Smoke Clouds || Billy Hargrov...

By Cutehorse

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'He gazed into her teary eyes, she ran her thumb over his bruising cheek. Smoke blew through their lips, ming... More

Part I
Part II
Final Quote


23.1K 458 104
By Cutehorse


' ... Get a name, arsehole. '


Eden sat on the top step of the ladder that leant against the wall the next morning, her usual spot to eat breakfast. It was quiet as Hopper cooked, her own hands pulling a brush through her hair. She furrowed her brows with a smirk as El walked out of the bedroom with a sheet pulled over her entire body, two holes cut out where her eyes were; trying to be a ghost. The Lawson girl chuckled as Hopper turned around and jumped at the sight of her, El standing still.

'Oh, Jesus,' Hopper stated out of fright.

'Ghost,' Eleven stated.

'Yeah, I see that.'


'Sure is. But right now, it's breakfast, okay? Come on, let's eat.'

'They wouldn't see me.'

'Who wouldn't see you?'

'The bad men.'

Hopper looked up at Eden who held her hands in the air, she had no clue where Eleven had even gotten the idea to go trick or treating. He sighed before handing her her plate of french toast, trading it for the hairbrush.

'What are you talking about?' The man asked.

'Trick or treat,' El informed him.

'You want to go trick-or-treating?'

The sheet bent as the girl underneath nodded quickly, walking over to stand in front of the man as he sat at the table.

'You know the rules,' Hopper stated as he stood.

'Yes, but-' El started.

'Yeah, so you know the answer.'

'No, but they wouldn't see me.'

'No,' The man guided the girl over to her seat despite her attempts; 'Hey. I don't care.'

'But they wouldn't see me.'

'I don't care, all right? You go out there, ghost or not, it's a risk. We don't take risks. All right? They're stupid, and?'

'We're not stupid!'

'Exactly. Now, you take that off, sit down and eat. Your food's getting cold.'

Eleven huffed as she pulled the sheet over her head, sitting down with a glare set on her face. She crossed her arms and pouted as she leant back against the wall, watching as Hopper poured maple syrup onto her french toast.

The man sighed when she didn't move to eat, 'All right, look... How about I get off early tonight, and I buy us a bunch of candy, and we can sit around and get fat, and we watch a scary movie together? How's that for a compromise?'

'C- Com-Compromise?'

'C-O-M-promise. Compromise. How about that's your word for the day? Yeah?'

'It's something that's kinda in-between. It's like halfway happy,' Eden explained as she clambered down the ladder.

'By five-one-five?' El asked.

'Five fifteen,' Hopper nodded; 'Yeah, sure.'


'Yes. I promise.'


The girl looked up at her name, her eyes flickering from Eleven to Hopper; guilt setting in them.

'Um, I,' Eden looked at Hopper who silently begged her with his eyes; 'Yeh, I'll be here by eight thirty. Eight. Three. Zero.'

'Promise?' El asked.

'I promise, kid.'

'Halfway happy.'

She smiled slightly as she watched the curly haired girl shrugged a shoulder and began to eat, drying her plate before she wiped her hands.

'Alright, I'll see you guys later,' She waved.

'Eight. Three. Zero?' El called after her.

'Eight. Three. Zero.'


About half an hour later, Eden strode into the Byers' house as though it was her own; smiling as she saw Jonathan with his camera in hand.

'Jonny, please, no photos,' She teased.

He rolled his eyes and walked into the living room, knowing she would follow. The girl smirked when she saw Will, his little brother, all dressed up in a ghostbusters costume complete with the pack and blaster.

'Wow, look at you, little man,' She stated; 'Definitely gonna call you if I ever see a ghost.'

'Eden,' Will smiled as he ran over to hug her.

She carefully wrapped an arm around his back, smiling over at Joyce Byers, the two boys' mother.

'Hey, Eden,' Joyce smiled; 'How are you?'

'Hey, Joyce. I'm good,' She replied.

'Alright, let's get some photos so you can get to school.'

Jonathan held up his camera toward Will, 'Three, two, one.'

The camera snapped and Jonathan direct Will to hold up his blaster so he could take another, the boy smiling the entire time. After a few more shots, he was done.

'Alright, let's get you to school,' Joyce smiled.

'I'll drive him. I'm here to pick up Jonny anyway,' Eden suggested.

'Oh, would you? Thank you, sweetheart.'

'No problems.'

