Summer, 1983 (I'll call you b...

By ThinkingPeaches

47.3K 1.9K 313

After the blank years, Oliver's wife can no longer keep the secret that she's known for years. She knows that... More

I'll call you by mine
The Boys
The Graduate
Not a kid!
The Party
4th of July
The book
Promise is a Promise
Summer's Ending
See you in New York
Home Again
Feelings, I don't do them
Hidden Desires
University Dinner
Friday Night Lights
Rules Don't Apply
Truth & Heartbreak
Letting Go
Best Friends and Cabins
Graduation Day
About Last Night
No worries
What happened to Elio?
Summer 2005
From a numb heart
Growing Up
So this is Love
I do's and I don'ts
In the park
It's the little things
The Past
Family dinner
To Forgive?
Home Sweet B
Elio meets Elio
Oliver meets Oliver
Mon Coeur
Consume Me...
Back to Summer
Secrets and tears
My funny Valentine...
Penny for your thoughts
No day but today
Things happen for reasons
Letting go and starting a new
Ghosts of the past.

Very Unhappy Birthday

486 26 9
By ThinkingPeaches

Christopher woke that morning and he realized he was no longer a child. Eighteen, he was eighteen, a soon to be Yale freshman undergrad. But on his happy day, he was feeling very unhappy. He didn't have time to think about what this day meant because his parents and grandmother burst through the door.

"HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY CHRISTOPHER!" They all cheered together.

Nonna and Elio had made Christopher all of his favorite breakfast foods. Fried eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage and crepes. Everyone at the table moaned when the food was placed on the table.

"This looks and smells amazing thanks pops and nonna."

After breakfast, the three boys laid out by the pool.

"Christ man I never want to leave this place." Jude moaned while rubbing his full stomach.

"I know that's why we never complain about coming here. I swear one day I'm moving here. Leave every care and worry I have behind in New York. Settle down maybe meet a nice girl, have loads of kids." Christopher said closing his eyes imagining that life.

"Well, what if you meet a guy that you want to be with forever?" Jona asked.

"Then we will adopt a bunch of kids. Kids that get lost in the system."

"Why are we talking about marriage and kids? I'm planning on being wild and free, no woman is going to keep me tied down." Jude barked out laughing.

"Jude you can't even keep a girlfriend for longer than 4 months."

"What can I say, when I'm tired of them I find a new one."

"You are so full of shit. When Kelly dumped you before Christmas you cried curled up in a ball on my bedroom floor." Christopher threw the book at him that he'd been reading.

"I did not!"

"Yeah you did man, I heard you from my room." Jona laughed.

"Fuck you guys, I'm going to the lake."

"Jude where do you think you are going? Boys come help us set up for the party." Oliver yelled after them.

This year was going to be bigger than last years party, the Adler boys had befriended the entire teenage population of B last year and Oliver and Elio had become established in the community. Everyone from B was attending, Oliver and Elio were throwing the biggest party B had seen. Christopher was hoping it was going to be bigger than Jona's 16th birthday party but all of B came to that as well.

By six people started showing up, Nan and Mark had flown in from London where they vacationed every summer.

"Oliver! You are a sight for sore eyes!" Nan belted out, Christopher was always amazed at how such a tiny woman could be so loud.

"NAN!" Oliver picked her up swinging her around like a little rag doll.

"Elio I'm glad to see you walking around. That fucking bastard deserved more than to get knocked out by Ollie."

"Oh he did, last I heard he's sitting in prison for the next five years. With the drugs, they found in his apartment and he apparently a few other things I don't want to say in front of children." Elio smiled giving Nan a hug.


"Mark, how are you?" Oliver asked.

"Oh just peachy, got to see Dunkin in Le Mis."

"Oh that's right, I bet Nan is proud."

"You have no idea. You'd thought my son won a Nobel peace prize when he told her the news."

"Elio and I will have to come see him in it before the end of summer."

Marzia, Luca, Nichola, and Valentina showed up a little late as usual but this time there was someone new with them. Marzia rushed to Christopher, excitedly hugging him.

"Happy Birthday Christopher!"

"Thanks, Val, it's nice to see you. And who is this that you've brought?"

"This is my fiancee, Armond. We met at the University."

Christopher shook his hand.

"Val I'm hurt, I thought I would be your first husband and we would be together for a few years and then you could run off and marry a gorgeous Italian man." Christopher laughed, Valentina, smacked him on the arm.

"You beast! Don't mind him, darling, he thinks he's a riot."

"I am funny."

She slid her arm into his.

"My mom told me what happened with David. I'm really sorry Christopher."

"It's alright I haven't spoken to him or seen him in months. The last time I did he basically asked me to be his mistress."

"You're fucking kidding me right?" Valentina was shooked.

"Nope, he really asked me. How was it he put it? Oh, Maybe he could have his married life and still have me."

"Jesus, well I do feel sorry for him. To be forced to spend your life with someone you don't love."

That evening after happy birthday was sung, the presents were opened and the cake was cut. They danced and drank through the night, Christopher and Jude made their way to the lake a bottle of wine in each of their hands.

"Today's been pretty amazing." Christopher laid down on the grass propping himself up on his elbows.

"Yeah, I don't think I've ever had this much fun at a birthday party. I don't even think your graduation party was this crazy." Jude sat down cross-legged taking a drink from the bottle.

"Can I tell you something and promise not to laugh?"

"Cross my heart," Jude said doing the motion.

Christopher looked at his hand, pulling bits of grass from its roots.

"All day I've been hoping that a promise that was made to me would be kept. Every time a car would pull up I'd hold my breath. David made me a promise last year that on my 18th birthday he would come and kiss me guilt free. But I know he's not coming."

Jude turned his face away from Christopher, he smiled and cursed under his breath.

"Don't ask questions just close your eyes." Jude hadn't looked at him.


"I said no questions."

"Alright, Alright. I've got my eyes closed."

Jude looked over, Christopher still in the same position with his eyes closed and his head tilted back. He settled up beside Christopher, placing his hand on his cheek, pressing his lips to Christophers. Jude slipped his tongue into Christopher's mouth, Christopher returned the kiss running his fingers through Jude's hair. They both forgot to breathe, Jude pulled away slightly.

"Where did that come from?" Christopher whispered Jude was so close to him he could smell the sweet wine on his breath.

"From David." Jude hadn't moved away from him, he was still cupping his cheek. Christopher's brow furrowed, confusion riddled his face.


"He called me and had me meet him. He told me everything asked me if I would do this because he couldn't and since you're my best friend I did what would make you happy."

Christopher smiled, kissing Jude again.

"I am happy. But sadly you aren't my type."

Jude rolled off of him laughing.

"You are such an ass, Chris. Do you know how long it took me to get up the balls to do that?"

"If it makes you feel better, I can say you are a good kisser."

"Oh fuck off"

"I'm sorry, you know me. I do love you even more for doing what you did."

"Don't get all mushy on me." Jude shoved Christopher knocking him off his elbows, making them go into fits of laughter



"You know you gave me a lot of tongue?"

"Yeah I got nervous and a little too into it."

"Dude, are you joining my team?"

"Shut up, you ass."

"Did he really ask you?" Christopher exhaled

"Yeah, he called me a couple weeks before we came here. David said it was important to him."

Christopher looked at his best friend, the things we do for the people we love. He would have done the same thing for Jude. Thirteen years of friendship they would do anything for each other, they were brothers. He didn't know what they would do without each other.

"Thank you, Jude, you did make my birthday perfect."

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