Summer, 1983 (I'll call you b...

By ThinkingPeaches

47.1K 1.9K 313

After the blank years, Oliver's wife can no longer keep the secret that she's known for years. She knows that... More

I'll call you by mine
The Boys
The Graduate
Not a kid!
The Party
4th of July
The book
Promise is a Promise
See you in New York
Home Again
Feelings, I don't do them
Hidden Desires
University Dinner
Friday Night Lights
Rules Don't Apply
Truth & Heartbreak
Letting Go
Best Friends and Cabins
Graduation Day
About Last Night
No worries
What happened to Elio?
Summer 2005
From a numb heart
Very Unhappy Birthday
Growing Up
So this is Love
I do's and I don'ts
In the park
It's the little things
The Past
Family dinner
To Forgive?
Home Sweet B
Elio meets Elio
Oliver meets Oliver
Mon Coeur
Consume Me...
Back to Summer
Secrets and tears
My funny Valentine...
Penny for your thoughts
No day but today
Things happen for reasons
Letting go and starting a new
Ghosts of the past.

Summer's Ending

801 32 1
By ThinkingPeaches

Elio and Oliver had been spending their morning at the beach where they had come with his father that summer, they had also brought Elio's mother. She was sat in her lounge chair reading, she was covered by a bright pink beach umbrella and her large white hat. Elio loved these days, she was aware of the world today. She didn't ask about his dad, they talked of his work that he was doing at the school this year. She was always amazed that he had gone into teaching.

"Sweetheart I love that you are sharing your gift with children. I would love to hear you play a concert again." She gushed.

"Well if you lived with us you could watch me play all the time."

"Sweetheart I'm would never burden you and Oliver."

"Maman you wouldn't be a burden to us we would love to have you, the boys would love it too." Elio grabbed her hand.

"No, my love I couldn't bare to leave this place, the house is where I feel closest to your father." She said fixing her hat.

"I know Momma, anytime I walk into his study it doesn't matter how much of Oliver's things are in there. It will always be papa's study. And he's the only reason I get the post, I don't like getting the paper. I read it just because he always said a man needs to know what is going on in the world, so he always has something to speak of."

Back at the house Christopher laid by the lake, sun beating down on his body. David sat on the tree limb that hung over the water watching every breath Christopher took.  He pulled out his camera taking a few pictures of Christopher basking in the sun, then turning to the lake he tried to capture the beauty of it.

"Do you think I'm being ridiculous resisting against your advances?" David asked his back still to Christopher.

"Yeah I think you are but you have your reasons no matter how ridiculous I think they are."

"If you were just a year older I would give into you in a heartbeat but you're 17. I'm not in the habit of running after 17 year olds, the youngest guy I date was 21."

"I said nothing about it being serious, just casual." Christopher yawned, David turned to look at him. He was taken aback by the sight before him, in the time that he and Christopher had been talking. Christopher had just casually taken off his swim trunks and laid naked on the blanket. His cock instantly became aware of the situation, Christopher was not erect yet. He rolled to his stomach, his ass was tan like the rest of his body. Did he sunbath, how had David never seen him do this? Christopher laid there only a few minutes before David took a photo of him, he got up looked to David and as he past him to walk into the water he shot David a sly smile.

"You going to come join me?" Christopher asked after he'd come up out of the water. David adjusted himself.

"Um you know I'm good right here." David's New York accent came out thick when he was trying to be tough and resilient.

"Alright then if you aren't going to join me in here, I'll come join you up there." Christopher walked out of the water, standing before David. The tree hung low enough that Christopher could rest his upper body on David's thigh. David took a deep breath.

"We've been good Christopher, and I've already promised you that when you turned 18 I would give in to all of my desires for you." David's eyes were closed, he couldn't see Christopher's smile.

