Delusion or Real (Kakashi lov...

By neverlandsshinobi

29K 1.2K 186

What if this time the main person isn't sucked up into the Naruto world, but the character from Naruto itself... More

big mistake
prove me
believe me
The struggles
missed me?
new look
The new Kakashi
bad feeling
tell me
deal or no deal?
this is it
lost and won
that girl
be mine?
the mask
prom night
first love, first kiss
new student
tell him.. or not
The Portal
his own
going away?
goodbye, hello
round 1
White Noise
So Cold
Another one?
So We Meet Again
let you down
He returns
The Akatsuki
The Beast
No way...
Hello, old friend
Harder Than I Thought
The End


110 6 0
By neverlandsshinobi

I fell hard on the ground and the sound of the city immediatly reached my ears before I could even get up. The people were staring at me as if I was a lunatic, but I can't blame them. Tell me, how often do you see someone fall out of nowhere? Literally.
I did the sealing jutsu so the portal was closed, before anyone could've followed me.

Trying hard to get rid of the trash that was stuck on my now ripped clothes, I was looking around and trying to remember this place. After walking around for a couple of minutes, there was a shop I remembered. It was Beko's hairdresser!

Being careful not to get hit by the vehicles, I ran to the hairdresser. The ringing sound when I opened the door made her look my way. She gasped and basically jumped on me.

"Uuhm what are you doing miss?" I tried to be as polite as I could.
"Long time no see! What happened to you? You look a bit..." She put her finger on her lips and arched her eyebrows. Obviously, I wasn't looking that good at the moment. Before losing much time I asked her how I could reach Beko.

"Hold on hold on just a minute. Don't you know what happened to her?" That sentence could mean anything. Was she married to another guy? Or was she hurt? Every little thing came to my mind. There was no way of forgiving myself if something bad happened to her.

"Know what? What happened?" I was trying to calm my nerves. The loud city became as quiet as a graveyard.
She sighed and my patience was getting thinner with each passing second.
"That bastard, also known as Jack took her away and a guy helped her. He took her home after she got into coma for about a month I think. He is staying with her now. Did you guys break up by any chance?" The hairdresser looked sad by telling this story, but also curious.

I tried hard not to fall over the small table that was in front of me. The lump in my throat was impossible to swallow. I cleared my throat and told her that I didn't know. She only nodded and got her coat. "Lets go. I will take you to her. You can thank me by taking me out for  coffee, handsome."
I looked her dead in the eyes and said "I had promised to Beko already before the incidents. Sorry."

She looked taken back by my answer and didn't say a word to me. If Jack has even hurt one fingernail of my woman... he will regret this. Maybe paying him off with money wasn't enough. And about that 'mysterious' guy. Who could that be? Maybe it is Beko's friend who was kind enough to help her, but why would he move in with Beko?

So many questions that needed to be answered.
After walking for some time we arrived at her house.

"Just ring the bell or knock on the door. I have to leave now. Bye." And with that she disappeared. Maybe I was too hard on her. Where are your manners, Kakashi.

I took a deep breath and let the oxygen clear my mind for now. Before changing my mind, I knocked on the door hard enough for her to hear. The door was being opened very slowly. My heart was in my mouth beating like crazy. I pushed the door wide open and there he was. A tall guy with dark hair and brown eyes. He stood right in front of me with a toothbrush in his mouth. Before jumping to conclusions I asked who he is.

"How interesting. Mister Hatake standing right in front of me." So this man does know me. Probably because Beko told him about me. "And you are?" I repeated myself and my hand was turning into a fist now. It would depend on his answer if he would receive a punch or not.

"Hey, Obito. Who is that?" Beko walked over and stood still when she saw me. The toothbrush falling out of her mouth.

**************Beko's P.O.V.**************

"Obito! Could you get the door for me!" I could hear him grunting and passing by my bathroom. "Don't you dare give me that look, Uchiha." We had a staring contest until the person at the door kept knocking. "Move your lazyass before I kick you out."

"Hn." Was all I would get from him. Uchiha's...

Home sweet home. There's no place that could replace it. Even if it took some time, I remembered where I left my books, videogames, make-up and so on. Obito was very kind and he would tell me some things that could help me remember. We would do memory games and such. He was a pretty nice man. The weirdest part of all this was how I remembered every Naruto episode and none of my social life.

The door swung open and the sound of it hitting the wall made me jump. With my toothbrush still in my mouth I went to see who's so impatient.

"Hey, Obito. Who is that?" I walked over and froze at my spot. The toothbrush fell on the ground, making the toothpaste on it splatter all over my feet. I covered my mouth and stood there with my eyes wide.

"Obito? Beko, who is this man?"

My head started spinning and I almost lost my balance. Kakashi reached out to me in an instant. His hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me up. My hand went to his face and I squeezed his cheek to see if it was all real and not a delusion. He squeezed my waist as a reaction of my touch and I could feel the connection that I had missed for so long. I hung on his arms and tried to regain my balance.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a low husky voice. His breath made me heat up and I suddenly lost my voice. I swallowed hard and nodded. Before I could even say something back, Kakashi flew backwards. The loss of his warm skin contact made me shiver in my spot.

Obito ran to where Kakashi was laying and grabbed him by his collar. Punch after punch. Blood was starting to spill on my white carpet. Tears streaming down my face. Everything was becoming too much again.

"Not even gonna say hello to your old friend, Kakashi!?"
"I guess the roles are changed in this world, Kakashi Hatake."


Hey guys! I hope you are enjoying it so far! Please let me know what you think of it.
Love y'all!!!

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