Summer, 1983 (I'll call you b...

By ThinkingPeaches

47.1K 1.9K 313

After the blank years, Oliver's wife can no longer keep the secret that she's known for years. She knows that... More

I'll call you by mine
The Boys
The Graduate
Not a kid!
The Party
4th of July
The book
Promise is a Promise
Summer's Ending
See you in New York
Home Again
Feelings, I don't do them
Hidden Desires
University Dinner
Friday Night Lights
Rules Don't Apply
Truth & Heartbreak
Letting Go
Graduation Day
About Last Night
No worries
What happened to Elio?
Summer 2005
From a numb heart
Very Unhappy Birthday
Growing Up
So this is Love
I do's and I don'ts
In the park
It's the little things
The Past
Family dinner
To Forgive?
Home Sweet B
Elio meets Elio
Oliver meets Oliver
Mon Coeur
Consume Me...
Back to Summer
Secrets and tears
My funny Valentine...
Penny for your thoughts
No day but today
Things happen for reasons
Letting go and starting a new
Ghosts of the past.

Best Friends and Cabins

570 22 5
By ThinkingPeaches

(Attention beautiful people! I love the reads and the stars but I want to hear from you! Please feel free to leave comments, I'm always up for suggestions and I'm not ending this book anytime soon these people have a lifetime to still go. So tell me if its good or just plain shit I want to know. That doesn't mean literally hurt my last feeling I have! Thanks love! )

"Do we have everything?" Oliver asked as he was putting all of his clothes into his suitcase.

"I think we do, I just hope we brought enough summer and semi-winter clothing. They said it's supposed to be nice and sunny in Vermont."

Oliver smiled at Elio.

'I know it's not the season you wanted to visit during but there was just some much going on."

"I know. Maybe with Christopher going off to college and Jona being older, maybe we can go back this winter."

"Sounds like heaven. Has he talked to you yet?" Oliver asked with a concerned look on his face.

"No, but I saw Arty when he came home a little while ago, he told me what happened. I swear Oliver life is throwing everything it's got at that poor kid."

"Ok well, you going to tell me what happened? Because he's locked himself in his room, poor Jude is just sitting outside of his door, if he's not willing to talk to Jude then it's got to be bad."

"Alright, alright!" Elio put his hands up. "So apparently David's wife came into the shop. She wanted a centerpiece for her dining room table. Next thing Christopher knows she's telling him it's because she's about to tell David she's pregnant."

"Shit, well I'm happy for David, but devastated for Christopher. What's terrible is she has no idea she just broke another person's heart. Are we sure she knows nothing of Davids past?"

"Honestly I haven't a clue, all we can do is hope that he comes out of his room and talks to Jude."

Jude sat outside Christopher's door. He'd received a call from Christopher who was in complete meltdown mode. But when he got to the house Christopher refused to let him in. All he understood of the call between his angry crying was David, baby, fucking bullshit and floral shop.

Jude was pretty sure he could piece it together.

"Come on man, you gotta let me in to talk. I've been sitting out here for two hours. I canceled my date with Kelly to come over here and she was not happy. So the least you can do is let me in."

Jude went from an upright position to looking at Christopher upside down. He'd finally opened the door, the room was dark and everything in his room had been trashed.

"What happened man?" Jude asked as Christopher told him everything that had happened that night all he could do was reassure his best friend. He knew a long time ago that David was going to hurt Christopher he just never imagined that it would be by getting married and starting a family. He knew that David had no idea all of this was going on, but he wanted to find him and make him hurt as much as Christopher did.

"Don't say things like that man. You are far from a violent person. But it's the thought that counts." Christopher almost cracked a smile.

"Yeah but if I see him on the street wham! I'll nail em!" Jude slammed his fist into his other hand.

"He might like that trust me." He laughed wiggling his eyebrows.

"Awe come on man that's just wrong! But it is good to hear you laugh."

"Yeah but I'm not going to dwell on this it's been almost 6 months. I can't keep letting David hurt me. Even if he's not doing it intentionally."

"You need to, things are going well with Stephanie right?"

"Yeah things are good, I actually like her man. It's just every time I think I'm over him, he finds a way to come back in my life."

"I know but hey why don't we go out tomorrow night. It's 11 and my dads already called 10 times, you know how he gets when I'm late for his weekends."

Jude talked to Elio and Oliver before he walked out the door. He knew they were worried about his best friend.

Jude's phone rang on his way to his car when he got in he hit the silent button and just text his dad he was on his way. Looking up he saw a familiar figure walking towards his best friends house. Jude rushed to get out of his car.

