How Will I Know

By BubblySoccer

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Elena Addams thought that a weekend in Las Vegas would take her mind off her recent break up. ft. Robin van P... More

Chapter One: Partying in Vegas
Chapter Two: Waking up in Vegas
Chapter Three: Unhelpful Friends
Chapter Four: Confirmations
Chapter Five: Traveling Home
Chapter Six: Back in London
Chapter Seven: Leaving the Past Behind
Chapter Eight: Dr. and Dr. Addams
Chapter Nine: Back to Work
Chapter Ten: Awkward Meetings
Chapter Eleven: Spending Time Together
Chapter Twelve: Thinking of the Future
Chapter Thirteen: Robin's Pain
Chapter Fourteen: The Battle Begins
Chapter Fifteen: Meeting the In-Laws
Chapter Sixteen: Birthday Surprise
Chapter Seventeen: A Life Changing Day
Chapter Eighteen: Time Spent Apart
Chapter Nineteen: Goodbye London
Chapter Twenty: Our New Home
Chapter Twenty-One: Lunch with Roxanne
Chapter Twenty-Three: Surprise Announcement
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Baby Scan
Chapter Twenty-Five: Elena's Doubts
Chapter Twenty-Six: Don't Mess with the Vidic
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Staying in Rotterdam
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Netherlands vs. Andorra
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Elena's Secret
Chapter Thirty: Talking with Roxanne
Chapter Thirty-One: Paging Dr. Evans
Chapter Thirty-Two: Something to Celebrate
Chapter Thirty-Three: Shocking Matters
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter Thirty-Five: Damage Control
Chapter Thirty-Six: Old Friends
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Baby Shower
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Christmas Shopping
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Deck the Halls
Chapter Forty: Suspicious Accidents
Chapter Forty-One: Coming Together
Chapter Forty-Two: Christmas Eve
Chapter Forty-Three: Welcome Christmas
Chapter Forty-Four: Back in Manchester
Chapter Forty-Five: Robin's Secret
Chapter Forty-Six: Auld Lang Syne
Chapter Forty-Seven: Coming to Visit
Chapter Forty-Eight: Being Put on Bed Rest
Chapter Forty-Nine: Happy Birthday Elena
Chapter Fifty: Good News and Bad
Chapter Fifty-One: Baby Names
Chapter Fifty-Two: Worrying Thoughts
Chapter Fifty-Three: Ewan's Revenge
Chapter Fifty-Four: Returning Home
Chapter Fifty-Five: Rash Decisions
Chapter Fifty-Six: Drastic Measures
Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Court Case
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Proving Innocence
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Unbreak My Heart
Chapter Sixty: Reconnecting
Chapter Sixty-One: It's Time
Chapter Sixty-Two: Arabella van Persie
Chapter Sixty-Three: Let's Get Organised
Chapter Sixty-Four: Coleen and Wayne's Baby Girl
Chapter Sixty-Five: The Wedding Dress
Chapter Sixty-Six: The Bachelorette Party
Chapter Sixty-Seven: The Bachelor Party
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Spending the Night Apart
Chapter Sixty-Nine: The Big Day
Epilogue: Honeymoon with the Family

Chapter Twenty-Two: The Welcome Party

2.2K 55 0
By BubblySoccer

Elena shifted nervously sitting in the car as they pulled up outside the restaurant where the welcoming party was being held; she couldn't believe that this was actually happening. 

Robin smiled at his wife, she was wearing royal blue dress and shrug paired with her silver heels, she looked beautiful and he doubted that anyone would be able to deny that; pregnancy gave her a beautiful glow and he couldn't have been happier. 

"You look beautiful," Robin said pecking her lips before he got out of the car and walked around to help her out as well; Elena smiled at him as she climbed elegantly out of the car. 

Robin grinned drawing her closely to his side as he locked the car, before they headed into the restaurant ignoring the press that tried to get their attention by shouting questions at them. 

Elena let out a small sigh of relief once they were inside, she was never going to get used to the press acting like that; Rio Ferdinand approached them with his wife, Rebecca approached the couple with a smile. 

