Troubled: A Demi Lovato FanFic

By serenityloves7

589K 17.8K 2.7K

13 year old Cecelia was adopted by the De La Garza's 3 years ago. When she is finally forced to get to know D... More

Troubled: A Demi Lovato Fan Fic
Chapter 1
Demi's Home
Don't Go
Battle Wounds
Disney World
Don't Forget
Up and Down
The Fall
Dead and Back
Let Go
Simple Things
First Day
Lost and Found

Little Duckling

8.8K 271 105
By serenityloves7

As soon as we arrived at the airport Demi handed her keys over and we jumped out of the car. I grabbed McKenna's hand while Demi carried Mackenzie and we ran to check our bags. Once that was done we rushed through security... which by the way is not easy with a screaming un-cooperative 5 year old who wants to get McDonalds.

We ran to our gate while Mackenzie continued wailing. Passing the gift shops and seeing the stuffed animals did not help.

When we finally arrived we received the news that our flight did not leave at 8:15. But 9:15.

"Oh. Whoops!" Demi started laughing hysterically.

I was not so amused.

"Demiiii." I whined. "We just raced here like crazy people."

"Sorry!" she was still laughing. "I'm still not used to doing this whole traveling thing without an assistant."

"Mommy?" Kenna hugged Demi. "Can me and Cece go get some gum?"

"Good idea. Get some for Kenzie too." She handed me a twenty. "I'm going to go look for some breakfast." She put Kenzie down. "Babes can you walk now?"

"C'mon Cece let's go!" Kenna grabbed my hand and we headed into the store.

Kenna looked like she was feeling better.

We picked out gum for ourselves and Kenna picked out a pack for Kenzie.

"This is her favorite." she said. She walked over to the stuffed animals. She pulled some money out of her pant pocket.

"How much is this?"

"Ten dollars."

"And how much is this?" She grabbed a pink unicorn plush.

"Seven fifty."

"So do I have enough?"

"Yes. Is that the one you want?" I was a little surprised by her choice.

"No this is for Kenzie."

"For Kenzie?"

"Yeah I wanna make it up to her."

"Make what up to her?"

"That I was born."

"Kenna.. you don't need to make that up to her. She loves you. She just gets jealous easily."

"She tells me all the time she wishes I wasn't born."

"She wouldn't know what to do with herself if that were true. I promise."

"Well I hope she loves me if I give her this."

"She already loves you. But I think it's very sweet you bought that for her."

"Thanks bestie."

"And by the way I like your shirt."

"You do?"

"Yeah it's unique."

"I know it's ugly. Its my lucky shirt though."

"Oh that's cool." I smiled.

"My daddy gave it to me before he left."

It dawned on me that I really didn't know much about Demi's ex husband besides the fact that they got divorced 2 years ago and his name was Wilmer.

"Do you still get to see him?"

"No. I can't."

"You're not allowed? Says who?"

"I can't talk about it."

"I'm sorry. Do you miss him?"

"Yeah." She looked away.

"Hey which stuffed animal would you like?"

"I don't need one."

"C'mon pick one bestie I have money."

"You pick one for me." She smiled evilly. "It's a best friend test."

"Oh I see."

I looked at the rack of toys. Elephants, cats, dogs, horses, sheep, everything you could imagine was there. I finally decided on a small blue duckling. I held it up to McKenna.

"Hmm... Well it's my favorite color. But why'd you pick a duckling?"

"It's small and cute- like you. And it's different from all of the other ones. it has a cute poof on it's head. It's unique like you are. And ducklings happen to be my favorite animal. Like you're my favorite person."

"Aw bestie." She pretended to flip her hair.

"Let's check out."

After we checked out we went to our gate and looked for Demi and Kenzie. They were in a corner eating bagels. Demi had a coffee from Starbucks and Kenzie had some sort of smoothie. Don't ask me. I've never liked Starbucks.

"Well hello girls. I have a bagel for each of you. A smoothie for Kenna and a water for Cece."

"Thanks Demz."

I ate my bagel and drank my water with Demi watching me closely.

Eating is still something I struggle with every meal but I manage to get through it. "Struggle with" is putting it lightly but as I've said before, I'll spare you the details or else this entire book could be just about me struggling through meal after meal, but who wants to read that?

Back to reality.

"So Kenna..." I pointed to her bag. She acknowledged my sign.

"I got something for you Kenzie." Kenna smiled. She was so excited.

"A present? Yay!" She grabbed the bag out of Kenna's hand.

"I love it! Mommy look! It's fabulous!"

"I'm glad you like it Kenzie." She tried to hug her twin but Kenzie jumped back.

"Not in public."

McKenna looked hurt but she tried to brush it off.

"That was very sweet Kenna." Demi kissed her forehead. "And Kenzie what do you say?"

She rolled her eyes. "Thanks."

"Okay girls it's time to board the flight!" She reached into her bag and pulled out the princess crowns. We each put one on. I've never been one for princesses. But Demi was ecstatic, and whatever makes her happy...

McKenna sat next to the window and I was next to her. Kenzie and Demi sat behind us. I watched Kenzie stick her fingers through the seat and pinch Kenna.

Demi was too busy on her phone to notice.

"Kenna why don't you tell Demi? It's not okay for Kenzie to pinch you."

"I don't wanna ruin the trip."

I wanted to ask how she was feeling. But I've never been good at that stuff. I knew there was a lot she wasn't telling. But I didn't know how to pull it out of her.

As the plane took off she looked out the window, smiling.

"How ya doing up there Kenna?" Demi asked.

"I'm good." Kenna laughed. "Look how far we can see."


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