Ever After |all human| COMPLE...

By lordsasskins

54K 2K 567

| edwardxbella | A broken boy in Florida. A lonely girl in Washington. An anonymous chat room, where two lost... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Please read, friendsπŸ’–πŸ’–
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
| Epilogue |

Chapter 29

674 27 13
By lordsasskins

Edwards POV ;

The day started off incredibly. My Bella had woken up before my alarm and shut it off, instead waking me with kisses. I could get used to that kind of wakeup call. We had shared a shower together and then left my house, I had grabbed my suitcase on the way out.

I had insisted we go to the airport in my car, and then have her take my car home, using it for herself in the days I was gone just as she had when I was off school for a week. I was very comforted with the idea that while I was gone she wouldn't be driving that horrid truck. I always feared her getting into an accident.

There was so much about this trip that was making me feel anxious, I didn't need to worry about the truck to. Of course, I would still be worried about Bella at every turn.

I wonder if Bella ate enough today? I wonder if Bella got enough sleep? I wonder if Bella is content? I wonder if Bella is okay? I wonder if Bella misses me? I wonder what Bella could be doing right now? I wonder if the guys at school were brave enough to approach Bella while I'm gone?

They better fucking not. Cause, I'll know, and I will straight up murder over my girl. They don't want to try me. Don't even look at her you sleazy fuckboy, her boyfriend is crazy and will mess you up.

I should have made a shirt for her.

'Warning ; Flirt at your own risk, my boyfriend is crazy and totally in love with me, he will kill you.' I laughed, we were currently at a red light, and Bella's gaze flickered over to me. 

"What?" She asked.

"If someone flirts with you I will do life in prison."

"What?" She repeated, grinning this time, "Where did that even come from?"

"Just thinking," I replied, drumming my fingers over my steering wheel. The light turned green, and I proceeded.

"About people flirting with me?" She asked.


She giggled. "No one was interested in me before you came, no one will be interested in me while you're gone?"

I felt my eyes bug.

"Are you mad, woman?" I asked, glancing over at her quickly to judge her level of sincerity. She was dead serious.


"You're the hottest girl in the school," I told her, "believe me when I tell you that you have your choice of the male population at Forks High."

"You have to say that, you're my boyfriend." She rolled her eyes.

"First of all, babe, I don't have to say anything," I teased, "second of all, I'm not joking, why do you think I'm so intensely jealous?"

She shrugged.

"Cause any guy would snap you up in a heartbeat if I'm not careful." I told her.

"Well, how about this," she said, as we parked in front of a small cafè, and she took off her seatbelt. She moved onto her hands and knees, suddenly inches from my face, "I don't want anyone but you."

"You mean that?" I grinned.

"I do,"

"You better."

She kissed me on the lips, and pulled back, opening the door, she went to get out of the car, I smacked her behind as she climbed out and heard her gasp.

I had to admit, even I was surprised I had just done that. She looked at me, surprised, but with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?"

I climbed out of the car and walked around to her, quickly pulling her into my arms.

"I'm just happy today, baby," I told her, "how could I not be? Waking up to your beautiful face. And in my defense, you have a perfect ass, I couldn't help myself, however if you didn't like it, I won't do it again."

"Oh, no," she said quickly, grabbing my arms and guiding my hands to her ass, "I really, really like it."

I laughed, wrapping my arms around her shoulder.

"Come on, dork," I said as we began walking to the building, "let's eat something before I have to go face this trip."


We had a good breakfast, being together was so easy.. something between us had changed the night before. Now, it was like a lingering weight over us had vanished, for now at least, and at this moment we were totally happy. Every breath I took was light, there was no weight on my chest. It was as if gravity had just... gone.

The weight from before was never noticed until we had it so easy. Now that I did notice I knew exactly what it was - we met online, we met randomly, and within days of knowing eachother we were inseparable.

There was always the lingering fear overhead that we gave our relationship a try over some need to see if we could make it work. Because we owed it to ourselves and eachother. I knew that wasn't the case for me, but I feared it was for Bella. That fear was null today. She loved me.

A brand new weight settled over me as we walked through the airport towards my terminal. I was holding Bella's hand tight  - maybe to tight, but if it was, Bella didn't say anything. She was holding me here, next to her. Without her, I might explode.

We were at my terminal, and Bella pulled her hand back, I quickly turned to face her. I felt how wide my eyes were - it was taking everything to not just say fuck it, and take her back home - spending these next few days I was supposed to be in Florida hidden away with Bella.

"I wish you were coming," I told her, wrapping my arms around her waist. She gave me a look.

"I would love to spend these next few days with you, Edward," she said, reaching up and running her fingers through my hair. I loved when she did that. "However, I'm glad I'm not going,"

"I know," I sighed.

"I know people say they would kill anyone who hurts their significant other, but most people don't mean it."

I opened my eyes again and looked at her.

"I mean it," she sighs, "if I was around Tanya, at all, I don't think I could stop myself. Took me everything not to buy a ticket and go find her when I found out."

"I get that, I'd kill over you." I told her, smirking softly.

"Life in prison," she sighed, repeating my words from earlier.

"Tanya isn't worth that," I continued.

"She's worth something." Bella frowned, turning her head away from me.

Part of me wanted to know what she meant, but I feared it could somehow lead to an arguement, and I only had minutes left before I had to leave. I took her into my arms, pressing my forehead to hers.

