How Will I Know

BubblySoccer által

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Elena Addams thought that a weekend in Las Vegas would take her mind off her recent break up. ft. Robin van P... Több

Chapter One: Partying in Vegas
Chapter Two: Waking up in Vegas
Chapter Three: Unhelpful Friends
Chapter Four: Confirmations
Chapter Five: Traveling Home
Chapter Six: Back in London
Chapter Seven: Leaving the Past Behind
Chapter Eight: Dr. and Dr. Addams
Chapter Nine: Back to Work
Chapter Ten: Awkward Meetings
Chapter Eleven: Spending Time Together
Chapter Twelve: Thinking of the Future
Chapter Thirteen: Robin's Pain
Chapter Fourteen: The Battle Begins
Chapter Fifteen: Meeting the In-Laws
Chapter Sixteen: Birthday Surprise
Chapter Seventeen: A Life Changing Day
Chapter Eighteen: Time Spent Apart
Chapter Nineteen: Goodbye London
Chapter Twenty: Our New Home
Chapter Twenty-One: Lunch with Roxanne
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Welcome Party
Chapter Twenty-Three: Surprise Announcement
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Baby Scan
Chapter Twenty-Five: Elena's Doubts
Chapter Twenty-Six: Don't Mess with the Vidic
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Staying in Rotterdam
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Netherlands vs. Andorra
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Elena's Secret
Chapter Thirty: Talking with Roxanne
Chapter Thirty-One: Paging Dr. Evans
Chapter Thirty-Two: Something to Celebrate
Chapter Thirty-Three: Shocking Matters
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter Thirty-Five: Damage Control
Chapter Thirty-Six: Old Friends
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Baby Shower
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Christmas Shopping
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Deck the Halls
Chapter Forty: Suspicious Accidents
Chapter Forty-One: Coming Together
Chapter Forty-Two: Christmas Eve
Chapter Forty-Three: Welcome Christmas
Chapter Forty-Four: Back in Manchester
Chapter Forty-Five: Robin's Secret
Chapter Forty-Six: Auld Lang Syne
Chapter Forty-Seven: Coming to Visit
Chapter Forty-Eight: Being Put on Bed Rest
Chapter Fifty: Good News and Bad
Chapter Fifty-One: Baby Names
Chapter Fifty-Two: Worrying Thoughts
Chapter Fifty-Three: Ewan's Revenge
Chapter Fifty-Four: Returning Home
Chapter Fifty-Five: Rash Decisions
Chapter Fifty-Six: Drastic Measures
Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Court Case
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Proving Innocence
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Unbreak My Heart
Chapter Sixty: Reconnecting
Chapter Sixty-One: It's Time
Chapter Sixty-Two: Arabella van Persie
Chapter Sixty-Three: Let's Get Organised
Chapter Sixty-Four: Coleen and Wayne's Baby Girl
Chapter Sixty-Five: The Wedding Dress
Chapter Sixty-Six: The Bachelorette Party
Chapter Sixty-Seven: The Bachelor Party
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Spending the Night Apart
Chapter Sixty-Nine: The Big Day
Epilogue: Honeymoon with the Family

Chapter Forty-Nine: Happy Birthday Elena

1.5K 38 4
BubblySoccer által

Waking up next to his wife Robin grinned to himself, he couldn't believe that things had been going so well between the two of them lately; the last week had worked out so well for them. 

Elena was now twenty-eight weeks pregnant and she was still on bed rest for at least another week, however Robin was pleased that she was doing so well as was their midwife who checked in every couple of days. 

"Morning," Elena mumbled tiredly feeling Robin kiss her softly, he smiled as her brown eyes met his; he couldn't believe that today was her twenty-seventh birthday and he hoped to make the day a special one for her. 

"Good morning and happy birthday Mrs. van Persie," Robin murmured making Elena open her eyes as she stretched and look at him; they hadn't had the chance to celebrate his birthday back in August because of everything that had been going on at the time. 

This was the first real time that they'd been able to celebrate one of their birthdays without any problems apart from the fact that Elena was stuck on bed rest for another week. 

"Robin... you don't have to," Elena mumbled feeling a little guilty about whatever he had planned for her, she hadn't really done much for Robin's birthday and now she felt horrible about it. 

Robin chuckled as he kissed her gently, his fingers brushing over the black sleeved nightie that stretched over her bump; he couldn't believe that in a couple of months that their little girl would be here. 

"I want to," Robin insisted pulling away from Elena and climbed out of bed; he pulled on his navy dressing gown and flashed his wife a smile; she deserved a nice day after everything that had happened. 

