Irreplaceable (BWWM - Book #1...

By Cocoa47

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Kamea Palu surprises her boyfriend, Reed, of three years on their anniversary only to find out he is cheatin... More

Chapter 1 - Caught In The Act
Chapter 2 - The Breakup
Chapter 3 - First Impressions - Part 1
Chapter 4 - First Impressions - Part 2
Chapter 5 - Who Are You?
Chapter 6 - Trouble Is Brewing
Chapter 7 - Oh My Goodness! How Could You?!
Chapter 8 - You Are A Wanted Man, Reed!
Chapter 9 - Kamea, Please Wake Up!
Chapter 10 - Big Trouble Ahead
Chapter 11 - The Road to Recovery
Chapter 12 - Trust
Chapter 13 - What Is Going On?
Chapter 14 - Getting Better
Chapter 15 - Welcome Back, Sweetheart
Chapter 16 - It's Official
Chapter 17 - First Date - Part 1
Chapter 18 - First Date - Part 2
Chapter 19 - The First Night
Chapter 20 - Rivals Meet
Chapter 21 - Not Again
Chapter 22 - Surprise
Chapter 23 - Long Time No See
Chapter 24 - Drama Drama Drama
Chapter 25 - Guess Who Is In Town
Chapter 26 - Trip to Italy
Chapter 27 - He's Here Too?
Chapter 28 - New Love & Trouble
Chapter 29 - The Rescue
Chapter 30 - The Bachelorette Party
Chapter 31- The Wedding is Here
Chapter 32 - Reception Time
Chapter 33 - Devastated
Chapter 34 - Goodbye, Jayde
Chapter 35 - Repast Trouble & The Gender Reveal
Chapter 36 - Miranda Is Back
Chapter 38 - Wedding #2?
Chapter 39 - Trip to Milan
Chapter 40 - The Answer Is
Chapter 41 - He Is At It Again
Chapter 42 - What Happened To Layla
Chapter 43 - Layla's Bodyguard Arrives
Chapter 44 - It's Showtime
Chapter 45 - It's Reception Time
Chapter 46 - Back to Jamaica We Go
Chapter 47 - New York, New York
Chapter 48 - Baby Shower #2 Part 1
Chapter 49 - Baby Shower #2 Part 2
Chapter 50 - The Babies Are Coming
Chapter 51 -Isabella and Kekoa Are Here
Chapter 52 - Another One Bites The Dust
Chapter 53 -The Grand Openings
Chapter 54 - It's Our Anniversary
Chapter 55 - The Wedding Is Here
Chapter 56 - Going Back To Cali - Part One
Chapter 57 - Going Back To Cali Part Two
Chapter 58 - Going Back To Cali Part Three
Chapter 59 - Trouble In NYC
Author's Note
Chapter 60 - Terror and Surprise
Chapter 61 - Baby On The Way
Chapter 62 - Who Was Kidnapped?!
Chapter 63 - Where Are They?
Chapter 64 - Good Riddance To Chase
Chapter 65 - Back Together Again
Author's Note
Chapter 66 - What Happened To Cris?
Chapter 67 - It's A Party!
Chapter 68 - Uh-Oh Part 1
Chapter 69 - Uh Oh Part 2

Chapter 37 - Baby Shower #1

2.9K 155 56
By Cocoa47

Briana's POV

Today was a day off, so Jake and I spent the day together. We were walking near the food court and saw commotion happening over there.

"Jake, that looks like Kam over there. She is hysterical."

We both ran over to the food court, and as we got closer, we saw Cris beating the pulp out of somebody.

"Kam, what happened here?! I thought you all were in Florida until the end of summer?"

Jake went to stop Cris from killing the dude.

"Cris and I flew back because I had a doctor's appointment to find out the gender of our twins. We were due to leave today but had to reschedule because tomorrow morning, I have to get blood work done. We decided to go shopping for baby things and maternity clothes today. So, we took a break to eat lunch. Cris was on the line at Chipotle ordering our food. I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when that guy that Cris is fighting came over to me. I was on the phone talking to Noeli, and he started staring into my face. He wouldn't walk away. So I told Noeli to hold on and told the guy to leave me alone and that I was happily married."

"As I got up to go stand with Cris, this creep grabbed my arm and didn't let go. I screamed Cris's name. Cris turned around and saw this guy grabbing me and immediately came over. Then, the guy said to Cris and me, "She's your wife? Why do beautiful black women date or marry out of their race?"

"Jake has to stop Cris because I can't watch him go to jail."

"Kam, does your arm still hurt?" Mall security came over to try and pull Cris off this guy. Jake is very muscular, and even he couldn't do it.

