Summer, 1983 (I'll call you b...

By ThinkingPeaches

47.3K 1.9K 313

After the blank years, Oliver's wife can no longer keep the secret that she's known for years. She knows that... More

I'll call you by mine
The Boys
The Graduate
Not a kid!
The Party
4th of July
The book
Promise is a Promise
Summer's Ending
Home Again
Feelings, I don't do them
Hidden Desires
University Dinner
Friday Night Lights
Rules Don't Apply
Truth & Heartbreak
Letting Go
Best Friends and Cabins
Graduation Day
About Last Night
No worries
What happened to Elio?
Summer 2005
From a numb heart
Very Unhappy Birthday
Growing Up
So this is Love
I do's and I don'ts
In the park
It's the little things
The Past
Family dinner
To Forgive?
Home Sweet B
Elio meets Elio
Oliver meets Oliver
Mon Coeur
Consume Me...
Back to Summer
Secrets and tears
My funny Valentine...
Penny for your thoughts
No day but today
Things happen for reasons
Letting go and starting a new
Ghosts of the past.

See you in New York

639 32 1
By ThinkingPeaches

Elio woke early, he wanted to make Oliver a country breakfast. He walked to the freezer to grab the bacon when he noticed Christopher and David walking up to the house. He glances out the window seeing Christopher link his fingers between David's. Elio hurriedly walks back to the kitchen. He and Oliver had been so wrapped up in their own lives that they had missed somethings with the boys.

"Good Morning, you two are up awfully early." Elio smiled. David jumped seeing Elio holding a frying pan while rubbing grease in it.

"Jesus, Mr. P you scared me." David grabbed his chest.

"Good Morning Papa, ooh what are we having for breakfast?" Christopher kissed Elio on the cheek.

"Your dad wanted fried eggs,bacon, gravy and biscuits. It should be fun trying to make this southern breakfast."

"Alright sounds good, I'm gonna go jump in the shower get all the lake water off." Christopher turned walking down the hall. David stood nervously looking around the room, trying  it to make eye contact with Elio.

"Something on your mind David?" Elio asked with his back to David, Elio was smiling, he thought he was hiding his amusement.

"Uh no Mr. Perlman, I uh I'm just going to start packing." David passed Oliver coming into the kitchen.

"Morning!" He walked up behind the younger man kissing his neck.

"Morning, how did you sleep?"

"Like a dream! My god your family wears out my brain so much, I forget that you have to be on your toes at all times. Where's the boys at?" Oliver asked.

"Oh Jonas in bed, he came in late last night. I scared him at 3 this morning when I was smoking on the terrace and he was trying really hard to act sober. I think just maybe you should have a talk with Christopher." Elio smiled.


"Have you noticed that he and David are spending a lot of time together?"

Oliver laughed, nodding his head.

"Ah yes, I was wondering when someone else was going to see it. I'm not saying anything until he comes to me, Elio, at times like this I am deeply channeling your father.
I don't want to call him out no matter how much I want to because I do, but I want to make sure he's being safe."

"Well then give him the other birds and bees talk, make sure he understands."

"Elio it's not like when we were their age, they have a hell of a lot more resources than we did. Hell they have an entire section in the library dedicated to our sort of lifestyle and they also have the internet. If Christopher needs me I will be here to listen but until then I'm dropping hints like hell." Oliver chuckled and winking at Elio.

Christopher barged into his bathroom the door hitting the wall. Jona shot up out of bed, his head ringing.

"What the hell Chris! Do you have to make so much noise!" Jona barked out in a gruff tone. Christopher looked at his brother who's long blonde hair was standing up and his face was red and puffy.

"Dude are you hungover?" Christopher asked his little brother.

"Ugh no, yes I'm so hungover." Jona groaned flopped back on the bed.

"You didn't do anything stupid last night did you?"

"From what I remember I may have slept with a girl I met at the disco."

"You may have spelt with a girl. Christ, Jona please tell me you got her name at least?" Christopher asked a little irritated at his brother.

"No to the name part, but for the love of god stop yelling. My head is pounding."

Christopher rolled his eyes at his brother and his intentionally slammed the bathroom door. When the door connected he audibly heard his brother protested the loud bang.

Christopher was getting out of the shower when he heard his dad's voice. He dried quickly combing his hair back, he walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"I feel like I haven't been much of a parent these last few weeks since the thing with your mom happened" Oliver stood in the doorway, still in his running shorts and tank top.

"Don't be hard on yourself pops the situation sucks but we are fine." Christopher responds putting Julia boxers on under his towel.

"No, I know that when we get back I'm setting up a meeting with a counselor for the two of you. I know there are things that you two aren't telling me, so I figured that this was the next best thing."

"Dad we don't need to talk to a shrink! We are fine, god don't freak out over nothing. You're overreacting." Christopher huffed out forcefully throwing his towel onto his bed.

"No Christopher I'm not overreacting. My teenage sons sneak out all hours of the night, come home intoxicated on more than one occasion. And they are, well to put it lighting putting their business in god know who."

"Just day it dad we are fucking anything that walks, smoking, drinking and having fun." Christopher bit out.

"Hold on young man, I do not appreciate the tone or the language. I will always do what is best for the both of you. With your mother rules were everywhere but with me the only thing I ask is you tell me the truth. The two of you are old enough, and if a white lie is required it better be for a damn good reason."

"I'll go dad, just stop yelling." Jona had been laying in bed watching the dramatics unfold.

"Yeah well fuck this, I'm going out!" Christopher pushed past his father, he rushed out the back door. Oliver yelled after him, he ignored every word his dad yelled out.

Elio ran to see what the yelling was about. Oliver turned to his youngest son.

"I'm baffled by you and your brothers behaviors. You don't have curfew, I give you nothing to rebel against yet you both still find ways to rebel."

Jona laid with his arm over his face.

"Dad, mom had us on a short leash and you've always been the parent who's laid back. Now we have laid back dad 24/7 it feels weird to us we are still fighting the strict rules of mom."

"He's got a point Oliver, they have spent their lives living one way. They need time to adjust."

David was packed up in the car. Christopher was driving him to the train station.

"Well Mr. Adler see you in class." David gave Oliver a hug.

"I will see you there actually I will call you, I need to go over this semesters curriculum with you before we start. I'm glad you were our first graduate I really hope next years is just as successful."

David hugged everyone, getting in the car he grabbed Christopher's hand as they drove off.  They had spent last night together, Christopher was shocked to find David knocking on his door. They had gone to his room, Christopher a little more nervous this time. He had to be quiet, he nearly screamed when David made him cum.
They didn't talk the entire way to the station. Standing on the plate form, David gave him a small smile.

"See you in New York." David pulled Christopher in for a tight hug.

"It's not going to be the same is it?"

"No, no it's not. I told you not until you are." David was cut off, Christopher pulled away from him.

"I know, I know not until then."

David grabbed his bags, walking toward the train he tossed them into the seat. He paused halfway up the steps, he did it without thinking. David turned rushing back to Christopher embracing him into a passionate kiss and as quickly as it happened it was over.

Christopher watched as the train pulled away, he sat in the car crying. He reached into his backpack to find tissue when he found a picture. It was one that David had take of them the morning after they had slept together. Christopher held it to his chest, he knew the next year was going to be insufferable. When he landed back home he was going to either avoid being alone with David. Or look for every possible moment to be alone with him. Home was only two weeks away, it was time to get back to reality that was his life.

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