Bloody Shadow : Book One (a C...

By NoelLucisCaelum

20.7K 706 197

[REMASTERED] To begin with, Nerissa is no ordinary princess. She has shown her transformation after an incide... More

I - Modern Princess
III - I Saved Him
IV - Strength Evaluation
V - Plans for Anticipations
VI - Invasion
VII - Endeavor
VIII - Why Me?
IX - Vice Captain Nerissa
X - First Day
XI - Neuro City
XII - Jealousy
XIII - Seduction Attempt
XIV - Mission Accomplished
XV - Mission Tales
XVI - The Grand Concerto
XVII - Inventor of the Night
XVIII - Home Alone
XIX - Rocky Evening
XX - Neil Dezastaria
XXI - Acknowledged
XXII - Planet Dystopia
XXIII - Alexander
XXIV - Missing In Action
XXV - No Turning Back
XXVI - The Obsessive Man
XXVII - Safe At Last
Author's Note

II - The Challenger

1K 38 11
By NoelLucisCaelum

Nerissa thought it would be a bit difficult to request the challenge. Surprisingly, he accepts it without a hassle. This excites her. Why? She hasn't used her powers for a long time. Now that she had Boboiboy as an opponent, she could test her hidden abilities and his abilities. How powerful is he that people pointed him as their 'superhero'? Boboiboy and his friends are on an empty grass field near her house. Here the two combatants could have so much freedom to fight.

"We will fight here," Nerissa speaks half-aloud.

Boboiboy hesitantly questions, "Are you sure we have to fight?"

"Yes, Boboiboy. I wanted to test out how powerful you are." She speaks, "Well, actually, I have another reason."

"What?" He reeled back.

Nerissa grins, "I haven't used my power for a long time, so maybe I could use you as a punching bag." She says, "I'm sure you can handle my attacks since you've faced strong opponents."

"A p-punching bag?" Gopal stutters.

Yaya then confronts Boboiboy, "H-Hey, Boboiboy. Do you really have to do this? We don't even know her."

"She's right. She suddenly wanted to fight you out of nowhere." Ying adds.

Nerissa overheard it and then said, "Are you done shit-talking me? I'm getting impatient here!"

"Ish, why are you all so nervous? Look at her. She's alone!" Gopal points his finger gun at her.

Nerissa felt irritated by his words, "Ouch..."

"Besides, what could she possibly do?" Gopal mocks.

"H-Hey, what the hell did you say?" Fang speaks.

Nerissa, still irritated, "What could I do? Alright. I'll let you have a taste. Stand forward, brave young man." She commands.

Gopal felt very arrogant after being called that, "Heh! Did you hear that? She called me 'brave young man'!" He exclaimed, then marched his way forward.

Boboiboy felt something would go wrong and tried to stop his friend, "H-Hey, Gopal. Don't go!"

"It's useless, Boboiboy. He ain't listen to you." Fang comments.

"Watch, Boboiboy!" Gopal parrots with pure confidence, standing on his horses with his hands ready to shoot, "Come on, Nerissa. Show me what you got!"

Suddenly, Gopal indicates something in his hand. He attempts to move it, but it's useless. She could see this miserable look on his face. It's fun for her to watch it. He can't move it, and it stays in place.

"E-Eh?! What is this?! I-I can't move my hand!"

It felt like something controlled his hand. He pulled his arms and tried to dash to the back. Instead, he was pulled back in Nerissa's direction. She raises his hand in mid-air and leaves Gopal hanging on to his hand. His eyes accidentally gaze at her deadly red eyes and her smile. He saw her hand glows red, meaning that she was the one who controlled Gopal's hand.

Gopal feels chills all over him and pleads with fear, "Ahaha....I-Is it too late for me to yield now?"

Nerissa mocks, "Of course, it's too late."

She throws Gopal away towards Boboiboy's direction like an object. He cries out to his friend and doesn't want to feel it again. His friends are still stunned by what she just saw. She is like controlling with her hands, almost like a puppet.

