The Ghost Of A Man I Knew - F...

By Jayformhell

75.9K 4.1K 1.2K

At a company party Tony meets a handsome stranger, they take interest in each other and soon fall in love. Ye... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Final chapter

Part 1

9.4K 371 188
By Jayformhell

[ A/N

I'm going back and updating and proof reading this story, none of the actual plot has changed ]

Third person POV

It was the year 1997, the stark industries were at their peak. The CEO of the company Tony Stark, the playboy genius, was at the age of 27. He had been the CEO for around 6 years, he was reluctantly at one of the company parties, he'd rather be at some casino with some hot chick. He was mingling with all the ladies around, playing the field. Then the speakers sparked on and some important science guy started speaking. He tried flirting with some girls but no one was paying attention, reluctantly he turned to the guy speaking.

The guy was going on about some guys achievements, he then introduced the guy that he had talked so highly of. "Introducing Tom Hiddleston!" The guy said and onto the stage walked a tall guy with light brown hair and blue eyes. Tony found himself staring at the man, thoughts only on the handsome stranger. He shook his thoughts away and redirected his attention to what he was saying.

"Hello, thank you for that flattering introduction..." Whatever he was saying faded out as tony's mind as his mind wandered to fantasies about the handsome stranger. Then their eyes met in the crowd of people, whatever he was saying he stopped saying. Tony could've swore that he checked him out before continuing to speak.

Tony went for a quick toilet break, and while he was on the toilet 'Tom' finished his speech or Loki, the demigod trapped on earth for two months as a punishment for a joke that went a bit to far. He walked out into the crowd, to look for the man he made eye contact with during the speech. He assumed it was Tony Stark, he was curious about what made the man so famous. 

He found him talking to a girl and he couldn't help but chuckle when the girl slapped him and walked away. He walked over to him "Tony Stark?" He asked

Tony turned around at the sound of his name to be met with the gaze of two baby blue eyes and his heart skipped a beat in surprise. He cleared his throat "Yeah?" He said trying to sound cocky. "I'm Tom Hiddleston, it's an honor to finally meet you" Tom said "You were the guy on stage right?" Tony asked pretending he didn't remember. "Yeah, but I'm guessing you were to busy flirting to hear what I was talking about" Tom joked "Yeah, but I caught some things though" Tony said, surprised by the flirty tone in his own voice "Can I get you a drink?" He then added "Sure" Tom said with a smile. The two of them talked for the rest of the night and both got drunk. Well they talked almost all the night. They also spent some time at Tony's place, having 'fun'. 

The next morning Tony awoke first. He blinked awake with a horrible headache, how much did I drink last night? He thought as he went to sit up but was stopped by an arm around him, He looks up confused to see the face of Tom. The memories of last night came flooding back to him, well most of last night came back. He couldn't remember what happened when they got to his house, but he had a few guesses though considering the fact that they were both naked. Hopefully no one saw us. He thought before he crawled out of Tom's grip. He quickly put his clothes on that were scattered around the room.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, search for recent news featuring Stark" Tony said to J.A.R.V.I.S. once he was dressed "Yes sir" Jarvis said and news sites started to flash up on the holographic screen, with headlines like 'The genius Tony Stark is gay?!' and 'Two of the smartest guys of our time are secretly together?' "Shit." He mumbled under his breath and quickly walked out of the bedroom "Pepper!" Tony shouted. Pepper quickly walked over to him "What is it?" She asked. "How many people saw me last night? How many pictures are out there?" He asked "Of you and Tom?" She asked "You're on first name basis with him?" Tony asked confused "He is surprisingly polite even when drunk" Pepper said "Whatever, how many pictures are there?" He asked desperately "There was a guy with a camera who saw you both, and well now there is now around 20 pictures of the two of you drunkenly making out." She said "Shit" Tony said under by breath.

Then a British voice said "Hey Tony have you seen my shirt?" Tom asked.  Tony looked down at the shirt he was wearing only to realize that it wasn't his own "Yeah, I accidentally took your's apparently" He said turning around to be met by a shirtless Tom, holding Tony's shirt. Tony cleared his  throat awkwardly and the two switched shirts. "Do you have a toilet I could borrow before I leave?" Tom asked. Tony pointed towards the toilet door and Tom disappeared behind the bathroom door.

"I mean all things considered, he is pretty hot" Pepper said, Tony shot glare at her. "Is it just me or does he seem surprisingly okay with this?" Pepper asked. Tony shrugged in response and sighed heavily. Tom then came out of from the toilet, He kissed Tony's cheek and smiled "See you around sometime" he said and left, leaving a confused Tony in the living room.

"Go after him" Pepper said plainly "I've never seen you like this over anyone, I have had to shown girl after girl out the door and you'd just shrug. But with this guy here you are, completely flustered. Go after him!" She basically demanded "I'm your  boss remember" Tony said and got up "Are you going after him?" She just asked "No" He said definitely, Pepper just gave Tony a look "Okay, Alright I'll go after him!" He said and headed out after him.

Tony ran down the road to find Tom crowded by Paparazzi seeming pretty overwhelmed. Tony ran in and shooed the paparazzi away and dragged Tom with him a bit away. "I thought I'd never see you again, I've heard the stories" Tom said "Yeah so did I" Tony said "Then why did you came back?" Tom asked "I basically got pushed out the door" Tony said "But what do you say, wanna go for another drink sometime?" He then added. 

Tom smiled softly and nodded "Yeah, How about we meet here tonight? if you're not busy?" He suggested "Yeah, alright see you then" Tony said hastily. Tom then grabbed Tony's hand and kissed it. "Until then" he said and walked of, leaving Tony once again confused and blushing.

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