"I know you have, but what I'm trying to get you to understand is that we have two days left. Two days left of me being legally allowed to sleep with you in the current country we are in. Why do you not want to take advantage of that? I sure as fuck want to." Christopher could see the fight going on inside of David's mind, it showed on his face. David opened his eyes to see the smile on Christopher's tan face, he looked like a Greek god. Tan skin, perfect jawline, a tone body that could keep going after David was too worn out to go on.

"Because I'm afraid that if I give in now, when we get back and I will see you so much. That I won't be able to stop myself and to say no to you." David's words didn't seem to deter Christopher.

"You will only see me when I come to visit my Dad or we make plans to meet up."

"No Christopher, I'm going to be your dads T.A  starting at the beginning of the semester. I will see you more than you think."

Christopher's smile got bigger.

"When were you planning on telling me?"

"Christopher your dad offered a month ago, which is why I wanted to make sure we stayed in the place we were in. Because once we sleep together things get complicated." David agonized.

"I do not dwell on things, I was sleeping with Valentina. Did you see anything get complicated with her? No you didn't because I unlike some people don't get attached and love sick. I'm not a child no matter how much you want to see me as one." Christopher huffed, walking away from David. He picked up his trunks, David rushed off the tree grabbing Christopher's arm. He looks at the older man with annoyance.

"Okay then meet me here after everyone's in bed." David quickly spoke, then walked quickly off toward the house. Christopher felt the stupid grin that came across his face, all summer it took Christopher all summer to get David to see that he wasn't a child. He quickly put on his trunks before the afternoon crowd of teenagers hit the lake. He ran to find his Jona, he had been sitting in the orchard playing his guitar. Christopher quickly jumped onto the bench that he'd been sitting on.

"What's with the stupid smile?" Jona asked looking at his brother like he was a mad man.

"It's happening, took me all fucking summer but David and I actually might sleep together."

"Bout fucking time, christ I thought he was going to make you beg."

"I don't beg you asshole, I'm a very convincing speaker." He laughed, Jona looked at him questioningly.

"You got naked didn't you? You showed him what he could be getting? That's just cruel!" Jona started laughing, it was the first time since London he'd heard his brother laugh.

"What's so cruel about it and so goddamn funny?"

"Dude I've seen you naked, I'm jealous and amazed by how big your dick is!" Jona said through gasping breaths of laughter.

"Whatever he's not doing it because of my dick, you asshat."

"Yeah sure because men are about what's inside."

Christopher punched his brother in the arm knocking him halfway off the bench.

"Shut up man! You suck!" Christopher mumbled.

"Ouch! Dude, we are supposed to use our words not our fists!" Jona yelped out in pain nearly dropping his guitar.

"I did use my words and my fist you dick!" Christopher grumbled.

"Alright, alright fine David wants you for your mind. I will say whatever as long as you don't hit me again. Jesus your girlfriends been gone for three days how much sexual tension have you built up to hit me like that?"

"A lot!" Christopher said nodding his head.

"Well if you are going to be using the bedroom I guess I'll find someone to snuggle with tonight."

"Um about that, we uh aren't going to be at the house. We are meeting up next to the lake after everybody goes to bed."

"Oh yeah, having sex out in the open screams brilliant idea." Jona was being sarcastic now.

"It's going to be late, nobody is out at the lake late at night right now."

"Alright, just you know be safe ok?"

"I will, I promise."

That evening the dinner guests was Elio's aunt, his cousins and their kids. Jona hadn't noticed how loud Italian's were, he couldn't tell if they were pissed or excited about something. He and his brother were the only ones not speaking Italian, everyone's hands were gesturing. Christopher was sat across from David who was in the conversation, he looked to his brother who was too busy eating his food. Christopher started moving his bare foot toward Davids, when it made contact, David didn't acknowledge his presents. So he pulled it away, rolling his eyes and looking down the table seeing his father laughing about something he'd said to Elio's cousin. Without warning Christopher felt the warm foot slide over top of his, he jumped looking across the table. David was drinking wine from his glass and smiling as he did it, he peered at Christopher over the glass. He felt Davids foot move up his leg and in between his legs, Davids foot was in his crotch right now, lightly rubbing on his cock. Christopher looked down placing his elbows on the table so that Elio's cousin sitting next to him couldn't see what was going on. He looked across the table but David had already gone back to talking, he was rubbing on Christopher's cock while carrying on a conversation with everyone. How in the hell was this fair? Christopher was beginning to shake, he was getting too close to cumming. He grabbed his empty plate and quickly getting up from the table holding the plate so it covered his hard on. The scrapping of the chair made everyone look at him.