"Robin, I'm glad you could make it," Rio greeted making Robin smile while Elena shifted nervously; she jumped a little as Robin wrapped an arm around her waist. 

Robin smiled, he knew that she was nervous but Elena really had nothing to worry about; these people weren't going to try and cause them any problems. 

"This is my wife Elena... Lena, this is Rio and his wife Rebecca," Robin introduced making Elena smile politely and say hello; she wasn't sure how to act in this situation and she prayed that Robin didn't leave her alone since she didn't want to make a fool of herself. 

Rebecca rolled her eyes before she linked arms with Elena and led her over to the wives while Rio led Robin over to the team; she had a feeling that Elena was going to fit in just fine with them all. 

"Ladies, this is Robin's wife Elena... Elena these are the WAGs of Manchester United," Rebecca said urging the brunette to sit down next to Roxanne who smiled at her; she could see that Elena was a little surprised at being hijacked from her husband's side.

"Jesus, you two could be twins," Coleen Rooney announced choking on her drink as she looked between Roxanne and Elena, the others nodded in agreement at how much the two women looked alike. 

Elena blushed, she wasn't used to being the centre of attention like this and she knew that she wasn't going to get used to people staring at her anytime soon; she just hoped that things would get easier. 

"So Elena, how did you and Robin meet?" Stacey Giggs asked curiously, she hadn't heard much about the couple and she was surprised they had managed to keep things so quiet until they had been caught getting married in Vegas. 

Elena took a deep breath to calm her nerves, she recalled the lie that she had been telling since she had married Robin and she was getting so used to it now that it nearly felt like the truth sometimes. 

"I got lost one day while I was living in Rotterdam and it was getting dark. I think I had been walking around for about an hour before I bumped into Robin, it was back when he played for Feyenoord; he helped me get back to my apartment," Elena explained with a smile, she wished so much that it was true even if she knew that it never would be. 

The women all smiled as they listened to her and Elena knew that they wouldn't doubt the story that she was telling them; she could only imagine what they would think of her if they knew the truth. 

"We hit it off and things were going well until I returned to London; we grew apart and went our separate ways, he went on to marry Bouchra, and we all know how that ended," Elena continued softly making a couple of the women frown as they heard the mention of the former wife of Robin van Persie.

It was common knowledge what had happened between Robin and Bouchra, it had been on the front page of every paper and it hadn't helped that Bouchra had been so quick to be spotted with Ewan. 

Elena seemed like a good fit for Robin and the women could see how he looked at her, he looked very much in love whenever he talked about his wife; they only hoped that everything worked out for them. 

"I bumped into Robin when his divorce became public and I helped him as much as I could," Elena said with an innocent shrug making the other women grin at her; they could see that the brunette was someone that they would become good friends with. 

The women of the team were very close because their spouses spent a lot of time together, they relied on one another like a family and they were very used to having troublesome young women trying to get involved with the men in their lives. 

Talk quickly moved away from Elena and Robin making her sigh in relief, Elena peeked over at Robin and she knew that this wasn't as bad as she had imagined; she could only hope it stayed that way.


Robin quickly knocked back his third glass of red wine before secretly switching the empty glass with Elena's; it was in an attempt to make sure that no one would notice that she wasn't drinking. 

Elena glanced at him knowing that at this rate, she would be the one driving home since Robin would be well over the alcohol limit; she was a little surprised how well he seemed to be handling this. 

"Dear very old, old and new people, we are here today to welcome all our new signings and their families to the greatest club in the world. I will now let Wayne speak," Rio announced standing at the front of the table with Wayne and Nemanja as they started to speeches of the evening. 

Coleen smiled looking at her husband, it was the same every season and she was pleased to see this year's opening season dinner was so peaceful; she peeked around the table and frowned at the sight of Elena's drink being suddenly gone. 

Elena didn't miss the curious look from Coleen on why her drink had suddenly disappeared, but ignored her as Wayne started to speak; she wasn't ready to reveal that she was pregnant just yet. 

