The Boy Next Door | Yoonmin ✔

By orangexmint

1.7M 107K 27.5K

Previously titled "Orange Mint" ________________ Jimin likes poetry, music and a cute boy with mint green hai... More

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Author's Note
1M?! + Q & A

May 6th

9K 552 324
By orangexmint

11:30 a.m.

Yoongi finds Jimin's fascination with plants utterly adorable. He noticed how quickly he could go from pointing at one plant, excitedly saying, "Hyung, look at that!", and the point to another before Yoongi even has the chance to look at the first and go, "Hyung it's so pretty!"

At one point he had to stop the younger, and get him to calm down, otherwise he would tire himself out. Jimin pouted, but complied, taking a few deep breaths and calming down.

As of now, the two wandered down the small pathway in the biodome. Hundreds of plants surrounded them, making the place smell sickly sweet. It made Yoongi sick to his stomach, but Jimin made it worth it. Yoongi peered down at their intertwined hands, and smiled. He raised his arm, bringing Jimin's with his, and gently kissed the back of his hand. Jimin tore his gaze away from a purple flower to look up at him. "What was that for?" He asked, a little surprised at the gesture.

"Nothing." Yoongi shrugged. Jimin blushed, looking away from him. A large red flower with an orange center caught his attention and he pulled away from Yoongi's grasp to look at it. While Jimin was preoccupied, Yoongi pulled his phone out to snap a photo. He took a couple, and at least one of them had Jimin facing the camera. He looked shocked to find his Hyung taking photos of him. He blushed again in embarrassment. Yoongi slid his phone back into his pocket, and walked over to Jimin. He pecked his forehead.

"You're to cute." He mumbled. Yoongi inhaled a deep breath. Now seemed like a good time to ask him.

"You're cute too Hyung." Jimin quipped and Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"You're cuter." And he couldn't help but feel like a sap. Jimin made him this way. Vulnerable and mushy. Jin was right, he had gone soft.

"Hmm." Jimin hummed. Yoongi glanced down at him with a nervous look. He bit his bottom lip. "Are you okay?" Jimin asked, tilting his head slightly to the side. He looked back at him with worry in his eyes.

"I'm okay. I just wanted to ask you something."

"What's up?"

Yoongi was going to ask Jimin to be his boyfriend. He was going to finally do it. Everything was perfect, he had the boy of his dreams standing right in front of him, they were at an indoor garden center. And then a very girlish voice was shrieking at him in an almost too excited tone.


The older spun around so fast that if Jimin hadn't of been there to steady him, he would have tripped and fallen.

Jimin eyed the extremely attractive woman that approached them. She had short brown hair that fell nicely around her face, framing it, and rested just above her shoulder. She wore a red dress that came above knees, and black heels. She held her arms out and made grabby hands at Yoongi. She pulled him in for a hug.

Jimin could see the discomfort on Yoongi's face as the girl hugged him. Yoongi's eyes darted to his, and Jimin just looked at him.

When she finally pulled away, she smiled. She looked sideways to smile at Jimin too, only it wasn't a very nice one. Jimin noticed how her eyes narrowed as she smiled at him. "Hi, who are you?" She asked. Jimin wondered if Yoongi could hear the malice in her voice.

"Jimin." He responded. "You?"

"I'm Sun Hi." And Yoongi's eyes almost bulge out of their sockets. This was not happening.

"Yoongi-Hyung's never mentioned you before." Jimin states, not sure of what to say.

"Yoongi! You could have at least mentioned me to your friend." She pouts, playfully slapping his chest. She turns back to Jimin. "I'm his girlfriend."

Jimin's heart drops in his chest. Yoongi has a girlfriend? How come he never told him? Yoongi growled, shocking both of them. Yoongi is angry, it's quite evident on his features. Jimin's never seen him like this before.

"Ex girlfriend." He huffs out, staring Sun Hi down.

"Same thing." She said, waving it off. "I haven't seen you since high school, you look good, Yoongi."

"What do you want Sun Hi?"

"Aish, don't be mean." She pouts again. Yoongi huffs again. He doesn't have the patience to deal with her. "Listen, I have to run, but you and I should hang out sometime and catch up. I'll find a way to reach you. Bye, Yoonie!" She waves and stalks off, her heels clicking against the tile floor. Jimin is jealous now, and mad. She called him Yoonie. That was his nickname for Yoongi, not hers.

Yoongi squeezed his eyes shut tightly, exhaling. Now it was his turn to calm down. Asking Jimin to be his boyfriend was going to have to wait. Yoongi was furious. "Hyung?"

"Yes?" Yoongi responds, not looking at Jimin.

"Was that your girlfriend?"

Yoongi opens his eyes and is met with a heartbreaking sight. Jimin looks so broken and upset and angry all at once as he glares at him. Yoongi reaches out to pull Jimin into him by his waist. "No, baby, she isn't." Yoongi sighs, leaning against him.

"But she said she was." Jimin argued.

"She's my ex. We dated back in high school. That was nearly four or five years ago Jimin. I don't care about her the way that I used to. I don't lo- like her anymore."

"Did you love her?" Jimin demands softly, noticing how he stuttered.

"Once." Yoongi sighed again. There was no point in hiding it from him. Yoongi just wasn't sure if this was the best place to tell him.


"Let's go home." Yoongi cuts him off. "I promise to explain everything to you."

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