"You ok sweetheart you look a little flush, come here let me feel your forehead?" Oliver asked his oldest son.

"Uh no, no dad I'm fine. I'm just a little tired I'm going to go lay down in my room for a little while. It uh it was nice meeting you all." Christopher quickly hurried into the kitchen dropping the plate off on the kitchen island and rushing to his room. He was in too much of a hurry to see Davids face during the ordeal, what a trader.

After Christopher left Jona looked at David who was chuckling to himself.

"What did you do?" Jona asked quietly.

"Oh, nothing just a little payback is all." David was trying to keep himself quiet.

"Good for you." Jona patted David on the shoulder.

Christopher heard his parents telling the guest goodbye. He walked out of his room to say his own farewells. It was late in the evening and he knew before too long his parents and Nona would be going to bed.

"Is it a sign that we are getting old when you hear the clock chime 10 and you are exhausted?" Elio asked, flopping down on the sofa.

"Yes dear, yes it is. We can't stay up past 11 without yawning thirty times before we say it's time for bed." Oliver answered sitting down on the sofa next to him.

"Shit, I remember my parents staying up early into the morning with some of their parties."

"I also remember this house taking afternoon naps as well, which is why they could stay up so late."

"This is true and also very European, naps are a big part of why we live so long and why we age so well." Elio poked Oliver in the chest.

"Are you saying I'm not aging well?"

"No, no I would never say that. You have aged beautifully like an expensive wine or better yet like Van Gogh's Starry Night." Elio leaned in kissing Oliver.

"Good suck up Pops, beautiful save." Christopher chided.

"I was being genuine." Elio laughed tossing a pillow at him.

"Jona why don't you play us something before we head off to bed?" Oliver asked.

"Okay what do you want to hear, I'm taking requests?" He asked turning around on the piano bench. Jona started playing Green Day's time of your life, he soft started singing it as well.

"I love this Oliver." Elio whispered, laying his head on Oliver's shoulder. He pulled Elio in closer.

"I love this too, we have some pretty great kids."

Christopher heard the door shut of his parents bedroom, the shower kicked on so he knew that one or both would be going to bed very shortly.

"Do you know where David went after dinner?" Christopher asked his brother.

"Nope not a clue." He was getting dressed.

"Where are you going?"


"That's it just out? No more details than that?" Christopher asked.

"Nope. I don't have to tell you everything ya know." Jona huffed.

"So, you're going to tell me in the morning huh?"

"Yup, that's usually how I work." Jona laughed.

Christopher looked at the clock in his room it was 11:45, he was getting nervous. He felt like his parents hadn't moved in awhile. He grabbed his shoes walking slowly walking out of the house. He rushed past the tennis court and came to the opening of trees, Christopher was partly hidden behind one. He scanned the banks of the lake, spotting David by the tree he'd been sitting in earlier that afternoon. He had brought a blanket and a few pillows, Christopher smiled, he quietly walked up behind David.

"You showed." Christopher softly spoke, David looked up at him smiling.

"Of course I showed up, I try to keep my word as much as possible." David reached out for Christopher's hand, pulling on his fingers forcing him to follow. Christopher dropped to his knees, he took his hand placing it along David's jaw. Leaning into David's kiss, Christopher didn't know if he could take this slow. David pulled on Christopher's shirt pulling him into his lap. Their lips never broke contact, Christopher ran his fingers through David's hair, making it stand up. Before he knew it David was undressing him.