"Well, Boboiboy?" She queries, "Like what you see? This is my ability, Blood manipulation!"

Boboiboy feels a wave of great anger inside him, seeing his best friend frightened. Indeed, he saw abilities like that before. But it's different this time.

"How dare you hurt him?!" Boboiboy shouts, "Boboiboy Thunderstorm!"

The boy turns himself into a darker outfit. He quickly strikes his sword towards her. She quickly summons a red transparent shield. It was made from the blood that was dripping from her pierced palms.


Nerissa delivers an aggressive punch right on his stomach. That punch really flew him away to the back.

"Powerful Punch!"

"Thousand Times Jump!"

Seeing their friend terribly hurt, Yaya and Ying aims to attack to punch her. They sprint towards her, yet Nerissa quickly controls their blood and makes them halt their movements. Their bodies were slammed to the ground, and they couldn't even move a muscle.

"Shadow Hands!"

Then comes Fang, launching his shadow hands and tying them around her body. Her controlling powers are interrupted. Hence Yaya and Ying set free from her grasp. Yet, Nerissa could still move her finger, and blood drops flowed continuously from her palms. She controls her blood like a whip and cuts every shadow hand grasping her. Suddenly, his body got pulled towards her only to get punched real hard. Boboiboy witnessed all of that and came up with a conclusion. This may be the most dangerous opponent he has ever faced.

"To be honest, I only wanted to fight Boboiboy. But I don't mean for all of you to get involved as well." Nerissa comments, referring to his friends.

She lifted her hands with a red light glowing, controlling his friends, and dragged them away from Boboiboy. Then, she creates a substantially transparent wall with her blood. With this, Nerissa and Boboiboy could have some time alone without any disturbance. Now, she needs a little tweak to awaken Boboiboy's inner anger.

"Ah, that's better." Nerissa comments.

"... hurt them."

Not sure what he just mumbled, she asks, "What?"

Boboiboy suddenly stared at her, enraged, and shouted, "You've hurt my friends!"

Seeing his honest reaction seems that he had already awakened minutes ago. This is perfect for Nerissa. This is what she wanted.

"That's the spirit, Boboiboy! Come, fight me!" She pulls out a cynical smile on him.

He raises his hand, and his power band glows, "Elemental Split!"

He splits himself into three individuals; Boboiboy Thunderstorm, Boboiboy Ice, and Boboiboy Blaze. Seeing them like that makes her ponder. He really is an Avatar, except for the fact they split.

"Well, well, well. Here comes the master of all elements." She taunts.

Blaze suddenly appears behind her. She quickly felt his presence and twisted her gaze to her back. Fireballs are thrown at hers, and she defends herself with her blood shield. The trio attacked her. Boboiboy Thunderstorm sprints towards her in an attempt to strike. With his lightning speed, he attacks her multiple times at every angle. Yet, it didn't work. She keeps swinging the blood like it's protecting her. There's a chance where he could strike her at the perfect angle, behind her back.

"Are you trying to backstab me?"

Nerissa quickly twists her head to one side. Boboiboy accidentally gazes at that cynical gaze of hers. Her blood flows on her palm and hits him on the stomach. Letting his body be thrown away. It is a direct hit. Then comes Boboiboy Ice.

"Ice Arrows!"

He materializes his icy blue bow and begins to shoot his arrows. Nerissa throws blood at the arrow a few meters away before it hits her. The arrow absorbs it, and slowly it turns red.

"W-What the?!" He surprised.

Nerissa quickly turns the blood arrows into shape blood shards. She throws those shards aiming at the boy. Fortunately, those shards pierced his clothing, leaving him pinned on the blood walls. Gopal, who stands behind the wall, saw a sharp bit drilled through the wall. It was a few centimeters away from his face. He feels his soul leave his body and keels over. Imagine if her shards already pierce his handsome face. That would be a disturbing view to witness.

"Oh, Boboiboy, my boy! I just noticed you have some tacky swords. That is interesting!" Nerissa grins.

Thunderstorm replies, "Yeah?! What about it?!"

