New Girl (Book no.1)

By HisGreenEyesxx

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Harry Styles and Chloe Spencer are two troublesome teenagers, who are very alike. They can't seem to meet eye... More

The New Girl (One Direction Fan Fiction)
1// So Out Of Your League
2// Meeting Your Match
3// We're all broken just some worse than others
4// Pleading Eyes
5// "Don't worry son, everything gets broken"
6// "Stop lying to yourself and go after what you really want."
7// Fall
8// One day
9// Chloe Spencer where have you been my whole life?
10// To Be Loved
11// Perfect Timing
12// The Truth
13// Fight
14// Date Night
15// Siblings and Cigarettes
16// November
17// Needed
19// Interruptions
20// Cover Up
21// Boyfriend
22// Table for Five
24// The Plan
25// Christmas Eve
26// Fate
27// One Crazy Stupid, Drunken Night
28// Louis
29// Niall
30// Liam
31// Resolutions
32// Charlotte
33// Gone
34// Break Up
35// Run
36// Dad
37// Back For You
38// Perfect
39// Nutella
40// Fairy Lights
41// Strawberry Kisses
42// Grease
43// Apologies
44// Sweet Nothings
45// Scotch
47// Problems
48// Sealed With a Kiss
49// Together
50//Happily Ever After
Authors Note

18// Pizza for Breakfast

5.9K 173 10
By HisGreenEyesxx

The sunlight was streaming across my face and I had my arm wrapped around someone's waist. Peeking out of one eye, I could see the two French doors I had entered through last night letting the light fall into the room and over me and Chloe.

I took my time to admire the girl lying next to me, her blonde hair was glowing in the light and she was peaceful. It was such a difference to the state she was in last night.

I carefully slide my arm from around my waist and sit on the edge of the bed. I lean my hands on my knees and run my hands through my hair and down my face. I pick up my phone seeing a text off Louis from last night. I swipe over the touch screen and read the message

From Louis:

Mate you owe me BIG TIME! I told you're mum you stayed here the night. Where are you? You still have my car right?

I quickly type a reply telling him I'm with Chloe and that I have his car safe. I'll explain it to him later because my priority right now is the broken girl lying fast asleep behind me.

I quietly make my way to the en-suite bathroom were Chloe was hiding the previous night. I flick the light switch on and take in the small white shinning bathroom. In the corner is a large bath tub with a shower hanging against the wall, a toilet and then a large mirror surrounded in light bulbs and a large sink and counter top filled with different girly products that I couldn't even begin to define.

I let the hot water run and splashed my face and ran my semi-wet hands through my hair. I really need to get a haircut. Turning the tap off I look back at my reflection and wish that this teenage boy who I am could do something to help the broken girl in the next room.

"Hey" Chloe was leant against the bathroom door frame, her hair slightly curly and matted to her head. Her eyes were brighter after the deep sleep she had last night and the large t-shirt stopped mid-thigh leaving the black and blue marks on show.

"Hey" I don't know what to say. She comes into the room and stands next to me in the large mirror. We look like the most fucked up people on the planet. Well not to the normal eye we don't, we look like two teenagers who shared the same bed last night and are ploughing on through life and trying to get through the last year of school.

"What do you see Harry, when you look at yourself in the mirror?" She was looking directly at my reflection, drinking me in. I let her look as I looked at her. She was truly beautiful, a little broken but her beauty powered through.

"A boy who’s hiding from the world." She nodded as if she understood and I knew she did. "I hide from the world to Harry."

"I know." Her eyes light up in surprise. "It’s an act Chloe, I knew from day one. I guess when you are acting out the same act you notice other people who are doing the same." She nodded to my answer and looked eyes with me through the mirror. She quickly looked down and pushed a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Can you give me a minute Harry, I'll be out now." I nodded and headed out the bathroom closing the door behind me.

In the time Chloe was in the bathroom, I made the bed, rang mum to tell her I'll be home later on tonight because I was hanging out with Louis. Just as I was hanging up Chloe stepped out the bathroom in black leggings and another oversized grey t-shirt. She dumped her t-shirt from last night in what looked like a laundry basket before coming to sit next to me on her bed.

"Who was that?" She pointed to my phone, while crossing her legs and turning the large plasma screen TV on facing her bed.

"My mum" she nodded and started to flick through different channels before landing on Keeping up with the Kardashians. She turned and laid on her front and propped her head up on her hands and watched the TV programme. "Are we not going to talk Chloe?"

"Talk about what?" She was putting on the act again. The girl that walked out the bathroom isn’t the same fucked up broken girl I witnessed this morning or last night and I wasn't in the mood to put up with Chloe's shit.

"You know what Chloe, stop acting and tell me what's going on!" I stood up in front of her view and she pouted her bottom lip. She was really testing my patience. "Tell me Chloe!" I shouted this time, not too loud to attract attention but enough for her to sit up and pay attention to me.

"What do you want to know Harry?" There were so many questions flying through my head but I guess starting with the obvious was best. She flicked off the TV and sat further back on her bed giving me space to sit and face her.

"Why did you call me and not Liam?"

"Because Liam wouldn't understand, you know that. He would have made a big song and dance about it and demanded answers last night. Where I knew you'd let me cry, you'd comfort me and look after me then ask me in the morning and not leave without any answers because that’s one thing we have in common in Harry, we are both to stubborn for our own good." I nodded in understanding because she was right. I did do those things last night and we both were very stubborn that was one area where we clashed.

"Why did you call?"

 "I was sad, scared and lonely. I didn't have anyone else to call. The girls would make a fuss, I've explained why I didn’t call Liam and Cameron has enough of his own shit to deal with than mine as well." Her answers made sense but why was she scared, why was she sad and lonely!

"How did you get the bruises on your legs?"

"Can I not answer that one?" She pulled her legs into her chest and knew that was a sensitive do I didn’t push her.

"Yeah sure, will you tell me one day?" I wanted to meet her halfway. I needed to gain her trust so she would tell me but that would take time.

"When I'm ready I will Harry." I nodded my head in understanding before sliding off her bed and pulling my converse on from last night. "Wait you’re not leaving are you?"

"Yeah, unless you want me to stay?" She thought for a moment before smiling.

"Can you stay Harry? We can order pizzas and watch movies? I just don’t want to be alone today."

"Sure Chloe but pizza for breakfast?" 

A/N: Please comment and vote! I really want feedback on what you all think of my story! Even if its just a word! ILYA xxx  

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