There's Always August [Comple...

נכתב על ידי nkf350

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If you had met self-conscious, acne-attacked Kadea Gennings at the beginning of the summer you would have swo... עוד

To Conclude


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נכתב על ידי nkf350

Hello to my few readers!!! You guys really need to tell me if you like my story or not so I can decide whether I wanna post or not!! I'm doing this Wattpad thing for you ;)


Chapter 3

Well... I honestly hadn't realized it would be this hard to surf but, gee, was I wrong! I couldn't even count the number of times I flipped off my board and crashed into the waves; I mean 'gracefully greeted the surf with my face'. It didn't make me feel any better that every time I politely introduced myself to the water, Cole would burst out laughing; obviously not getting over the humour hidden beneath my failure.

"Well, not all of us are child prodigy's you doof!" I had said, hair partially blocking my view. But, even behind the net of brown locks, I hadn't missed Cole's pathetic attempt to choke back a laugh.

It was on my way to the changing rooms at the beach that I decided I would quit surfing. Surfing was, after all, the worst choice I had ever made.

"You can't just quit Kadea!" Cole had argued "That would just be pathetic... and think about all the money you spent on all this stuff" He pointed at the surf board and surf suit.

"Damn, you had me hooked on 'money'" I had replied sarcastically.

I figured it would take way more of an argument than that to win me over again.

I was back in my room now; lying on my bed and staring at the ceiling. My mum wasn't home so I had given Cole permission to enter my house and he was currently lying beside me. We both quietly stared at my ceiling and enjoyed the absence of sound. It wasn't one of those awkward silences but the really comfortable ones that spoke for themselves without your contribution.

"You still quitting?" Cole asked me after a while.

"Nah... I thought that I might as well just get it over with, you know?" I replied.

"Ya, I guess I get it..."

The room went silent again and we resumed staring at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry." I said. "I'm usually the kind of person that waits for someone else to talk before I have anything to say..."

"Ya, so am I..."

I randomly sat up and walked over to my shelf where I knew I would find something interesting to do. I lazily shuffled back to my bed and lay down on my stomach.

"A yearbook?" Cole asked with a smile as he flipped onto his stomach beside me.

"Not just any yearbook, Cole. Our third grade yearbook." I watched his expression turn grave with a smirk.


I flipped through the first few pages until I found our class. I read through every line until I found Gennings.

"Wasn't I just so cute!" I mock cooed.

"Ya, I know. Wonder what happened..." Cole replied, a playful grin on his face. I was left with the task of lightly punching his arm.

"Whatever, now let's check you out." I emphasized the 'you' and scanned the names for Johnsons.

"Aw, you were so adorable!" I couldn't help but say. "Those glasses! They were like freaking magnifying glasses"

"Shut up." He mumbled. By now, the tanned skin on his cheeks had turned a dark shade of pink.

"Come on! You were super cute! But what happened to your glasses?"




"So you actually have gold flakes in your eyes?"

"Yah, no one really knows where they came from..."

The room became silent again as I thought this through.

"Music?" I asked him.

"What?" He asked.

"Wanna listen to music? I can plug my speakers in."

He agreed and I worked on setting up the speakers.

I played Ambling Alp by Yeasayer and let the song envelope the room. I saw Cole close his eyes as I lay down next to him and decided to close my own eyes and actually listen to the music. I was surprised when I realized that he was probably the first person that didn't criticize my awkward taste in music and smiled at the thought.

I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep until I felt a light flash and let my eyes pop open. Cole was laughing as he stared at the picture he had just taken.

"Damn, has anyone ever told you that you look hilarious when you're sleeping?" He asked, obviously amused.

"And you took a picture because..." I replied, rather embarrassed.

"Because the moment had to be captured. It was like your mouth was open but you weren't drooling. Your jaw was just, like, hanging there." He snickered again and I turned away from him to hide the blush.

"It's only when I'm sleeping really deeply."

"Still really funny." He said with a grin. "Wanna go swimming tomorrow?"

"Sure, where? The Beach?"

"Nah, too public. Let's go over to my place."

So he also had a pool, I thought with a chuckle.

His pool was huge. Or should I say pools. The top pool was an infinity pool that created a waterfall into the next pool. It was at the back of his house which explained how I had missed it the first time. Freaking rich people, I thought.

There was a really high, tube water slide that twisted into the second pool, because it was deeper, just to the right of the infinity pool. I had already gone down the slide a million and one times on my own and once or twice with Cole just behind me, a fact that - I won't lie - I was quite happy about.

"Dude! What the hell, your house is amazing!" We were lying around the pool on a pair of towels now.

"Ya, I guess it's cool. You're the first girl I've had over, you know."

"Really, no girlfriends?"


I rolled off the towel and walked around the pool to the pool house where I knew I would find the floaties. I picked two deflated pool loungers and walked back to Cole, already blowing air into my own.