She continues to grin, "How about..." She materializes her sword with blood, "...we have a sword duel?"

She goes on her way to assault him. Right when she's about to pierce her blade into him, Boboiboy quickly defends himself. Their sword clashes multiple times. It was intense. Her quick swing successfully made some cuts on him, and he tumbled. His swings also made her stagger. Nerissa lets him taste her sword, which is very painful for him.


Gopal then comments, "Woah! That Nerissa is so cool!"

"Oi! Who are you cheering at?" Fang snarls.

Thunderstorm attempted to rise again then he saw her heels in front of him. He looks up and witnesses her grin.

"Oh, Boboiboy... And here I thought you were powerful. People called you a superhero. Yet, I have never thought you be this weak."


That's what he heard. That word fuels his anger. His pupils immediately shift to red, meaning Thunderstorm has taken over his body.

"Thunderstorm Slash!"

Nerissa had no idea what had just happened. The only things she felt were an enormous pain and drops of blood splattering from her body as she collapsed to the ground. It revealed that Thunderstorm did a fast slash, so fast that it was untraceable. Boboiboy finally made a scratch on her for the first time.

"Boboiboy... Boboiboy won!" Ying and Yaya cheered.

Fang also cheered for him, "Way to go, Boboiboy!"

Gopal, out of nowhere, sneers at Nerissa because she just lost, "How's that, Nerissa?! Do you still want to beat Boboiboy, huh?!"

What is Nerissa's reaction? She is devoid of emotions right now. She had never felt pain this tremendous. It does hurt, but something else, and it concerns Boboiboy. To be honest, she planned to go easy on him but decided to play poorly. It turned out well. He just proves himself worthy. And she just lost.

She lets out a soft cackle. They all heard the sound. It felt like it was mocking them. Slowly, her laughter gets louder. Don't know what's getting into her, watching the lost opponent laugh to her heart's content.

"W-Why is she laughing like that?" Gopal stutters, "That's creepy."

Nerissa later exclaims, "Oh, Boboiboy! You really are something."

Nerissa then eases off her laughter. The transparent blood wall slowly melts down and disappears. She roses to her feet and approaches. They all became very cautious of her.

"What's with those faces?" She queries with an eyebrow raised.

"Are you going to attack us again?!" Ying snarls.

Gopal adds, "Yeah! Was all of that not enough, huh?! How much more powerful do you want him to be?!"

Then, Boboiboy tells them, "It's alright."


"If she wants to fight me, if I'm not worthy enough for her, then I'm still up for it." Boboiboy states.

Nerissa then announces, "You don't have to fight anymore, Boboiboy."

He became confused, "W-What?"

"I admit it, Boboiboy. You've proven yourself worthy." She smiles.

Gopal is still in confusion, "Uh... Am I hallucinating right now?"

"I guess the media is right to call you a superhero. You even marked a scratch on me." Nerissa points to her body, "Well, I didn't go on my full power back then, but it's enough."

Yaya adds, "You know, Nerissa. Boboiboy fought so many powerful opponents other than. Even in space, he still managed to defeat them all."

Now, she is the one who is in confusion, "What was that now? Space?"

"Yeah, we've been to space," Boboiboy added.

Sounds like nonsense to her, so she just let it slide, "A-Anyway, Boboiboy. I'm sure you've placed your life on a line countless times, then you must've prepared for your end. Do not ever overestimate your limits. Understand?"

"Y-Yes, I will."

"You all better be by his side, hear me? If Boboiboy's at risk, defend him as your friend." She refers to his friends.

Gopal arrogantly speaks, "Heh! No need to worry! We're superheroes. There's nothing we could not defend!"

"Hmph. Talking big." His friend scoffs.

"Oh, before you go, Boboiboy. Let me heal those injuries." She offers.

"You can heal?" Ying questions.

"My powers can."

She glows in red during her healing. Then, she accidentally touches Boboiboy's blood. Visions came to her mind. How he obtained his powers, who he fought, his adventures in space, everything. She can say he really is worthy of his powers. But one specific event in Boboiboy's memories catches her eyes. A man who looks the same as her age. She saw him fight Boboiboy with the same motive as her, to test him out. Well, except for the power bands part. She became interested in this man. Until he found out his name.

