To Live Is To Fight (#2)

By justanothergirl1314

452K 20.4K 3.1K

Second book of 'The Nerd Can Fight' Series *You'll need to read the first book to understand this one* After... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Prequel - Bryant's Story


7.4K 311 72
By justanothergirl1314



(2 years after graduation)

"Babe, are you sure you remembered to pack the sweets?" Adam asked me from the back of the car. He was in the middle of rummaging the car's trunk, his head peeking out to regard me with a quirked eyebrow.

I turned to face Adam, still trying to stuff my things into my handbag.

I strolled towards him and gave the bags littering the car's trunk a quick sweep. I spotted the red shopping bag and opened it to reveal the chocolates and lollipops I packed.

"Oh ye, of little faith," I tutted Adam with a smile playing on my lips.

"I never doubted you for a second," Adam declared jokingly, pulling me towards him by my wait and giving my temple a kiss.

I scoffed at his words but the smile stayed on my lips as I grabbed a couple of bags to help him.

There were at least 6 of them in there and they didn't look light.

Adam was about to argue when I turned to him and gave him a hard kiss to shut him up. It was undeniably the most effective way.

When we broke a part, I gave him the look.

"Adam, you're human. Humans have 2 hands. There are 6 bags and they weigh at least 5 kilos each. I know you want to spoil me all the time but letting me carry at least 2 bags won't kill me." I stated, using my flawless logic to shut down any of his arguments.

Adam chuckled at my stubbornness and gave me another quick peck before relenting. He grabbed the rest of the bags before shutting the trunk and locking up the car.

"You would've thought that after a few years, I'd get used to your stubbornness," Adam mused as we walked towards the three-storey house's entrance.

"You love me for it," I grinned cheekily and stuck my tongue out in emphasis.

Adam simply smiled and opened the door and held it for me as we walked in. The slightly muffled shrill screams of children and the smell of baby powder invaded our senses as soon as we walked through the door.

Toys were scattered on the floor and I traced Adam's steps to make sure I didn't step on any of them. The horde of tiny humans were running around in the backyard where a glass sliding door separated the green grass and tiled floors.

The glass doors was able to block out most of the piercing screams, saving our eardrums from destruction. I love these kids but no one can convince me that they do not sound like banshees at times.

The house was big but it wasn't anything extravagant. I made sure that it was as comfortable as possible without throwing money around carelessly.

There were multiple rooms in the house, each of the room consisting of 4 beds. I wanted to be efficient with the space that we have and still make the rooms spacious enough to not make the kids feel claustrophobic.

I followed Adam to where the kitchen was and we both set the bags down on the counter. I started opening the cabinets, pulling out the bowls and plates to pour the treats we brought for the children.

I was setting the bowls beside the bags when I saw Cole walking towards the kitchen with a beaming smile.

"Hey! I thought I saw you," Cole greeted, walking over to us with his arms open wide.

I returned the hug he gave me before he moved away and gave Adam a man hug.

Cole found me a year after I took over my parents' business. It was as if he got all his marbles back and he apologized for his mistakes.

It was hard to trust him at first, considering the things that we went through but I figured that if he was willing to try to move on from the past, then I should give it a shot too.

He left me his contact number after apologizing. A week after his visit, I got the idea of holding a fundraising campaign to build a house for orphans. I figured that although I've given Cole the prize money, he'll be the perfect person to run the place.

With how he was willing to risk his life to fight for money he wasn't even going to spend on his life, he showed me that I can trust him to do what is best for the orphans I was going to take into this house.

His mother fell in love with the children and started helping out full-time. Not long after, I got Cole and his family to move into the house to make things easier for them and so that they could supervise the children 24/7.

Space wasn't an issue since there were only a few kids that we were housing then, there was still several empty rooms that hasn't been used.

A year passed since we opened the orphanage and now we have about 20 kids that were staying in the house and I've hired staffs to help Cole around the place.

I made adoption available to couples who are interested but I made sure to do a strict background check on all of the couples before granting them access to choose.

I only want the best for these children. They deserve all the good the world can offer.

"Another round of treats?"Cole asked us as he saw the big bags on the counter.

"Yep! Are the kids still playing outside?" I asked him, turning back to the bags to start preparing the food.