"All of this needs to come off." David's voice became aggressive and low. Christopher hadn't realized how little clothing he had worn. Gripping Christopher's hips David got up putting him on his back, David loomed over Christopher.

"Are you sure about this?" Christopher asked when David pulled back to removed his own shirt. David stopped when he tossed his shirt to the side, he dropped to Christopher's level only inches from his face.

"I wouldn't be doing this if even for a second I would regret it. I want to live for the now Christopher." David's spoke in a gruff tone. Taking Christopher's lips, biting his bottom lip. Christopher reached between them pulling David's shorts down cupping his ass, pulling David down toward him. He felt David's hard cock rub against his own. It turned him on even more they became frantic to get all of David's clothes off now.

"I'm going to go slow." David whispered, Christopher didn't know when David had put lube on his own cock but he nodded in understanding. He felt the tip of David's cock pushing into him. Christopher's nails bite into David's back, he winced as David slowly pushed deeper into him.

"I'm not hurting you am I?" David asked kissing Christopher lightly on the lips.

"No, I'm good, it feels good." He was reassuring himself just as much as he was reassuring David. He could feel that David had reached as far as he was willing to go, Christopher could feel him shaking.

"I've got to stop, if I move this maybe over too quickly." David placed his forehead on Christopher's shoulder. Christopher began to chuckle.

"Don't want you to do that, come here." Christopher pulled David's body on top of his flush against each other, he wrapped his arms around the older man, kissing him trying to get his mind off of his lower body. David began moving his pelvis, with every small back and forth motion Christopher was getting use to the pressure. It was beginning to feel good, every time David trusted forward he would hit a spot inside Christopher that felt amazing.  Their breathing became quick as they began to move in sync with each other.

"Cum with me." David demanded, grabbing hold of the younger mans cock. Christopher's nails bite deeper into David's ass, pulling him in deeper. David felt the warm rush overcome his body, warm cum hit his hand. Letting go of the younger man's cock to brace himself so that he could push deeper as he came. Christopher felt David pumping inside of him, his head was fuzzy, he had never cum so hard that all of the blood drained from his head.

"Don't' move, oh for the love of god don't move." David demanded through gasping breaths. Christopher could see his damp skin. When his body finally stopped jerking from the orgasm, David looked at him. Leaning in to kiss him, he felt David's cock leave his body. It was an odd sensation, soon Christopher would be taking David the same way. David asked him to cum on his chest, Christopher did what was asked of him. He'd never seen David take charge like he did now, he liked this side of him.

"Never thought I would like the taste of cum, it's odd you know." Christopher stated as they swam in the lake, they had washed the cum off of their chests, stomach and hands.

"It doesn't all taste the same, you know that right?" David was smiling as he swam up to Christopher.


"Really. Do you want to try it in water, it's difficult but completely worth it?" David, turned Christopher around kissing the back of his neck, positioning himself to go inside of the boy again.

"Alright as long as I get to fuck you again too?"


Walking back to the house, Christopher stopped.

"What's wrong?" David asked.

"It's getting close to sun rise, lets go sleep in the guest house."

David walked forward placing his hands on either side of Christopher's face, kissing slowly his lips, cheek, nose and forehead.

"I can do that, but we have to be up before everyone else."

They laid in the loft of the guest house, the sun beaming on their faces. Christopher untangled himself from Davids body, shielding his face from the sun.

"David, let's go for a swim before everyone gets up?"

"Ok, ok I'm up."

They washed away the morning sex as Christopher put it, he knew this would be the last time David would act on his feeling's for Christopher. Tomorrow he would get on the train and head to the airport. Once they hit American soil, David would treat Christopher like a teenager again, this time with no kissing or touching. He didn't know if he could do it, he knew as soon as he landed he would have to throw himself into football just to keep himself busy. This was going to kill Christopher, seeing David everyday and not being able to touch him.

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