The Tangled Assistant

By thefortforced30

16.9K 1K 47

They say opposite attract but hell she was a spit ball of fire. and he was about to get so burned. ~~~~~~~~~~... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 6
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48

chapter 4

832 38 2
By thefortforced30


Clearing my throat at Mrs Mollens who was zoomed out staring at me I snapped my fingers in her face.

I didn't want this kind off bullshit in the morning to start with because I already had two girls stuck on my back like a leech and a PA who I couldn't seem to get off my mind.

"I am sorry Mr Regonzili but like I was talking these files are for the shipping departments and the shipping corporations want to schedule a meeting with you" she said looking at me

"Well thank you Mrs Mollens I'll see about the meeting and as for the files keep them here I'll go through them shortly" I said nodding my head going back to my screen.

She was still standing there

I really needed another secretary.

"Anything else!?" I growled looking her way.

She was starting to get on my nerves.

She didn't seem fazed or even shaken up by my tone.

She was just as used to me as I was.

"Yeah I also noticed the way you stare at her Lucas.
Be careful" she said smirking.

"Get the fuck out of my office" I growled looking her way.

"As for you I dont know what you are talking about" I said shaking my head.

I most and totally didn't stare at anyone unless I was planning a reason to fire them.

"Come on now you don't talk to your cousin like that" she said pouting.

Her gray eyes sparkled with mischievousness looking my way and her blonde hair held in the tight pony tail.

"And you can't fire me either" she said smirking.
"Even if I do this" she said flipping me the the middle fingers while walking out.

She was right I couldn't.

She was one of my highly working employees who had the same demeanour as me with a colder expression than me.

Being the COO had it perks on her and as for the firering part I could totally and mostly fire her I just didn't see anyone who would replace her in the way she was taking it.

Shaking my head I clenched my jaw at the way she had been annoying me
was she pregnant again?

Last time when she was pregnant she was addicted to my house coming and going in like she owned it.

The guards were more than scared of her because like I said she was colder than I was and her eyes were more like a lion's while eyeing a predator.

And at that time she was annoying like hell because like I do in my office I like keeping my privacy and privacy was something I oozed of.

"Hello?' I heard my phone go on on the other end.

" you need to come and talk to your sister I think she is pregnant again " I said groaning throwing my head back.

He laughed.

"You are the boss there and you actually caught me in the middle of something so make the rules and talk to and bro if you happen to find that she is pregnant I am so sorry" he said laughing and cut the phone.

Rubbing my forehead I looked at the time.

10:24 I had six minutes to walk down to the elevator and get in the meeting room on the sixth floor.

Grabbing the files that I let miss Mayer go through I hoped that they were well organized well presented and well arranged or else we would be having a problem.

Strolling down the elevator I got there with three minutes to spare and immediately when I took a seat Miss Mayer with a pile of files came in the room adjusting her glasses.

The thing I noticed the most about her was that she wore glasses while reading and sometimes while typing.

The room was filled with employees with a title on them and their personal assistants.

I noticed that she took a seat at my right.

Wow she had a big chest.

Looking my way she flashed a smile and went back to copying the files.

From the time to time that I have seen her walking working or just not facing me I noticed that she was loaded in the two sides.

The behind and the front.

She seemed to be on the slimmer side but her chest and ass couldn't say the same.

She had a big enough chest for men on the lower floor to be looking her way some even shamelessly undressing her.

Then there was her ass that always seemed to fit in those tight but professional pants she always wore.

Those skirts she wore.

But there was definitely one bigger than the other and that was surely not her ass even thought it was enough to give her a shape and make the pants look mighty.

And they way she carried her self said it all.


Nodding her way my face hardened as my cousin strolled in her head held high and her eyes harder looking ahead she took a seat at the other end of the table and in less time we had begun our meeting.


After a tiresome week the weekend finally kicked in and by that time I was read to move all my belongings in my new apartment that was big stable and comfortable enough for me and my baby.

It wasnt as fancy because I wanted something I could afford and pay for without any help from my parents or my aunt who always seemed to send Antoin to check on me.

