A road less traveled

By KatherineDeniseTully

1.2K 61 12

Rayce is a local "Gang" leader who protects the residents of his town from nearby rival gangs. He can't stand... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10- Doc's in
Chapter 11
Chapter 12-
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 34

12 2 1
By KatherineDeniseTully

The car glided silently along the gravel road. Lyth sat upon the seat waiting for the call. She had decided last minute not to appear in person, rather via face time. The joys of modern convenience were something to be truly grateful for. Her phone rang, and she accepted the incoming call. A face she loathed was visible on the screen. It took all her considerable will power not to sneer at him. Sitting back in the shadows she only allowed a bit of her face to be seen. It was a small power play but one that she knew he couldn't stand. The nasally voice came across the phone in a tone that never failed to grate on her nerves.

"Glad you could join us. I wish it was my son I was seeing instead of you."

"Trust me the feeling is mutual." She snapped, a small smile gracing her face.

"Why you..."

"I think that is quite enough. We are all here for a meeting so let's commence our business." Another voice stated plainly.

A voice Lyth would never forget. She held back the chills that rang along her spine. That voice belonged to one of the most dangerous people on earth, the one person who started the nightmare that was her life for so many years. The aged man's face appeared on screen and he peered at her through the phone.

"Still as lovely as ever I see, even hiding in the dark I hear you were quite the eye catcher at the party tonight. It's good none of them know you my dear but one photo was enough for me to know who you are, even with all that makeup on. Don't forget yourself or your place child. It's come to our attention that some members feel you murdered your husband. What say you?"

Lyth laughed mirthlessly. The hollow sound carried.

"I shouldn't even dignify that with a response. Put plainly those who know my abilities know I would never be that sloppy or careless. It's not my style. I stood to gain nothing from that."

"Yet here you sit in one of the most powerful positions." Another voice stated.

"And what good does it do me truly? I don't get the wealth that comes with it. All I get is more responsibility and headache."

"What do you mean no wealth?" the voice questioned.

"There is a legal document in place that if Damien was to die all his wealth and worldly possessions go to his son. The business end is to be managed by his guardian until such a time as he is of age." The old man replied.

"We were on our way to having this meeting with you and be presented to all of you. And now here I sit in a car driving along, missing out on MY life to deal with this. I didn't ask for any of this, nor did I want it. However, until such a time as my son is prepared to take over, I WILL be here. Don't attempt to challenge me for this position, it won't end well for you. You all know I will take a life if I must. I don't enjoy it, but I was trained to do it by the very best. Be prepared for change. I am not leaving a crappy legacy to my child." Lyth declared.

The gasps could be heard clearly at her declaration.

"What do you intend to change child?" the old man inquired.

"A great deal. This "organization" had become full of stagnant practices that no longer work in the world we live in. You've sent multiple people to get rid of me since the accident. That must come to a stop. I won't hesitate to make everything you've done public. Each one of you, myself included so don't think to blackmail me into cowardice. I suggest you look at the ideas I present to you with an open mind and attempt to see the potential. You won't contact me unless by e-mail, you will send no one to spy on me or interfere in my life in any way. I have something going on where I am that plays into all of this. Anyone you send won't be returning and I will send someone to visit your families in return."

The silence that greeted her was astounding. She could hear mutterings, but no one was raising any concerns.

"I'm glad that you all can see the need for this. Now, I have a party I need to return to before I am missed. I plan to meet with each of you in the near future one on one, so we can discuss these changes. I bid you all good night."

The old man's face came back onto the screen, a thoughtful look on his face.

"Be careful child. There is much at work you are unaware of."

The phone went black and the car slowed and then turned around.

Lyth leaned back in her seat and took a deep breath. Playing that card so to speak had been the ballsyiest thing she had ever attempted. It was going to mean a great deal of work on her part and she was afraid she was going to have to bring Rayce into her confidence but considering she was what he did on the backside she figured he was a trustworthy associate to have in this type of business.

The car dropped her where it had picked her up and Lyth made her way quickly back across the lawn. She slipped up next to the outside balcony and stopped. Auggie's voice carried down to her. He was on the phone and was becoming animated.

"What do you mean she's one of them? Are you serious? What do you want me to do? Marry her, no I am not going to do that. I draw the line there. I refuse to marry an assassin, beautiful and powerful or not. You are going to have to find someone else." He stated ending the call and running a hand through his dark locks.

Lyth sighed quietly. So, it was true, he was in someone's pocket. She knew how much it would hurt Rayce, but also how should she tell him with no proof. She smiled as she pulled her phone out and hit the record button.

"Are you alright?" inquired a feminine voice that Lyth knew all too well.

"I am now that you're here." Auggie's smooth tone teased.

"Stop it." Jennifer laughed.

"I didn't realize how lucky Rayce was having you in his life. I'm wondering if you would be interested in being more of a part of mine."

"I think I would be. You meet my standards, where he fell short. I think we will make a power couple."

Lyth almost choked on her own tongue as she forced herself to be quiet. That little wench was disrespecting the man that had brought her here. She would be sure to find a way to make both Auggie and Jennifer regret this evening.

"I do believe you're right. But we must respect Rayce and Lyth. They aren't to be trifled with."

"She is nothing more than common white trash." Jennifer sniffed.

"Watch what you say, woman. She is by far more than you will ever be. Just because she doesn't show it doesn't mean she isn't something or someone important. Don't disrespect either one of them. They are my friends and no matter what happens between you and I they will always be a part of my life." Auggie growled.

Jennifer swallowed and hung her head in shame.

"You're right. I let myself get caught up in old ways. I apologize."

"Let's head back in before we're missed," Auggie stated curling his hand around her arm and pulling Jennifer inside with him.

Lyth felt her heart soften a little towards him but the hurt was there. She had been nothing more than a pawn in yet another game. She grew weary of the games men played. Power and position were the only things they truly seemed to care about. She hit end on the recording and turned to find Rayce standing next to her, a look of irritation on his face. His hands were balled up into fists and his eyes were like glowing orbs in the darkness. Lyth knew he'd heard some of the conversation above them by the look on his face. She sighed inwardly but knew it was for the best.

"How much did you hear?" she inquired.

"Enough to know we've both been played." He growled.

Rayce began pacing as he thought of something to do. The whole thing was a slight and insult to both him and Lyth. He couldn't believe his best friend would do this to him. What else was he willing to do. Rayce was livid, he didn't like being betrayed by his oldest and closest friend. It hurt him in one of the worst ways possibly. Lyth just stood quietly as he paced. She was calm and collected in a way he wasn't sure he ever could be. He spun and glared at her.

"Aren't you angry and hurt?" he snarled at her.

Lyth looked at Rayce and saw all her own emotions reflecting at her through his eyes and she just smiled.

"In so many ways you don't even understand yet." She whispered.

"Then why aren't you pacing and carrying on like most women."

"Because there's a time and a place for that. Not to mention a type for that. I choose to find a more effective way to make my point." She clarified.

Rayce stopped dead in his tracks, a feral smile appeared upon his lips as he looked at her.

"Tell me, how far would you be willing to go to make a point?"

"What do you have in mind?"

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