When Hate Turns Into Love (La...

By Larrys_Girl

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[3rd place in the Bromance Awards Holiday 2015] The Styles and the Tomlinsons. Those two families have never... More

Chapter 2 ~ You're Getting On My Nerves
Chapter 3 ~ Stop Avoiding My Damn Question
Chapter 4 ~ Why Do You Hate Me So Much?
Chapter 5 ~ Can I Ask You Something?
Chapter 6 ~ You Can't Be Serious
Chapter 7 ~ I'm Uh... I'm Dyslexic
Chapter 8 ~ I Like Louis Okay?
Chapter 9 ~ Wanna Come With Me To The Basketball Game?
Chapter 10 ~ You Played Well Yesterday
Chapter 11 ~ I Can't Believe I'm Actually Agreeing To This
Chapter 12 ~ There's Nothing Left To Do. I've Tried Everything
Chapter 13 ~ I Think I Just Came Up With A Brilliant Idea
Chapter 14 ~ You Sure About That?
Chapter 15 ~ I Miss You
Chapter 16 ~ Let's Play Truth Or Dare Shall We?
Chapter 17 ~ Fucking Finally
Chapter 18 ~ Louis Tomlinson And Harry Styles
Chapter 19 ~ Don't Disappoint Me
Chapter 20 ~ Do You Even Like Me?
Chapter 21 ~ He Really Does Hate Me
Chapter 22 ~ Would You Just Let Me Explain?
Chapter 23 ~ Oh Shit
Chapter 24 ~ Uh, Nice To See You
Chapter 25 ~ I Promise, Harry
Chapter 26 ~ Bye Love
Chapter 27 ~ I'm So Sorry
Chapter 28 ~ Well, I'm Done Thinking
Chapter 29 ~ You Want Me To Give You Something That's Mine?
Chapter 30 ~ You're Telling Me This Is My Fault?

Chapter 1 ~ Fuck Off Harry

119K 4.2K 16.9K
By Larrys_Girl

Chapter 1 ~ Fuck Off Harry

[Harry's POV] (Will be if I don't say otherwise)

~ 13 Years Later ~

I was walking to school on a particularly fine morning when my best friend suddenly drove up to me in his car. "What do you want, Niall?" I muttered, feeling slightly envious that he had a car and I didn't.

It wasn't that my family was poor or anything, I just hadn't got my driver's license yet. My mum had always told me that she wouldn't buy me a car before I got my license. So...here I was, without a car and a driver's license.

"Hey, chill mate. I was just wondering if you wanted a ride, but since you're being so grumpy I might just drive away without you," he retorted, rolling up the window again.

I let out a sigh, walking over to the passenger door and getting into the car. I shut the door behind me, turning to my best friend. "I'm sorry, Ni. I just failed another driving test yesterday afternoon," I apologized, running a hand through my curls.

Niall shook his head. "Mate, you really have to improve your skills, or else you're never going to get your license," he said, and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Shut up, it's not my fault I have trouble focusing on stuff like tests," I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Then whose fault is it?" he asked, raising his eyebrow teasingly.

I remained silent and avoided his gaze. What most people didn't know, was that I actually had something to blame it on. I'd always been bad at reading and writing, had always gotten the letters wrong, but it wasn't until I started second grade that the doctors informed me I was dyslexic. I didn't take it all too well. Not well at all actually. I just found it absolutely embarrassing. So, when I went into seventh grade, I decided to hide it by simply acting like I didn't care about school at all. I usually attended classes, but I never did anything in them.

Niall was one of the people who didn't know about it. The only ones who did were my family members, and I wanted it to stay that way. The fewer people who knew, the less chance it was for the secret to be revealed.

"Mine," I muttered, staring down at my lap.

"Sorry, mate, I didn't quite hear you," Niall teased, chuckling.

I glared at him, refusing to repeat myself. I would never give him that honor. "So, what's going on between you and Olivia, huh?" I asked instead, changing the topic.

