Super Junior's Super Girl

By danilovessuperjunior

417K 8.8K 5.8K

One day, a young singer named Minae was discovered by none other than Jung Hoon, the manager of Super Junior... More

Chapter: 1
Chapter: 2
Chapter: 3
Chapter: 4
Chapter: 5
Chapter: 6
Chapter: 7
Chapter: 8
Chapter: 9
Chapter: 10
Chapter: 11
Chapter: 12
Chapter: 13
Chapter: 14
Chapter: 15
Chapter: 16
Chapter: 17
Chapter: 18
Chapter: 19
Chapter: 20
Chapter: 21
Chapter: 22
Chapter: 23
Chapter: 24
Chapter: 25
Chapter: 26
Chapter: 27
Chapter: 28
Chapter: 29
Chapter: 30
Chapter: 31
Chapter: 32
Chapter: 33
Chapter: 34
Chapter: 35
Chapter: 36
Chapter: 37
Chapter: 38
Chapter: 39
Chapter: 40
Chapter: 41
Chapter: 42
Chapter: 43
Chapter: 44
Chapter: 45
Chapter: 46
Chapter: 47
Chapter: 48
Chapter: 49
Chapter: 50
Chapter: 51
Chapter: 52
Chapter: 53
Chapter: 54
Chapter: 55
Chapter: 56
Chapter: 57
Chapter: 58
Chapter: 59
Chapter: 60
Chapter: 62
Chapter: 63
Chapter: 64
Chapter: 65
Chapter: 66
Chapter: 67
Chapter: 68
Chapter: 69
Fake Ending 1
Fake Ending 2
Chapter 70: The REAL Ending!
A Christmas to Remember (Special Chapter)
Special Update...Again!
MinHae: An Alternate Universe

Chapter: 61

1.3K 47 129
By danilovessuperjunior

This is a longggggg ass chapter! Enjoy! Tell me what you think! These next few chapters are gonna be INTENSE! you will finally find out why all these random events happened! I didn't proof read so sorry for mistakes! Read author note at end!

Before everything, here's what Taehyun and Kang Bok look like!

Taehyun^^^^ yes, i've always pictured Taehyun as Yonghwa. Don't ask why, but I always have and he fits perfect as Taehyun.

Kang Bok^^^^ yes, I've always imagined Bok as Lee Joon Gi. why? because he looks like a fuckin bad ass!


Eunhyuk POV

I dragged my feet over to the monitor to see if it really was her dead brother and to my surprise, it was Taehyun. I've seen pictures of him from Minae and her mom and I knew it was him because he looks exactly the same as he did in the pictures I saw even though those pictures were about 15 years old. I turned back around to see Minae with her eyes closed and arms dead at her side and on her lap.

I hurried to her and put my hands on her cheeks, "Minae."

She didn't even move when I called her name.

I felt her forehead and could feel her getting hotter and hotter. Next, I grabbed her wrist to feel her pulse which jumped around and skipped every few beats.

I started to worry and the constant knocking at the door didn't help. I got my keys and wallet before putting on my shoes and picking Minae up bridal style and carry her towards the door. I used my hand to open the door then pushed it open with my foot. As soon as I stepped out, Taehyun was standing there with a sad expression on his face, but once he saw Minae, his eyes grew 3 sizes.

"What happened?" he stared at me lifting his hands like he was about to try and take Minae from me but just held them there unsure of way to do.

"She passed out and I'm pretty sure she's having the worst panic attack of her life right now," I walked passed him in a hurry as he followed behind.

Taehyun followed me to my car and helped me put her in the car before I allowed him to come with my to the hospital. On the way there, I called Jung Hoon but kept the phone on my left ear, so Taehyun couldn't hear the conversation even though he clearly knew we were talking about him.

We got settled in the hospital and sat in Minae's room all staring at one thing. The zombie named Kim Taehyun who is sitting in the corner by himself staring blankly at the floor a few feet in front of him as he bounces his one leg and fills his cheeks with air before blowing it out into a husky sigh.

I stared at him with my head titled trying to figure out how this is possibly, until Taehyun looked up and looked a bit surprised to find 8 people examining him like he is a newly discovered sea creature from the dark depths of the ocean.

He fit in perfectly with us since he had the looks of a star and looked pretty good for someone who is supposed to be dead. He looked younger than any of us even though he is only a year younger than Leeteuk.