Will quickly ran out the front door, the teens walking behind him as they said goodbye to Joyce. As they got out to the car, Will was standing in front of the passenger side door before he was kicked into the back by his older brother. Eden got behind the steering wheel, starting the engine as the two doors shut, before she pulled out into the street. Jonathan put a tape into the player, turning the volume up at the song began to play.

They all sang along the entire drive to the middle school, Will scrambling out of the car quickly when he saw his friends putting their bikes in the rack. Eden shook her head at the four of them, all of them dressed up like ghostbusters. She pulled back onto the road, heading toward the high school; getting Jonathan to light her cigarette that she held between her lips.

'How is he?' She asked; 'Will.'

'He's ok. I think. He doesn't like to talk about it much,' Jonathan replied.

'Have you spoken to him?'

'Yeh, all the time. I think he puts up a front for mum, she's always so worried.'

'And she has every right to be. Will got lost, died, and then rose from the dead. Anyone sane would be worried about the kid.'

Jonathan sighed, knowing Eden didn't know the full story and he wasn't allowed to tell her despite every fibre in his body wanting to. She was his best friend, and it pained him not to.

'You decided whether you're going to the party or not?' She smirked as she parked the car.

'I don't know, Ed,' He shrugged.

'We won't be there long. I have to be home by half past eight anyway.'


'Got in trouble yesterday. Dad smelt the smoke on me.'

'Told you, you should stop.'

'Shut up. It's too good.'

'You won't be saying that when it kills you.'

'Oh, get lost. There are more things that will kill me before these do.'

She grabbed her bag and slid out of the car as Jonathan laughed at her, slamming her door shut behind her. She looked over the roof of her car, glaring at the blue Camaro parked a few spots up; taking in every detail of it as she did so. It was a gorgeous car, sleek and edgy. She wanted it and she wanted it bad. Eden rolled her eyes as she locked her car, walking with her best friend toward the school as the blonde boy slid out of the Camaro; winking her way.

She flipped him off and kept on walking, the smirk on her lips smug as Jonathan laughed at her and a few of the girls in the car park gasped. Her eyes met the boy's own, a quick chuckled leaving her lips before she stopped it just as quickly as they entered the building; her face turning back into it's normal glare.


Between the last two classes of the day, Eden snuck out of the school and into the car park itching for a smoke. She pulled her packet out of her pocket and placed a cigarette between her lips, smirking when she looked up to find the dirty blonde boy leaning against the front of his Camaro searching his pockets angrily. She walked toward him, whistling at him before she threw her pack at him.

The girl lit her cigarette before she passed him the lighter, setting her bum on the hood of the car as she pulled the burning stick from between her lips. She looked out at the school as she blew the smoke between her lips, tapping her cigarette with her finger. She glanced back at the boy leaning on his bonnet, he didn't look her way; sucking away happily on her cigarette.

'You done checking me out?' The boy muttered.

She scoffed, 'Get over yourself.'

He smirked, blowing yet another round of smoke through his lips. Her own smirk making it's way onto her lips as she looked away, leaning back on the car. She placed her cigarette between her lips as she shoved her pack away into her pocket, jumping when the guys hand clamped down on her arm. She looked up at him with a glare, an eyebrow raised.

'Can I help you?' She sneered.

'I need another one for later,' He stated.

'Only if I can get your name, arsehole.'

'I'll go with Arsehole.'

'Then no more smokes for you.'

She snatched her arm back, having a silent stare down with him. She smirked as he sighed, shaking his head as he looked away.

'I'll give you my name if you give me a smoke and a name,' He stated as he placed the cigarette back between his lips as he looked at her.

'You first,' She challenged.

'Billy Hargrove. You next, hot stuff.'

'Hot stuff? Damn, Arsehole, you're original.'

Billy rolled his eyes before he stood and flicked his burnt out cigarette on the ground, stomping it with his boot.

'You gonna give me your name or what?' He stated.

'The name's Eden Lawson, Arsehole,' She smirked; 'And here's your reward.'

The blonde huffed in amusement before snatching the cigarette from between her fingers, smirking as he tucked it away into his pocket. He then held out her lighter, allowing her to smirk as she took it back.

'I'm gonna need that later,' He stated.

'And who said I wanted to see you later?' She looked at him mischievously; 'Bye, Arsehole.'

She smirked and turned away, heading back toward the school; Billy watching her arse as she walked away with a smirk on his lips.

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