Color Blind

By KayyyBrown

1.2M 45.3K 10.2K

Audra Jones left Miami after her longtime boyfriend Antonio cheated on her. Refusing to pity her life, she de... More

Opening Thought
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Author's Note: Baby Names
Author's Note: IMPORTANT
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
I'm Back!
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twenty-Four

24.7K 871 115
By KayyyBrown


Audra's POV

"Oooh your babies are growing so fast!" The fuck did she just say?! I turn to the ultrasound tech who's smiling broadly at me.

"Babies?!" She better be joking.

"Of course babies! There's two little ones in your belly!" The middle aged blonde seems so happy it's hurting my head. She's not the one having to push two heads out, I am.

"And they're healthy?"

"Yeah. You were pretty small for someone carrying twins, but from the two weeks you've been here, you've gained fifteen pounds." I'm in shock as she breaks the news to me.

"Well that's good I guess." Out of the corner of my eye I see Danté smiling and reclining comfortably. Too bad he can't see the scowl directed towards him.

"It's more than good! Here's some washcloths to wash yourself as I gather your discharge papers. Your family called to say they'll be here to get you and Mr. Lombardi shortly."

I nod and thank her.

"There's gonna be two little Audras running around!" Danté breaks the silence with his excited tone.


"Why aren't you happy? I hate knowing you're sad." I hear concern in his voice and I feel a pang of guilt for my feelings.

"It's just that I'm still recovering emotionally from the incident. Being in the hospital for nearly two weeks has been difficult. I just want to go home and see my nephews, nieces and siblings." He lets out a sigh.

"I understand completely. Your nieces and nephews are hilarious, especially Micah. He is so bossy and it's like he's some kind is ringleader." Danté and I laugh.

Micah has always been a handful and demanding. But that's just him.

"He's always been like that. Thank you for being with me this whole time, it means so much to me."

His smile brightens up the room.

"Did you think I'd go home and leave you by yourself? Don't be absurd" Danté has a point: I knew deep down he wouldn't leave me like this.

"I know you wouldn't" he doesn't replies and I locate clean clothing Marc has brought me. Not even bothering to go to the bathroom, I change right in front of Danté. He can't see anyway.

"AUDRAAAAAAAA!" Right as I pull on my sweatpants my sister Karmen runs up to me and hugs me tightly. "Look at your belly! You're putting on weight and you look so much better!" I smile and hug her even tighter.

"TÉ!" Karmen runs to Danté and practically pulls him out of the chair just to hug. He doesn't seem to mind though. "You really need to rest when we get home!"

"Sweetheart calm down!" Marc says from the doorway. Why is he calling my sister sweetheart?

"Marc and I are getting to know each other with the hopes of starting a relationship." Karmen fills me in after seeing the confusion on my face.

I'm happy for her!

The ultrasound tech walks in and hands me a bag of medication, my discharge papers, and the ultrasound.

"Ooh let me see!" Karmen and Marc say at almost the same time. When the look at it their jaws drop.

"MY GOODNESS! TWINS! YOU'RE HAVING TWINS!" Marc yells. I swear these two cannot be quiet. I know that they're excited, but you don't have to disrupt this whole hospital wing. Not that he'd care-he invested in this hospital when it was first built. That's whole reason I had to stay here so long; he insisted on it for my "optimal recovery". My ass is a nurse I know I didn't need to stay this long!

"Yes I'm having twins." As I repeat myself, Danté lets out a sound of annoyance and I agree with him.

Marc cuts the conversation short, gathers my belongings and we head home.

As soon I make it through the door, I'm bombarded with my family trying to hug me and take the ultrasounds pictures.

I'm sure you can guess the excitement over the news of having twins. I thought Marc and Karmen were bad, but they have nothing on the other Joneses. It's gonna be a long night.


Danté's POV

When I hear Audra was having twins I was elated. I mean she'll give birth to two beings that will undoubtedly be as beautiful as she is. She doesn't seem so excited and that worries me. I'm happy that she's safe and recovering but I still feel like it's my fault that everything occurred. And it is. I let my insecurities and ignorance get in the way of my judgment and it almost cost Audra and her babies their lives. I never was someone who believed in life after death or divine interventions, but after being "visited" by my deceased family, I know that there's some kind of higher power and I'm thankful for it.