Taehyun turned his attention away from us like we were the weird ones in this situation, but quickly turn his attention somewhere else along with the rest of us when the doctor came in making all 9 of us stand immediately.

"She's okay, don't worry at all," the Dr. Kang told us, "She just had a bit of a panic attack it looks like from sudden shock. She should just rest a little bit and she will be fine."

Jung Hoon sighed heavily, "Thank god."

"But..." Dr. Kang continued making us all freeze, "This sudden shock may cause her to lose the baby."

I coughed choking on my own saliva, "...What?"

The members turned to me with their jaws all open, and Heechul smacked the back of my head so hard my head flung forward almost giving me whiplash.

An assortment of curses came out of the guys' mouths as they started to attack me and hit me. I covered my head the best I could as they beat me up for a solid 20 seconds before I made they stop.

"Wait! Are you sure she's pregnant?"

"Neh, It says on her chart," he nodded.

"Do you know how many weeks?" I asked another question trying not to faint.

"We would have to do another test to see."

"Yah! You couldn't wait a few more months until you are actually married?! You are getting married in July, and its March," Donghae yelled.

"I'll leave you everyone to talk," Dr. Kang stepped out and Jung Hoon chased after him as soon as he left.

"Aish, this is shocking, but you guys are having a kid!" Leeteuk smiled, "When Minae is better we need to throw a celebration!"

Minae's POV

I woke up from the voices of multiple people in the room and opened my eyes to only see a blurr for a few seconds before I was able to look around the room.

"Minae you're awake," I heard someone say making me look to my left.

I froze when I saw my brother standing in front of me.

"Ah, don't pass out again!" He looked worried.

I felt light headed but I sat up in bed to get myself together before looking at my brother again.

"Do you feel okay?" Yesung asked, "Do you want some water?"

"Sure," I nodded as Siwon immediately handed me a bottle of water like he knew I was going to say yes.

"Do you want us to leave so you can talk with your brother? We know you probably have a lot of questions for him," Eunhyuk asked me.

"We already asked a few hundred while you were asleep, so now you need to know what happened," Heechul told me.

"Are you hungry?" Leeteuk asked, "We were going to go get food and bring some back here for when you woke up."

"Kind of. You can just get me whatever," I flashed a small smile quickly before it quickly disappeared.

"Text or call us if you need anything. Your phone is right there," Shindong pointed to the dresser next to the bed.

"We'll be back!" Eunhyuk crossed his thumb and pointer finger to make a heart the entire way he left the room.

What a weirdo.

I turned to look back at my brother and he took a deep breath before sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Minae, I—"

"Wait," I cut him off, "I don't believe you are my brother. There can be no way you are him. I buried my brother 15 years ago in Mokpo with my father."

"That's why—"

"Tell me something only my brother would know."

"You can make your tongue into a four leaf clover," he smiled.

I cross my arms and gave him a look that said 'really?'

"Anyone could know that. You know how many fans stalk idols?"

"How would you explain that I look the way I do? I'm Kim Taehyun. Your brother. Really."

"Korea has the best plastic surgery in the world," I raised my eyebrows, "Now, tell me something that would really convince me."

"Alright," he sighed and stood up to sit more on the bed and face me, "When we lived in America for a while your room used to be in the attic of the house. It wasn't really an attic though. It was more of like just a large room that happened to be on the third floor. I fought with you about getting that room, but you won because you beat me at rock paper scissors which was a suggestion by mom. Right before we were going to come back to Korea, the house caught on fire because the heating system and the fire started while you were sleep and home alone. I came home by myself to find the house on fire and the fire department everywhere, and they said everyone was out of the house because our parents, who were on their way back to the house, thought you went to your friend Dani's birthday party. But I knew that morning you didn't go because Dani got sick and decided to call off the party. So I was the only one to know that you were in the house still. I tried explaining to the fire department that you were still in there, but I became so panicked, only Korean was coming out of my mouth and my mind went blank causing me to forget any English I knew. After about 30 seconds of trying to explain that you were still inside, I charged inside passed the firefighters to find you. I eventually made my way passed the flames and got to the only stairs leading to your room, but the stairs were completely engulfed in flames, so I had to run through them to get to you. I found you barely conscious laying next to your bed on the floor. Flames were all over the room and blocked the only window in the entire room so much it didn't look like there was a window. I picked you up in my arms and you told me that you were happy to see me. I carried you to the top of the stairs before pulling your shirt over your mouth so you wouldn't breathe in the smoke. I contemplated for a split second before charging down the stairs and jumping off the last 3 or 4 of them. I checked to make sure you were okay while evading the flames and escaped through the front of the house carrying you in my arms. The first people I saw were mom and dad who were in awe as they saw us emerge from the flames covered in soot. They gave you treatment right away and luckily you didn't need CPR. While they treated you they treated me from burns I had on my arms and my legs. And on my leg I still have the burn in the shape of a," he was about to continue his sentence and I knew exactly what he was going to say.