"Yeah, Mom and a few of the staffs are watching over them. It's lunch time soon so you came just on time." Cole informed us as he walked over to help unraveling the insides of the bags.

"This is crazy, Case! The amount of treats that you bring seem to mount every time you come around to visit." Cole whistled as he unpacked the brownies and settled them on a plate.

I laughed lightly while Adam rolled his eyes. "You have no idea, man. She almost bought the whole bakery today. I think she's got it in her head that these kids have blackholes as stomachs." Adam told Cole, making him turn to me with a look that told me he thinks I'm losing it.

"Oh stop it! They love the treats, I'm just being a good Aunt to all of them and ensuring their happiness," I reasoned.

Cole snorted, "At this rate, you'll be a goddess in their eyes and they'll start worshipping the ground you walk on."

Adam shook his head as he started arranging the cookies onto an empty plate. I shrugged at Cole and tipped the bags of chocolate and sweets into 20 bowls, making sure that I'm giving them a reasonable amount.

Of course they're not supposed to eat all of the sweets we brought at once but it's simply delightful to see their eyes light up whenever they catch a glimpse of how many treats they're given.

After everything was ready, we stored the remaining food into the fridge and carried the bowls and plates on trays into the backyard.

I offered Cole's mom a smile as she waved at us from the picnic table.

The second that the kids saw us walk through and set the trays on the picnic table, they dropped everything and ran towards us.

"Casey!" Ollie screamed as the boy bounded up towards me and jumped into my arms, almost knocking me over.

"I missed you too little guy!" I squealed, hugging him tight and swinging him around as his feet swayed and he giggled excitedly.

We've had Oliver with us since he was a year old and he was the first child that we took in. I immediately grew a soft spot for the little guy.

He reminds me so much of Pio as he grows bigger. It makes my heart swell looking at all their bright smiles, knowing that I contributed to their happiness.

I put Ollie down as the others started to eye the treats like mini hungry wolves.

"Okay kids! You know the rules, everyone gets the same amount so don't take others' sweets!" Cole's mom called out before nodding at Adam so he can start distributing the bowls.

They all swarmed around Adam as he tried to keep up with their grasping hands. Watching him with the kids never fails to make me swoon.

I took a seat beside Cole's mother as I watched my boyfriend entertain the children that stuck with around even after he didn't have any bowls of sweets left.

"How've you been doing, darling?"

I turned to Cole's mother with a smile, "I've been great, Lionett. How are your kids doing?"

Deep down I was only curious of how Cole's disabled brother was doing. I've learnt that his name was Ryan.

A couple of months after I gave the money to Cole, he split the money to meet all of his siblings' needs, including Ryan's. He got professional help for Ryan and occasionally, Cole would tell me about his progress.

I've successfully avoided Ryan at all cost even after he moved into this house, scared that I'll trigger a trauma in him.

"The kids are great! I honestly cannot thank you enough for taking them in, sweetheart. You have no idea how much weight you've taken off my shoulders by covering their needs." Lionett gushed as she took my hand in hers and squeezed it lightly.

I could see how grateful she was and I can't help but tear up a little.

After knowing that Cole split the money to get Ryan some professional help, I listed the kids as one of the orphans to be able to cover their financial needs and gave Cole some promotion here and there.

Lionett was wrong, I do know how much weight I've lifted off her shoulders because I was the one who put them there.

To this day, the guilt of what I did to her son hasn't left me and Cole never allowed me to fess up to Lionett. I never questioned why and simply assumed it was probably to prevent her from asking questions that we'd rather forget the answers to.

"And how's Ryan?" I pried further when I noticed she didn't mention him.

"He's doing better everyday, darling," Lionett assured patting my hand lightly.

"I'm glad to hear that," I tried to mask how affected I was with the good news by mustering a small smile and holding the tears at bay.

Adam and I spent the rest of the afternoon lounging around and spending time with the kids. After helping the Lionett with dinner, Adam and I bid our goodbyes to everyone.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay for dinner?" Cole asked again as he walked us to the door.

I gave him a smile as we stepped onto the porch.

"We're sure, Cole." I declined as I gave him a brief hug. "Adam made reservations in a restaurant for both of us." I explained further as Adam gave Cole a man hug.

