Something More (Ink x Error)

By DoubleH01

218K 7.9K 11.8K

Ink is a protector Error is a destroyer Naturally, they don't get along , but maybe time can change that Ma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 27

3.6K 143 132
By DoubleH01

"Come on! You can't be that slow! It's like you're letting me win at this rate! Heheh!"

The whole world seemed to rush past him as he followed behind the small, energetic skeleton taking the lead in front of him. The colors of multiple greens and browns along with a ton of white covered his vision, the smell of pine trees and freshly fallen snow enveloping his senses. The cold wind never bothered the two, it just blew right through them anyway, but it did occasionally lift them off the ground by a few inches, as if wanting to carry them off to somewhere else, somewhere better. If he had any lungs then he's sure that they would've exploded by now, but if the other guys not slowing down, then there's no way in hell that he will either.

"Don't get so cocky short stuff!"

With a large leap forward, he managed to reach and grab onto the waist of the smaller, pulling them both so that their weight sent them tumbling into the snow. Laughter echoed through the trees around them, joy surrounding the atmosphere these two made together. A large, powdery pile of snow cushioned their final fall on the ground, the two being too busy with having their limbs entangled and laughing like there was no tomorrow. The smaller one was pinned down to the snow covered ground by the others body, but neither made a move to get out of the position they were in, it was quite comfy for both of them after all. Giving themselves a few minutes to let out the laughs then get their breath back, their eyes met together at the same moment, brilliantly shining and changing colors and shapes meeting small yet mystic eyes of red and yellow. Not a single sound disturbed the peaceful silence between the two, it was, what they felt like, a perfect moment. A smile was on the face of the one against the snow, the colors of the rainbow gently shading his own cheeks.

"Heh, good job, you caught me."

A wide smirk adorned the face of the one on top of him, his fingers coming up and gently caressing the others cheek.

"Said I would didn't I? So do I get that prize now?"

A small smirk along with a nod came from the other, his arms wrapping around the neck on the one on top of him to pull him closer. Both their lips connected in a gentle kiss, the snow gently falling around them, acting as a shield from the judging eyes of everyone and everything around them.

Their lives were finally perfect, they had each other and that's all they ever needed.



Errors eyes shot open in panic, his beating soul threatening to pop out of his rib cage and run. He began to hyperventilate out of nowhere, both anxiety and fear building up inside of him. All he could see was a blur of black, blue and yellow glitches that surrounded his eyes, blurring his vision entirely. Drops of cold sweat were gathering at the palms of his hands and sliding down his forehead. He was in full panic mode at this point, not knowing where he was or how he got there was really getting to him. His mind was too clouded to think straight and his body was too frozen stiff to move.

When what felt like a hand placed itself on his head, Error was about ready to scream and struggle at whoever, or whatever it was that just touched him. He didn't know if it was about to torture or kill him, but he wanted to get out of there, to run as fast and as far as he can. Before he could even lift his arms or move his legs to punch and kick with, he felt an un-measurable amount of magic going through him. His confusion, fear and uncertainty was somehow beginning to wash away as warm magic flowed from the hand and into him. It was as if the magic sunk into his bones and fused within him without doing any harm. It actually felt nice, refreshing, rejuvenating, healing. Error's breathing began to even out, the rapid beating in his soul slowed down, the tenseness in his bones went away. Such calming magic is a rare thing to find, so why does he feel like he's felt this kind of thing before? It felt like an old memory was trying to come back, but he couldn't seem to remember.

"Error? Can you hear me?"

That voice........He knows that voice..........right?..............

"I-I-i-I-n-N-k -K...?"

He couldn't control the glitches in his voice for he was too focused on just trying to see. The patches of glitches covering his eyes were slowly starting to vanish as the magic reached his head. He couldn't see much, however, only a bright, white light was the only thing he could make out. The hand that was originally on the base of his head was now moving down to his cheek, rubbing it in what felt like gentle circles, a soothing motion for Error. He could feel the tears gather in his eyes out of happiness, his body gaining full feeling again as well as a warmth spreading from his soul in his chest. He knew this warm touch was very familiar, and Error believes he knows who it was . It's him, it just has to be Ink. No one else could soothe him with a simple touch of their hands and the sounds of their voice, no one but Ink.

Mustering his strength slowly, he tried to focus on making his voice clear, and understandable, but with his emotions on the brink of spilling out, it was harder than he previously thought.

"I-I k-kNEw It-T......I-i Kn-new-w y-yOu w-w-Woul-d co-O-me bA-ack t-T-to me-E......O-h-h go-O-d I-i'm s-S-so ha-A-ppY, I-In-"

"I'm sorry to disappoint you Error, but I'm not Ink."

Everything got cold, the once warm magic that was flowing through him stopped cold in its tracks. All of the glitches that covered his eyes were now gone, allowing him to see who, or what had just talked to him. Turning his head slowly, Error let out a gasp, instantly losing his breath and falling right back into the fear he woke up with. Right there, right by his side, was a skeleton, who used to be one of his greatest enemies, like Ink once was. Short in stature, warm in appearance, with a long, golden cape that draped behind him. A band of polished gold rested against his head, the swirling pattern on his forehead finishing the look. Big, round, honey colored eyes looked straight down into Errors small, red and yellow pinpricks, as if searching inside of him for something. Error couldn't move, he couldn't think, all he could do was stare in both awe and terror at the powerful being that could end his life with a single move, the quivering could be heard inside his still glitched voice.

The Guardian of Dreams, was kneeling before the Destroyer.



There he is! So he was going after Error this whole time! Who would've thought huh?!

Well, now that we know where Dream is, that just leaves everyone else. So wheres the rest of the gang trying to fight back the evil? Where is Nightmare and his goons and what are they planning next? Whats going to happen with the whole fate of the Multiverse?

And what about Ink?

Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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