"It does. He had a really tight grip on my right arm. It feels sore."

"Let me check it." She had on one of his shirts, so I had her roll up the sleeve. I put a little pressure on the spot where he grabbed her. "Does that hurt?"

"A little bit. Not too much now. I tried to yank it away from his grip but stopped because I didn't want to fall and hurt myself."

"Come on. We need to get you to first aid. I need an x-ray machine to make sure everything is okay. Stay right here."

I walked over to where Jake was standing. They finally were able to get Cris off that guy. "Cris and Jake, I am going with Kam to first aid and make sure her arm is okay."

I walked back to Kam, and we left to find the first aid room.

Jake's POV

"Cris, what the heck happened?!" The security and police asked the same question.

"We took a break from baby shopping to get something to eat. Kamea sat down while I went to Chipotle. She screamed my name, and I turned around. I saw him grabbing her arm, so I immediately came over. When he saw that I was Kamea's husband, he told both of us, "She's your wife? Why do beautiful black women date or marry out of their race?"

The guy opened his mouth and said, "And I am still waiting for an answer! She is too beautiful to be with you!"

Cris was seriously about to kill this guy. I grabbed him before he lunged at him. "Cris, don't do it! Think about Kam! I thought you guys were in Florida?"

"We came back because Kamea had an appointment Monday to see what the twins are, but her doctor also wanted to do blood work, so we are here until tomorrow afternoon. Then, we are going back."

Cris' POV

"Sir, we are going to need a statement from your wife when she returns."

"I understand."

I told Jake about what happened at the house. "And then guess what? Chase saw us doing unholy things to each other in the pool Monday night and sent a text about it to my phone. He watched us the whole time we were outside. I want to choke the life out of him, Jake."

"Are you serious? Like, who does that?"

I saw Kamea and Briana coming back from first aid.

"Cris, why is he still here?"

"The police need a statement from you regarding what happened. Also, the mall police went to get a copy of the security tape for evidence for the police."

"Kam didn't have any ligament damage in her arm. She may develop a bruise because of how tight he had on her arm. Other than that, she is fine." Kamea walked over to the police to give her statement.

"Thank you, Briana."

"You're welcome. Kam is my friend, and we have to look out for each other."

"We'll see you both when you come back from Florida."

As Kamea was walking back over to where we were standing, Briana screamed, "Kam, look out!"

That jailbird stuck his foot out and tried to trip her.

"She is pregnant, you twit!" I almost jumped him again.

"You are in serious trouble, young man! Harassment, and you could have potentially harmed this young lady's children. Get this piece of crap out of here!"

"Good, we don't need any more mixed children in society. It would serve her right."

I want this guy gone now! Who in their right mind wishes death on a pregnant woman because she is married to someone of another race?!!

"Kam, don't listen to him at all. He is totally sick!!!" Briana and Jake both told her.

"Sweetheart, do you want to go home?"

"No. I'm still hungry. And want to continue shopping for my kids."

"Cris, we will stay with her until you come back."

"I still want Chipotle."

"I'll be right back."

Kam's POV

"So, what are you and Cris having, Kam?"

"A daughter and a son - Isabella Jayde and Kekoa Lorenzo. I wanted them to have those names to honor my mom and brother. Cris and my dad agreed."

"Those are beautiful names. I miss Mama Jayde. It is still hard to believe she is gone." Briana elbowed Jake.

"Ouch! What was that for?"

"It's okay. I miss her a lot. But Isabela, Cris's Nonna, Mrs. Alyshea, and Cocoa have been there for us. And guess what? Marco is going to propose to Noeli when we get back to Florida."

"That's awesome, Kam. I am happy for them."

"Thanks, handsome." Cris came back with our food. But, "Where are the tortilla chips?"

"Sweetheart, you didn't ask for any."

"Well, can you be a darling and get me some? Please? I'm eating for three now, remember?" He went back to get me some of their tortilla chips. I get them every time. They are so addictive. Cris came back with two bags. "Thanks, handsome." He gave me a smirk, and I knew he would get me later. Meh, I don't care.

"Well, we will let you both enjoy your lunch. And have a safe trip back to Florida."

"Thank you, Bri and Jake." They got up from the table and left.

While eating, Cris said, "You know you are in trouble, right?"

"Oh, I already know. And, looking forward to it."


After we finished eating, we went shopping for some maternity clothes for me. We went to several stores. As usual, Cris told me, "Get whatever you want." He even helped me pick out some outfits. That made me cry right there in the store.