"Mommy" said the small voice hugging my legs.
As he looked down at my toe ring grinning .

"Yes" I said looking down at him taking his hand.

He watched wary as the movers moved all the boxes and the necessities in the truck.

The house was empty left with the white walls the worn out kitchen and the dying floor.

"You brushed your teeth baby?" I asked as he looked at me with his moss green eyes.

"Yea" he said looking at me his hands held high motioning me to lift him up.

Lifting him up when he was in my face he breathed out making me smell his mint breath and a smile spread on my face.

"Okay let's grab breakfast then we go okay?" I said looking at him.

By Sunday morning we were done with all the packaging and unpacking with the help of my mother and Malia we were done and the house looked marvelously full.

A running cy was still energetic due to all the sugar he ate.

Too energetic for a three years old at nine pm.

I blamed it all on my dad and brother who allowed him to eat three packets of skittles and in addition to that a scoop of chocolate icecream.

For goodness sake who allowed a kid to eat that much sugar in just one day and because of that I made them babysit him the whole night and even tuck him into bed.

The following day was the same routine waking up doing all the chores and then after wake cy up clean him and then drop him to  preschool at seven thirty then go to the office a good five minutes drive if there is no jam.

I was in the office early and sooner before I knew it Emery was there on my chair chanting away his words that always annoyed me.

Dont get me wrong he was very attractive to say on my behalf but he was self centered and a bit too stuck up.

Rolling my eyes at him I planted a smile on my face and forced myself to look at him.

"Yes?" I said arching a brow.

"Come on no good morning?" He asked looking at me

"Later Mr Greene" I said going back to my work.

"How about lunch?" He asked with determination of not budging if I didn't agree.

"Yeah sure okay" I said and went back to doing what I was doing because I had left some work on Friday going early because I needed to pack and I didn't sleep because sleeping at four in the morning didn't count.

"See you then" he said and he was out of my office.

Looking at the time I saw that it was already eight and I stood up to go and get Mr Regonzili his always morning coffee.

Knocking on the door I entered inside with the mug of coffee and with tired eyes he looked at me and went back to working.

Humming along I shrugged my shoulders and stood there my note pad in my hands waiting for him to say anything.

"You are dismissed miss Mayer" he said gesturing me with his hand.

"As you say" I said turning on my heel and before I opened the door he called my name again.

"Yes" I said turning back.

"Be in my office at twelve I have lunch to share too" he said a smirk on his face then went back to do what he was doing.

I chuckled.

I didnt answer anything but instead I walked out of his office smiling.

"I bet you heard" I whispered more to myself and proceeded to walk in my office.

I mean I could just have walked through the connected door that connected his office and mine but I decided to round up and exercise my lazy self.

"Miss Mayer do not forget our lunch" I heard the voice mail say because well I didnt feel like picking up the phone.

The phone office well I did pick up but hearing the voice mail from my private and personal phone that was strange wherever he got my number I didnt know.

By twelve I was standing in Mr Regonzili's office as he typed away acting as if he didnt feel my presence.

"I am here as you said I did not forget our lunch" I said walking ahead.

"Very good why don't you have a seat its all about business matters dont worry.
I ordered Chinese is that okay with you?" He asked looking at me.

His eyes twinkling with unsaid mischievous that was hiding behind the emotionless face.

"Anything is good as long as its food" I said looking at him wondering what business he wanted to talk with me.

His eyes said otherwise but face strictly said so.

"Would you like to eat here or balcony?" He asked looking at me.

"You have a balcony?" I asked looking at him surprised.

"No I don't" he said standing up going to sit in one of the couches that were arranged in the corner of his office.

"Oh" I said looking at him and his sarcasm.

"Well feel free to dig in" he said sitting down with his food.

"Okay" I said walking to him and grabbed the food and before I could take the spoon in to taste the amazing food I remembered something.

Keeping the food down he eyed me watching my actions.

I sat across him and fished my phone out of my pocket.

"Yeah emery" I said crossing my fingers.