Olivia was a girl Niall, Zayn, and I had been friends with ever since middle school. All four of us were really close, but lately, I'd noticed that something else was going on between her and Niall. There were definitely some feelings there that weren't classified as friendly ones, on both sides.

Niall's cheeks heated up a little, and he tried his best to avoid my gaze. "Um, well, she's great, and eh, I really like her," he admitted, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I'm happy for both of you, you really deserve each other."

Niall flashed me a small smile, nodding his head curtly. "Thanks, Haz."

"Of course," I mumbled as we pulled up in front of the school. Niall parked the car in an empty parking space before both of us got out of the vehicle.

"Thanks for the ride mate, I appreciate it," I smiled, hitting him on the arm playfully. "And sorry for my grumpy mood earlier."

"It's okay, Harry. You're forgiven," he replied, walking over to the school doors with me following behind him.

We walked down the hallways until we arrived at our lockers that were next to each other. Zayn's was located a little bit away from ours along with Olivia's, but it didn't matter to us. We met up after every class anyway.

I hung my jacket on the hanger before slamming my locker shut. There was no way I would do anything in English, so I didn't even bother bringing my books.

I was just about to turn around when I heard a familiar laugh behind me followed by a deeper one. I could feel how a smile made its way to my face, and I soon found myself turning around to face who I knew was the most beautiful person on this planet.

And I was right. Louis Tomlinson. The boy I had been crushing on for as long as I could remember was walking by me with his best friend, Liam Payne. He had his hair styled as Justin Bieber's old hairstyle, and he wore these thick glasses on his nose. Louis looked pretty much the same as him, but he was on another level.

The two boys weren't either popular or nerdy, but more like somewhere in between. Not that it mattered because I would have feelings for Louis no matter what. Call me gay, bisexual, or whatever. I didn't care because I had no idea. I still liked checking out both girls and guys, but there was something special about Louis that made me forget about them.

I reached my hand out to tap him on the shoulder, making him turn to me. His lips instantly turned into a frown as his eyes met mine, his brows knitting together. I took a step forward and leaned down slightly, pretty close to his ear. "Good morning, beautiful," I breathed, making him shudder involuntarily.

"Fuck off, Harry," Louis muttered, placing a hand on my chest to put some space between us.

I pulled back willingly to send him an unimpressed look. "What is your reason for always being so harsh to me?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

When he didn't reply, I reached up to grace my hand over his bicep gently. I knew I wasn't very good at this, and part of that reason was that I didn't really want to be since the last thing I wanted was for him to find out I had true feelings for him. But at the same time, I couldn't stay away from him either.

"I said, fuck off, Harry," he repeated, sounding even more pissed now.

When I made no move to remove my hand but just raised my eyebrows at him as if waiting for an answer, he snatched my hand away. "What is wrong with you? Don't you know what a fucking no is, or do I have to say it in your face every time you come near me? I don't like you, and I'm not interested, alright?" He snapped, making my jaw tighten a bit. I refused to feel embarrassed about it.

"Jesus, fuck, you don't have to yell at me like that. And I don't fucking like you either," I retorted, glaring at him.

Louis let out a humorous laugh. "You have a funny way of showing it," he said, walking away with a slightly shocked Liam by his side. They were just about to round a corner when Louis turned around again to mouth the words 'and I'm straight, you cunt' to me.

I only shot him another glare, not wanting to gain any more attention than I already had by yelling, "You lying bitch."

I knew for a fact that Louis was not straight. He had kissed this brown-haired guy at the last party we had both been to, and I had seen him kiss other guys before that too... At least it was a good thing knowing he wasn't straight, although I couldn't help but dislike witnessing him kissing other people right in front of me.

I let out a deep sigh as he disappeared around the corner, closing my eyes in frustration.