"Why are you crying, Kamea?" He asked me while hugging me. And then, he started massaging my back up and down.

"First, mood swings. Second, you are the only guy that has ever gone shopping with me. And, you even h-helped me pick some outfits to wear. Even when I protest, y-y-ou always tell me to pick whatever I want. I-I am grateful for everything you have done for me. T-thank you. I-I-I love you so much!" I could not stop crying. I was crying like a baby.

One of the salesladies came over. "Is everything okay?"

"Mood swing. She will be okay."

"I can grab a chair for your wife to sit down."

"It's okay. I'm fine. But thank you so much for the offer." We picked up a few more things and went to the cashier. Cris paid for everything we picked out, and then we left the store.

"Cris, my feet are starting to feel tired. One more store, then can we go home? It's almost 4:30 pm."


The last store we went to was the Gap Maternity store. Cris bought me quite a few outfits from here too. He truly is the best thing that has happened in my life.

As we walked back to my truck, I told Cris, "I can't wait to get back to Key West. It is so beautiful down there. Florida would be a great place to move to."

"Would you really like to move there?"

"To be honest, I would. But, it is a dream. I doubt it will become a reality."

"My dear, you never know. One day your dream may become a reality. I want you to be happy. And how about we put in an offer on the house we saw by the water? It is big and spacious enough for everyone."

"I liked that one too."

Once we made it back to my truck, we put the packages in the middle seats because my trunk was loaded from the baby store. We got in and made our way home.

"Thank you so much for today. Minus that incident at the food court, I had a great day."

"You're welcome, sweetheart. You deserve it."

"Do you mind if I stop for a milkshake? I am craving one right now."

"It's fine, Kamea." So, I pulled into a Chick-Fil-A and got myself a cookies 'n' cream milkshake. They have the best ones. After that, we made our way home.

Before getting out of my truck, Cris told me, "Just go inside, and I will unload everything."

"Are you sure? Can I at least carry one bag? It's a lot, Cris."

"Just one. And, then, start packing for Florida."

"Okay." I grabbed one bag like he said and made my way inside the house. We got home in time because Cris had an appointment with a security company. He told me to relax and that he would handle it. And the rest of the things from the baby store are being delivered.

I went to the living room, turned on the tv, and relaxed with my yummy milkshake. But it felt like something was missing, and I know what it is.

"Cris! Can you bring me a pickle so that I can eat it with my milkshake?"

He came in with a pickle for my milkshake. "Thanks, handsome. Would you like a taste?"

Cris' POV

"Um, no thanks, Kamea. I'm good."

She gave me the puppy dog eyes. "Please? Just a little bit for me?"

I did not want that concoction at all. "Kamea, you wanted it, so you eat it."

I started to get up, but then I heard the waterworks. I can't tell if it is real tears or 'try to guilt me into eating that disgusting combo' tears.

Nonetheless, they are tears. So, I walked back into the living room. I took a big gulp and said, "Kamea, just a little bit." She told me to bite the pickle first. Then, take a sip of the milkshake.

"Kamea, this is dis......" I grabbed a napkin from the coffee table and spit that mess out.

"Did you really just sit there and spit that out right in front of my face?!! The least you could have done was spit it out in the bathroom. You wasted my pickle and milkshake!!"

"I told you I didn't want any. But, you insisted."

"You are impossible!"

She put down her milkshake and threw one of the couch pillows at me.

"Ding dong!"

Thank goodness the doorbell rang. I peeped through the door hole, and it was both the baby store delivery and my appointment for the security system. The baby store also sent over painters to paint the twins' rooms. That was an additional charge, but it was worth it. Once the rooms were finished, they had to dry for about 2 hours. Then, the baby's furniture was set up. Kamea went upstairs to tell them where she would like everything.

While I was speaking to the gentleman from the security company, I called Jake to see if he would be available on the day of the installation. He said he would be able to do it. So, I set it up to be installed this week.

After that was finished, I thanked him for his time and showed him out the door. Then, I went upstairs to check on Kamea. I know she is still mad at me for spitting out her milkshake and pickle, but she will be fine.

"Kamea, love, you need to eat. Remember you have to fast before your blood work appointment tomorrow."

She didn't say one word. She just brushed past me and went to the kitchen. I scanned the room, and everything was coming along perfectly.

The whole transformation of both rooms took about 4 hours to finish. The team of people left our house at about 10:30 pm. The rooms turned out wonderful.

This one is Isabella's room.

And this one is Kekoa's room. There is a shared closet between their rooms.

I went to our bedroom and noticed Kamea was knocked out, so I put the covers over her. I then got ready for bed, turned off the light, and went to bed.