"Shinji I hope we get to play many games together. Alexander can't wait for you to show them what you got. Robin thank god you are at United now. You have no idea how these two pansy's standing next to me get when we had to play Arsenal," Wayne said smiling as he read his part of the speech, he looked around the table and he knew that this year was going to be a good one for them. 

Rio and Nemanja slapped the back of Wayne's head at his words making the table laugh, they knew that it was going to be a good night and they hoped that everyone was going to be relaxed now the transfer window was officially closed. 

"And now our club captain and my defense buddy Nemanja," Rio introduced before he and Wayne moved to sit next to their wives with cheeky smiles on their faces, while Nemanja stepped up to do his speech with a shake of his head.

"Welcome to the club and now let's eat," Nemanja said keeping it short, he didn't see the point on dragging this out especially when they all had training tomorrow; he sat down next to Roxanne who kissed him. 

Wayne stared at Nemanja with a confused look on his face while everyone started to dig in to their food; he waited for a moment before he spoke up with his confusion. 

"Why didn't I just say that?" Wayne asked making the team chuckle as they enjoyed their meal, Elena glanced at Robin and rubbed his hand; she was a little concerned with how fast he was going through the wine. 

Robin peeked at his wife, he thought that he was doing well to cover up the fact that she wasn't having anything to drink. 

"Don't get too drunk," Elena warned Robin making him rolled his eyes and pecked her lips as Ryan threw some bread at Roxanne and Nemanja to stop them from making out at the table. 

"I'm just popping the loo," Elena told Robin softly making him nod his head before she stood and left the table; unaware that Coleen had made the decision to follow her to the ladies room. 

After during her business, Elena was washing her hands when she spotted Coleen in the mirror; she jumped in surprise since she hadn't realised that anyone was there. 

"So how far along are you?" Coleen asked making Elena stare at her while the older woman rolled her eyes; she had known from the moment that Robin had started to 'secretly' drink Elena's wine that something was going on. 

"Wayne did the same thing for me when I was pregnant with Kai," Coleen explained making Elena sigh, her pregnancy was becoming the worst kept secret in the world at this rate. 

"Eight weeks, we're waiting until my first trimester is over before we tell anyone," Elena said softly, making Coleen nod understandingly; the brunette sighed as she bit her lip before the Scouser pulled her into a hug and congratulated her.


It was around 12:30am when everyone started to leave the restaurant, Robin was completely drunk after drinking not only his own glasses of wine but Elena's; she was surprised that he was able to make a little bit of sense. 

Elena grinned settling Robin on to their bed, she had paid the babysitter and she was happy to be home; she had a feeling he'd have a bad hangover in the morning when he got up. 

"I love you," Robin drunkenly rambled wrapping his arms around Elena and pulling her onto the bed with him; the brunette smiled as she gently pulled away from him. 

Robin pouted a little, he was a little disappointed that he didn't get to cuddle with his very beautiful wife; he watched her as she slipped off her heels and continued to try and get him ready for bed. 

"I love you too," Elena told Robin as she unbuttoned his shirt so that she could get him ready for bed; however Robin kissed her softly, he stilled her hands knowing that he didn't do this enough. 

Elena brushed her fingers through his hair, Robin was being so sweet and she could only imagine what was going through his head right now while he was this drunk. 

"I don't know what I would have done if I had never meet you," Robin mumbled when he pulled away slightly, Elena stroked his hair tenderly as she moved to help him take off his shoes while Robin removed his shirt and watched her. 

Elena was everything that he had ever wanted and Robin knew that he would be a complete idiot if he ever let her go; she was the best thing that had happened to him recently. 

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, if it weren't for you I would be stuck miserably in London alone, I don't want to be all by myself anymore," Robin rambled before he started to sing All by Myself, he wasn't sure that he would ever get better than her. 

 Elena held back a laugh as she kissed him to stop him singing so that he didn't wake the children, Robin slowly removed her dress before he allowed it to pool at her feet on the floor. 

Elena carefully moved to straddle him as he pulled her closer, it was clear what was going to happen next and that neither of them had any intentions of stopping.

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