Adam didn't make any reservations. However, Adam knew that I didn't want to take up any food that's supposed to be for the kids so he didn't call me out on it and smiled at Cole instead.

"Alright, visit again soon! The kids miss you guys," Cole yelled out as Adam and I started walking to the car.

"We will!" Adam called out over his shoulder and unlocked the car.

As we pulled out of the driveway, I turned to Adam and asked, "So what would you like to eat?"

He eyed me knowingly as I smiled at him. "What about we do something different tonight?" He asked me as he pulled up at a nearby McDonald's drive-thru.

I didn't question him as soon as I saw the look on his face, knowing he's probably got something up his sleeve already.

We placed our orders and took it from the next window before driving away.

Adam parked near the national park before getting out and opening my door for me.

There weren't many people in the park tonight since it was pretty late and so far, the only people loitering around were couples.

He took my hand and guided us to the park where we settled on a bench and opened up the brown paper bag to start eating.

I took a bite from my burger and laid my head on Adam's shoulder while I chewed.

This man knows me so well. I'd choose this over dinner in a fancy restaurant any day. Pigging out on fast food in a park, where there's no one to judge you for your lack of table etiquette.

After finishing our food, we throw away our trash and proceed to stroll and wander around the park. There was only a few lamp-post but the sky was clear and the moon gave adequate lighting for us to see properly.

"Do you remember the time that we first met?" Adam asked me as we walked hand in hand.

"Yeah. God, looking back at it, it was kind of cliché. The nerd caught the attention of the attractive guy, yada yada yada. You were very clingy too," I teased him with a cheeky smile.

Adam rolled his eyes at me but his lips pulled into a smile.

"Well, I remember it quite differently," Adam said aloud, making me come to an abrupt stop.

"What?" I whispered, turning around to look at him.

He's asked me a few times of how we met but he knew that his memory loss was still a touchy subject to me so he's never played a prank on me that involves pretending that he remembered something from the past.

"I remember, Case." He murmurs as he pulls me into his arms. He tucked my hair behind my ear and looked into my eyes with such an intense gaze that has my knees turning to jello.

"W-when? How? What?" I sputtered out with wide eyes as I searched his face for signs that he was lying.

"You wore a grey hoodie that looked extremely worn out with a pair of jeans. You were seating nearest to the window and the only one sitting alone." I sucked in a sharp breath.

He even remembered the clothes I wore.

I didn't doubt that he got all of it right because I remembered using that hoodie almost everyday and loving that seat in the class because of its view.

"I remembered that you didn't even bat an eye at me, hell you didn't even raise your head to look at me when the teacher introduced me to the class." Adam chuckled a little before continuing.

"I remembered thinking that maybe you were mean to everyone and made them hate you. I don't think I could've been more wrong in my life." He shook his head before looking into my eyes again.

"I remembered how intrigued I was at how sarcastic and closed off you were. The first time we talked, I thought you were hilarious and I started to wander why you were always alone." Adam continued softly, his hand cupping my left cheek and I instinctively leaned into it.

"When I saw you getting hit and bullied, I felt like I should protect you." Adam mused, a twinkle in his eyes made me laugh a little knowing that he was probably thinking about how he wanted to protect a street fighter.

"I love your independency, your stubbornness when it comes to what you believe is right, your protective nature over someone who's weaker than you, your love for ice cream, your sarcasm, your wit, and so much more."

I could feel my conscience swooning and I was tempted to let myself drop on the ground from how weak my knees felt.

"You're so incredibly amazing that you managed to make me fall in love with you all over again not once, but twice."

"And tonight, I want to make sure that I get the rest of my life to make you as happy as you make me; to make you fall in love with me as hard as I've fallen for you."

A gasp rolled out of me as I caught myself before I can stumble and land on my butt when Adam let go of me and bent on one knee.

Holy. Shit.

Adam took out a small black velvet box and opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.

Oh my Lord.

"Cassandra Johnson, you've made my life one hell of a roller coaster ride since I first met you and I absolutely love it. So Case, will you make me the happiest man alive by being my wife?"

I nodded so fast that everything was blurry; but that might be the tears that were building up.

I let Adam slip the ring onto my finger before launching myself into his arms, letting him hold me upright because only God knows how weak my legs feel right now.