"The fuck he is!" Jude bit out under his breath. He ran up behind David grabbing his shoulder spinning him around.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Jude growled.

David looked stunned, pulling away from Jude's grasp.

"Let go of me Jude this isn't your concern."

"It is my concern because that's my best friend. You walk any closer to that house and I will knock you flat on your ass!" Jude yelled at him.

"I need to talk to him Jude, it's important."

"You've already fucking hurt him enough you go up there knocking on his door all you are going to do is set him back. He's trying to get over you David and every time he gets close you pop back into his life."

"I need to see him, I've got to tell him." Jude cut him off.

"What? That your wife is having your baby, Yeah he already knows. That's why he's been locked in his room since your wife showed up at the floral shop."

David dropped his head, he had been defeated by life, Jude almost felt sorry for him. But Jude felt if David wanted to escape his life he would find a way.

"I want to tell him that I'm sorry and that I didn't mean to hurt him." David was a wreck, he looked like he hadn't been enjoying his new life and Jude didn't blame him.

"He knows, man. That's why he's trying to get over you, he's trying to move on. I think you need to move on too. You got a wife and a kid on the way. I know he'd hate me for saying this because he would never admit it but he really does love you and you shattered his heart. After everything that happened with his mom, he's been pretty broken. I know he told you what he did."

David spoke softly.

"I know and if I could get out of this situation I would Jude. I'd run back to him in a millisecond. When she brought home those flowers and I saw the logo on the card. I got a stabbing pain in my heart, I was jealous because I knew she might have seen Christopher. But when she told me she was so excited that she told the shop boy our news. I knew she had told him, my heart nearly fell out of my body. I feel like the worlds shittiest person because instead of being happy that I was going to be a father. I was more worried about Christopher's feelings."

Jude looked at David, he didn't know if he wanted to know the answer. But if Chris ever asked he wanted an answer for him.

"Do you even love her?"

"No, I'm well, I'm trying to love her but honestly she's more of a friend to me than anything else. I try to treat her like I would treat Chris but it's hard to love someone when your heart belongs to someone else." David looked at the house, he knew if he moved any closer Jude would knock him out. There was no getting around the fact that Jude hated him. He didn't blame him he hated himself too.

"Do you want this baby? Is it even yours?"

"I don't know if I want to be a dad. But she wanted kids and I was to do whatever she wanted. But yeah it's mine. Do you think a guy that wants to be president what a scandal like on his plate?"

"No, but all politicians are dirty. Your dad is no exception."

"Trust me I know more than anybody."

Jude's phone starts ringing again.

"Look I've got to go, do you need a ride? Because I'm not leaving here until I see you drive away."

"My car is just right there. Hey Jude?"


"If it ever comes up please tell Christopher that it was always him I wanted to be with and that it's him that I will always love."

"I wish that I could promise you I would but I don't want to hurt him like that man."

"I understand. Bye Jude."

"Bye to you too David, I hope you have a nice life. I mean it, I really hope you do."

David gave Jude a small wave as he got into his car. Driving off David took one last look at the house he once thought of as his safe place. Taking in a deep breath he didn't know if he could drive away. But if he truly loved Christopher he would let him be happy. He didn't know if he was ever going to see him again but he couldn't think about that right now. Thinking that there's a possibility that he will never see Christopher again made him sick. But he couldn't think of himself anymore, there was a life coming into this world in a few months and David needed to grow up. No matter how much he wanted to run, he couldn't do that to a child, his child.


Vermont! Oliver was finally taking Elio to Vermont, the boys were staying with their friends, while Chapman was staying with Michael and Arty. They were considering adoption and for some odd reason thought dog watching for two weeks would give them an idea of what they were in for. Oliver was going to have Elio to himself for two long weeks, but he was still worried about the boys. His face must have given him away while he was driving up to the cabin.

"What are you thinking about?" Elio asked placing his hand on Oliver's thigh.

"Just wondering if we should have left Christopher after what happened."

"He is fine, Jude's mom said she would keep a close eye on him. Besides we've already canceled this trip twice. I think they will be ok. Also, Nan said she would check on them as well. It's not like they are home by themselves."

"Yeah but that doesn't mean they won't try."

Reaching the cabin it was truly a cabin, they had decided on a small 1 bedroom that had a beautiful view of the mountains. Elio bad never seen this part of the country before, he stood out on the front porch staring at the view. Oliver saddled up beside him.

"Let's sit on the porch swing and enjoy the peace and quiet." Oliver sat down patting the spot next to him, Elio sat putting his head on Oliver's shoulder.