"Giraffe," we said in unison.

He then lifted his left knee to his chest and rested his foot on the bed and pulled up his pants to show me the exact burn scar from the accident.

He was definitely my brother. There was no denying the it was Taehyun, but I needed confirmation to actually make my mind believe it was him in this world and that we are not in some dream.

But then anger hit me, "Okay, so you are my brother. Why did you disappear for 15 years?! Why would you leave me alone like this? Me and mom. You left us. Mom is dead and she didn't even seen you before she died. There is no excuse for what you did! Bok has even come after me and my family while you were somewhere else!"

"I'll explain everything," he adjusted his seating before continuing again, "15 years ago on the day dad died and I 'died'..."

~15 years ago~

Taehyun's POV

"Aish, I'm not helping you with any of this anymore!" I threw about 5,000 dollars at Bok, "Go find someone else to do you dirty work you trash."

I turned away to walk out of the dark warehouse Bok, and I were meeting at.

"Hm," he let out a heavy breath making me pause, "it would be a shame if your family were to get involved."

"Leave," my already deep voice got deeper and growled, "them out of it."

"Then let's settle this between you and me."

I walked back up to him fiercely and grabbed his collar pulling him closer to my face, "You touch my family, you are dead before you can even blink."

"How old is Minae? Hmm, about 13 or so? She'd be a perfect girl to sell—"

I punched him in the face stopping him before he could even think about finishing that sentence.

"Seemed like you just choose your fate, Kim," he wiped blood from his now bleeding lip.

"No, you chose yours." I spit at him, "Stay away from my family or you won't be the one doing the killing."

I left that scum in the warehouse and went home that night not getting a wink of sleep. I sat on the couch all night with my baseball bat in my hands. Playing baseball throughout high school would finally come in handy and my homerun swing was ready to knock anyone who threatened my family into the next neighborhood.

I begged my dad to not to go to work and I tried convincing my mom to make Minae stay home, but of course they had to go on their own paths. My father had quite a few surgeries planned and Minae couldn't afford to miss school since she would fall behind on work.

That day I stayed around my house ready to make a move at any second. And I did.

My phone received a picture message of the unit's sign in the hospital where my dad worked making me run out the door of our house to grab my bike out front. My dad had the car at work and the bus wouldn't arrive in time and there is no point in waiting for it, so I biked to the hospital the fastest I could before arriving and throwing the bike to the ground and running in. I frantically looked for signs for my dad's unit and sprinted to where he would be. When I got to the unit, I saw my dad at a counter talking with other doctors while writing on a clip board.

I ran up to him, "Dad!"

He shuttered, "Ah, you scared me! Why are you so sweaty? Are you okay? Do you need treatment?"

"No. Are you okay?!" I asked touching his arms and looking him up and down making sure he isn't hurt.

"I'm fine. What's wrong?" he asked me.

"Dad. If you see Kang Bok," the doctors my dad was talking to said they would talk to him later leaving us alone, "run and call the police right away."

"Kang Bok? Why?"

"Dad, just do it. Please."

"I will," he furrowed his eyebrows, "Is everything okay?"

"For now," I told him and hunched over to catch my breath.

"Listen, you can stay here if you want, but I have to get ready for surgery that's happening in 20 minutes. Are you sure everything is okay?"

I nodded.

"I don't know the situation, but if you are scared of him coming here, go tell security. They are always really good with looking for people here."

"I will. Go get ready for your surgery, dad."

"Alright, I'll see you after the surgery."

Third Person POV

Minae's dad walked away from Taehyun still hunched over trying to catch his breath and sucked air in through his teeth.

"Why would Kang Bok be coming here?"

He got into the elevator to head a few floors up as Taehyun left the unit to go to security and keep a look out for Bok himself.

Their dad stepped off of the elevator and turned right to walk down a completely empty hallway as he read his clip board with next patient's information.