"Took you long enough," I whispered into his neck as I sniffled.

Adam's chuckle caused his chest to slightly vibrate and the sound of it warmed me all over as I kept a tight hold around him.

He drew me back, still keeping a hold on me before leaning down to connect our lip together. I buried my hands in his hair as we continued to kiss. I could taste my tears as I tried to show him how much I love him through the kiss.

We finally parted to catch our breath and I savored the numb tingling feeling on my lips. I laid my forehead against his and closed my eyes. This man will be the death of me.

"I love you, Case."

I opened my eyes, instantly getting lost in his dark green orbs that never fail to suck me in.

"I love you too."

After I've got a grip on myself, Adam suggested that we continue our night walk and head to the town square since the weather was perfect.

Adam has his arm slung across my shoulder as we neared town square. The place looked alive and was buzzing with chatter, some music and you can hear the distant car horns if you listen carefully.

When we got to the center of the place, the huge billboards lit everything up but one caught my eye.

My hand unconsciously flew to my mouth when I saw the bright screen. My face along with little Ollie's, Cole's 3 step-siblings and the other kids were on it. It was a candid picture of us and we all had an ear to ear grin plastered on our faces.

The billboard was promoting the fundraising campaign that I held every 3 months and I have seen a similar picture in magazines and newspapers but this is enormous.

I felt Adam squeeze my shoulder lightly and pulled me closer against him as tears brimmed my eyes once again and I continued to stare at the billboard.

~ Flashback ~

I was sitting on the couch, telling Bryant how Dom confessed that he likes me more than just a friend.

"I don't even know why he would like me in that way. I'm not special, just plain Casey. I don't have the beauty of all those girls in school and I don't have the charm, so why me?" I muttered to myself, feeling a bit dumbfounded.

In a flash, Bryant was kneeling before me, giving me a stern look.

"Hey, what did I tell you about beauty and people?"

I looked away after catching a glimpse of how serious he looked, knowing that he hated it when I hate on myself.

"Beauty lies in the inside," I recited, having heard him say it a thousand times before.

"-where the heart is," he finished, smiling softly and placing two fingers right above where my heart was.

"But do I really have that too? I mean, seriously. I have murderous and such vengeful thoughts about those girls at school. Would I even have purity in my heart then?" I asked him, voicing my deepest fear.

Maybe I wasn't as innocent as Bryant thought, maybe I was a closet psychopath.

My vision start to get blurry as I questioned my own innocence.

"That only proves as you being human because it's just how we are. We all have our demons but it's our choice to listen to them or fight them. And you, little sis, are the strongest fighter and the most beautiful girl I have ever met," Bryant stated. The sincerity in his voice was as clear as day.

"You go through every day with a smile on your face even when life's beating you down and that smile reflects the beauty inside. You have the knack to help people even if they're potential criminals on the run," Bryant frowned towards the end of his sentence and I can't help but laugh at how ridiculous he's being.

"I don't know if your heart is as pure as it can be, sis, but all I know is that you've got a big one in there. When we're older, I'll be running around like a crazy man pointing at billboards with your face on them screaming 'that's my sister' proudly at by-passers."

I teared up at the memory, feeling the tears stream down my cheeks as I held in a sob.

He has always believed in me. He's never doubted for a second that I'll be someone great and do good in this world.

I looked up to the sky, wondering if it's true what they say about how stars are the souls of the one who's passed away.

I stared at the stars despite my doubts, not knowing where else to look.

"I did it, Bry," I whispered into the air. The noise around me faded into nothing as I leaned into Adam's chest and looked at the billboard, feeling content as tears continued to escape my eyes and I made no move to wipe them.

I hope you're watching from up there.

I hope you're proud of me.


I figured that because we started this story with Bryant, it's only proper that we end it with Bryant as well.

I'm sorry for those of you who hoped he'd come back from the dead but honestly, this is beautiful.

Nonetheless, I made A BONUS CHAPTER in BRYANT'S POV before he died as compensation.

Thank you so much for all the support and I'm crazy sorry for the long ass hiatus.


I'm going to start editing TNCF and this story so that it'll all make more sense (hopefully)

I'll see you guys in the next story.

God bless, I love you -J

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