Wednesday morning

Kamea and I got ready for her appointment. "Sweetheart, as soon as the appointment is over, we can go wherever you want to eat before heading to the airport."

I gave both of us our insulin shots.

"I am so freaking hungry."

"I know, love, so let's head to your appointment. Maybe they can get you in earlier."


We left the house in the limousine I chose for us. I didn't want to drive either one of our trucks only for it to be left at the airport.

We made it to the doctor's office at 9:30 am. Sure enough, they were able to take Kamea early. The nurse drew her blood and told Kamea, "You are all done. What number can you be reached at, so the doctor can call you about your results?" Kamea gave her cell phone number.

"Thank you, Mrs. Fiore. Please enjoy the rest of your day."

Before we left the doctor's office, "Cris, get me out of here and get me some food!"

So, we left the doctor's office and went to that Diabetic restaurant we went to before we officially started dating. We were seated and then were given menus to order. Kamea ordered a tomato bruschetta appetizer, and for her meal, Kamea ordered grilled barbecue chicken with a salad and vegetables. I ordered the same thing to save time.

The waitress brought our appetizers and drinks, which were water. Kamea scarfed the bruschetta down really quickly. "Um, sweetheart, take it slow, or else you will be complaining about heartburn."

She gave me a dirty look. "You try fasting for several hours while pregnant because of a blood test!! Don't say another word!"

After that, I kept quiet the rest of the time in the restaurant. Almost two hours later, we were finished eating. I paid for the lunch, and we left to go towards the airport. I looked over to Kamea and noticed her rubbing her chest. "I knew she was going to have heartburn."

The limo had a minibar, so I checked to see if it had ginger ale. Sure enough, it did. So, I grabbed a cup, put some ice in it, and grabbed one of the ginger ales.

"Thanks, handsome. I should have listened." She drank the ginger ale and laid her head on my shoulder.

We arrived at the airport and boarded the plane. The chauffeur loaded the luggage.

"Good afternoon, Mr. & Mrs. Fiore. We have been cleared to leave early if you would like."

"Yes, please. Thank you."

So, we left California to go back to Florida. Once in the air, Kamea went back to the bedroom to lie down. I called Marco and told them we would be back earlier than the original time. So, they will be there waiting when we land.

Six hours later, we arrived in Florida. After the plane landed safely, we walked off. While walking down the steps, we saw Día and Rocco, along with Noeli and Marco.

"Mommy! Daddy!"

Princess ran over to Kamea and hugged her. Rocco ran over to me. "Are you both ready to be a big sister and brother?"

They said in unison, "Yes, daddy!"

While walking to the vehicles, Marco and I had a chat. "Is everything set up for the baby shower?"

"Everything is set. The Miami house we looked at is yours. All you need to do is sign the paperwork."

"I will take care of it tomorrow. Are you set to propose this weekend?"

"I am, but I need Kam's help to pick out a ring."

"Don't worry. I'll tell her tonight."

We made our way to Mr. Toscano's home in Key West. On the way, I told Kamea that Marco needed her help. So, they will go to the jewelry store Thursday. Then, he will propose at the party on Saturday. Both will be a surprise.

Thursday afternoon

Kam's POV

Picking out an engagement ring is exciting!

Marco and I went to the jewelry store Daddy Val suggested for us. It was a huge jewelry store.

"Kam, Cris wanted you to pick something for yourself."

Of course, he would. "Thanks, Marco."

A salesman came over to help us. "My name is Mark. How can I help you today?"

"I am looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend. I plan to propose this Saturday. My sister-in-law came to help me pick a ring."

"Follow me, please, Mr. Fiore."

He must have recognized Marco to call him that. After about one hour, Marco finally found the ring he wanted to give to Noeli. It was beautiful. I can't wait for her to see it.


Saturday morning

I brought one of the dresses I bought Tuesday at the mall.

We all woke up early. I gave Cris dirty looks. He said we were going to Miami. So, he gave me my shot, gave himself his, and made us breakfast.

Daddy Val and his family had already left the house. He told us just to lock the door when we left. He can lock his house from his phone.

"Día and Rocco, go to the truck with mommy. I'll be there shortly."

Marco and Noeli were already in their truck. The three of us got in mine. I wanted to drive. Sometimes, I still feel helpless when Cris doesn't want me to lift anything. When Cris came out, he asked me to switch seats. I gave him another dirty look.

"Please, baby, switch? I need you to close your eyes because I have a surprise for you when we get to Miami."

"Fine! Just so you know, I am not happy."

I switched over to the passenger side. I already popped a movie in for Día and Rocco to watch. We pulled off and made our way to Miami.

