Thoughts & Random Stuff

By klaroline-4ever

1.3K 46 27

Just stuff I think about... More

Fanfic Haters
After getting in Wattpad
Hope Mikaelson
Hayley on this last season of TO
Taking the Myers Biggs Test
Start over
Teen Wolf Ending
Friendships After Leaving High School
Online Friends
The Originals Promo
Tag [playlist]
School & Criativity
The Originals S05E01
Writer's block
Books I wrote...
OCs (and my small experience)
Thank You!!!
Tagged (Again)
Recommendations Tag
Tagged again
And Yet Another Tag
The Tale of Two Wolfs
Guess what? Another Tag
Group Projects
The Return Of Eugenia Cooney

Writing Ahead

22 1 1
By klaroline-4ever

Hey guys! From how you might figure it out, today I'm going to talk about writing ahead. (It's just me or I sounded like a total boring teacher right now?)

Anyway, I decided to talk about writing ahead bc I already finished the second book of The Salvatore Boarding School and now I'm feeling what writer who write ahead feel (or maybe it's just how I feel).

I'm going to just talk or else I'll end up going in circles and talking about nothing.

After I wrote the last chapter of my book, I felt that feeling of accomplishment and pride that we have after writing a book but then my nervous side took that away from me and I started to wonder if the book was okay, if people would even read until the last chapter or would get bored in the middle or if the end was awful and if was gonna be a disappointment to everyone who would read the entire book. I ended up texting a good friend and freaking out about it and picture all the horrible scenarios I could.

She is a great friend and was able to calm me down, and let me tell you I don't calm down easily, I'm a very stressed out person, so thank you (you know who you are🤪)

So that's the end right? Wrong. Even if I'm not freakin out like I was when I wrote the last chapter, I'm still concerned about what people will think when I publish the last chapter. It isn't because of the votes nor the comments but because I don't want them to hate the ending and think that they wasted their time reading my book.

I'm not going to lie, of course I like when I get votes and/or comments, every writer likes it but that's not our number one concern. I worry more if the readers are liking the story or not. If they are going to be disappointed with the ending. If they will lose their interest for the book or not. And if by the middle of the book they hate it and stop reading, I won't be able to rewrite everything again.

Of course there's good things about writing ahead: you don't stay without uploading for long; you can have days where you don't feel inspired but you still can upload your book; you can give them clues about what will happen next but let them wondering about it; you can update more than once a day; you can stop worrying about not having time to write...

There's always a good side of things but there's also another bad side and I thought in sharing with you the bad side. But I guess in the end it comes to the writer to decide if she/he should write ahead or not.

Now that I finished the book what am I doing? That's what I keep asking myself. I don't know what I should do,

I have some plots on my head for different stories but before I got into them I feel the need to finish uploading my book. Why? I don't know, probably because I want to know how will be the readers reaction.

Will I advice writers to write ahead? I don't think I should have a saying in that. That's something that writers should choose for themselves. Like I said, there's good and bad (just like all in life)

Oh, and in case you Now are thinking this of writing ahead was a bad experience for me, let me tell you it wasn't. I am glad I made this experience, it showed me the good and bad of writing ahead and it made me have another option for when or if I try to write another story.

I don't think we should think that an experience can be all good or all bad, I think we should try to see things in more than one way, try to see in different perspectives, in different points of views, but that's my opinion.

And... this was it. If you read until here then thank you, you are amazing! 😉

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