Elena couldn't wait for her bed rest to finish, the brunette was sick of just sitting about and having Robin do everything for her; she wanted to be able to move about without having him worry about her.

Before Robin got the chance to speak, Shaqueel and Dina rushed into the bedroom making Elena furrow her brow at the two hyper active children; she hadn't expected them to be awake yet. 

"Happy Birthday mummy," Shaqueel and Dina announced making Robin grin before he left the room to make breakfast while the two children climbed onto the bed to cuddle with Elena. 

Smiling gently while she hugged the two children close, Elena couldn't believe that she had a family like this; never in her life did she think that she would be here now after everything that had happened. 

It wasn't long before she was watching television in bed with Shaqueel and Dina, her fingers brushing along the rose gold-plated heart necklace that Robin had gotten her for Christmas in thought. 

Dina cuddled into Elena's side and she rested her head gently against Elena's bump before she started to whisper to her baby sister inside; Elena smiled brushing a hand through the little girl's curls just as Robin returned with breakfast. 

"You didn't have to do all of this," Elena whispered spotting the food on the tray making Robin roll his eyes sitting next to his wife and cuddled up next to her; he grinned as he pulled out a white envelope and gave it to her. 

Elena frowned looking at Robin as he nibbled on some toast while the children had their own breakfast; she had a horrible feeling that whatever it was, it would be expensive and she wished that he wouldn't do stuff like this sometimes. 

Elena opened the envelope while Robin watched the television, he had wanted to do something special for his wife, even though she was seven months pregnant and couldn't do a lot at the moment.

"Robin," Elena whispered staring down at the paper that had been inside then back at her husband, she couldn't believe that he had done this for her; she felt even worse now that she hadn't done anything for his birthday. 

Robin had gotten her a week away for three to a Spa in Anassa, Cyprus for treatment that was suitable for pregnant women; from what Elena could see this trip was pretty expensive and exclusive. 

"You didn't have to do this," Elena insisted again, she knew that she kept saying it and she had never been interested in money when she had married Robin; she would have been happy with a box of chocolate or something. 

Robin shook his head and kissed her, he knew that she struggled when he bought her expensive things but she truly deserved a treat and this holiday would be good for her; they had been through a lot in the past few weeks and she deserved a break. 

"I thought you deserved a break so maybe you, Roxanne and Coleen could enjoy a relaxing week away," Robin explained with a shrug as Elena settled the envelope and its contents on the bedside table. 

It would be a little while before Elena would be free to go away and Robin was certain that she would enjoy herself; he had put a lot of thought into this when he had booked it. 

Robin couldn't imagine what had been going through Elena's head in the past couple of months, she had been so strong when things around her had fallen apart and he was hopeful that they wouldn't have to suffer another moment. 

"I love you," Elena said kissing Robin again, she honestly didn't know how she had gotten so lucky and she really hoped that things were finally changing around for them.


Listening to Coleen start to plan what to take on their trip, Elena couldn't help but laugh and smile glad that her friends had come to visit her; she was starting to get a little grumpy about being stuck in bed on her birthday. 

"Coleen we aren't leaving yet," Roxanne teased sipping on her fruit drink making the other woman glare at her; Coleen wasn't going to wait to start her packing and she knew that it would be a good holiday no matter what. 

Coleen and Wayne had recently discovered that they would be having a little girl, something that thrilled Colleen and Wayne to no end, even if Kai was a little upset since he had wanted a baby brother. 

"So when does your bed rest finish?" Roxanne asked, she had a scan the next week to discover what she and Nemanja would be having; though the couple hadn't really put much thought to it since they had been focusing on the twins. 

"Next week... I have to see Jessica to see what she says but my blood pressure was good when I last saw her," Elena explained hearing Wayne talk about how unfair it was that they couldn't throw the brunette a party since she wasn't well enough. 

Coleen laughed gently looking at Elena, who was relieved that she was on bed rest for the first time; she had heard about the last birthday party that Wayne had thrown for someone and didn't want to know what he had, had planned for hers. 

"I bet you can't wait to get out of here... I'd be going mad about having to stay in one room," Coleen mused checking her phone; she was waiting to hear about her fashion line with Littlewoods and she was so pleased with how it was going. 

"You have no idea... the sooner the better plus if Robin's not hovering then he's working on the baby's room," Elena replied smiling, it was the one room in the house that she hadn't seen since it had been painted nearly a month before. 

Robin had insisted that he had wanted it to be a surprise for when they brought their baby girl home from the hospital.

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