Whatever power there is was with me in the most dire of moments and I was able to get Audra back. Right now she's in the shower and Mary is making a feast to welcome Audra back home. Micah is sitting here asking me a thousand question about being blind. Literally. He's keeping count of the number of questions.

There's certain levels of blindness so I had to explain where I was on a level.

I can interpret some light like someone can if their eyes are closed and light illuminates through their eyelids. But other than that it's just like straight darkness. I don't think I'm unfortunate though because I can hear things and I've found that audio has soothed me more than looking at something has.

"Hey can you hold Nevaeh?" I'm asked by a familiar voice...Karmen.

"Uhm will I be alright with her?" She chuckles.

"Of course! You don't need to see to hold a baby. Fold one forearm over the other and I'll put her in your arms. It'll come naturally, I promise." I nod and wait expectantly for the baby to be put in my arms. I feel the weight of her little body on my arms and my instincts just take over and I hold her closer to me.

"See? I told you that you have nothing to worry about! I'm gonna help finish up dinner. Micah has her warm bottle so if she cries he'll help you." And with that her footsteps fade. I hear the baby coo and it reminds me of my brother and sister. Nevaeh reaches and swats at my cheek and nose. I love her already. I think about Audra and her babies. Without any hesitation, I know I still want a family with her. But I doubt she'll have me. No matter what I'm still going to plead my case to her.

There is no way in hell that I will let her get away from me.

"Uncle Té can I ask you a question?" Micah asks me.


"Do you love Auntie Audra?" That's an odd question.

"Yes I do, why?"

"I dunno but I had a feeling that you did. I'm really good with that stuff. I knew when my cousin Rochelle liked this boy named Dustin. He's ugly though" he snickers to himself and I smile at this antics.

"I DID NOT LIKE DUSTIN!" I hear what must be Rochelle yell at Micah and I laugh. From what I hear it sounds like she's running towards us.

"Uncle Té can I lay next to you?" Rochelle asks me.

I hear what sounds like a slap and Micah yelp in pain.

"Yes you can." I feel her give me a kiss on the cheek and my heart warms and heat radiates throughout my body. I love children. She moves her body between Micah and me then lays her head on my leg.

"Uncle Té, you can call me Rocky like the boxer." Who the hell is Rocky? There sure as hell isn't a boxer named Rocky, is there? I push the thought away and tell her I'll call her that. Americans have such strange names.

I feel Nevaeh's steady breathing against my chest and I know she's sleeping. I move her body lower against my stomach while I still support her neck. Rocky's breath is steady against my leg and I'm sure she's sleep as well.

I feel myself start to fall asleep and I don't fight it. I feel at peace with children.


"Wake up Té" I immediately wake at the sound of Audra's voice. "You're wonderful with children. Marcus, Micah, Mariah, Neveaeh, and Tanya are asleep on you." I move my arms the best I can with Neveaeh in my arms and I feel warm bodies around me.

"I guess so" I say with a calm demeanor. It's safe to say that I want children with Audra. I want to raise the twins as well. In my heart, they're already mine regardless of Leo being the biological father. I hear her wake up the children and send them to Té bathroom to wash their hands for dinner.

"Let me take Nevaeh" I hand her to Audra and just sit there for a moment waiting for the feeling to return to my limbs. Tonight I'm going to tell Audra how I feel.

But dinner is first and I'm famished.


Audra's POV

Dinner's been pretty fun. I'm glad to be back even though I'm eating like a pig and no one seems to want to stop talking about the twins. Except me.

"Twins run in the family!" My siblings have told me a billion times, then the whole table argued over what the sexes will be.

Danté even put his excited banter in. At least everyone's happy though.

After dinner the children help Marc and Karmen do dishes and everyone heads to off to their respective room except for Karmen and Marc and EsDena and Alex. Figures. As I check on the children before I head to bed, Danté calls for me and I see him standing in the living room.

"Hey can we talk in a minute?" I have no clue what he wants.

"Yeah we can talk now. Take my hand and I'll lead you to my room." Once inside, I close the door behind us and hear Danté right behind me.

"Are you facing me Audra?" I turn around.

"Now I am" He reaches for me until his hands touch my cheek and I winded what he's going to say.

