SOULLESS ~Devil's Saints MC~

By PhoenyxStorm

332K 9.7K 751

In a moment everything can change. One fleeting moment can have a life time effect. How could I be so stupid... More

Authors Note
CH. 6 Prayers Answered.
10. Trouble just beginning.
11. knockout
12. A different side.
13. Kiss that stole A soul
CH. 15 Change is In The Air.
CH. 17 Talking and an important question
CH 18. Marks.
CH.20 Life Blood.
CH. 21 Starting.
Author Note
Author Note


11.9K 365 18
By PhoenyxStorm

Secrets are a powerful thing.
They are dangerous.
They have the power to ruin lives.
To Break trust.
To change everything.
Secrets can be deadly.
But so can telling the truth.

I have faced many hard things in my short life, but this has to have been the hardest.
Telling my brothers everything, letting go of a secret i thought I'd keep tell the day I died.
I braced myself for the war that was sure to break out in my family meeting room. But it never came, no yelling, no breaking of objects, nothing. Just silence.

They already knew. They have know for two years. They just wanted me to be the one to tell them. But as I sit here and really think about it, of course they knew, my sons look just like their father.

Taking a deep breathe trying to calm my racing heart, I knew that I had to tell them. Tell them I got in touch with him, that he's coming here.

"I reached out to him, he called me back, and he'll be here by the end of the week." I tell them fast just like ripping off a bandaid.

I see the look pass from brother to brother, they expected this.

Elijah nods his head once. "Good, we will talk when he gets here." Is all that's said before they all get up but one. On the way out each one has squeezed my shoulder.
It's just me and Drex now. Part of me feels he shouldn't have even been in the family meeting.

Drex the man I tried to forget with, the man not so forbidden. The man who wants me to be his.
He's angry I can see it on his face, feel it in his body language. Taste it in the air.

"You already knew he is their dad, I told you before I reached out." I say keeping my eyes looked on to his jaded green ones.

"You didn't tell me he was coming, you didn't tell me you had reached out to him." His voice is dark, tinted with his anger.

"I don't have to explain my choices to you, Drex, you don't own me." I snap at him.

We glare at eachother across the table.
I can see the anger in his eyes, the violence, the hate. Not at me but at him, the one man he never wanted to come

"He's their dad, and Aiden needs him. Drex I didn't do this to hurt you, or disrespect you or my brothers. I did this for my sons they will always come first" I tell him trying to make him understand.

" they might as well be my sons, you are mine, don't you see? We don't need him, or his club of killers. You and the boys have me. Your mine." He bites out.

" I told you from day one, that they aren't yours, that I won't them them call you dad, because they have one. I'm thankful you have been here for me and for them. But you can't fix Aiden, he has to be the one, his is Aidens father, their flesh and blood. I'm sorry." I say softly.

"Your sorry?, fine let him come let him be there for Aiden, okay, I'll step back from that. But make no mistake I will not step aside from you." He says his eyes hard.

" Drex... I'm not yours... I told you I can't be want you want. I don't have your tattoo, you have no claim. We share a bed, I know you sleep with girls when your gone, your not faithful, so I don't get where your coming from." I say to him with a shrug.

"You won't let me give you that tattoo, so don't put that on me, and you know what happens on a run stays there." He snaps.

"And that makes it okay? Yeah no. That's why your not putting it on me." I snap back.

" shit, Arizona are you fucking serious."he yells slamming his hands down.

"Don't put this on me, I not going there." I snap and stand up.

" where are you going?" He snaps.

"Home to my son, when your done being a dick you know where to find me" I say as I slam the door and leave.

Hours pass after I came home, and he still hasn't come back. Scoffing I make my way to the boys room.

Leaning against the door frame , I watch Abel sleep, him being the only one at home. Starting at him let's me know I made the right call, they need their dad. It's hard having my baby in the hospital because he's so sick. I need his help.

After Watching him sleep for a bit longer, I shut the door softly, and make my way to my room. A nice hot shower is calling my name.

But before I can get to the shower, i hear the front door open and close. Sitting on my bed I wait for him to come in.

After a few minutes I see him standing in the door way.

"I just don't want to lose you." He says quietly. Looking into his eyes I know what he needs, he need a release, he needs me. And I know it's wrong, and I know I shouldn't but I do.

Keeping my eyes locked on him I take off my shirt, leaving me is just my panties and scoot back into the middle of the bed and lay down. It doesn't take long to hear him taking off his boots, and hear his pants hit the floor.

I feel him move over me, and look up into his green eyes. And as he kisses me I lose myself in him and try to forget the world. Losing myself in his touch, his kisses, and the release.

As I lay here wrapped in draxs arms, and feel his breath on the back of my neck, I think to myself, what's going to change in the coming days.

I hear my phone beep, I grab it off my stand. Looking at the message I feel my heart race.

" I'll be there tomorrow."

I feel Drex nuzzle his face in my neck
"Go to sleep babe" he mumbles and kisses my neck.

Putting my phone down I lay back on his arm and his kiss hand.
"I am, go back to sleep" I say to him.

My last thought is he'll be here tomorrow.
Thank you all!!!
I'm so happy that you all love my story!

Hope you enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think!


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