"Well where are you?" He said sounding a little bit annoyed.

"I am sorry couldn't make it I got called in" I said ready to cut the call if he preased any further.

"By who your boss!?" He said laughing as if it was an impossible thing.

"Actually you are right" I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh okay then we can reschedule our little date" he said sounding more excited than I was.

Furrowing my eyebrows I looked at the man across from me who was looking at me satisfaction written in his face.

"It was never a date to start with" I said to him and I heard Mr Regonzili chuckle.

"Then how about next time we make it one?" He said sounding hopefully.

Sighing I thought of the best way to reject it.

"We will talk about this later" I said hanging up not wanting to hear his protests.

"So... Why don't we start on the business" I said looking at him after stuffing my phone in my pocket.

"Yeah okay so why dont we start with you telling me some things about yourself" he said looking at me.

"So the business involves me saying things about myself" I asked wanting to get the subject properly.

He was looking at me intensely.

"It might" he said looking at me not breaking eye contact.

"Um... I am not sure if talking about myself is business at all" I said looking at him.

It wasnt business right.

"Might be people working on the same floor need to know each other" he said sipping water.

"How so?" I asked looking at him.

Why was he being this conventional.

"Just like that" he said shrugging his shoulder.

All this was weird.

And the time passed just like that with him still persuading me into saying something about myself and me refusing to say anything and we kept going back and forth with it until we found ourselves at two pm and if it wasnt for the COO who barged in the room giving me a court nod and a knowing stare at Mr Regonzili then I wouldn't have looked at time.

"I'll be going if thats all" I said standing up with the cold stare I was being given by Mrs Mollens who watched me without a word.

"Thats all" he said and stood up right after me and in a minute I was out of his office using the connected door and I was in mine.

Breathing out I took out my notes and looking through them I saw that I had nothing to do since I was done with everything I was just waiting for four to reach and get out of here.

"Nice ring I have always wanted one" said the voice scaring me out of my zone.

Looking up I was met with Mrs Mollens face looking at my exposed toes.

"Oh thank you" I said looking at her.

"You are very welcome and Mr Regonzili asked me to pass these to you" she said putting a file on the table and walked out.

Opening it while going through a note stuck out with words scribed down on it.

Reading the words written on it I scrunched the small paper up with a smile.

Definitely heard us in the morning.

What a way to work.

When I was done with the file it was  five and groaning because I was late to pick up my son.

Might as well go talk to Emery I needed to clear shit with him.

Taking the elevator in the quiet floors I reached in the finance department and it was as quiet as a drop pin.

A tall standing with glory Lucas was standing waiting for the elevator doors to be opened and his eyes went wide when he saw me.

"What are you doing here" he asked whispering while pulling me out of the elevator.

"Ouch you are hurting me" I said looking at the arm he was holding.

He released it.

"I came to see Mr Greene to properly apologise" I said looking at him as silently asking him if he had a problem with it.

"Its almost six" he said looking at his watch.

"Yes thanks to your file" I said in the same whispering tone he was using.

"Why are we whispering anyways!" I asked looking at him.

Keeping a finger to his mouth motioning me to keep quiet.

Then told me to follow him.

As you approached his office you could hear grunts moans that were all muffed together.

"What's a that!?" And he just looked straight ahead.

Then he stood at the door and whatever I saw made me bring my hand to my mouth a laugh almost escaping from me.

These people were idiots.

Who the fuck had sex in the office without closing the door!!

She was bent over on the desk with Emery behind her in between her legs and they trued muffling their moans through putting hands on their mouths.

"Let's go" he said turned around.

When we were finally in the elevator I released a laugh that I had been holding in for long enough.

"At least if you plan to have sex in office remember to close the door"  I said more to myself than him.

"I'll keep that in mind" he said looking at me.

Looking at him I laughed again and the elevator doors opened.

"Have a goodnight Miss Mayors" he said walking in his office.

"You too Sir" I said with my bag in my hands.

Finally home to my baby.
It was already six thirty.

Time for diner.

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