Escape into Reality (A One Di...

By BreezyPie

52.9K 1K 175

When Josie Jaynes wins a contest to go on tour with One Direction, World War III might break out. Josie has... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 3

3.2K 69 7
By BreezyPie

Harry's POV

I winced as I stood up.  I can't believe I let her beat me in a fight.  Yes, I let her beat me.  She wouldn't have won if I had showed her my amazing karate skills.

Still though, I hadn't gotten any answers to my questions.  Why did she hate us, or avoid us so much?  Any other teenage girl would have loved to be with us, on tour with us, hanging out with us.  At dinner, she looked so sad, when Louis mentioned going on the tour.  

This girl was a puzzle.  And I needed to find the pieces.    

She was keeping secrets...

SImon's been keeping some too.  Why did he insist this girl come on tour with us?  Why does he treat her so kindly when he treats other strangers like,'ve seen the X Factor.

I've never been the smartest in the group, but I will figure this mystery out.

Josie's POV

Before I got in bed, I looked to my phone.  One new message.

From: Mom 

You can trust them.

Huh?  Did she mean trust One Direction?  If Harry hadn't just screamed at me and pushed me up against a wall, I might listen to my mom.  But, after what happened, I don't really think I'll be trusting anybody too soon.  I didn't want to trust anyone. 

I threw my phone onto the floor.  Sleep never got to me as I looked up at the ceiling.

The next day, Simon took me and the boys to rehearsals.  Turns out that the tour actually starts in a week, meaning one week I could've spent Piper and not these idiots.  Life sucks.  

I trudged to the black car that would take us to the studio.  I called shotgun so I wouldn't have to be next to any of the guys and so that I could avoid all the conversation.  Just like at dinner last night, they chatted up a storm.  Simon, who was driving the car, yelled "Shut up boys!  I'm trying not to get us killed!"  Amen brother.

"Finally" somebody said as we parked in the private parking lot.  I turned my gaze toward the voice.  The owner of the voice looked oddly familiar...did we go to the same school?  No, no that's impossible.

"Oh, Josh, this is Josie, the winner of the contest, Josie, this is Josh, One Direction's drummer.  He's the one I picked up last night." Simon said introducing us.  

"Hi there" he said smiling.  His shiny white teeth flashed in sunlight and that's when it clicked.  He was a dead ringer for an older Lance.  Right down to the way he smiled with his dull pink lips.

"Hi" I said, grinning from ear to ear.  He blinked a couple of times, stared at me and then turned to look confusedly at the boys.  After a couple of seconds, he turned back to smile at me.  Gosh, it looked just like Lance's smile.  But Lance was...No! Don't think of that!

"Race you to the studio!" Josh yelled suddenly.  

"BOYS! NO!' Simon yelled but it was too late, they had all taken off.  I chuckled watching Josh out run everybody.  


"Hey" somebody poked my arm.  I flinched backwards and gave my most menacing glare to the poker.  But then warmth replaced the icy feeling.

"Hey Josh" I smiled.  

"Wanna go grab something to eat right now since the boys still have a while before they finish rehearsals?" he asked.

"Yeah sure!" I replied smiling.  We made our way to the starbucks located inside studio.

"I'll have a cappuccino please" I told the guy working there.  

"Make that two cappuccinos and a large chocolate chunk cookie" L- er, I mean Josh said.

We sat down at a table set for two and began to talk.  We talked about everything, from calculators to amusement parks.  It felt so easy to talk to Josh until he mentioned the boys.

"So, why don't you like the guys?  I mean, that's what they said at least" Josh said awkwardly.

I shrugged.  Niall, Louis, Zayn, and Liam weren't that bad.  If I were a normal person, I probably would like them, but ever since Lance was kidnapped, I couldn't trust anybody.  Harry on the other hand, was a completely different situation.  I wouldn't like him or talk to him even if he was the last person on Earth.  Every time I was around him, it just felt so strange, I could feel the adrenaline pulsing through my veins.  Definitely not a good sign.

"I'm just not a people person I guess" I said.  Well it was half true, I avoided the human population as much as possible.

"Oh really?" he muttered under his breath.  I wasn't really sure whether I was meant to hear that.  "Maybe we should get going, the boy's will be done by now" he said a minute later.

I nodded and we made our way back to the recording room.

"We looked all over for you two!"  Louis yelped as soon as we walked into the studio lounge.  

"We just went to grab some coffee" Josh said shrugging.  

"Took you long enough" Harry muttered under his breath.  I shot him a glare.  What was his problem?

"Well, why don't you two join us for a game of Pokemon!" Niall said jumping around and talking to the TV, or his Pokemon I guess. 

"Yeah, Simon's going to come pick us up in about 20 minutes so we can play video games to pass the time" Liam explained to us.  

"Sure" Josh said taking a Wii remote.  He handed one to me but I pushed it back at him.  If I accepted the remote, I might get sucked into liking the boys.  And if I started to like the boys, I might start to trust them.  And if I trusted them, they would be able to decieve me and hurt me.  Wow, I'm becoming really paranoid.

"I don't want to play" I told Josh.  He frowned but turned around and inserted Wii Sports into the machine.  Lance always loved playing Wii Sports, his favorite game was baseball.  He would always beat me and Piper at it.

"Homerun!" Josh yelled after beating Liam by 5 runs.  He did a funny victory dance while Louis, Zayn, Niall, and I laughed at him.  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Harry staring at me with narrowed eyes.  I ignored him and turned my attention back to Josh, who was now shaking his butt for some reason.

Josh turned to smile at me and stuck his tongue out at me before continuing to dance like a 5 year old...girl.  I laughed at his childish ways and jumped up to ruffle his hair, like I used to do with Lance.  

"You just messed up my perfect hair!" Josh groaned.  He then flashed me a sly grin.  Before I could blink, he leaped at me tackling me to the floor.  We rolled around on the floor, both of us trying to get the upperhand.  I completely forgot about the other boys watching us as I finally pinned Josh down. But, he pulled the last trick up his sleeve and flipped me over onto my stomach and sat on top of me.  

"Get off of me Lance!" I squealed happily.  He always did this after I pinned him down but it still got me every time.

The room suddenly got really quiet and everybody seemed to cease breathing.  Oh...I didn't just call Josh by the name of Lance did I?  

"Who?" Harry asked, piercing me with his green eyes.  

"Get off" I grumble to Josh who quickly helps me up.  I can feel him looking at me but I don't meet his eyes and run off to the girl's locker room.  

I can't believe I called him Lance!  Now the boys will all think I'm nuts.  Oh, why did I run off to the restrooms?  If I didn't, I could have just blown everything off and said it was an accident.  But now, everybody knows somethings up.  I am so stupid.  I can't tell anybody about how I'm in danger.  They'll all think I'm weird and then do their best to avoid me. would be good if they avoided me, because I don't want to grow close to them.  But what if they become worried instead and become protective?  I don't think I coul-

"Josie?"  I freeze and turn around to see Josh coming in.  

"This is the girl's room" I manage to squeak out.  He rolls his eyes at me.

"What did you mean back there?" 

"I-I just g-got mixed up.  That's all."

" remember me" he said softly looking away.

"The fuck?  Of course I remember you.  I last saw you about twenty seconds ago..." I looked at him, my eyebrows scrunched together.

"No, I mean me, as Lance" he said.  Before I could even let out a gasp, he lifted up a chain necklace from around his neck revealing a key.  My body felt numb as I grabbed for the necklace around my neck holding up a double lock.  

"No way" I breathed out.  

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