"Audra, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry for putting you through everything. My own careless actions and judgmental nature almost cost you your life. The babies' lives as well" His voice cracks as tear run down his face. "I wanted nothing more than to have a family with you and for our relationship to develop. Instead I fucked up! I listened to Vlad instead of looking for you. I'm a terrible man Audra and I can't tell you how sorry I am!" He drops to his knees and sobs uncontrollably. My heart lurches at the sight of the broken man before me and I pull his towards my stomach as I stand. I can feel the babies kicking the hell out of me in what I guess is a response to my emotions.

"Danté you're not a terrible man and I'm sure that even if you did look for me I would've already be captive. Don't beat yourself up over this." He tilts his head upward and I begin to cry. His facial hair is scruffy, hair disheveled, blue eyes ablaze with emotion, and a trembling body wrapped around my midsection and legs. I've never seen him this vulnerable.

"You don't understand Audra. It was MY will they were after and it's because of me that you were in the hospital for two weeks. It's MY fault you almost miscarried and had broken ribs. It's MY fault you had to watch people die in front of you just so you could get to safety. I've done so wrong in my life and I just don't know what to do anymore. You're my sunshine Audra, and I'm not sure I can live with the fact I caused you all of this pain!"

I kills me to see him in so much anguish.

"I'm alright now and that's all that matters. Press your head to my belly." He obliges. "Can you feel them kicking?"

He nods his head.

"They don't really kick when I'm talking but when you speak it's like a drumline in there Danté. They want you to be well just as much as I do. I promise you that I'm not mad and I don't blame you for anything that happened. What kind of life would we both live if we held onto the pain and regrets of yesterday? Please stop crying Te, please..." My voice trails off seeing that he's not going to stop anytime soon. Holding his hands, I sit down on the floor next to him and pull his rather limp body into my lap.

"I need you Audra..."


Danté's POV

I don't think she heard me.

"Audra, I need you" I hear her breath quicken and I wonder how she's reacting so I continue. "Please give me a chance to prove myself, please. I want to raise these babies and claim them, and provide for you, and make up for my mistakes. Even if you never want to be with me don't cut me out of your life because I cannot live without you. I'll be even more broken than what I already am" I cry even louder despite my efforts to quiet down.

I feel her hands stroke my hair and I become more aware of what feels like a drum beside me. The babies are kicking and I can feel and hear then. It makes me feel a little bit better.

"I don't know..." Her voice trails off.

"I cannot force you to do anything." I force myself to stop crying so I can at least leave the room with some dignity. When I start to sit up Audra holds me firmly to her and it makes everything even more excruciating.

"Don't leave Té." I don't reply to her. "If it's the babies you want to claim, they're yours. If you want to be close to me, you can. The only thing that scares me is that if I give you my heart, we're in free-fall. There's no turning back or room for judgement because we're accountable for each other."

"That's what I want Audra. Please let yourself fall for me like I've fallen for you. Believe me when I say I love and am in love with you. I was going to tell you the night you were taken" And ask for her hand in marriage, but I'm not trying to scare her away. "Don't push me away, please."

There's a few minutes of silence and I know she's deliberating on whether or not to do it.

"Okay, we're in this together." Yes! I feel my lips pull into a wide smile. "But me and the babies are top priority."

"I wouldn't have it any other way. Now let's get some sleep." I stand and reach in her general direction until she grasps my hands and I pull her onto her feet. Still holding my hand she leads me to the bed and we both get it. "Am I too close to the edge?" I ask her.

"No you're fine but turn to your left." I do as she's says and come in nose-to-nose contact with Audra. I can only imagine how beautiful she is up close. Underneath the blankets I slide my arm under her back and put the other over her belly.

My eyes are still irritated from all of the crying I've done but I feel at peace with my family. Yes I said it, MY family. Never again will I risk or take for granted what I have because it might not be there tomorrow.

I hear a click and my surroundings go completely dark. She must have turned off the light.

My hands stroke her soft skin and her breathing becomes deeper and steady.

"I love you Audra" she doesn't say anything back and kisses my lips softly.

She doesn't have to say anything either: actions speaks louder than words.

*Hey y'all what did you think of this chapter? Danté and Audra are finally on the right track!

What sex will the babies be?
(More baby name suggestions?)

Do you think there will be anymore obstacles to overcome?

Did Danté deserve another chance?

Let me know what you think!

Check out my other story WALKING ON THIN ICE

Thank you for all of the support and motivation to continue on with this story.

Thanks and much love!

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