Taehyun's POV

I jogged down the hall and could see the sign that said security about 40 feet ahead passed a few desks with doctors at computers. Before I could get any closer, a dozen security guards came running out and charged for me. I stopped dead in my tracks as they all ran around me.

"7th floor. Doctor Kim needs medical attention!"

I quickly darted for the exit of the building to catch Bok before he could escape. I ran down the open stair case and saw someone quickly walking out of the doors dressed all in black with a mask and a hat covering their face.

"Yah!" I yelled and sprinted after them.

They didn't realized I started chasing them until I got closer making them run. Quickly out the doors but a loud tink echoed throughout the open space from a small bottle dropped by the guy. I quickly picked up the bottle and saw medical terms written all over, but since I grew up with a doctor as a dad, I knew the empty bottle was a bottle once filled with adrenaline.

I ran out the doors of the hospital and saw him get into a car and speed away.

"Dammit!" I yelled before looking where I left my bike and to no surprise, it was gone.

My phone began to ring. Without hesitation I picked it up, "Listen you fuc-"

"Are you at the hospital? How's your dad?"

"You're a dead man walking."

"Then let's settle this," he laughed, "Where are you now? I'm assuming you're at the hospital because my guy just texted me that he was chased out of the hospital by you."

"No, I'm not there anymore," I growled speed walking away to head back in the direction of home in hopes to either find Minae if not go straight home to find my mom.

"Where are you? Do I need to go after Minae now? I heard she has plans with a friend in a little bit."

"Don't touch her," I barked.

"Alright, I'll leave her for last...I'll take good care of her, then this means I'll take care of your mom first. I'm only a few minutes away from your hou—" I hung up on him and started running towards home as fast as my legs could carry me.

When I got close enough to home I could hear people talking. Near by since it was quiet other than their conversation.

"Don't touch me," I could hear someone snap from close by.

I knew that was Bok's voice and ran to look in the direction I thought the now yelling was coming from. As I did, I saw Minae in the hands of Bok trying to get her into his car.

"Bok! Let her go."


Minae's POV

"Then you know the rest of what happened there. But, how this all worked out is that at the hospital, I knew that because you reported that I was shot, Bok would go into hiding. The last thing he wanted was to get arrested and charged their 2 counts of murder. So, I knew that if I died, and everyone knew for certain it was him who did it, then he would leave you guys alone. I had Uncle Jun help me fake my death. Don't get me wrong, I was about to die and the rehabilitation took over a year, but he helped me recover since he would be able to take care of me as a doctor too."

"But how did you fake your death? How did you get out of the hospital? Is that why Uncle Jun moved to Japan right after everything? Why couldn't you just report that Bok killed dad?" I shot question after question at him.

"I don't really know how Uncle Jun did it because I was asleep for the most part other than actually being out of the hospital. But, you guys didn't have an open casket because mom didn't want to see me like that, so things worked out in the end. And yes, we moved to Japan after I could travel. I had change my name too, so technically my name is Yuto Nakajima. Also, we couldn't confirm that it was him because you couldn't see his face on the tapes, no finger prints, nothing. And, Bok told me that it was one of his guys and not him."

I sat there and sighed one of the biggest sighs of my life before leaning back against the pillow behind me and rubbing my forehead from all the information.

"So why are you back?" I asked, "Why now do you choose to return to Korea and come here?"

"I've come back before. I was here in 2015. Before mom died, I saw her."

"Where?" that news was shocking.

"In Korea. In her house."

"When?" I asked.

"The 17th."

"That's the day she—"



Chapter 62 Preview:

"He's out of jail?!" my eyes widened and I started to panic.

"And he's coming after you again. This time I don't think he plans to let you live."



Also, i have 3 finals then its summer!!! wooooo! i will finish the story by the end of summer because i plan on writing everything out then finally finishing this story. lol i said i was going to finish this by chapter 58 or something, yet, here i am. Chapter 62 and there is NO WAY I'm going to finish this in a few more chapters. I don't want to make each chapter super long like this one. This is 7 pages. it took me all day to write because i kept having writer's block. So i'm gonna shoot for chapter 75 is the end. 75 seems like a good number. i don't think i'll finish by 70 so i'm going for 75. 

Also, if you are sad, just read my other works i have out! I will be posting my BTS story during the summer! This summer is gonna be great. KCON, HERE I COME. AND MAYBE EVEN THE GOT7 CONCERT. WHO KNOWS?!

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