Of course I liked him, it was impossible not to. I remembered my mum telling me the first thing she did when I started kindergarten that I should stay away from him. I never really knew why because Louis seemed like a nice kid with sparkling blue eyes that I just couldn't stop staring into. He always cracked jokes that everyone would laugh at, including me. They were so silly I would always swat the back of his head lightly every time he did so. But unfortunately, he disliked me already back then. He would always glare at me whenever I came close and tell me to stay away from him.

It always hurt when he did this, but I had kind of grown used to it over the years I had known him. Things would have probably been easier if he didn't hate my guts, but something was telling me that deep down, he might not hate me as much as it sometimes seemed like he did.

"Hey, mate. I'm going to Zayn and Olivia's lockers, you coming with me?" Niall suddenly asked, snapping me back to reality.

"Yeah, sure."

We walked side by side to the lockers across the hallway where Zayn and Olivia were standing. Niall walked straight up to Olivia and wrapped an arm around her shoulders - something he would do quite often these days. I, on the other hand, nudged Zayn's side playfully, giving him a small smile.

"Morning, mate."

"Hey, Harry. Seen Louis today?" He snickered.

All four of them knew I had a crush on Louis. Or well, they knew I liked to tease him. There was no need for them to know I had feelings for him.

However, probably all people at this school knew I liked to tease Louis. I wasn't very subtle, although I was very careful to hide behind my facade. As long as I kept showing that whatever Louis told me didn't faze me, then people hopefully wouldn't suspect anything.

"Yeah," I replied, replaying the scene that had just taken place in my head.

"Man, if I hadn't known better, I would've thought you had a crush on him," Zayn laughed, hitting my shoulder gently.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Of course I don't. I mentally dislike him just as much as he dislikes me," I said, shaking my head in an attempt to make the words seem more truthful.

The reason I hadn't told him the truth was that I was afraid of what would happen if people found out I was bisexual. I knew I was being silly considering I teased Louis quite openly, but they only thought I did it for fun. So, being afraid of Louis finding out I had feelings for him wasn't the only reason I tried my best not to show him how I actually felt.

"I know. All of us are aware that you're just messing with him," Zayn chuckled.

I nodded, pressing my lips in a tight line while faking a smile.

Before any of us could say anything else, the bell rang. All four of us separated; me with Zayn since we had English together, and Niall with Olivia who had Science.

We walked into class, sitting down at a desk in the back, turning our attention to Mr. Stewart. He was just about to open his mouth and start the lesson when someone in the front raised their hand. "Excuse me."

My eyes narrowed at the all too familiar voice and darted to the person who'd spoken up.

"Yes, Mr. Tomlinson?" Mr. Stewart asked in confusion, clearly surprised that Louis of all people had interrupted him.

"May I switch seats, please? I'm not very comfortable having Mr. Styles staring at me."

It almost felt like my jaw dropped to the floor. Did he just say that? What the actual fuck? I had not even been staring at him.

I cleared my throat, gaining everyone's attention. "Don't flatter yourself, Louis" I said, rolling my eyes, which made the students in the room crack up with laughter.

I could see his cheeks turning pink as he glared at me, his jaw clenched tightly. "Shut up, Styles."

Mr. Stewart coughed awkwardly, looking back and forth between me and Louis. "You two can argue all you want in an hour, but not in my classroom," he said firmly. "And to answer your question, Mr. Tomlinson. No, you cannot switch seats and that's final. Now, let's start this lesson once and for all. Today we're going to talk about constituents. What do you know about it?"

I slumped down in my seat, breaking my eye contact with Louis as he turned back to Mr. Stewart, sighing in defeat.

During the entire hour, I avoided looking at him because I knew what the consequences would be if I did. But, if I took a quick peek at him once or maybe even twice anyway, that was no one's business.


The first chapter! What do you think? Like? Dislike? Hate? Love? I'd like to know, because if you don't like it, I won't write it... :)

Remember, Harry doesn't hate Louis, he's just frustrated and kind of mad at him :)

Pauline is a loser .xx // Lacy, aka my editor -.-

Pauline .xx

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