"Maybe she is worth something," I whispered, watching her mouth intently, "but, you're worth everything."

She bit her lip, closing her eyes. "I don't want you to go,"

Those six words struck something deep inside me, and I was once again ready to grab my bag and go home. Why was I doing this? For Tanya? Because she needed some kind of validation in some stupid apology? What does that matter when Bella, my girl, wanted me?

I took a deep, steadying breath.

"I have to go," I said. "I need this."

"I know." She nodded. "And I'm happy you're getting the closure you need."

"I'll be back before you know it,"

She nodded.

"We can spend lots of time together when I get back."

She nodded again.

"We can message each other every day."

She laughed, placing her hands on my chest, she looked up into my eyes. "So we have come full circle, messaging each other all the time, not seeing each other."

"We can video chat this time." I said, "You already know who I am."

She stood on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to my lips, just as the final boarding call for my flight came over the speaker. I kissed her once more.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you," she replied, dramatically pulling me back in for another kiss when I tried to walk away.

"It's just a few days," I whispered against her lips, despite my words, I didn't want to go either.

Finally, we pulled apart. And I took off for my flight before I missed it, looking back at Bella briefly.

"I'll call you when I land!" I called, waving, and then, much too soon, I was on my plane.


The flight was long, the weight had settled back onto me the second Bella was out of sight, and every moment that passed after we took off, every bit of distance put between us, the weight got worse.

Anxiety is the only word to describe what I felt. Something bad is going to happen. I feared looking at my phone, afraid that something would happen back home.

I knew she had no reason, and logically I knew she wouldn't, but part of my brain tried to tell me Bella was going to get angry at me while I was up here.

Avoid her at all cost. No. What the hell? THAT is how you make her angry with you.

I already missed her like crazy. These next few days were going to be dreadful. There were some perks, I thought, walking through the airport towards the baggage claim.

Like, the sun, the heat, and - "Kate!" I called once I seen her from a distance. She was standing by the baggage claim waiting for me, once she seen me, she squealed, waving her hands over her head.

"Edward!" She called, taking off for me, we met in the middle and hugged each other tightly. She was my best friend my whole life, I didn't realize how much I missed her until I was infront of her.

"Oh, I missed you!" I gasped, pulling back to look at her.

"Enough to move back?" She teased.

"Absolutely not." I said, honestly. "Enough for you to move in with me though, if you want to."

"To spoons?"

"Forks," I laughed.

"No thanks," she replied with a grin. "I'll come visit though, if you don't mind."

"Of course not," I said as we walked back to the baggage claim, we waited and grabbed my beg once it came around.

"Good, I have to meet this mystery girlfriend of yours." She said, leading me out to her car, I put my bag in her trunk and then we climbed into her car.

"Speaking of my mystery girl, I told her I'd call her once I landed, you mind?" I asked.

"Nope, go for it." She waved me off. I took my phone from my pocket and quickly hit her contact, her photo was a picture of her laughing I had captured a couple of weeks back.

"I didn't realize how pretty she actually was," Kate mused from beside me when she seen the photo, I smirked at her and brought the phone to my ear.

It rang a couple of times before going to voicemail.

"Hey, it's Bella - it's 2018 so you should know how these things work, dude."

I sighed and waited for the beep.

"Hey, baby, it's me. I just landed and wanted to talk to you, but I guess you're busy. Call me back when you can : I love you, miss you already." I hung up the phone and put it back in my pocket after turning the ringer back on.

When I looked up at Kate, she was staring at me in wonder.

"What?" I asked.

"I love you, miss you already." She repeated me, I raised my eyebrow. "You're different."

I shrugged. "She is different."

"Really?" She asked, taking a turn, "not much like my dear old sister is she?"

"Total opposite," I replied. "And I'm happier than I have ever been,"

"I can see that," she observed. "We have a place set up for you at the house."

"Uh," I paused, "I think I'd be more comfortable in a hotel."


"Well, Tanya did try and murder me in my sleep." I reminded her. "So I'm not fussy about sleeping in the same house with her. Besides, Carlisle already booked me a room."

"Right, about Tanya there is something you should know,"

The ringing of my phone cut her off, and I eagerly pulled it from my pocket. However, it wasn't my girl - it was my dad. I sighed.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello, son, how was your flight? Get in okay?" He questioned.

"Yeah, dad, I'm great."

"You find Kate alright?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I'm with Kate now." I replied.

"Hey, Doctor Cullen!" Kate called.

"Hello, Kate." He answered.

"He says hello," I murmered over to her.

"Well, I just wanted to know you were safe and good," he said.

"I'm perfect, dad." My voice was softer. "I'll call you tomorrow- tell mom I love her, and I love you too."

"Love you, son."

"Later," I hung up the phone right as we pulled up into the Denali driveway, once we were parked I got out of the car.

Once I had, I looked at the familiar house and sighed. I hadn't been here since I broke up with Tanya.. and it was all downhill from there.

"Well, let's get this over with." I began up the steps to the house and wrapped my hand around the door handle.

"Wait, Edward! There's something you need to know about Tanya befo-"

But, she was too late. The door was opened, and I was met by a terrible nightmare.

A.N ; what is it Kate wanted to tell Edward? Any guesses? Leave me love.

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