How Will I Know

By BubblySoccer

136K 3.4K 406

Elena Addams thought that a weekend in Las Vegas would take her mind off her recent break up. ft. Robin van P... More

Chapter One: Partying in Vegas
Chapter Two: Waking up in Vegas
Chapter Three: Unhelpful Friends
Chapter Four: Confirmations
Chapter Five: Traveling Home
Chapter Six: Back in London
Chapter Seven: Leaving the Past Behind
Chapter Eight: Dr. and Dr. Addams
Chapter Nine: Back to Work
Chapter Ten: Awkward Meetings
Chapter Eleven: Spending Time Together
Chapter Twelve: Thinking of the Future
Chapter Thirteen: Robin's Pain
Chapter Fourteen: The Battle Begins
Chapter Fifteen: Meeting the In-Laws
Chapter Sixteen: Birthday Surprise
Chapter Seventeen: A Life Changing Day
Chapter Eighteen: Time Spent Apart
Chapter Nineteen: Goodbye London
Chapter Twenty: Our New Home
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Welcome Party
Chapter Twenty-Three: Surprise Announcement
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Baby Scan
Chapter Twenty-Five: Elena's Doubts
Chapter Twenty-Six: Don't Mess with the Vidic
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Staying in Rotterdam
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Netherlands vs. Andorra
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Elena's Secret
Chapter Thirty: Talking with Roxanne
Chapter Thirty-One: Paging Dr. Evans
Chapter Thirty-Two: Something to Celebrate
Chapter Thirty-Three: Shocking Matters
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter Thirty-Five: Damage Control
Chapter Thirty-Six: Old Friends
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Baby Shower
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Christmas Shopping
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Deck the Halls
Chapter Forty: Suspicious Accidents
Chapter Forty-One: Coming Together
Chapter Forty-Two: Christmas Eve
Chapter Forty-Three: Welcome Christmas
Chapter Forty-Four: Back in Manchester
Chapter Forty-Five: Robin's Secret
Chapter Forty-Six: Auld Lang Syne
Chapter Forty-Seven: Coming to Visit
Chapter Forty-Eight: Being Put on Bed Rest
Chapter Forty-Nine: Happy Birthday Elena
Chapter Fifty: Good News and Bad
Chapter Fifty-One: Baby Names
Chapter Fifty-Two: Worrying Thoughts
Chapter Fifty-Three: Ewan's Revenge
Chapter Fifty-Four: Returning Home
Chapter Fifty-Five: Rash Decisions
Chapter Fifty-Six: Drastic Measures
Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Court Case
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Proving Innocence
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Unbreak My Heart
Chapter Sixty: Reconnecting
Chapter Sixty-One: It's Time
Chapter Sixty-Two: Arabella van Persie
Chapter Sixty-Three: Let's Get Organised
Chapter Sixty-Four: Coleen and Wayne's Baby Girl
Chapter Sixty-Five: The Wedding Dress
Chapter Sixty-Six: The Bachelorette Party
Chapter Sixty-Seven: The Bachelor Party
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Spending the Night Apart
Chapter Sixty-Nine: The Big Day
Epilogue: Honeymoon with the Family

Chapter Twenty-One: Lunch with Roxanne

2.4K 59 6
By BubblySoccer

Robin held Elena's hair out of her way as she threw up, he rubbed her back tenderly as she moaned softly; he knew that this was part of pregnancy but it was his least favourite part of it. 

"I hate morning sickness," Elena mumbled quietly making Robin chuckled as he sat behind her in their en-suite bathroom; he knew that she couldn't wait for this part of her pregnancy to be over. 

Robin glanced at his watch, as much as he wanted to stay with Elena and help her get settled, he had to get ready for training while she was meant to be meeting with Nemanja's wife for lunch. 

"I'll be okay Robin," Elena reassured turning to face her husband who frowned, he didn't like the idea of leaving her alone like this. 

Elena pushed herself to her feet and brushed her teeth, she knew that he was worried but she was sure that things would get better; she was nearly out of her first trimester. 