Three and half hours later, we arrived at whatever surprise it was.

"Kamea, don't get out yet and keep your eyes closed. I will come to get you."

About 5 minutes later, he came over and opened my door.

"Okay, now you can look."

I screamed so loud that I scared my kids. "Sorry, babies."

"This house is ours?" I almost fainted, so he held me up before I did.

"It sure is. I signed the papers yesterday while you and Marco went shopping. And it is already furnished. Noeli picked out the furniture. But, this is only the first surprise."

"Well, this one already scared my kids. You are going to have to hold my hands for the next one."

Cris grabbed my hands, and we walked toward the entrance. He gave me the house key.

I screamed again, but this time it was just Cris and me. He looked at me with a concerned look.

"I'm fine. I just can't believe this is ours. Where did princess and Rocco go?"

"Let's go and see." I am guessing wherever they are, that is the second surprise. When we walked through the house to the backyard, I heard, "SURPRISE!"

I almost jumped out of my skin. Everybody was here - including my father, my Hawaiian grandparents, and my uncles. "Oh no, here comes the tears."

I stood there and cried in Cris' shirt. I cried harder than a baby. Cris led me to where they set up chairs that looked like thrones for Cris and me.

"I can't believe you guys did this for me. This is special."

"Kam, when you called and told me what the twins were, I told Marco, and we were excited. Cris called Tuesday evening and told us what happened earlier, so he wanted to throw you a party to cheer you up."

I leaned over to Cris and gave him a big kiss. "Thank you, handsome." We heard "Eww" from the kids.

"Día and Rocco, go stand with your mom and dad so we can get a picture of you all." Princess sat on my lap, and Rocco sat on Cris' lap. Cris and I kissed each other, and Marco snapped the picture.

"Thank you all so much for this. The twins' names are Isabella Jayde and Kekoa Lorenzo. I can't wait for them to be born so I can tell them about the love that was shown to them. I love you all."

The decorations were beautiful. These were the decorations for Bella.

And these were the decorations for Kekoa.

And look at these cakes.

"Cocoa, did you make these?"

"We all pitched in to make the cakes and cupcakes - Cam, mom, Val, Dominic, and Eli."

I hugged everyone. "Thank you, guys. It's beautiful."

When I saw the food table, I was really excited. "I am in heaven. Italian and Hawaiian are my favorites."

So, Marco fixed me a plate. "I want a little bit of everything."

"Coming right up. Have a seat, Kam. I will bring it over." Noeli fixed my kids something to eat.

I started crying again. "Darn these mood swings." I sat at the table with my grandparents, father, uncles, Cris' parents, Cris, Marissa, Andre, Noeli, and Marco. Día and Rocco sat at the kids' table.

Once everyone had their food, Marco made an announcement. "He is getting ready to propose!"

Marco's POV

"Thank you all for coming and supporting Kam and Cris. I can't wait to be an uncle again with Isabella and Kekoa. But, there is also another surprise."

"Noeli, when Cris told me he met Kamea, he told me she had a sister just as beautiful as her. My interest was piqued, but because of my modeling schedule, I couldn't come for a visit. Then, when Cris told me they were getting married in the Virgin Islands, I couldn't wait to meet you both. Cris was right. You and Kam are beautiful - in your personality and heart. I say this because Cris found his special someone in Kam."

Then, I got down on one knee with the ring I had chosen for her.

When I looked into her eyes, she started crying.

"And, now, I want you. You are beautiful, ambitious, and know what you want. I can't see myself with anyone else. You are the sunshine of my life. Of course, I asked your father for permission to marry you. And he said yes. So, will you, Noeliani Kalei Palu, marry me?"


Thank you all for taking the time to read chapter 37.

The pictures are courtesy of Pixabay and Can Stock Photos.

1. Opening picture - courtesy of Can Stock Photos - © Can StockPhoto / mictoon

2. Kamea's pink dress - courtesy of Can Stock Photos - © Can StockPhoto / Macsuga

3. Miami mansion - courtesy of Can Stock Photos - © Can StockPhoto / philipus

4. Mansion foyer - courtesy of Can Stock Photos - © Can StockPhoto / karnaval

5. Baby girl shower table - courtesy of Can Stock Photos - © Can StockPhoto / RuthBlack

6. Baby boy shower table - courtesy of Can Stock Photos - © Can StockPhoto / RuthBlack

5. Noeli's engagement - courtesy of Can Stock Photos - © Can StockPhoto / Marisabell

And thank you for your votes, comments, reading, and support! 😘😘😘😘

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