"You know we have this funky, new invention that does that for you. It's called a pump." Cole said with a chuckle. "But that works too... pass me mine."

For about another five minutes we just puffed air into the lifeless floaties and when they were fully inflated I offered to run into the house and get us some drinks.

"Cool, I'll have a beer." He said.

I didn't really know how to reply to that so I just let an unsure 'okay' escape my lips; still not sure if he was joking or not.

"I'm serious, you can have one too if you want. My parents aren't the type to care really..."

From my past experience with alcohol, I was pretty sure I didn't want a beer. They were just outright nasty.

"Nah, I think I'll just have a juice or something." I said.

"Suit yourself." He replied with a smirk and a nod as I turned my back to him and headed towards their house, if you would call it that.

I walked through the sliding glass door that directly illuminated the kitchen with the suns natural light. Cole's mum was working on some kind of pastry and I navigated the maze of a kitchen with the aim of reaching the fridge. It was rather huge, like everything else in this house, so I had difficulty finding the beverages at first. I noticed some pink lemonade and closed the fridge in search of a glass.

"If you're looking for a glass, they're in the top-right corner, honey." Cole's mum said with a smile.

"Oh, thank you... ma'am." I replied, rather uncomfortably.

"Call me Jeanne, dear."

"Thank you, Jeanne."

I grabbed a glass and headed back to the fridge. I pulled out the pitcher of lemonade and poured myself a glass, filled half-way. I set the glass down on the island and placed the pitcher back in the fridge, grabbing a beer and kicking the fridge door closed distractedly. I picked up my glass and started walking towards the door when 'Jeanne' cut my journey short.

"Umm, where do you think you're going with that?" She asked me sternly.

Oh, she means the beer. Shit, I thought. "Umm... I... Cole... he..." I muttered incoherently.

"You're too young to be drinking alcohol, young lady."

"I... umm..."

A fun-filled smiled suddenly spread across her face and she chuckled.

"It's ok, dear. I'm just scaring you." She said with another giggle.

I just laughed uneasily and slowly walked backwards towards the door. "Thanks again." I said before leaving the room. The sun greeted me painfully with its heat. I turned down my head and continued walking. I bumped into something hard and immediately felt embarrassed when I realized that it might have been a tree that I walked into. I looked up and saw that it wasn't a tree at all but all six feet of Cole instead.

"You really should watch where you're walking or some other lonely suitor might get the wrong idea." He said with a smile. "Now, you see, me? I'll let it slide. But him, he'll definitely think you're a putz."

I just put on a fake scowl and handed him the beer.

"Dude, your mum just scared the piss out of me! About the beer! Besides, I just don't see how you like that stuff. It's so disgu - what the hell!" It was too late because he had already dumped the contents of his beer can into my glass until it, previously only half-way full, was overflowing. "Screw you!"

"Promise?" He knowingly replied with a self-satisfied smirk.

I just ignored him and drank my beer-lemonade thing. It tasted like shit but I wasn't bothered enough to go back to the house and get more.

"You happy now? This stuff tastes like crap." He laughed at me as I secretly cursed his existence.

"Aww. Poor Kadea, you want mine?" He laughed at my disgusted expression.

We walked back to the pool in silence and lay down in our floaties, our drinks tucked into the cup holders that they provided. The day only got hotter as the sun rose to the centre of the sky, indicating midday.

I had just closed my eyes to 'truly capture the beauty of the day', like my mother loved to say, when a tidal wave of water exploded across every inch of my face and upper body. My eyes popped open just as Cole erupted into a fit of laughter.

Payback time you jerk... I thought grimly before slipping into the water - not quite as gracefully as I would have hoped.

He was so busy laughing at me that he didn't notice me swim under his floatie and shove the edge with all my might making him flip into water with an 'oof'. Belly-flop, I thought enthusiastically. I shot to the surface of the pool, accidentally swallowing some water and wildly choked on the unwelcomed income of chlorine-stained liquid. Unlucky for me, Cole was out of the water long enough to see me die - and not very prettily, might I add - via pool water. This resulted in more laughter on his part and more choking altogether as he gulped down his own fair share of water.

I swam to the edge of the pool, getting out seal-style, and, I swear to God, I felt a six-pac coming on as I laughed my ass off while his face turned red and he coughed wildly. He stumbled out of the pool and collapsed next to me.

"Truce..." He said with a very hoarse voice.

"Truce," I replied with an equally hoarse voice.

"You're such a quack,"

"Me!" I chuckled painfully. "You're the one that splashed water on me."

"Please..." He smirked. "You have zero evidence."

I just smiled and closed my eyes. I felt some droplets of what I hoped was water on my face and let my eyes lazily open.

"Let's not start this again. We have a truce." I said slowly before closing my eyes again.

"You're no fun..." He replied, equally as slow. I could tell that his eyelids were also getting slightly heavier as we motionlessly lay by the pool.


Heii!! If you liked it: don't forget to comment and let me know if I should continue :) or even vote :D I like votes :P

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