"It's just morning sickness," Elena told him making Robin sigh wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her neck as he rested his head against hers; the brunette smiled as she turned to face him. 

Robin kissed her lips quickly before he moved to get ready to leave for training, he was glad that she seemed to be doing better today; the move yesterday had taken a lot out of her. 

"So what is Roxanne like?" Elena asked following him into the bedroom, she leant against the bedroom door as she watched him dress for training, the Dutchman sighed as he looked at his wife. 

Elena was a little concerned about what would happen when she met with Roxanne, she only knew what she had seen in the papers; she didn't want to make of fool of herself or cause any problems. 

"Oddly enough she looks just like you, you two could pass off as twins," Robin commented making Elena raise an eyebrow at him, she had seen a couple of pictures about of Roxanne Vidic in the past.

"She's nice, has a bubbly personality and seems to be addicted to coffee," Robin mused pulling on his trainers, he was sure that Elena would be just fine; she had nothing to worry about with this meeting. 

Elena nodded as she nibbled on her lip in thought, Roxanne would be the first women that she would meet when it came to being a footballer's wife; she hadn't really gotten that chance with the Arsenal women. 

Robin pushed himself to stand before he pecked Elena's lips, he doubted that the meeting would go bad and Roxanne only wanted to meet with Elena to make her feel welcome; it was always hard for the new women to bond with the old ones. 

"I'll see you in a couple of hours," Robin said since he was having the children while she had lunch with Roxanne, he was happy that she would hopefully have friends while they lived in Manchester. 

It would be good for her and Robin knew that this would be a good step for them, Elena was going to need some help when it came to dealing with the press. 

Elena smiled at her husband before he picked up his bag and gave her a final kiss then he left for training; Elena sighed then she headed for Shaqueel's bedroom and woke the little boy up. 

Elena then quickly headed into Dina's bedroom to collect the little girl then she moved downstairs to make them both breakfast, she set Dina down as she stepped into the kitchen. 

Elena started to prepare breakfast, Shaqueel soon sitting at the breakfast table with his sister while she made them some cereal and gave it to them; she was sure that Robin was right and it would all just be fine.


Elena smiled nervously walking into the café where she was meeting Roxanne for their lunch, she had opted to where an oxblood woven V-neck top and bootcut jeans; it wasn't hard for her to stop the other woman who was already seated at a table. 

"Hello Elena," Roxanne greeted getting up to hug Elena before the two women moved to sit down at the table; she was glad that the other woman had agreed to meet with her. 

Elena looked around nervously as she took her beige satchel bag from her shoulder and set it between her feet, she brushed some hair from her face trying to relax a little. 

"It's nice to meet you Roxanne," Elena said looking at Roxanne, she could see what Robin had been talking about when he had said that they could pass off as twins; she bit back a smile at the ideas that bubbled in her mind about the practice jokes that they could talk about. 

"Call me Roxy or Rox. That's what my friends call me. My dad only calls me Roxanne to annoy me," Roxanne insisted making Elena nod nervously making the other woman smile before they looked at the menu. 

Elena tried to calm herself down as she watched Roxanne, she was a little curious about her; she only knew what she had read about the woman and right now she needed a friend. 

Once the server had left, Elena made herself move comfortable in her chair and sipped on her ice tea; she knew that there was no point in being silly about this, Roxanne was the one that had invited her out. 

"So I heard your dad's Ryan Giggs. What's that like?" Elena asked curiously, there was a lot of bad press about the footballer and she doubted that his family were letting that bother them. 

Roxanne smiled glad to see that Elena was starting to relax, she guessed this was all knew to her since she had barely been married to Robin for more than two months; now everything was changing for her.

"He's a normal dad to me, my sister Liberty and little brother Zach. Not many people see it that way, like how I imagine Robin and your kids are and Nem and my twins are, we are normal families," Roxanne replied sipping on her coffee, Elena nodded listening to what was being said. 

Elena knew what Roxanne was talking about she had seen how Robin was with his own children; people wouldn't expect him to act like any normal father would since he was a footballer. 