"Nerissa? What about your injuries?" Boboiboy queries.

"Oh, this?" She points, "No worries, I can heal it myself. Now then, I will send you back to Tok Aba."

Boboiboy then thanks her, "Thanks for the aid, Nerissa. You're the best opponent we've ever had."

"Opponent? No, please. Allow me to be your ally, Boboiboy." Nerissa speaks.

"S-Sure, I guess."

Her finger moves, and a red spark hole appears in front of them. They all witness it awestruck.

"W-What is that thing?" Fang questions.

"It's a teleportation hole. Then off you go."

Nerissa controls the hole and sends them back to Tok Aba's Kokotiam.

"Eh? How did you come back this fast?" Tok Aba queries their presence.

"Um... Teleportation?"

"Whatever. So, how was the challenge?" Ochobot queries.

Boboiboy then replies, "She is now our powerful ally."

Ying later questions her friends regarding her words, "Guys. Did you remember her words when we defeated her?"

Her words made everyone ponder.

"I admit it, Boboiboy. You've proven yourself worthy."

"Yeah? What about it?" Gopal speaks.

"Hmm... If I think about it, she reminds me of Captain Kaizo." He replies, "Right, Fang?"

"Yeah. I think so, too..."

Suddenly, their watches start beeping. There is a call from TAPOPS, specifically for Commander Koko Ci. Not sure what's going out there during their vacation.

"Yes, Commander Koko Ci!" They all saluted.

Koko Ci demands from the hologram, "All of you must return! Immediately! We have a problem!"

"What's the problem, Commander?!" Yaya queries her senior.

"Captain Kaizo is missing!"



Nerissa gently sits on the soft green grass. Her skin senses and breathes the cold breeze as she watches the sky turns grey. Signs that it's going to rain soon.

"Grandia." She calls her assistant.

The AI speaks from the earpiece, "Yes, my lady."


It took a while until Grandia reported her scan.

"Big wound across the chest. Normal heart rate." She reports.

Hearing that, Nerissa released a huge sigh, "Alright, then. Let's heal up."

A red light appears on her palms. Slowly, her wounds are healed, and her torn uniform is repaired. After it's done, she opens her eyes and stretches for a bit. All that fight did make her tired. Is it because she hasn't fought for a long time?

Nerissa then yawns, "Damn, all of that fight made me really tired. A little rest wouldn't hurt, right?"

"Please, Have a rest, my lady," Grandia suggests.

She frowns, "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me 'my lady.' I am your princess, but I want to be like a common person. We're not in Kingston right now, so just call me like we're friends."

"But you are still a princess no matter what."

"Oh, shut up."

The girl lays her body on the grass. Slowly, her eyes shut, and she was driven to sleep. It was calm and quiet. She could only hear grass and the wind breeze tickling her face.


A sudden loud sound startled her and made her awake from her nap. She quickly raises her body and checks her surroundings.

"What was that?!"

"It came from the shore."

Nerissa hurried to the cliff edge. Nothing. She decides to go down there. She activated her power and made her fly to the shore. Heavy rain starts to pour on her. She strolled until she found a straight trail carved on the sand. She follows it until she finds a person lying on the hard rock. Judging from the linear track, did he fall down from the sky or something?

She cautiously approaches the person. He wore a red and blue uniform. He also has some kind of futuristic mask on his face. Is he not from earth? Suddenly, his mask reveals the person's face. That sudden movement made reeled back. It's a man. Seems like he's in pain. She gave him a weird look, and he kept staring at her.

He groans, "W-Who... are you?"

"And who the hell are you?" She queries him back.

Unfortunately, the man went unconscious. Nerissa walks closer to the fainted man and looks at his face. She felt like she remembers his face in Boboiboy's memories. The man Boboiboy fought in a spaceship with the same motives as her.

"Captain Kaizo?"

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