"This is going to be our lives before we know it. And I really don't mind it, maybe we should buy one of these for the house."

"I don't think this swing would fit into our decor. Plus only old couples have these on their front porch." Oliver laughed.

"I not the one turning 46 in a few months." Elio tried running away from Oliver, but he was grabbed in mid getaway. Oliver grabbed a hold of him by the waist pulling him to his lap.

"Why do you have to bring my age into this? I still have a few years before I'm 50. And just think next year you're going to be the big four zero."

"Now see you just aren't playing fair Oliver Adler."

"You never play fair, Elio Perlman." He pulled Elio into a deep kiss, pushing the curls through his fingers. These were Elio's curls, these were Elios lips, this was Elio's body. He worshiped Elio's body every curve, every muscle, every bit that had changed since he was 17, Oliver loved. He had picked up on things that had become second nature to them. If Oliver was cooking in the kitchen, Elio would stand behind him for a moment place a kiss on his shoulder while he hands were on Oliver's hips. Watching Elio soaking in the tub, Oliver was envious of every drop of water that touched Elio's body.

Pulling away from Elio, he could see that his green eyes had grown a little darker. They had desire burning all over them, lips bruised from Oliver nipping at them.

"No one is around, it's getting dark, we could." Oliver wiggled his eyebrows.

"Oliver someone might see us."

"We are literally on 65 acres of private land, the lady said no one can make it up here unless by car. It took an hour to drive up here, no one is going to see us."

"Well, I did hear her say that there is a hot tub in the back."

"Mmm, I'll go turn it on and you bring in everything from the car and I'll make sure all of our wine made the trip without breaking."

Elio pulled on his swimming trunks, he thought Oliver might get a kick out of them because they were a pair he had worn that summer they met. Walking out into the night air Oliver was sat in a wooden lounge chair reading a book prop in his naked lap holding a glass of wine. Looking up he gave Elio a pondering look.

"Clothes? I thought we had an agreement when we are here there was going to be no clothes."

Elio shrugged, he had forgotten their rule for the next two weeks. Oliver put down the book and sauntered over to his love.

"Take your trunks off," Oliver ordered in a low husky voice. Elio felt 17 again, almost nervous and turned on. Pulling down his trunks, he felt the mountain air hit his cock. His arousal was so sudden it surprised both him and Oliver.

"That's good news for me, your hard already," Oliver said in a joking tone, getting on his knees he pulled Elio's cock between his lips. Letting his head fall back he felt the wonderful sensations of Oliver's tongue caressing the head of his cock. He couldn't hold back, pushing his handing into Olivers changing hair, he let out a low soft moan. Hearing Oliver's mouth on his cock, temptation overtook Elio. Looking down watching Oliver, the sight of him taking Elio deep into his mouth almost sent Elio over the edge. Bracing himself on Oliver's shoulder, his piercing blue eye focused on him.

"Let's move to the hot tub." Elio's tone was gruff. Getting in first Elio sat nearest to the cabin, the water was perfect, his body relaxing as Oliver came toward him. Leaning down to straddle Elios lap, he could feel Oliver's lips against his ear. In a low voice, he almost didn't hear Oliver over the hot tub.


Letting out a low moan, Elio took control taking Oliver's lips. He slides one finger into Oliver, teasing him. As he pulled his fingers out, Oliver positioned himself, easing down onto the cock that brought him so much pleasure. When he reached his threshold Oliver gasped, this sensation always made him feel alive. Oliver began to move slowly on his cock, Elio placing kisses on his chest. Elio's grip on his hips began to tighten, Oliver knew his body and this meant he was getting close to cumming. Leaning forward Oliver nipped at Elio's neck and shoulder with every bite Elio sucked in a moan. Oliver spoke a word between each nip that he gave Elio.

"Now-Elio-cum-for-me. Fuck-me-harder!"

Elio quickened his pace, the words leaving Oliver's lips were more erotic than the act of sex itself. His fingers biting into Oliver's thighs, he thrust one last time, hard and deep nearly knocking Oliver off balance.

"Fuck-Oliver-Fuck-me!" Elio moaned out between each pump of his cock. Oliver could feel Elio's cock throbbing, releasing his cum inside of him. He loved watching the afterglow of Elio's face as he came down from his orgasm. His tongue rushing over his lips, cheeks flushed, green eyes glazed over from the act, his muscles still trying to relax. It was erotic watching him come down from his high. Opening his eyes, Elio gave Oliver a half-drunken smile.




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