"Which is unfortunate because we are human beings, but my Dad was always a hero to me. Obviously it's been 5 years now since I discover that he was my real dad but he's always been there for me," Roxanne explained making Elena nod her head as they were served lunch; the two ate in silence for a moment as she watched Roxanne. 

Elena's thoughts drifted to the fact that she was so far away from her own parents, she had spoken to them that morning and she knew that it would take some getting used to. 

"What is it like being so far away from your mum?" Elena asked, she couldn't stand being 196 miles from her parents but for Roxanne, she was 1924 miles from her mother who had remarried. "It's hard but Stacey has always been there for me if I ever needed a mum close by. Plus it's great that my parents are great friends," Roxanne mused checking her phone, the twins where with her grandmother since Roxanne was having lunch with Elena and Nemanja was busy with some interviews. 

Elena licked her lips, the woman across from her had two young twins and this was the best chance that she had of asking someone about media related pregnancies; she wasn't sure what was going to happen when it came to sharing the news with everyone else.

"If you don't mind me asking, how was it being pregnant in the media eye?" Elena asked making Roxanne look at her, the brunette flashed her, an innocent smile; she wasn't going to give up her eight week old secret just yet. 

Roxanne stared at Elena for a moment sure that there was a reason that the other woman had asked; she was sure that things would be just fine if Elena was going to have a baby.

"With the twins it was hard and to be honest I didn't really go out much. Not because I was embarrassed or anything but I loved it that every evening Nem and I would eat together then snuggled on the sofa and watched television. We're all close so some would come over or we would go over to theirs, obviously we do that often," Roxanne explained smiling, she had never been really alone when she had bene pregnant and she was grateful for that. 

Elena nodded along as she messed with her food, she could only imagine what it was going to be like for her; the transfer was still fresh and everyone was still interested in what the family were doing. 

"Plus I worked till I was seven months pregnant because babies in the Giggs family are born pre-mature but it wasn't the case with the twins. Whatever you do when you get pregnant, don't believe a world that the media tells you, be careful who your friends are and enjoy the time you are pregnant. Oh and after you deliver the baby never hurry getting into shape just because people tell you to do so," Roxanne advised making Elena nod taking in what she was saying, it would come in handy when her pregnancy was finally revealed to the world. 

"So are you looking forward to the party tonight?" Roxanne asked sipping on her drink, Elena looked nervous as she remembered that she was attending Rio's welcoming party with Robin; she knew that she was going to have to be careful so none of them learnt the truth of her marriage.


"I told you it would be fine," Robin teased wrapping his arms around Elena, he was pleased that lunch had gone well for her; they only had the welcoming party to deal with now later that night. 

Elena nodded her head, she kissed Robin before moving to find something to wear for the party that night; she was a little worried about fitting in and she knew that everyone was going to be there.

Robin chuckled watching Elena, he didn't blame her for being nervous and he knew that the press were going to be eager to get pictures of them; he just hoped that they would be able to relax. 

Robin walked over to Elena and kissed her, he didn't see the harm in relaxing for a couple of hours before they had to get ready; he held Elena close and he knew that he didn't know what he would have done without her. 

Elena had been so wonderful about the move, she had coped well and Robin knew it hadn't been easy on her; they might have only have been in Manchester for less than a day but things were going just fine. 

"I love you," Robin murmured looking into Elena's eyes, he knew that he hadn't said those words before but saying them now felt right; he brushed some hair from Elena's face knowing that he had never been this happy before. 

Elena smiled leaning forward and kissing Robin, she wrapped her arms around his neck; she had never felt like this before and she knew that she could never regret marrying him. 

"I love you too," Elena whispered when she pulled back, her brown eyes searched Robin's; they were happy and that was what mattered, she just hoped they stayed that way. 

Robin opened his mouth to say something when he heard Shaqueel call for him, he sighed kissing Elena knowing that his son had terrible timing sometimes; he walked away going to check what Shaqueel wanted.


Author's Note:

Check out MrsVidic's story, A Footballer's Daughter to read Roxanne's story xxx

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