but there's certain books who were for me important steps. I am very aware that all the books I wrote made me get here (whatever here is) and that they all taught me something and I will always care for them but there's a few books I made till now that just have a slightly bigger part in my heart.

I guess I'm now just talking and talking and what I should do was just starting to say the books bc this rant isn't meant to be a rant about trying to rant books that I wrote. So let's just go straight to the subject before I start to rant about something else and this ends up with me being really really weird. But I guess could be worse things, right? I'm getting off subject again. Sorry. So here we go to the books I wrote that meant slightly more than the other I write and the reason for that: (this is not listed in a particular order)

• The One - Of course this book had to be in here. This is the first book I wrote and it's filled of gramatical erros and writing errors and for how much I try to go to that book to edit, it's just kinda hard to see how much I used to suck. Anyway, this book is very important to me because it was my first fanfic, my first story and the first time I felt what was to write and have people reading my story. This book was the start of something that I could never imagine. When I wrote this book I could never imagine how many books would follow after that, the people I would get to know and the support I would found in this platform, which I will always be thankful for, and for how much I thank to all of you, I should also thank to this book bc even if some of you haven't read it, it was the start of my passion for writing and it was thanks to that book that I found out that I not only liked writing but I also was able to forget the real world and get away from problems for awhile, it was how I found a way to be in a world of my own. You have no idea how thankful I am for writing this book, even if it's filled with errors.

• My Prison - This was my first book with 100 chapters but this book is not in here just because of that. In the first chapters I didn't got many comments or votes and even if that shouldn't affect the writer, it does. I know that we shouldn't be thinking about votes and comments but that's hard bc not only makes you (or at least is what happens to me) doubt about my work but it also makes me question if it's any good or I should give up the story. Thankfully someone asked me to not stop so I figured if someone is liking it to the point of not wanting to end, then maybe my book isn't that bad and so I tried and I found more comments and votes and when I was in the 90 something chapter I wasn't sure what should I do, ended or not so I asked my readers and they said they didn't want it to end and if I was going to end to go at least to the 100 chapter and that's what I did. Seeing all that support meant so much to me... I was doing something that not only I liked but also other people liked. I was getting better at writing and with my story skills and I felt just so happy and proud of myself that when it come to the last chapter I got mixed feelings bc I was happy but also sad bc it was the end of a story.

• The Royal Engagement - this was also an 100 chapter book but he is in here bc it was the first Klaroline book I made where they didn't knew each other before and I had to make their relationship from the 0. They didn't knew each other and I knew I had to try hard to make their relationship even half as good as in the show.

• Timeless - This is one of my books who I still haven't completed and it's not because I forgot or bc I'm not proud of it because I am very proud of that book. This book was and is a collab that I made with someone who used to read my books and had great ideas so I ended up talking with her and that's how I started to write my first (and until now only) collab. Might not be finished but this story was an important mile stone as a wattpad writer bc I never had wrote a collab before and it made me get a little out of my zone of comfort bc I was used to write alone but now it isn't so much and I guess that's why we all should sometimes get out of our comfort zone.

• Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and Gifted (the 2 books) - these two books were very important to me because not only I experienced what was like to write in advanced (like I said in a previous rant) but also because it was the two books I started to write more about characters besides the ones I knew from TVD, Yes I knew Josie, Lizzie and Hope but at the time I didn't knew how they would became, in appearance and personality, so they were basically almost OCs, then I created 3 male OCs and then I wrote Kate who ended up by being a regular character when in the start it was supposed to be only in a few chapters but then she became like a main character if not really one. The curious thing about these books was that I would never thought I would make two of them and that I would never thought how they would developed, I had an idea but until it went to paper (or to the app...?) I would change sometimes ideas about a few things and now I look back and I never expected a few things that happened in the book to happen but I'm glad they did and I'm glad that I wrote those books because I never had OCs that would appear as much in my books like in these books and that they would become such important characters... Curious how sometimes we think about in writing a story in one way but then you find yourself being guided by the story and not the other way around...

• Cuddle Buddy - This was also an important book to me because it was the first time I wrote a Klaroline book where would be no supernatural creatures and that they didn't knew each other before so I had to figure out to make a good story with some drama but without the all supernatural thing and I also had to try to create a relationship between Klaus and Caroline that wouldn't disappoint the reader which I always find very hard bc even with all of your support, I am aware that it's not easy to write about two characters and put their chemistry in words and that the reader can always compare the relationship I write with their relationship on the show and it's very hard to get close to that kinda relationship. This was also a first book for me because it was the first book I first wrote all the chapters and just after finishing, published everything and tried to not stress too much about what people would think bc I hadn't had gotten any opinion about it.

And I guess those were the books I wrote who most marked me. I know they aren't perfect but they all made me experience something, learn something with them and they all made me improve and make me happy and thankful for getting on Wattpad, bc it was here where I found out that I loved writing and it was here where I found support when I truly needed. I just want you all to know that I'm very happy to be on Wattpad but also for having you there reading and giving me your support. I love you guys! ❤️

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